• Published 29th Nov 2015
  • 5,174 Views, 303 Comments

The Twilight Years - Crimmar

Short stories about Twilight's and Raegdan's life in the years before the events of The Lunar Guardsman

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The hunter

“Throw me! Throw me!” Twilight called out, cheering herself up.

Raegdan’s leg bent at the knee, lowering Twilight close enough to touch his stomach if she reached out with her hoof. She was supported in the air by the sole of his foot on her chest. She giggled as she waited impatiently for her launch.

The leg uncoiled, shooting straight up. It pushed Twilight’s light body up and when the leg reached its limit she continued on her vertical trajectory. For two precious seconds it was like reverse falling, or flight. Then, ending way too soon, a feeling of weightlessness. Afterwards came the freefall.


Raegdan half rose from his lying position and caught her in his arms.

“Again! Again!” Twilight ordered. Raegdan laughed and threw her up with his strong arms, almost high enough to touch the ceiling this time. She landed once more on a cushion made from his arms and chest.

“Mor-” she didn’t have time to finish the word. She soared in the air again. Raegdan below her rose up from the bed and caught her while standing up.

He grabbed her and quickly switched his grip to below her front legs and threw her up once more, this time managing to make her spin somehow.

“Wheee!” Twilight cried out in greater excitement as she somersaulted. Raegdan bounced her in the air, just like that, three more times.

“Don’t stop!” she complained loudly when he didn’t throw her up again immediately after her latest flight.

“Aren’t you dizzy?” Raegdan asked with concern.

“No.” It took her a second or two to realize that all the room should have stopped spinning when he stopped throwing her up like that. Her stomach tightened up a little, enough to make her uncomfortable.

“Or maybe yes. Put me down please.”

Raegdan did as she asked. She took a step that was meant to take her forward and she ended up going sideways instead. Raegdan quickly stepped over so she ended up being supported by his leg.


“Are you ok little one? Are you feeling nauseous? Do you want me to take you to the bathroom?”

“I’m certain she is fine, Raegdan. You might want to skip the spinning throws next time however,” a female voice said from the side.

“Princess Celestia!” The filly tried to make her way to the large white Alicorn. She took one step to the left, three to the right, one backwards, four forwards, and then fell on her face.

“Careful, my student,” Celestia said, scooping her up with her magic and depositing on her bed. “Maybe you should lie down for a little while. I thought you had work to do?”

“Uhm...” Twilight blushed.

Raegdan came to her rescue. “She finished everything you assigned to her and she’s been helping me relearn how to read. We were taking a small break. We’ll get back into it now.”

“Oh, I don’t mind. Twilight spends too much time reading anyway.”

“Is there something we can help you with, Princess?” Twilight asked, eager to please.

“No Twilight. I only came by to give Raegdan a heads up.”

“Uh, about what?”

“Raegdan, I think you should know-”

A voice sounded from the hallways, loud and recognizable. “Where are my little foals?”

“-Twilight Velvet has come by for a visit and is looking for you in particular,” Celestia finished, unruffled.

Raegdan rushed to the door and gingerly opened it enough to peek out.

“There is my little colt!”

He shut the door in a panic. “She knows I’m here!”

“Come on Raegdan, don’t make this harder on yourself,” Celestia said, soothingly. “She only wants to make sure you are-”

She didn’t have time to finish her sentence and Raegdan wasn’t listening to her anyway. He opened up the window and jumped out. Twilight’s room might have been on the first floor but it was still pretty high up.

“-ok.” Celestia sighed. “Twilight, did he break anything?”

Twilight had climbed on a chair to look over the sill. “A few branches of the tree below. I think he’s fine but he’s running with a limp.”

“What did that thing do again?”

“Why is he running?”

“After him!”

“If we catch him I owe him a kick on the head!”

“Also, the guards are after him,” Twilight added.

“Oh dear,” Celestia said, shaking her head. “I’d better go and try to diffuse the situation before they all end in hospital beds.”

The door behind them crashed open. “Where are my little angels?” Twilight Velvet sang as she trotted in.

“I’m sorry Velvet, but it seems your older angel decided to test out his wings,” Celestia said while mother embraced daughter.

“Did he get hurt?” Velvet asked.

“No more than usual,” Twilight answered. “But the guards were running after him.”

“Good,” Velvet said, nodding. “We’re going to need all the help we can get. Let’s go find your brother my angel. We’re going hunting.”

Shining Armor walked the castle hallways, barely glancing left and right. He was never going to find Raegdan, the tall biped always hid too well.

Surprisingly however, his mother was always able to find him.

Maybe it was some kind of instinct. Celestia knew, even Shining Armor never managed to shake off Twilight Velvet when she was after him. Could you delay the inevitable? Sure. Escape it?


Raegdan was a fool. He was only making things worse for-

Something fell from the ceiling and almost landed on Shining Armor. He didn’t even have time to turn and look before it caught him. He screamed.

“No, you idiot, it’s me, don’t-”

“Don’t worry baby! Momma’s coming!” Twilight Velvet’s voice came from just around the corner behind them.

“You ratted me out you son of a-”

“Raegdan! There you are. Let me have a look at you. You are so thin. We need to fatten you up again,” Twilight Velvet said, trotting merrily towards the two terrified males.

“-delightful mare. I’m out of here!”

“Don’t run honey! You are not well yet. You’ll get tired,” Twilight Velvet shouted in concern as Raegdan ran into another room. She followed behind him and paused at the door’s threshold. She threw an exasperated sigh and turned back.

“Why are you not going after him?” Shining Armor asked.

“He jumped out of the window again.”

“We are on the second floor! It’s a ten meter fall at least.”

“It’s ok. My little colt is smart. He aimed for a pegasus guard that was flying too low. Come along. I bet after this he’s going to be staying mostly to the first floor where can stick the landings without help.”

His mother was crazy. Raegdan was crazy. Shining Armor himself was crazy for going along with everything.

“You do know that he hates what you are doing, right?”

“Oh honey. It wouldn’t be so much fun otherwise.”


He hoped his sister would turn out alright at least.

Cadance felt like she was in a horror story. Everything was dark and she could hear groans somewhere in front of her.

“Hello?” she called out, trembling. “Raegdan, are you there?”

The only answer was a collection of pained moans. She moved forward, carefully. This was stupid. She was in her aunt’s castle, the place was filled with guards, and they were looking for Raegdan, not some kind of slithering monster. There was no need to be afraid.

She stepped on something that groaned. She screamed and threw secrecy away. She lit her horn. She was surrounded by guards sporting impressive lumps on their heads.

“Heavens, what is wrong with you? Are you all trying to make it easier for her to find me?” A voice asked from the shadows.

“Raegdan?” Cadance approached closer and the shadows melted under her spell. Raegdan was sitting in a corner with some bruises of his own.

“Hey Cadance. I don’t suppose Twilight Velvet gave up?”

“No. You know she won’t give up, right? And what did you do to these guards?”

“That makes two of us.” He waved at the fallen around them. “These idiots kept hounding me and calling out my hiding places. Enough is enough at one point. We had a disagreement about whether they should stop or not.”

“Yeah, I heard the yells. Everypony in the castle did. I’d guess.”

Raegdan chuckled while he rubbed his ankle. Cadance noticed he wasn’t wearing his shoes and his feet were covered with scratches. “Worth it,” he said.

“And when I say everypony it is obvious that I include Twilight Velvet,” Cadance added.


“Where is my baby? Did those naughty guards hurt him?”

“Crap! Nice talking to you Cadance, gotta run.”

“Raegdan wait, don’t-” she tried to stop him but she was too slow and Raegdan was too scared.

“Gah! Right in the roses!” Raegdan cried out a few seconds after jumping out the window.

“Worth it…” a barely conscious guard croaked out.

“Hello Cadance honey. Did you happen to spot Raegdan?” Twilight Velvet asked, walking inside and accidentally stepping on one or all of the guards.

Cadance lifted a hoof and pointed at the open window. Velvet went over and poked her head out. “Raegdan, whoo hooo! Are you coming up or should I come to you? Oops, there he goes running again.” She pulled herself back in and frowned in disapproval. “That colt. He was in such a hurry to make it out of the thorns he ripped his clothes in shreds.”

Cadance grimaced. “What about his skin?”

“He isn’t red under his clothes, is he? Last time I saw him he was pink as usual.”

“No, he isn’t supposed to be red,” Cadance answered with dread.

“Oh. Yeah, he is probably gonna be in some pain when I disinfect these.”

“Um, Velvet? We don’t have anything that works on him for certain,” Cadance reminded her.

“Of course we do honey. I’ll just douse him with alcohol.”

“Oh my,” Cadance said. She tried to imagine the burn from all those scratches when Velvet would treat Raegdan with her usual style.

“Oh my!”

“Dad!” Spike shouted. “I fell and hurt myself!”

He repeated that line two or three times, loud as his little lungs could, before Raegdan rushed into the room he was in.

“Little flame! Are you ok? What happened?”

“Nothing. Sorry dad,” Spike apologized.

“Sorry? Why did you… Spike, where did you find that gem?” Raegdan asked, suspicious.

“Um, Twilight Velvet gave it to me. Sorry dad, but the sooner you give up the better. You know that, right?”

“You sold me out for a gem?”

The door slammed shut behind them, revealing Twilight Velvet that was hiding behind it. “No he didnt. Spike understands that moms know best and little foals should listen to them- Raegdan, don’t waste your time I- oh my…”

Spike ran to the window, uncaring of the broken glass due to his scales. “I thought you said he wouldn’t try that if you locked the window.”

“Apparently I was wrong. Oh well, he has to be getting tired by now. Did you like your gem sweetie?”

“It was delicious! Thank you.”

“Such a good colt. Please don’t end up like your father and listen to your mom, ok?”


Celestia sighed as she walked into her room. It was fun while it lasted but this day had to come to an end. Many of her guards had to end their shift early to treat their heads and the castle had gone into disarray. Not to mention that Raegdan had crashed through too many windows of the castle so far, accruing an astounding amount of small, yet entertaining, injuries.

Her favorite was the one where he just ran and jumped out a window without looking. That one, due to a design flaw, was looking directly to a tower wall. She had to get a pegasus to clean the bright red spot where he broke his nose.

He had tried and he had lost. There was only one last place he could be hiding and she was certain she knew where. She went inside her bedroom and kneeled next to her bed.

“Raegdan,” she said, “why don’t you just give up and go to her?”

“I don’t need her to start treating me like a baby. I’m fine,” he answered from beneath her bed.

“Ok, I admit,” Celestia said trying to placate him. “You have healed up nicely after your latest lockup. After running from her all day however you might need a little bed rest and time to heal after all.”

“I’m feeling fine. I want to go for a walk.”

“Raegdan, she was worried about you. All of today? She was making sure you were your usual self, but now she’s afraid she might have taken things too far. Are you going to let her worry and accuse herself of hurting you too much?”

“...Damn it, Celestia…”

“Are you coming out?”

“Yeah, yeah.” He crawled out. He was a mess. He was covered with light bruises, scratches, lines of clotted blood, and there was too little left of his clothes. “Can you help me pop my foot back in place?” he asked. “Just hold there, good, like that, and now push up- aaargh!”

“Are you ok?”

“Great! Fine. You know what, lying on a bed and having Velvet hover over me sounds quite good right now.”

“Good. She is waiting right outside. She knew you were in here.”

“Of course she did,” Raegdan said, exasperated. “I wonder if she can smell me or something. I’ve managed to hide from professional hunters for heaven’s sake, but I can never shake her.”

Raegdan left her room, accepting his fate. Lying down was a good idea. She would have to get up and lower the sun in a while, but some dozing off wouldn’t go amiss.

“Look at all these scratches! You’ve been running around all day like that? We must disinfect them, now!” Velvet’s voice rang out.

“What the hell are you doing you crazy-”



“Mom! What was in that bucket?” Twilight yelled over the sound of a body hitting the floor.

“Princess Celestia doesn’t drink all that much whiskey, does she? She isn’t going to miss it.”

Celestia swore under her breath. She would have to replenish that soon. Her own private stash was running low.