• Member Since 23rd Sep, 2012
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Metroid Prime

Currently doing: Vibing with ORT(One Radiance Thing)


When Arceus brought both Pokémon and humans to a new world, he also changed the accompanying humans into Pokémon as to prevent future sins committed by mankind. He did this without the consent of anyone except his Legendary Pokemon and in the pursuit of equal rights and treatment for Pokémon.

However in doing so he violated one of the most important rights a sapient being can have: Freedom of choice.

The Alpha Pokémon expects everyone to just come to terms and move on despite the circumstances. But a few like minded group of people aren't gonna go down quietly.

Call it stubbornness or courage, these few former humans and their Pokémon plan to go against the world with the goal of regaining their humanity and going back home however slim those chances are.

After all, revolutions have been built on less....

Takes place alongside Book 2 of "A New World, A New Way"

Edited by glitchhunter5000
Pre-Read by TheOneVolcarona

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 138 )

Wait, I'm a main character? :rainbowderp: I........ Wow, this is what it feels like to get noticed.

Great work so far. I'll definitely keep an eye on this.


Your Pony O.C. more like a one shot.

But yes you have been noticed:twilightsmile:

handing out pamphlets that promoted the religion which worshiped the Pokemon God.

Ha! I knew it was only a matter of time before I amassed a following once more!

.... you know, what's his face was right, you do have an ego the size of the sun.

"Oh, believe me, there are a LOT of humans and Pokemon in the world who didn't like the little ‘Rapture’ stunt Arceus pulled on everyone. My dad say he is gonna do something about it."

Oooh, I'm shaking in my hooves, the big scary ex-human is gonna get me. Ha!

You really are an ass, you know that?


Ha! I knew it was only a matter of time before I amassed a following once more!

Well of course, with your decision to mass teleport both humans and Pokemon to a new world filled with mysterious dangers and some unhappy inhabitants...well, they basically rely on your protection from a possible and hostile attack made by the creatures of Equus!

In other words, you've doomed them to solely rely on you to keep to more trigger-happy members of this now shaken society away. Similarities could be drawn from experiences where nobles would provide protection to small farmers in exchange for service and a share of the crop, but in this case; all the Pokemon need to do is appease your needs and become devout followers.

Heh...I must say Arceus, you would make a wonderful human...

Try to keep Arceus from smiting me, Zeus. I think we can both agree that Arceus needs to get knocked down a peg or two, and this little human resurface may just be what gets everyone's favorite deity to realize that he still has a long way to go.

(P.S. Love how the story is coming along, Metroid! Keep up the good work, and props to Glitch for helping edit this!)

6888203 But the question is how is Brandon still human cause last time I checked weren't all humans turned to pokemon? :trixieshiftright:

I would ask Zinnia the same question.

But Ausbrony took down his ask thread


First off: Zinnia is a shape shifter.

Second: I'm going to bet the no humans rule is extremely shotty at this point.

And Third: I'm talking about your character cause there is no explanation on how he got his human form back.


I won't say cause spoiler alert

6888350 I get the feeling it's going to blow up all over the place when it's revealed to the readers.

Not sure how I feel about that RWBY reference.:ajbemused: as long as the scene is more a less a small tribute, i think the correct term is, to the series and not to give hint that the entire RWBY cast is going to have a role I can still like the story:pinkiehappy:


Not the entire cast

Just references to the main 4

6888001 Okay then so does some parts of the legendary council agree with me that your father has finally cracked?:twilightoops:

He's not really crazy, he just uses anger and power shows to mask fear and insecurity

6889819 That just makes his state of mind more questionable.

He was in solitary confinement for 5000 years, what do you expect?

6889837 I wouldn't call it "solitary" since he did watch his children and his subjects suffer. If he was in that kind of confinement then this exodus wouldn't have happened.

6889849 Well that is what Solitary confinement means. We should be grateful it wasn't that.

"Ha. Made you flinch"

There should be an exclamation mark at the end there.
Also, the fact that nearly every sentence is a new paragraph kind of interrupts the flow.

I've been reading this universe of stories for a while, before I even joined this website, and I've got to say that the concept is certainly interesting. Unfortunately, the original story didn't really have much of a clear plot, so I like what you're doing here, establishing character goals early on.
Although, you could've told us what Pokémon Adam is...


Adam is a Sawk

But now, having a rather upset rock type rhino yell at him had left the Sawk lost for words.

6890549 Okay. You could've mentioned him being a human-turned-Sawk when introducing him, mind.

Can I have Gridlock kick Joker's butt please?

You seem to have forgotten that ponies can't understand Pokémon without telepathy or translation spells.


This in set during book two, I pretty sure the translation spell thing is no longer something to be brought up since everyone has cast it by now

Nitpick: "hay fires".

Anyhow, the plot thickens! But couldn't a Zoroark just use glamour without a magic gemstone?


The Gem lets him concentrate on other things so he doesn't have to cast the illusion all the time

Well, :twilightoops: I'm not sure how Sev will take this growing movement. Probably not well at all.
That and basically opening a portal to a world full of the nastiest people/pokemon alive........That's not asking for them to come rolling in on tanks, Nazi style. :ajbemused:

I'd imagine Sev's reaction would be extreme, since the PLA and Team Magma have completely opposing goals.

Who knows, maybe back on Hoenn, the two could have been sworn enemies :twilightoops:

6913479 Of course, they could have been, but Raziel was top guy. {Which I'm currently working on.}

Oh what fun. Good luck getting back to Earth. And fyi, the people I left behind, Giovanni, Ghetsis, whatever was left of Team Plasma's Admins? Most of them still have their Pokemon, and I'm sure they'll love someone coming back to 'fix' their world. I'm sure they'll appreciate the new Pokemon though.

I think you're more of a dick than the Arceus I write.


Is this a pro Earth story?I stopped reading the first book because it seemed like the characters had forgotten that they used to be human.The main series was executed wrong,story wise.Go Team Magma!

6913853 I'm pretty sure Arceus was a dick either way in your fic but whatever.

Alright... Time for a three chapter marathon read.

I'm pretty sure there is a Sunset Shimmer that already lives here, and it would be pretty awkward - not to mention outright strange - meeting yourself."

...And there you have the plot of Friendship Games.


The King of Griffinstone has his four best Psychic pokemon broadcasting a constant translation field over the kingdom.


I'm VERY tempted to fave this, but I'm also very selective about what stories I fave. The only issue I have right now is that your characters are going with the god must obey the law too idea, and I just can't get with it there. Not because he's Arceus, but because he's a god, like Odin being untouchable by mortals in marvel comics.

Good news is, this is the best I've ever seen Sunset Shimmer being written.


They are betting that he would set a good example for his subjects, while he could easily just not obey them, doing so would cause him to loose favor with Celestia and the other world Leaders. Remember this is THEIR world not his, and he needs their approval to stay here.

6920044 I understand that. My problem with it is that several characters have already promised to give God a piece of their mind, and not only is there no way for them to do that and actually have an affect, they never follow through with it. Your story at least has the advantage of this being a main part of the plot.

I look forward to seeing how you handle this in the future.


shut up

No, this is important. What's the plan here? March into the temple and force me to send you back to Earth? News flash, people have been trying that. It doesn't work. I just ignore them and, if they get violent, send them outside. So... what's the plan? I'm interested.


I would tell you, but that would be spoilerish, you will just have to wait like everyone else.


Ooooof course you'd find a way to still bring in transformers .-.


Joker: What if go to the temple and annoy you into turning the humans back?

He's pink because he's a ditto.

"Oh, come on! How was I supposed to know that iPhone would burst into flames?!"

Be glad they aren't trying to make hover boards.

Pretty sure that Team Magma can find a way to capture Arceus and/or use/take his powers to take them back to Earth. I mean people have managed to capture him in the past right?

But I am curious as to what becomes of Grimsly and the other Elite Four of Unova.

This story also kinda of sparked an idea for a story set in this New worldverse about a human turned Pokemon wanting to rebel against Arceus and even the current governments for what happened. All over the fact that he wasn't given a choice and all of his work and effort was none for nothing now that he was in a new world.

I got captured once, and aside from myself, no one alive knows the spells, supplies, and/or auspicious dates necessary to seal me away again. So that's not happening.

"That, Sunset, is the Magma Corporation Skyship Hoenn, or the M.C.S. Hoenn for short."
"And what exactly is it for?"
"Well, this thing will carry large amounts of cargo and people all over the world in a matter of hours. It can hold up to eight dropships in the hanger and has six hidden energy turrets in case it runs into trouble."
"Okay," Sunset then noticed to her left that there were 2 identical vehicles that appeared to be....tanks. Looking to her left she also saw several armored cars.
"What are those things for?"
"Oh, the tanks? Those are just for show, plus it keeps those things away from the city wall."

Do they have the permission of Equestria to build military class gunships and weapons?

If I ever catch up to Book Two, one of my characters would have a field day here.

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