• Member Since 30th Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen May 7th


I'm a person who got so bored he decided he'd write fanfics when he felt like it. I'm pretty garbage so anyone who reads and enjoys, bully for you. (it's a compliment)


When a lets play is stopped before it can start, one of the members of achievement hunter suggest they try to use a special router he had found on his way to work. When they try to use it, lightning strikes the office and they are swept away to an alternate reality. One that just so happens to be the location of Equestrian Girls.

This story takes place in a modern perspective of achievement hunter. This means there's no Ray. Sorry.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 16 )

TBO, I usually don't read crossovers. However once I saw AH in the title my body wrested control from me and clicked it. First impressions are decent, however the AH conversations need a LOT more swearing to be believable. I'll follow this.

Also, Raynbow Rocks :P

As a follower of ah, I approve of this story. I agree with silver though, more swearing is needed.

I like the AH Crew, I will follow this and see where it goes.

Sorry for the lack of cursing, I feared if I over did it it would seem less immersive and ruin it. Especially Jeremy dialogue, since he's new to the main cast I didn't want him swearing too much to start since he's still the "newbie" who doesn't want to accidentally cross any lines.

i love achievement hunter and i say continue this story

This is actually the first crossover fic I've seen with Jeremy in it. Congrats on being the first!

Well....that was a thing.

The AH interactions were fantastic.

I repeat, I watch ah daily. If ya need help, let me know.

well this has a few issues here and there but they are easily over looked, I look forward to seeing AH's adventure at CHS.

I look forwards to more as you have the the AH crew down perfectly.

I do recommend spacing spaces between your paragraphs as it will make it a littler easier to read as it won't be a wall of text.

It's back. Now I hope the next update doesn't take so long. Not trying to sound mean. Glad to see you back.

I have been waiting for this story to update for some time and you have not disappointed me.

Glad to see the story lives and I look forward to more as I want to see how the AH crew handles this situation.

Also loved that last line with Gavin.

Jack would be the wood shop teacher. He's got the beard for it.

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