• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 4,617 Views, 49 Comments

Unrelenting Conviction - Quick Fix

Out of plans, options and time, Starlight Glimmer and Twilight Sparkle both have a choice to make.

  • ...

Unforgiveable action

Cloudsdale Flight Camp
July 1st, Year 989 of the Celestial Era

The atmosphere was the tensest they'd ever felt it. The world's eyes lay elsewhere, simply letting the two mares focus on the scene before them. To the left, stood Twilight Sparkle. Princess of Friendship, now the only line of defence for Equestria as she knew it. Standing with her was Spike the dragon, the only friend she had at this point in time. To the right, Starlight Glimmer. Seeking to undo the past, present and future in the name of simple vengeance.

The two had been jumping between past and present relentlessly, each trying to outwit, outperform or flat out outfight the other. This was the ninth time they had returned to that day at summer flight camp, though neither was keeping count anymore. The more important detail was the scroll being held between them. The time spell of Starswirl the Bearded, the catalyst of their travels. A link between times that now hung to life by a thread as Starlight slowly started to tear the scroll in two, her intent to bring the chase through time to an end and leave her foe trapped in a changed past.

Twilight Sparkle was nothing if not steadfast in the face of world ending danger, however. She had seen the path that had brought the two of them to these clouds, the fragile threads that Starlight Glimmer clung to in the name of her philosophy. She had her words and knew how to use them. Even as she spoke, Starlight seemed to become worn down further with each word. It wasn't too late for her to realise that she didn't need to bar herself from friendship forever because of one bad experience.

"...How will I know they won't all end the same way?"

"I guess it's up to you to make sure they don't." Twilight slowly extended a hoof, a peace offering for Starlight to come down herself. Starlight looked down and closed her eyes, heart in turmoil at the choice before her. Twilight waited patiently, knowing that every passing second looked more optimistic. Eventually, Starlight grinned softly and chuckled, the sound building up until her jaw opened and she delved into full laughter. Twilight flattened her ears at the sound and tensed, she recognised that laugh all too well and it was not the sound of anything good. No, that was the laugh that only came from the mouth of an enemy who felt they had the advantage.

"So desperate," Starlight snapped as her laughter dropped off. "Did you really think that I'd buy into that last ditch effort? If you wanted to help me, you would have me with my village, with TRUE friendships. Instead you strut up and try to force your view on me, all so you can protect your precious worldview that you know better than me, that your talent makes your view more valid, that real harmony is different to what you think and therefore has to be destroyed! You sicken me!!"

Any further venting Starlight Glimmer had lined up was lost as the sound of a magical blast erupted nearby. Twilight, Spike and Starlight all jumped in surprise and looked round for the source, Starlight temporarily too caught out to remember the scroll held in her magic. As they looked out over the edges of the cloud, all three saw a grand spectacle, a shockwave of pure rainbow colour cascading outwards over the lands far below, a true rainbow arching up from the epicentre and over the city above.

The sonic rainboom had gone off, successful for the first time in too many timelines.

Starlight's jaw dropped as she realised the folly of her action. No...Not her action, Twilight had kept her talking long enough to prevent her from changing the past. Twilight had tricked her in order to protect her friendships...Twilight had once again shown that all she cared about was showing how much better she was than anypony else. Well, two could play at that game.

"That, is, it!" Starlight growled, swinging round and laying her eyes on the map, ready to finish the tear and leave them all trapped in the past. The thought had barely finished formulating in her mind before a sphere of light purple washed over her. She disregarded it and moved to fire her magic up, only to find her horn wasn't responding to any new input, neither were her limbs. Twilight...Twilight had the nerve to use a freeze spell on her, after all the harm the alicorn had caused, she still thought she was the good guy here?

"Spike." Twilight said, focusing her magic on keeping Starlight contained as Spike hopped onto Starlight and gripped a hand round her horn, disrupting the flow of magic and releasing the damaged time scroll from her grip. The parchment started to flutter down toward the ground, at which point Spike turned and jumped back toward Twilight, carefully grabbing the scroll out of the air and rolling it up with delicate precision before landing on her back and placing it back into a saddlebag.

"Great work, Spike." Twilight said, smiling back at him before looking forward again. Starlight was still held in the magic field, her right eye twitching with barely contained anger, her mouth curled into a snarl that looked like she wanted to stab Twilight, her eyes blazing with malice and a dark, pure desire to show Twilight the truth of her world. It was in that moment, that Twilight finally saw her opponent for what she truly was.


Starlight Glimmer was an incredibly powerful unicorn, but her mind was warped, so deeply focused on her philosophy of markless friendship that she would rather lose her mind and body than accept that anypony might see differently. Twilight had hoped that she might be able to find a way through to her, but maybe...Maybe she was too far gone. The thought was like a dagger to the heart, especially for a princess of friendship, but Twilight knew deep down that, for the good and safety of all Equestria, Starlight could not be allowed to walk away from this.

An idea took root in her mind, she looked back and silently nodded to Spike, he caught on the signal and made sure that he was firmly holding onto her. With that, Twilight subtly lowered the magic she was putting into the freeze spell, waiting until it wore down enough for Starlight to summon her own magic and break free, lifting herself up with self levitation.

"You...You!!! Twilight Sparkle, the fraud, the hypocrite, the pony who refuses to let anypony see the truth! Equestria doesn't need scum like that, you, are, DONE!! You hear me!?! I'll kill you!!!"

Twilight barely took off in time before Starlight's magic shredded the cloud she'd been standing on. She turned and flew at full speed, hoping to lure Starlight away from Cloudsdale before her magic caused serious trouble. It worked; the sky around her was suddenly a storm of turquoise needles shooting past her. Not far behind, Starlight fired wildly, each magical shot more than capable of a crippling blow. She only cared to catch Twilight, make her suffer for her crimes against true harmony, see her scream before the light left her soul. Even if it took every last ounce of her magical capability, Starlight was going to see that her justice was done.

Twilight glanced back and was immediately forced to put her head back in, Spike was having just as many problems, magical shots barely skimming past him. Twilight reluctantly cast a barrier spell behind her, absorbing any attacks that got too close. Her plan hinged on Starlight overexerting herself and running out of magic first, now it was going to be harder to stay ahead with how much effort it took to resist magic that strong.

Starlight was having problems of her own, the drain on her magic far greater than she had anticipated. Yet she kept ramping up the power, she had to. Twilight had to pay for her crimes, no matter what, she was going to receive the most excruciating punishment possible and then some. Starlight gritted her teeth and concentrated her fire into one lethal beam, putting so much energy in that even her levitation wore off as she unleashed the attack. Twilight looked back as the rapid fire faded away and gasped at the sight, twisting her body and wings round in evasive maneuverers as the final blast missed her by no more than two inches.

Starlight's mind blanked, the image frozen in her mind. This wasn't right, Twilight should be plummeting toward the ground as a beaten wreck, instead she was still airborne and staring her down. Starlight snarled and levelled her horn for another blast, she put her everything into her horn and...Nothing. No, no this couldn't be happening, Twilight needed to die for her attitude, if there was any decency in the world she HAD to do this, and yet her magic wasn't responding. Then she realised gravity was kicking in.

Twilight watched, half tempted to let Starlight fall just to make sure it brought things to and end. She knew she couldn't though, as much of a broken psychopath as Starlight Glimmer was, Twilight was the one with a conscience. She reached out with her magic and lifted Starlight back up to a level position before firing a stun spell, hitting Starlight square in the chest and leaving her out cold. With control over the time spell broken, Twilight glanced up and smiled to herself as the portal opened above them, the familiar rush of wind a welcome sign as the three of them were pulled back into the portal.

Twilight's Castle, Ponyville
February 19th, Year 2 under the Four Princesses

The ground reappeared beneath them and they dropped out of the time portal. Their landing point was exactly where Twilight hoped it had been; the Ponyville castle, in one piece and exactly as they had left it. Twilight and Spike landed safely, Starlight hit the map on landing and bounced onto the floor, still out cold.

"I, think we did it," Twilight said, looking round the room and sighing in relief. She smiled softly at the sheer look of glee on Spike's face, happy to see him finally having a moment to relax as he hopped of her back. "Spike, why don't you go check everything really is as it should be?" She waited until he had left the map room before sighing and turning back toward the unconscious Starlight. In truth, she didn't want Spike to see what she had to do.

A scroll and quill were levitated over and she started writing, never taking her eyes off Starlight Glimmer the whole time.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I wish this message could be sent to you under better circumstances. However, I have just returned from what can only be described as a battle across time itself, attempting to stop the thief who stole Starswirl the Bearded's time spell.

While I am thankful to say that Starlight Glimmer has been apprehended, it is clear that she will not relent from her impressions of friendship and cutie marks. I believe there is hope that her mental condition may be healed in time, but it will take a better pony than me. Her natural power is almost unmatchable by any unicorn and so, I have taken steps to ensure that she cannot harness that talent until the day she will hopefully return to society as a balanced pony.

One of the most important lessons you taught me was on the meaning of self sacrifice. This time, I may have to sacrifice part of who I am for the greater good of Equestria and time itself. I only hope that you understand my actions, though I do not ever expect true forgiveness.

Your friend,
Princess Twilight Sparkle

Twilight sighed sadly as she placed the finished letter aside and looked down at Starlight, still out cold. Her horn flared up slowly and aimed at the helpless unicorn. Twilight bit her lip slightly, fighting to keep back the tears, she had to take more extreme measures to ensure the safety of the land and she would have to live with her decision for the rest of her life. Suddenly the possibility of alicorn immortality didn't feel so appealing, as Twilight finally managed to bring herself to speak.

"Starlight Glimmer...I'm sorry."

Her ears were ringing hard as she finally opened her eyes again, taking a moment to realise she was still in the land of the living. Starlight slowly pushed herself into a sitting position, taking in her new surroundings. The walls were rock, all four of them, the only furniture in her room was a bed, water trough and food bucket. At the other end of the room was the door, iron and barred. It didn't take long for Starlight to realise where she had been taken.

A dungeon cell.

How could they do this to her? Was Equestria so far up it's own flank that desiring true, equal friendship was a crime? She'd have to show them just how wrong they were once she was out of here. Her horn sparked up but no aura formed, leaving her without magic. She growled in frustration, looking round for any sign of what might be inhibiting her abilities, eyes eventually setting on her cutie mark. No, not hers, instead of the purple and white star, she was sporting a grey equal sign.

She rubbed at it quickly, her blood freezing as she realised it wasn't coming off this time. They'd stripped her of her talent, tried to silence the truth to spare their own ridiculous misconception from reality. Starlight started to pace round, seething in fury. She would make sure Twilight Sparkle paid dearly for this, one day, she would make her way out of here and unleash sweet retribution upon the land.

For now, she'd have to get comfy. A plan was going to take some time.

Author's Note:

So, place your bets everyone, who think's that that's it for Starlight?

Heh, of course not. Some villains are too good to only use once.

Comments ( 49 )

Meh, it's alright. i can understand why some in the basebreaker might like it but it just not my cup of tea. (Now if it was radiant hope who still believe she was correct even after all that damage she cause that be a different.) cause even starlight realize she screwed up big time when she last world. (Make you wonder if she purposely stayed in the past cause deep down what she was doing was wrong but was in deep denial). personally i'm going to wait out the basebreaker storm for awhile till it dies out like what happened twilight wings.

6684802 Fair enough, I just got the feeling that even if she saw the last world, she didn't fully accept that it was her fault.

Thanks for giving it a chance at least.

6684819 Thank you for being understanding.

Woah, that was intense. Interesting twist on what could have gone down and how Twilight could have responded. Will also be interesting to see how this turns out, considering Starlight Glimmer isn't the type to give up and she has the patience to match. Really nicely done!

I would honestly have been satisfied with the finale if this had been the ending, or some variation there off ^w^

6687194 You and me both. I can understand why it went where it did, but it would have worked better if they'd had at least 15 minutes to focus on it, not just the final seven. Glad you enjoyed the story. :pinkiesmile:

6687261 You're very welcome, and I can totally agree with it, and there should have bee a consequence to her actions, so your story made a lot more sense to me than the actual show :twilightsmile:

Starlight was pretty clearly delusional with the fact that she thought one friend leaving for Canterlot was the end of the world. There's no indication she even tried to send any letters, she just kind of freaked out. I'd say this ending makes more sense if she's so insane

6688154 Exactly, she'd dug her hooves firmly into that broken view of the world and I thought she wouldn't have pulled them out without a serious fight, if at all.

The thing is... as crazy as she is, Starlight sees herself as the hero... when Twilight showed her the destroyed Equestria... for Starlight... she lost even her revenge...

6688337 As I said in a previous comment, I didn't think that she fully accepted the blame, considering that she seemed even more hell bent on finishing what she started afterward, on making sure she stayed in the right in her mind.

If nothing else, this is just an alternate universe take I planned to tie the events of the finale to my future stories. I appreciate the perspective though.


Yes when our beliefs are challenge, we NATURALLY become more zealot in them... but ...


It also leaves us vulnerable.

6688694 Maybe, but Starlight wasn't vulnerable to Twilight. In her mind, Twilight was the living embodiment of everything wrong with Equestria. She had broken up the town and ripped Starlight away from her focus, she flaunted a method of friendmaking that Starlight would only see as heresy (and being princess of friendship only made that worse) and she had forced old wounds to be reopened just so she could find a justification for pressuring her opponent into submission.

In my mind (and thus, with this fic), Starlight's perception of the world had no reason to believe a word Twilight was saying. I'll leave it at that since I doubt anyone came to read a comments section debate.


Oh I agree. Twilight DOES embody 'ponies more important than others' that Starlight hates. But Twilight managed to turn it around by telling Starlight that losing HER friendship with Sunburst is what caused all this!


I was expecting Twilight to break off her horn.

6691082 I'm trying to keep my ideas from getting too brutal...For now, at least.

The world's eyes lay elsewhere, simply letting the two mares focus on the scene before them. To the left, stood Twilight Sparkle. Princess of Friendship, now the only line of defence for Equestria as she knew it. Standing with her was Spike the dragon, the only friend she had at this point in time. To the right, Starlight Glimmer. Seeking to undo the past, present and future in the name of simple vengeance.

"Left" and "right" are relative. If the world's eyes lay elsewhere, then whose left and whose right are you talking about?

6760683 I'll admit looking back, that line doesn't make sense. My minds' eye was seeing things from the view we had during the episode, the left and right came from those shots. Sorry about that.


This could have been a fine piece of work if it wasn't for how badly it clashes with the original.

Unlike this, the season five finale provided solvency and a satisfying resolution to the conflict.

This is a bittersweet ending where the audience knows there doesn't need to be one.

That just makes this adaptation look bad.

I know they are harsh words, but I mean every bit of them.


Well the thing is, this isn't really the end of the conflict. Until either her death or redemption, Starlight isn't going to back down from her philosophy/vendetta. All else I'm saying on that front is that this wasn't her last appearance.

But thank you for the input.

7286944 This fic is marked complete and I see no signs of a sequel in the making, so while it might be implied that this was not going to be her last appearance, it would seem that it's actually her last appearance.

While she does appear again in my story Heart and Mind, and she is continuing her actions there (even if she has lost it slightly more in the process), she isn't the main focus of that story. Hence I don't consider her future appearances to be a sequel.

7287735 maybe you should mention in an author note that her story continues in Heart and Mind to help justify not having a proper resolution here.:twilightblush:

That's...A fair point. Added one that hopefully doesn't give too much away. I'll admit I thought the resolution was pretty settled for what was originally a one-off but if it helps readers avoid future situations like this, I can do that.

Darn good one-shot. I can't believe I missed this story earlier. Anyway, excellent job on the exchanges, action, emotional content and wrap-up in all the right places. And, yeah, this ending is, sadly, more realistic than the actual episode's end. There ARE times when "Bittersweet Ending" IS the best we can expect.

7607839 Thanks, that's kind for a rush job 'how it should have ended' piece by someone who was somewhat burned out from two months of warming up to writing again. Bittersweet endings are a part of life and even if it's the best to hope for, they can lay the groundwork for better endings down the line.

7685499 Thank you, much appreciated! :twilightsmile:

What a wonderful, likely-more-accurate ending to the finale. You displayed the characters with much skill here. You've earned yourself a favorite.

Only a couple errors that I noticed:

It worked, the sky around her was suddenly a storm of turquoise needles shooting past her.

The comma should be a semicolon, since you're separating two independent clauses in the same sentence.

Spike was having just as many problems, magical shorts barely skimming past him

I'm assuming that you meant "shots," correct?

And just one last thing. It's not an error, per se, but I feel like it's worth saying. You use the "having just as many problems" phrase twice in a very short section, and it just feels a bit literally awkward. It goes along the lines of "Redundancy is redundant." I think it might be better to replace the second appearance of the phrase with "Just as with Spike, Starlight was having problems of her own." That's just an idea though.

Again, great story. An overall good depiction of an accurate Equestrian present.

8443723 Thank you very much! I've fixed those parts you pointed out and hopefully grown out of the redundancy in the almost two years since I wrote this.

Glad I could be of service! I myself just posted my own (beginning to an) alternate end of the season five finale. I hope you might check it out and let me know what you think. :twilightsmile:

She rubbed at it quickly, her blood freezing as she realised it wasn't coming off this time. They'd stripped her of her talent, tried to silence the truth to spare their own ridiculous misconception from reality. Starlight started to pace round, seething in fury. She would make sure Twilight Sparkle paid dearly for this, one day, she would make her way out of here and unleash sweet retribution upon the land.

Not in a million years:ajbemused:.

9308257 Yeah, she certainly didn't get out with that attitude.

...Weird to look back at this now and see this was what I thought of Starlight at first.

Eeyup, with the reasons she gave for creating a cult in a town where everypony should be "equal" on her point of view, it's not surprise that she comes of a certifiably insane:facehoof:.

I'm pretty sure that we can all agree that she got off way, way too lightly:ajbemused:.

9308579 Tbh I'd debate that, considering seemingly everyone (in show and in fandom) refused to let her move past her mistakes despite her efforts to be better. Even now people still act like she's the worst despite ponies having let it go since mid-S7. But like I said, I've come round to Starlight a lot since then.

Plus, let's be honest, are there any ponies who aren't insane to some degree? Except Applejack of course.

You mean like how AJ went crazy from overworking and sleep depirvation in Season 1 Episode 4 'Apple Buck Season':unsuresweetie:?

I was convinced Starlight's punishment was going to be so much worse. Huh, guess that tells you the kind of stories I am used to.

Interesting story. Glad I found it.

10266576 Possibly so, though through my other stories it ended up being a very slow burning punishment. Long story short, after this she spent a few decades going even further insane (a lot of her dreams involved brutally torturing Twilight), was broken out and created a new version of Our Town where she routinely wiped memories so she could commit further atrocities on the townsfolk, and then having the reality of what she was doing and her plans hit her at once, leaving her ultimately reformed but deeply suicidal with regret and self loathing.

You'd never guess she's my favourite pony from all this :twilightblush: Glad you read and enjoyed it all the same.


Possibly so, though through my other stories it ended up being a very slow burning punishment.

Sounds like a lot of it was self inflicted though, and a equal cutie remarking (as horrible as it is) about as close to a fitting punishment as you make (it is also not permanent like I thought it would be).

You'd never guess she's my favorite pony from all this

Weird to look back at this now and see this was what I thought of Starlight at first.

But like I said, I've come round to Starlight a lot since then.

I find her a interesting character myself. So what did make you start to like Starlight? I would like to hear about it if you're willing.

Another one I see, we all know how this goes, Starlight refuses reformation, she gets stopped, and then she’s punished, at least her punishment wasn’t overly brutal, you earned an upvote.

10583173 Yeah, ultimately it ended up hurting Twilight far more. And myself in a sense, my views on Starlight have changed a lot since I wrote this. Glad you liked it and thanks for upvoting!

I don't really like how Starlight is portrayed here but it's not so bad that I'm downvoting it. In my opinion Starlight's claim to destroy the spell after seeing the dead world was mostly bluff. Altough if she was called on that she probably would destroy the spell cause she was very unstable. I see Twilight's actions as offering Starlight a way out of a lose-lose situation which Starlight believed was her situation.

10694317 Trust me, I'm not happy with it these days either.

My thought process at the time was that Starlight considered Twilight's efforts a bluff in turn. That she still only cared about her friendships and making her way right over Starlight's. Any method she could use to get one up was worth the cost. In turn, Twilight felt she had been backed into a corner, a situation she'd never dealt with before that would be lose-lose for her, and made a judgement call that hurt her far more in the long run.


Interesting AU/one-shot. I have a complicated view of Starlight Glimmer, but I do feel her reformation was rushed and half-baked.

I have read reformation fics that try to fix the story and they are good. This take: Starlight rejects redemption is good.

The overall story with Twilight can’t get through to Starlight and resorts to force and magically taking away her powers was good.

Much of the writing and paragraphs are good.

The characterizations are great.

Twilight has a big heart and doesn’t wish to hurt Starlight, but has no choice. A burden of being a leader who strives to do right.

Starlight is a bit crazy. Consumed with revenge, and self-righteousness, blinded to the harm she is causing and thinking Twilight and her friends are the evil ones. And now she’s in a cell.

Just my preference. I think a continuation would be nice. Maybe she gets therapy or something. Or not. Your choice.

The wholesome standards are high.

The language is clean.
Nothing is suggestively offensive.
No extreme violence or any other vile content.

I hope you like this review. God bless

Data Seeker

Poetic Justice

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