• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 5,619 Views, 36 Comments

The Fluttershy Effect - smxsonic

Fluttershy remembers every world that Starlight created, and that is why she can never forgive her.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Author's Note:

This was an odd one. Pretty much came out of discussing the season finale on the IRC. I also wanted to get used to writing for Starlight.

“ I can’t forgive her,” Fluttershy said, her voice the most commanding anypony has ever heard it.

The discussion about what to do with Starlight Glimmer after her time traveling shenanigans came to a halt, the five other ponies all stared wide-eyed at the pegasus from each of their crystal thrones.

“Fluttershy, I’m surprised!” Rarity commented, “I would have expected you of all ponies to try and defend her!”

“You were the one that was totally into her town!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Um, well, yes, but this is the most horrible thing anypony has ever done!” Fluttershy countered, “You all heard Twilight! She broke us apart and Equestria suffered for it”

“Sure, she did that, but that’s all time travel, Twilight stopped her an’ there was no harm done”

“ You were able to forgive Discord even after all he’s done!” Pinkie Pie said, “and he made Rarity fall in love with a rock!”

“We don’t talk about Tom, remember?” Rarity said through gritted teeth.

“Discord is a different case! He needed to learn friendship!” Fluttershy said.

“The same with Starlight,” Twilight finally said.

“But, Twilight, Starlight had a friend, and from what you’ve told us, she made no effort to even make contact with Sunburst!”

The whole table went quiet, each pony contemplating this point. Starlight’s story did seem a bit small. It wasn’t tragic enough to justify trying to steal cutie marks. But maybe that was only the starting point, maybe there was more to the story than what Twilight saw.

“Um, I’m sorry,” Fluttershy said,Trying to hide behind her mane, “I still can’t forgive her, but I will go along whatever you guys say we should do,”

“That’s okay, Fluttershy,” Twilight responded, “Your input is as valuable as anypony’s”

“Ah can’t say I blame you, sugarcube, just a mite surprisin’, comin’ from you and all” Applejack drawled.

The rest of the ponies around the table mumbled similar sentiments, and went back to their discussion.

It was decided, Starlight Glimmer would stay in ponyville and learn friendship from Princess Twilight and her friends. Fluttershy had requested a one-on-one talk with Starlight after she was oriented in ponyville.

Starlight Glimmer walked slowly to Fluttershy’s cottage. Wondering why Fluttershy of all ponies would want alone time with her. Fluttershy was the spy when they overthrew her town. Maybe she wanted to talk about that and apologize-

“No, none of that, they’re your friends now,” Starlight said to herself in an attempt to calm herself.

Starlight rapped on Fluttershy’s door, prompting a “come in” from the cottage. Entering the cottage, she saw Fluttershy sitting at a table with a tea set laid out. There were place settings for two ponies.

“Hello Starlight,” Fluttershy said, “please come in.”

Starlight walked nervously to the table and sat there, accepting a cup of tea.

“Starlight, I have a confession to make” Fluttershy said now that pleasantries were over. Her head was turned to the floor, mulling over what she was about to say next.

“I…” Fluttershy started and then took a deep breath, “I remember everything...”

“Oh, well I guess it still happened recently, but I’m making amends right now! I promise I am not the same pony that locked you and your friends in that shed” Starlight pleaded.

“No, Starlight, you don’t understand…”Flutterhy’s mane covered one of her eyes, not from fear, but to denote the grave nature of the conversation, “I remember everything. I remember you telling those bullies not to tease me, but I also remember all of the different worlds that were created from you.”

“W-what?” Starlight’s eyes went wide, trying to process what the pink maned pony just said, “But that’s impossible!”

Fluttershy shook her head, “Discord gave me the ability to retain memories of alternate timelines, so that I can remember some of the pranks he’s pulled involving time travel.”

Starlight was about to ask who Discord was but the more pressing issue was Fluttershy.

“Of course I didn’t remember every timeline as it happened but It all just came rushing back as things went back to normal, time travel is complicated that way.” Fluttershy explained.

“I-I’m so sorry” Starlight said, her voice catching.

“I’m sure you are, Starlight, but I don’t think I can ever forgive you,” Fluttershy declared.

“Fluttershy,” Starlight’s eyes were watering, there was nothing she could say, she could only apologize.

“In the crystal war, I was shearing sheep for the military. When I wasn’t doing that, I was a medic. I was there when Rainbow Dash had to get her wing replaced, She lost a lot of ability that day. She could never be a wonderbolt anyway, Sombra took care of them a few months into the war. She screamed in agony when they attached the metal wing. ”

Fluttershy left the table to compose herself. Her eyes were watering. Starlight sat there, too shocked at what her actions had done.

“I felt so Happy when I saw Twilight in the Changeling war, I couldn’t show it, but for a moment I thought my dreams were real after all. When Zecora put that salve on them, my heart jumped, not only were my dreams real, but one of my best friends came to rescue me. Of course I had to cover her and I.. was struck down.”

“What can I do?” Starlight said, tears falling from her eyes, “I only saw one future, I didn’t know how bad I made things”

“I’m not sure if there’s anything you can do. I don’t think I can forgive any of the horrible worlds that I’ve endured. I’ve never felt this way, I’ve never truly wished a pony to be banished to tartarus. Even then, It might be too good for you.” Fluttershy said.

“I- I think I need to leave” Starlight said, as she walked out of the cottage, “I Promise I will find a way to make it up to you.”

Fluttershy said nothing as she closed the door. Starlight started weeping softly as she walked home.

It was the next day and Twilight was in the Mirror Room fiddling with the portal apparatus. Growing increasingly frustrated with the fact that for some reason, the mirror went dormant.

“Oh,” Twilight groaned, “I hope you’re okay, Sunset.”

There was a knock at the door. Twilight called for the visitor to enter while trying to tighten another screw on the machine. Fluttershy walked in, her face somber from the previous night. The portal apparatus sparked as Twilight looked to Fluttershy.

“Hey, Fluttershy” Twilight greeted, “Sorry, I’ve been tinkering with the mirror, Sunset Shimmer sent me a lot of messages before the whole time travel thing, but the portal’s not opening for some reason.”

“Oh, I hope she’s okay,” Fluttershy said

“I’m sure she can take care of herself,” Twilight reasoned, “Although I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried.”

Fluttershy and Twilight looked to the mirror, which gave one last defiant spark.

“So, Fluttershy, what’s going on?” Twilight asked, deciding to distract herself from her project.

“Oh, um, I just wanted to, um… Apologize.” Fluttershy said, trying to hide herself in her mane.

“For what?” Twilight said, her head tilting in confusion.

“...For not sticking up for you when we were invaded by Changelings”

Twilight laughed, “Don’t worry, Fluttershy, you weren’t yourself.”

“But… I was, I had dreams of all the times we spent together. When I became a fashion model, or even when we visited the Hoofields and The McColts.” Fluttershy rambled.

“Wait, Wait, You’re speaking as if...You actually remember all of those timelines.”

Fluttershy nodded meekly

“But… How…?” Twilight sputtered before coming to a realization, and lowered her eyelids

“Discord?” Twilight asked laconically.

“Discord,” Fluttershy responded in kind.

“Oh, Fluttershy, I’m so sorry, no wonder you found it so hard to forgive Starlight!” Twilight said while hugging Fluttershy.

“Am I a bad pony for not forgiving Starlight?” Fluttershy asked.

“No, of course not, not after what you’ve been through” Twilight said, entering what was affectionately called ‘princess mode’.

“But you are willing to make things work, right?” Twilight asked

Fluttershy nodded.

“Good! Who knows, Starlight may surprise you, like Discord has surprised us.”

Fluttershy went more or less to her normal self, too shy to protest that point.

The Mirror then sprang to life as the portal opened.

“Oh, Finally!” Twilight grumped before looking back to Fluttershy, “Will you be okay here?”

Fluttershy nodded as Twilight started to flow above the ground.

“Good! This shouldn’t be long!” Twilight zoomed into the mirror, leaving Fluttershy alone, thinking about Starlight Glimmer and what this meant for the Status Quo of Ponyville.

Comments ( 36 )

Starlight has never heard of Discord?


Interesting idea. The most forgiving of ponies unable to do so.

I actually had a very similar idea to this, although instead of Fluttershy, it was Minuette who saw all the alternate timelines. My headcanon is that she's a theoretical physicist who studies time, so Starlight Glimmer creating a ton of parallel dimensions would not escape her notice. And those dimensions are now permanent parts of the multiverse, with no way to erase them. Starlight Glimmer may be sorry, but the damage has been done. :ajsleepy:

And then I had Minuette beating the tar out of her much like Sans does to Frisk in the Genocide run of Undertale. Because anyone who does that much damage to the fabric of time deserves to get dunked on, no matter how sorry they are. :derpytongue2:


Hmm? Oh, right. This story. It's an interesting take on things. I knew someone was going to make that pun, and you had a plausible way of explaining it. However, I felt like it could've been stronger. Fluttershy couldn't have remembered those two dimensions alone if she saw everything. What about Nightmare Moon? Tirek? Discord? Flim and Flam? Did she simply forget to mention them?

If you really want Starlight to feel those sins crawling on her back, I think you need to recount every single last one of them. But the idea is certainly worth exploring.

Also, minor nitpick. The Wonderbolts were still active in the Crystal War timeline. They were just wearing armor rather than their flight uniforms. I managed to spot both Spitfire and Misty Fly taking part in the battle.

6684797 Actually I had an Idea for NightMare moon, Fluttershy being in the dungeons and adding my own little headcanon with that.

On the the Wonderbolts: There's nithing in the episode to support this, but I think they disbanded as a Show group and became strictly military, that was more what I meant.

Good story. The only thing I would change is the reason why Fluttershy can remember the different timelines. Having Discord being the reason seems too forced and convenient. Instead, how about the reason why she can remember is because Starlight was sitting on Fluttershy's throne when she cast the spell? Through the map's connection to the Tree of Harmony and the Elements Fluttershy was somewhat shielded from the effects of time travel like Twilight and Spike were, just not to the same extent they were.

It's a very interesting story concept, though like others have said, this needs work. Just using Discord as a plot device is too easy. You also need a good deal of editing assistance. Keep up with the idea, and try to find someone to help you iron out the issues!

A very interesting Idea. Would love to see it get more development.

Coming up next: Discord decides to defend Fluttershy, and banishes Starlight to Tartarus. :yay::twilightsmile:

I couldn't have said it better myself Fluttershy

wlam #10 · Dec 1st, 2015 · · 4 ·

The idea isn't too bad, but wow, the writing is awful. The ranDom caPitaLization alone makes this look RidIcuLously SlopPy. Maybe actually proofread and use a spellchecker next time.

I love this idea!

I was wondering how she would remember, and when she said Discord I was like "I could easily see that".

As for the people saying that Discord is a bad plot device...I say Discord is hard to write anyway.

I mean lets face it if an author puts Discord into a story they run the risk of having him too OP or having him be too weak.

Then there is all of his powers...what can he do versus what he can't, and the reasoning behind it.

Honestly you are not going to please everyone on that front.

They only thing I would do is explain the Discord angle a bit more...maybe even have Fluttershy herself confused as to why she remembers these things then add Discord later, but even then I still enjoy the story!

An absolutely fascinating take on the episode.

Maybe Fluttershy knows what caused that last scenario?:fluttercry:

6685593 Wasn't she sitting on Twilight's throne?

you could have had this entire chapter take place in the map room. when fluttershy spoke up, that could have been the moment you had her horrify the rest of them. explaining that every timeline played out and fluttershy lived every life that came from the spell.

if you decide to do anything to this idea, please leave this chapter/story up.

“But, Twilight, Starlight had a friend, and from what you’ve told us, she made no effort to even make contact with Sunburst!”

And neither did he.

6694591 My personal take is, going by the natural progression established in the show, that's what happens when Starlight's plan succeeds, and the entire world is eventually subsumed by total equality. Eventually it would become a wasteland, because all talents regarding farming, animal caretaking, and any other related talents die out.

You ever notice that you don't see any of the Mane6's cutiemarks in the war reality? At first I thought it was because they were suppose to be different, but you see Rarity's in the Nightmare history, so I'm not sure. The episode definitely made me wonder what the new cutiemark stories of the Mane6 are in these altered histories.

Poor Fluttershy. I hope she was dead for the final future we saw. That one looked just nasty.

I'm writing a fic about my own head-canon for that future. To me, that's the future where Hellfire Sun/Solar Flare/NIghtmare Star won. Eternal day, eternal sunlight, would cause a barren wasteland like that. In my head-canon, Hellfire Sun came about when ponies started loving Luna more than Celestia and the Nightmare took advantage of it.

Sure, but Starlight was the one that went crazy over it. If it wasn't worth even trying to speak to him, why was it worth going crazy and trying to mess with time over? I've lost contact with friends I wish I could see again, but I don't start cults that preach about the evils of graduation.


Try explaining that to a filly.

She's not a filly any more. She hasn't been for a long time, going by the fact that she built an entire village out of her warped philosophy.


Trama isn't logical, emotions aren't logical.

Not every foal who witnessed Celestia raising the sun became her student either.

Besides, she likely spent a life time seeing more proof of her beliefs.

It's still a weak backstory unless they expand on it. Again, if she cared so much about his friendship then why didn't she make the effort to maintain it when he started drifting away from her? I understand the whole traumatic incident idea, but this falls awfully short of Thomas and Martha getting shot in an alley. He could have reached out to her but then again he's not the one that was apparently so hurt that he needed to found Jonestown and build a propaganda shack.

I don't really see how that matters. It isn't canon to the show, which is what I'm focusing on. If I was willing to use headcanon as an argument, one of my own ideas would have covered it.

(If you're curious, my thought was that Equestrian magic makes one more social and friendly, but lack of friendship has side effects that typically include going insane in some way. Nightmare Moon and Starlight Glimmer would be extreme examples, but Moondancer and maybe Maud Pie would be more typical cases.)

She's Discord's closest friend. I didn't think it was contrived at all; Discord giving Fluttershy that power seems like a perfectly in character thing for him to have done.

Well written and great explanation to why she wouldn't forgoge her and for how she remembered if the others couldn't. Also nice why to conmect it to the Friendship Games

She is very lucky that Shy isn't vindictive. She could have had Discord banish her to Tartarus or sock puppet land or...

A nice start to your story.

... It is wierd that I read this awesome story and the one thing I comment on is the fact that when Twilight flies through the mirror... Um... Humans don't have wings. Twilight would fall to the ground, and with the momentum from flight, she'd probably slide a couple yards... Well, skin is overrated anyway, yeah?
Awesome fic, loved the concept ^-^

Yeah, Second reaD, still gOoD! :D

Good story. Have a thumbs up.

It's an interesting concept, the idea of ripple-proof (or in this case ripple-incorporating) memory.

Though, that'd mean Discord was aware of it all as well... Wonder what he thinks of all this?

-GM, master of spores.

6738638 or worse Pyro land

“But, Twilight, Starlight had a friend, and from what you’ve told us, she made no effort to even make contact with Sunburst!”

Thank you for pointing that out Fluttershy:ajsmug:.

“No, Starlight, you don’t understand…”Flutterhy’s mane covered one of her eyes, not from fear, but to denote the grave nature of the conversation, “I remember everything. I remember you telling those bullies not to tease me, but I also remember all of the different worlds that were created from you.”


Fluttershy shook her head, “Discord gave me the ability to retain memories of alternate timelines, so that I can remember some of the pranks he’s pulled involving time travel.”


Of course:ajsmug::facehoof:. Should've known...

“I’m sure you are, Starlight, but I don’t think I can ever forgive you,” Fluttershy declared.

Coming from who's supposed to be the most forgiving of the Main Six, that's saying a lot:fluttershysad:.

“I’m not sure if there’s anything you can do. I don’t think I can forgive any of the horrible worlds that I’ve endured. I’ve never felt this way, I’ve never truly wished a pony to be banished to tartarus. Even then, It might be too good for you.” Fluttershy said.






“Good! This shouldn’t be long!” Twilight zoomed into the mirror, leaving Fluttershy alone, thinking about Starlight Glimmer and what this meant for the Status Quo of Ponyville.

Probably not anything good:twilightoops:.

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