• Published 11th Dec 2015
  • 2,119 Views, 64 Comments

Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 1: Harmony - Jeweled Pen

Following the events of The Last Alicorn, a new Avatar has risen. Can she defeat the mysterious Meadowbrook and stop her from removing everypony's cutie marks?

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Chapter 1: A new Avatar

To say the air was tense would be an understatement. The small earth kingdom village was out in the middle of nowhere, so far from the capital that it barely even warranted a blip on their radar. Most of the ponies here had never even seen the metal bending guards or Shadowbolts of Harmony or, most importantly, a Wonderbolt. Yet now here they were, a Wonderbolt in full blue and lightning covered uniform with an earth pony on each side wearing thin metal plates around their waists and legs. They were surrounded by the main defense of Harmony, the Shadowbolts. Their force probably consisted of more pegasi than any of these ponies had ever seen.

The streets were dirt and stone, the homes small and spread out. A few ponies looked up drearily from their porches, but none looked for long. Most quickly departed into their homes. The group's destination was obvious. Clear on the other side of the town rested the massive home of one of the most powerful earth benders in the kingdom, Filthy Rich the Third. The walls were at least thirty feet tall and made of steel. The door was much the same. As they came closer, the Wonderbolt stepped forward and knocked heavily on the door.

On his third attempt a small hatch opened in the front of the door and one of the servants peeped out. It closed almost instantly. The Wonderbolt tapped his hooves in time, silently counting as he waited. By forty taps the door opened and a dark gray earth pony with dark gray combed back hair and a tie, stood in the doorway.. “Hello!” He held out a hoof. “To what do I owe this pleasure?” he asked nervously, looking between them. Sweat was already beginning to form on his brow. “It's not every day that I see members of the... errr...”

“This is official business,” the Wonderbolt said as he stepped forward, holding out a hoof to shake the other stallion's. “We have much to discuss with you, Filthy.”

“Please, call me Rich, Who may I ask is speaking?” He didn't move aside to let them through.

“Prism Burst,” his voice came out hard and rough, his eyes never leaving the stallion's.

The color drained from the stallion's face. “A-ah. As in... as in the... son of--”


“T-to what do I owe this pleasure?”

“You know why we're here. We've been searching for the avatar for well over a decade, imagine our surprise to find she was being hidden away in the far corners of the Earth Kingdom. Imagine the empress's surprise when we told her.”

The stallion's face was almost as pale as a sheet now. “I-I have no idea--”

“I'd choose your next words carefully, Rich,” one of the earth pony's said as he stepped forward. The other moved with him, mimicking the movements.

“We wouldn't be here if we didn't have strong suspicions,” the other earth pony said as she looked up. Filthy couldn't see any weapons on them, but he felt a shiver go down his spine none the less. He looked between the pegasi and earth ponies before gulping.

“I-I did it for her own protection! A war had just ended and--”

“The war has been over for decades,” Prism said coldly. “Avatar Twilight is gone. It's now time for the new avatar to come and--”

“Hey, don't I get a say in any of this?” a voice called out from the house. All of the ponies looked up to see a small pink unicorn standing on the steps. She started walking down, blowing her pink and white streaked mane out of her eyes. “I mean, if you're that interested in me. You should at least listen to what I have to say.”

“Diamond, go back inside,” Filthy said firmly.

“That would not be a wise decision,” Prism said before stepping forward. He looked at the unicorn intently. She was young, slightly older than a filly, but just beginning her first steps into adult hood. She was nothing like the avatar they had known for so long. At least, not yet. “My name is Prism Burst. I am a Wonderbolt and citizen of Harmony. I've come to--”

“Are you going to be my air bending trainer?” the mare interrupted, glowering up at him. “You really don't look like much. My fire bending trainer was much bigger and my water bending trainer looked a lot more graceful. That outfit just looks silly, I'd better not be expected to wear anything like that.”

The pegasus was taken aback, his mouth falling open slightly before he narrowed his eyes. “Yes. You and your family have been... invited to Harmony, where new residence have been selected for you. There you will learn earth, fire, water and air bending, as well as--” He let out a yelp, ducking down as a spout of fire shot over his head. A moment later water surged out from a nearby faucet, swirling around him.

“I've already mastered earth, fire and water bending,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “I mean, really? They were just soooooo easy and--”

“Honey, sweetie, go to your room,” Filthy said firmly.


“GO TO YOUR ROOM!” he ordered.

She glared, but stomped off, making the ground shake with every step.

“She's a spoiled brat,” Prism said, shaking his head before turning back towards the stallion. “You've had her trained?”

“Of course, the best trainers money could buy,” Filthy said with a nod. “Most of them from Harmony itself.” He then sighed. “That's how you found out, wasn't it?”

“Indeed. It was her duty to travel the world and see all of the countries, not just hers. She--”

“She's my daughter,” Filthy snapped. “Don't expect me to just stand by while you kidnap her for your... for your own interests! She doesn't need your guidance trying to control her life, she--” The words stopped in his throat as he realized the Shadowbolts had moved closer to him, their dark uniforms towering over him slightly.

“She's the avatar before all else,” Prism said. “Her duty and destiny is far greater than any of us could hope to understand or control. And she will be trained accordingly.” He sighed. “Despite my... wishes, you and the rest of your family are granted permission to join her on this trip.”

“Permission? PERMISSION?!” Filthy roared. “She is my daughter! You can't grant me permission!” He stomped his hoof down, making the ground shake. “She's staying here, where it's safe! Where I can watch her! If you want to train her, well, come here and train her.” He waved a hoof towards the manor. “There is enough room. But if you think for a moment that I'm allowing you to take her to that... to that city, you're dreadfully mistaken! I know exactly what you want her to do. Mixing with other ponies like some kind of commoner. She's the avatar, but before all that she's my daughter and I will keep her safe!”

The Wonderbolt's eyes narrowed into slits. He raised a hoof, before letting out a soft sigh. “Filthy, were it up to me I would have you tried for treason.” The color drained from the stallion's face again. “But, unfortunately, it's not. As much as we'd love to just take the avatar away from... this, it does have to be her decision.” The smug smirk returned to the earth pony's face. “But that doesn't mean you get to make the decision for her. I'll go and talk to her.”

“I forbi--”

“You can either stand aside, Filthy. Or be moved,” Prism said, stepping forward as his wings twitched slightly. For a few moments the two glared into each other's eyes, but then slowly the earth pony stepped to the left.

“She's... she's my daughter,” the earth pony said softly, the bluster fading as sadness filled his eyes. “She's all I have of her mother. I can't... lose my child...”

The pegasus closed his eyes before stepping forward into the building. “You aren't. But all children must leave the nest eventually.” It took him only a few moments to find the mare's room, directed by the servants who gave him fearful looks. He knocked on it twice.

It opened almost instantly to reveal the unicorn at work, already packing her bags. His eyes widened slightly. “What are you doing?”

“I'm packing, obviously,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “You should take off that mask if it makes it hard to see.”

He glared at her. “So you agree to come, then?”

“Of course, I'm the Avatar, aren't I?” She turned to face him and gave a cocky smirk. “Master of all four elements, the most important pony in existence? Leader of the world and guide to the four nations? Well, five now I guess. Daddy's always so protective, but come on. We all knew I'd be going out to see everything eventually. At least you sent a big enough escort. I mean, really? If I'm going to your little Harmony, I want to at least travel in style.”

He glared slightly, before giving a nod. “I... see. It's good that you've agreed to come, but you must understand that this isn't a vacation. I've been chosen to train you and that means you will have to listen to everything I say and-- stop laughing!”

She giggled and shook her head, pointing a hoof at him. “Okay, come off it. I'm the Avatar. The AV-A-TAR! If you want to train me, that's fine. But don't think I'm going to just bend over backwards to do whatever you say because you come here dressed up like an over sized blueberry.”

His cheeks burned red. “L-listen here, young lady. I am a Wonderbolt, one of the greatest fliers in all of these lands. You will treat me with the respect of--”

“Or what? I get it, fine, amongst air benders you're kind of a big deal,” she said with a dismissive wave of her hoof. “But let's be honest for a second. All you can do is air bend. I'll pick up the basics in a week, tops. Have it mastered in a month. Then I'll be able to do everything and anything you can do, just better. I know it, you know it. So don't let all that big fancy 'Wonderbolt' talk go to your head.”

Prism's body quivered with rage and he had to resist the urge to lash out and strike her. “I... see. It seems humility wasn't something Filthy decided to teach you. Well, listen here, young lady. You may be the Avatar but that doesn't give you the right to look down on other ponies. You're still just a rookie, a child. You have a long way to go until you're anything like Avatar Twilight was.”

She rolled her eyes. “I've got one more element to go. Big deal.” She tossed some clothes into her bag, a grin forming on her face. “Get that for me, will you?” She then trotted out the door, her head held high.

His eyes lingered on the frame, but he soon took a slow, deep breath. “Relax Prism, relax. She'll be at the island in a few days, then you can deal with her properly. In the mean time, you can just... humor her.” He looked at her bag and sighed. It was made of the finest pleather and had silver studs all across it. He wanted to smash it to pieces. But then again, he supposed it was the only thing she'd have from her home. As much fun as it would be to just toss it in the lake, he imagined reality would smash her in the face soon enough. He picked it up with a grumble and tossed it onto his back, spreading his wings out to keep it balanced. He stepped out of the room and trotted back towards the main entrance.

“You can't, please, Diamond,” Filthy said, tears in his eyes. “Reconsider. You're my little girl, it's not safe for you there. They can't keep you safe like--”

“Dadddd, I'm a master bender,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “I'm already more competent than like... all of those ponies.” She gestured towards the waiting metal benders and pegasi. “I'll be fine. Just wait here and keep the house going, okay? I'll master air bending and be back in a month, tops. Okay?”

The earth pony reached out and gave her a tight hug. “Are... are you sure you won't reconsider? Perhaps a few more years, a--”

“I'm a grown mare, daddy!” the mare whined. Prism snorted slightly at that, but she ignored him. “I'll be fine. Besides, even if I couldn't handle things, they aren't going to let anything happen to their precious Avatar. Relax.”

The stallion nodded, the tears still stuck in his eyes. “I... I suppose you're right. One month. I'll see you in... one month. Right?”

She nodded. “Of course. Come on daddy.” She then put her hooves out and he met them with hers.

“Bump, bump, sugar lump, rump,” the two said, doing a strange little dance with their hooves bumping into each other and ending with them smacking their rumps together.

The whole thing made Prism want to gag. “Come along, child.”

Diamond glowered and followed after him. “It's Diamond Tiara. You can either call me that, or Avatar.”

“As you wish, child.”

She glared at him, but followed along anyway. One of the Shadowbolts moved to his side and took the bags, making him let out a sigh of annoyance. Only one week and they'd be in Harmony. That's all he had to do, make it one week.


Prism's eyes twitched as off in the distance the great towers of Harmony came into view. It had been two weeks. Two. Bucking. Weeks. The weeks from Tartarus. Oh heavens the ma-- no, FILLY, never shut up. They'd passed through three different towns on the way there and she'd acted as if the towns belonged to her. Doing whatever she pleased, taking what she wanted. He'd had to pay for every last bit of it, too. He knew he'd be reimbursed for it, but that didn't make it any less unpleasant.

His comrades were doing just as bad as he was. The metal benders were considering binding her up and burying her in a pit. The Shadowbolts wanted to disable her bending and then toss her in a lake. Or drop her from the clouds. Maybe the next Avatar would be better. He was sorely tempted to let them and take their chances. He could only imagine the horrors the country would have faced had she been the one to face the Water Nation during the war.

She whined about every little thing. Refused to go anywhere if her meals weren't properly prepared and hot and toasty. Slept in. Stayed up late. Spent days in each town seeing whatever she wanted. She'd lit half of the Shadowbolt's on fire when they tried to forcefully get her to move. His companions continuously gave him pitying looks. As bad as the last two weeks had been, they were just the beginning for him. Once they got her here, he'd have to train her. The others knew this.

But he'd be home. With his wife and on their beautiful little island. He let out a content sigh. They stepped over a rise and the full city came into view. To his delight, even the new Avatar stopped in her tracks and let out a soft gasp. “That's... amazing,” she whispered.

“It is, isn't it? Welcome to Harmony, the most technologically advanced country of the five nations,” he said proudly. “Housing all types of benders, zebras, minotaurs, negasi, just about anything you can think of. We even--”

“I'm going to go explore!” she said, galloping forward.

He let out a mental curse and then flapped his wings, taking off like a rocket and blocking her way. One of his wings spread out and he glowered at her. “Oh no. We're going to the island, first. Before you go seeing anything you need to start your training. As the Avatar--”

“Yeah yeah, fate of the world, duty, all that junk,” she said with a dismissive wave of her hoof. “Come on, I just want to look around a little bit.” She tried to move past him, but he didn't allow it.

“No,” he said firmly. “Island, first.”

She sighed and then gave a grin. “Come on. Let me go have some fun and I promise, all day tomorrow, I'll listen to whatever you say. Do all the training stuff and whatnot. Okay?”

He paused and eyed her warily. “You give your word?”

She nodded. “Yeah yeah!”

He sighed, before nodding. “Fine. But don't break anything or buy anything!”

“Sure, whatever!” she called back before galloping past him.

“Are you sure that's wise, sir?” one of the Shadowbolts asked, walking up besides him.

“No, not particularly. But frankly I have a headache as big as the city and I don't want to deal with an even whinier Avatar.” He held out a wing and took the luggage. “You can all leave now. I know you plan to report to Copper Shield and Ironwing,” he said with just a hint of annoyance. The Shadowbolts and metal benders managed to at least look sheepish as they took off, the former flying and the latter galloping. He let out another sigh and then tossed the luggage into the air with a good bump of his hips, flying up to catch the handle in his mouth before flying off towards the island. It was going to be nice to be home.

He barely resisted the urge to just drop her luggage in the lake.


Diamond's eyes had gotten wide as saucers as she trotted towards the city. The buildings themselves came in all different sizes, the largest piercing the heavens and the shortest only being a few stories tall. They were almost all shaped like boxes, but with different decorations. Some were red with golden markings across them, a few were dome topped and covered in blue, still others were covered in stone statues. Then there were some that seemed to even be made of clouds, filled with great holes for pegasi to fly in and out of. She even saw a griffon fly out of one.

Of course, those were the buildings. As she came closer, she could see that on the outskirts caves had been prepared. She could see weird types of ponies there, they looked like pegasi but were gray and had strange, bat like wings. The negasi. Then there were buildings that looked like trees, seemingly owned by weird striped ponies ranging from every color under the rainbow. The zebras.

Most amazing of all though, were the inhabitants. Along with the zebras and negasi there were strange bipedal creatures she recognized as minotaurs. Then the weird, frumpy looking pony creatures she recognized as donkeys. Giant furry things that might have been buffalo or yaks, she really couldn't tell. Then the half pony, half minotaur centaurs. She thought she even saw a furry bipedal dog like creature, a diamond dog. She'd heard of all of them, even seen a few pictures. But now they were wandering the streets, such strange exotic creatures and yet the ponies moving with them barely seemed to notice them. As if they were the most common sight in the world. Maybe for them, they were. But to her it was all she could do to not stare. She swore once she was a full Avatar and had her own army and country, she'd make sure it was filled with all these strange exotic creatures.

Then she turned a corner and her mouth nearly fell open. The one thing she never thought she'd see, not in a million years. Well, aside from herself. Alicorns. There were three ponies standing there, all with both wings and horns. Two of them had normal wings, with the horn made of metal and affixed to their heads with a number of straps and cords. The last had a normal horn, but metal wings attached to a metal harness on her back.

“Oh my gosh, I can't believe how responsive the P-32's are,” the metal winged mare said. “It almost makes me feel like a real pegasus.”

“Oh, I know,” the metal horned pony on the left said. “I mean, they're still really, really slow. But the maneuverability was just perfect! I didn't think you'd be able to do any of those turns. They've really worked out a lot of the bugs.”

“Sooo, dish, how is the telekinesis working? Have you gotten any of the other spells yet?” the metal winged pony asked, a big grin on her face.

“Ugh, don't remind me,” the second metal horned pony said. “They still haven't released any spell attachments other than telekinesis. I mean, I don't know how they can get away with such shoddy workmanship! They claim to be trying to bridge the gap between us, then refuse to let us do any of the fancy spells. I wanna teleport!” the mare said, whining and trotting her hooves a few times.

“Ehhh, telekinesis is about ninety percent of what we do, anyway,” the metal winged pony said with a shrug. “I can't wait until they get the cloud booties working. I've always wanted to walk on a cloud, it's going to be soooo nice. Daddy says that once they make them, we can go to Cloudsdale on a vacation!”

“Ohhhh! You're so lucky! Cloudsdale is so nice this time of year!” the first metal horned mare said with a high pitched squeal. “If you're lucky, you might even be able to see some of the Wonderbolts games! In a few years, maybe there'll be ponies wearing these in them.”

“Excuse me,” Diamond said as she trotted forward. Instantly the three mares turned towards her and then glared.

“What do you want?” the metal winged pony asked, glaring at her.

“Those wings and horn. They're fake, aren't they? Do they really let you fly?”

They rolled their eyes in annoyance. “Well, duh,” the metal winged pony said with a roll of her eyes. “Anypony who's anypony knows about the alicorn enhancements made by Tomorrow Industries. I'm guessing you're new to town?” Behind the mare the two faked horn mares were giggling.

“Well, you could say that. I just arrived today.”

“Then listen up. If you're anything, you'll need a pair of these.” She motioned towards her wings. “I mean, unless you just want to be a normal unicorn.” She snickered. “That is, if you can afford to be an alicorn.”

Diamond glared. “Why would I buy them? My wings will probably grow in in a few weeks.”

There was a snort from the mares and it soon devolved into full giggling. “Right, sure they will. Who do you think you are, the--” The words caught in her mouth when Diamond tapped her hoof and a pillar of rock shot up.

“The Avatar? Yes. Yes I am.”

All the giggling stopped and the color drained from the ponies faces. They turned and quickly started whispering to each other as she just smirked. She waited for them to turn around and beg forgiveness.

What she didn't expect was for them to suddenly turn tail and gallop away. She watched for a moment in confusion, cocking her head to the side as the ponies took to the sky and fled. The actual pegasi did well enough, but the metal winged pony was much slower and took twice as long to gain proper altitude. The Avatar shrugged and started walking again, sending the little rock pillar toppling over with a small crunch.

Obviously those ponies had been overwhelmed by the sheer enormity of who she was. She then grinned as she came to a small stand selling great, big oranges. She reached for one and had her hoof smacked away.

“Three bits,” the mare behind the stand said, glaring at her.

“What?” She then grinned. “Oh, right. You see, ma'am, I'm the Avatar.” She said with a smirk.

“Really?” the mare asked, looking shocked. It faded quickly into a sarcastic grin. “Well, Miss Avatar, that'll be five bits then.”

“W-what?” Diamond asked. “Y-you expect me to pay?”


The unicorn glared at her, before turning and storming away. “Well, I'm sure your oranges are nasty, anyway!” To imagine, the nerve of some ponies! Expecting her to pay for... for fruit like some kind of common pony! She started to move to another stand, but the dirty looks she was receiving made her decide against it. Bah, she wasn't hungry anyway. She started trotting down to the next street,

She came to an open courtyard where dozens of ponies, zebras, buffalo, yaks and negasi had gathered. There was a pink unicorn on stage, wearing metallic wings like the ones she had seen before. She was yelling into a microphone. “--more need for the benders! All of us should be equal, true equals! We should all fly, we should all have magic!” Her wings opened with her words. “Technology is advancing faster than ever before, without the binds of war to hold it back. True equality is a possibility. Benders won't and don't stand for 'common ponies', as they call us, being on the same field as them! They think just because they have some extra magic that we don't, they're better than us! But look at our friends, the zebras!” She motioned towards one of the striped ponies. “They can't bend, they don't even use magic! They have no need for it! Or how about the buffalo, or the negasi? All of them have lived without benders and look at how they have thrived!”

Diamond ground her hoof into the ground as she glared. How could they talk about benders like that! Bending was awesome!

“True harmony will never exist as long as the benders continue to hold themselves above the rest of us! Look at our military, our peace keepers! The moon raisers, the metal benders! Non-benders don't even get a proper representation! Look at our leaders! How can they claim to treat us all equally when most of us don't even have a voice! They give the benders extra seats! We're all a part of this city, this rule, yet the fact we're born without bending leaves us as second class citizens!”

There was a light cheer from the crowd, though Diamond noticed that more and more of the crowd seemed to be wandering off and breaking the ranks. She really wanted to show this pony her place. In fact, she was going to. She shoved through the ranks, making her way up and then shooting the ground up under herself to launch her onto the stage. She then pointed a hoof at the mare. “You're crazy! Of course benders make up the military. Benders are awesome and way, way better fighters than normal ponies.” She pushed a hoof to her chest. “In fact, you should be thankful to us. It's because of us that you don't have to fight. Me in particular. A couple of fake wings and horns aren't going to make up for real bending.”

The mare's eyes turned to her and for a moment there was a murderous glow to the mare's eyes. Then it went neutral almost instantly. “Really? What have you ever done to help any of us non benders out? You stand in your great stone castles and look down on the rest of us as if we're nothing more than tools to be used and disposed. You rule us, using your special magic as an excuse to act like your better than the rest of us!”

“We are better than the rest of you. That's what bending is!” Diamond said with a roll of her eyes. How could this mare not get it? “It's not something you can imitate with magic!” She stomped a hoof. “Or with your fancy little toys. It--” Her words were cut off as something smacked into the side of her head. She turned to look and a tomato fell to the ground. “What?”

She let out an eek as a stream of vegetables and fruits descended on her. She didn't know where the crowd had gotten them, but she knew some of them hurt. She jumped from the stage, holding her head low as she ran from the booing crowd. She turned a corner and pushed herself against the wall, watching with wide eyes as she waited for some of the ponies to pursue her. Fortunately, none of them did.

Ugh, she couldn't believe these ponies. Here she was trying to explain how awesome bending was and they just start getting violent. It wasn't her fault they couldn't bend. Besides, bending was super important, benders were the ones who kept everypony safe.

She made it to another street and shook her head, passing by a fountain and using some water bending to blast the refuse off her. Ugh, this place was rapidly losing its appeal. Why did she even want to come here? None of these ponies had the proper respect. Here she was the Avatar, savior of the world, and they refused to listen to her. Pelting her with vegetables! She had such an urge to run back there and teach them all a lesson.

She took a deep breath. No, she was the Avatar. She was better than them. She wouldn't let herself sink to their level and get all hostile and whiny. No matter how much fun it would be to break them.

“Where's our money?” a pony asked, making her look up. A small melon stand had three ponies standing in front of it, an earth pony and two unicorns. The earth pony behind the stand gave a little gulp.

“P-please, I wasn't, I didn't mean to... I moved out of your area, just like you asked.”

“The triads have expanded,” the first unicorn asked. Fire formed at the tip of his horn. “We'd hate it if you had an accident.”

“P-please, I-I'll move again, I just don't have the bits for--”

“Wrong answ--”

“Ohhhh, you're criminals, aren't you?” Diamond asked with a wide grin as she trotted up behind them. This was just what she needed.

The three turned, looking her over. “Go away, little girl. This is grown up talk,” the earth pony said with a dismissive wave.

She let out a little sqwee. “Ohhh, you are! This is gonna be fun.” She giggled into a hoof. “I'm going to break you.”

“Wh--” the earth pony started, but was cut off as a pillar of stone shot out. It hit him in the chest and kept pushing, shoving him through the stand, then through the building behind it, holding him pinned there.

“Holy buck!” the unicorn on the left said as the two scattered. Fire shot from his horn, a small fireball. She caught it in her hooves and it spun around before flowing up to her horn. It compressed and then shot out, exploding into the unicorn's face and sending him hurtling back, crashing into the building behind and through the wall. She then turned to the last unicorn.

“I give! Holy buck I give!” he said quickly, doing his best to hold his hooves up as his eyes wandered towards his very hurt and whimpering friends.

She smirked and trotted forward. “Your welcome,” she told the stand operator. “You hav--”

There was a black shadow over her a moment before something landed on her back. She felt pain through her body before she could move, making her drop to the ground. A final strike made the world go dark.