• Published 4th Feb 2016
  • 5,156 Views, 166 Comments

The Mare Who Became Queen - misskoifishpony

Long ago, when Saddle Arabia was young and new, a chaotic king takes in a shy pegasus as his queen. Will she have enough courage to face the perils and dangers ahead?

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The First Date

Chapter 8: The First Date

"Even though our dear Esther walked down to the throne room with great courage and bravery...but,...deep down...her heart was pounding wildly against her chest. Now some ponies say that righteous heroes don't think too much into what they're going to say; they just do what's right and speak from heart. But that's easier said than done." said the narrator as she disguised herself as one of the empty armored ponies in the palace hallway.

Once her narration was done, and when Esther walked past her, the narrator disappeared into her suit of armor. Her eyes and muzzle could no longer be seen.

Meanwhile, Esther focused her attention on the end of the hallway. She didn't want to think about her racing heart, or the possible nightmarish outcomes awaiting her. She especially tried not to think about how Xerxes will react to the news. She didn't want to do this, but...he left her with no other choice.

Before she knew it, she was staring straight at the massive doors to the throne room. She immediately gulped at the sight of it. "It's okay Celestia...I can do this." she told her Goddess...wherever She may be...

With a light push, she opened the doors and gently charged in.

Esther was greeted by the sight of Xerxes sitting on his throne; working on some scrolls...with Hamana looking over his shoulder. She also saw the little dragon named Scribbler by the King's chair, ready to take notes on the King's conference with Hamana. Seeing Hamana made the shy queen nervous. How can she tell Xerxes that his most loyal advisor was banishing her to the outlands?

She wondered if Hamana knew that she was Moriyah's cousin. Well, Esther thought to herself, Either way...I'll have to break the news to both of them.

The King's concentration was broken by the sound of the massive throne room doors opening for Esther. He looked up, and exclaimed happily while waving to her, "Esther!"

The pegasus queen gave him a nervous smile before heading to his throne.

"Sire," Hamana whispered, "Did you...invite her to the throne room this morning?"

"No, I didn't! Isn't this great?!"

"But sire, usually, ponies need to be personally invited by you before they can enter into your prestigious..."

Xerxes then scolded her with, "But my queen can visit me in the throne room whenever she pleases. After all, this is her throne room too. And you know why? Because she's the queen! Psst! Typical naive ponies."

Then his chaotic mind was filled with much giddier thoughts, I didn't have to invite her this time! She came to see me! Just me! On her own!

Xerxes felt like he could fly to the moon, knowing that he and Esther were becoming closer than ever. His eyes were soon glued on the lovely pink outfit that she was wearing. The way it shimmered and sparkled with Esther's pink hair certainly made the King sigh in bliss.

Meanwhile, Hamana looked at Esther curiously. Does she know? she thought, What Hamana knows? Does she know about the edict? But more importantly, does she know where Moriyah is?

The blue unicorn couldn't tell. She couldn't read the yellow pegasus's face. Despite the questions plaguing her mind, she knew that she couldn't have Esther knowing about the banishment, or about Moriyah, or about her involvement in all this. Hamana wasn't planning on having Esther being banished with Moriyah. Oh no. The King would banish her if he knew. No, she has other plans for the queen.

Esther will be the key to Moriyah's downfall...

Just smile and nod Hamana, she told herself, just smile and nod.

Before Esther knew it, she was standing in front of the smiling King. He patted the small golden throne next to him and commented, "Come! Sit next to me."

She hesitantly followed his suggestion and slowly sat on the hard yet cold throne. She turned her gaze up at Xerxes and Hamana and uttered softly, "I, umm, hope that I'm not...interrupting anything."

"Of course not my dear, we were just finishing up. I'll spare you the details of our messy political affair." Xerxes casually replied while stacking the papers in his hands.

Esther noticed, on the top of this pile, that there was a picture of Moriyah. And above her picture was a title written in red ink, "Most Wanted". She gulped when reading the scroll in the corner of her eye.

"How's my dear and sweet Esther this morning?" Xerxes cheerfully asked her.

She responded nervously with, "Oh fine...I guess. Um Xerxes? There's something that I need to tell you."

"Oh gossip! My ears are burning with anticipation." Xerxes leaned his ears towards Esther and she automatically saw the fire burning at the tips of his ears.

She licks the tips of her hooves and used her hooves to safely diminish the flames on Xerxes's ears. While doing so, she explained in a serious tone, "I just wanted to tell you.."

"Yes?" His grin widened.

"That...it's important that you..."

"Go on?" Bringing his anticipated grin closer to her face.

"T-That you..."

But this resulted in Esther looking directly in the King's eyes. And that made her feel extremely and terribly anxious. She can already feel the beads of sweat slowly dripping down from the top her body. Her face already blushing with so much heat in her cheeks. Her mouth and mind were already at a lost for words! The right words! She had to think of something to say!

She finally squeaked out with her eyes closed tight, "join me for dinner tonight!"

Xerxes was now blushing with the same redness that was covering Esther's cheeks. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears, and his blood pumping through his veins. With a grin as wide and long as his face, he squeaked out, "D-Dinner? As in a...date?!"

Esther nervously chuckled, while mentally kicking herself for her cowardice, "If that is what His Majesty wants to call it, then sure. It's a date."

Xerxes was mentally cheering to the heavens in his mind. He wished that he could shout 'Woo-hoo!' to the world, and swing Esther around the room in his arms. But he had to keep his super excited grin as his only appearance for joy instead. He couldn't believe it! After weeks of small get togethers in the garden, they were finally going to take their relationship to a new level!

What a minute...He pondered to himself...did I just called this a relationship?

Esther then observed Hamana in the corner of her eye. She added while returning her attention back at the King, "Is it...alright...if Hamana joins us for dinner too?"

The draconequus's little victory was soon ended by Esther's question. He could literally hear glass shattering in his mind. His happy grin dropped. The only thing he could stutter wa,s "H-Hamana?"

Esther turned around to face the blue unicorn, who was just as shocked as the King was at the Queen's request.

The shy pegasus then asked her, "That is...if you're not too busy tonight, Hamana. And if you want to join us of course."

Esther knew that tonight that Hamana would try to search for Moriyah. She figured that she should keep an eye on the royal advisor...just until she can confess the truth to Xerxes.

Hamana answered in a slightly terrified voice, "Hamana would join you, Your Majesty, but..."

Xerxes finished her thoughts quickly with, "But she needs to track down that criminal that's loose in the kingdom."

"But Xerxes," Esther softly pleaded to Xerxes, "surely she can join us for just a couple of hours. She'll need her strength if she's going to be chasing a criminal all night."

"Well...I don't know..." He answered in an insured tone.

Then, he was taken by surprise by Esther wrapping her forelegs around his arm. She hugged it ever so gently, and pleaded once in her sweetest voice, "Please Xerxes."

The King knew that he couldn't say no to that face. No pony can resist her innocent yet adorable plea. Especially with her body so close! As much as he despised the thought of Hamana joining their first date, he didn't want to upset and disappoint his queen. Who knew that marriage could be so difficult?!

With a heavy sigh, he responded, "Very well my queen, she can come."

Hamana's jaw dropped to the ground. She never imagined that he, King Xerxes, would give in so easily to this mare's demands. He must be truly...without a doubt...head over hooves gaga for her.

Scribbler tried to contain his laughter while writing the King's recent statement. To the little dragon, Hamana's face was simply priceless.

With a gentle yet warm smile, Esther drew Xerxes's arm closer to her chest and tells him, "Thank you...my king."

Xerxes's bright happy grin returned and he beamed at the now blushing and shy Esther. He had a feeling that tonight...was going to be a good night.

Esther arranged the feast to take place in the private lounge area next to the King's bedroom. The feast hall was far too grand for just the three of them. Plus, Esther would feel more comfortable breaking the news to them in a more...intimate space.

The King's private lounge was filled to the brim with giant yet sateen pillows for ponies to lay on. And in the center of the room was a round, large, yet short legged table.

Esther decided to make them a nice yet mildly spicy vegetarian curry with white rice, vegetable and fruit trays to balance out the meal. Xerxes can enjoy the spiciness of the curry, while she and Hamana can enjoy the colorful veggies and fruit on the side.

And Xerxes was enjoying every last bite of the curry that Esther made especially for him. It wasn't the spiciness that made it taste good for him. No, it was the taste of Esther's love and care in this wonderful meal made by her delicate hooves. Just for him and only him

He moaned in delight, with his mouth full of food, "Oh Esther my dear, you have really outdone yourself! You're giving our royal chef a run for his money. If you weren't already my queen, I would have made you our new royal chef right here. Right now." Then, he takes another bite of curry and rice happily.

While Esther was placing more fruit on the table, she blushed and quietly answered, "Oh, I-I don't know about that Xerxes. But I...appreciate the flattery." Then, she took her seat next to Xerxes.

While swallowing his last bite, he exclaimed, "Nonsense! My words are not simply flattery, they're the truth. Hamana can vouch for me."

Xerxes pointed towards Hamana sitting on the other end of the table...far, far away from the royal couple. In order to give them more privacy, and that Xerxes ordered her to sit there at all costs. Which was understandable, after all, he wanted to be alone with his queen. She, of all ponies, knew this and she dared not to anger him. She was curious as to why the Queen wanted her here. It seemed like her and the King were getting along. This might prove her suspicions to be correct about Esther knowing about the edict for Moriyah. But either way, Esther will not be able to save her precious cousin. Not while Hamana was around.

Hamana jumped slightly at the suddenness of the King's question. For she was still eating, and she figured that the royal couple wouldn't want to talk to her tonight. She quickly swallowed down the asparagus sticking out of her mouth, and answered graciously "Indeed, the great and most truthful Hamana vouches on the King's sentiments."

While keeping her gaze on both Hamana and Xerxes, Esther replied, "Well, I'm so glad that you two are enjoying the meal."

"You know what would compliment this meal so well?" Xerxes commented in a sly tone, "Music!"

With a snap of his fingers, tango music started to play.

"On that note," the royal advisor remarked, "Hamana should get going. Criminals never sleep and either does justice."

Hamana bowed to Esther before leaving, "Thank you for the meal, Your Highness."

"Wait Hamana, can't you...?!" Esther quietly exclaimed to Hamana. But it was too late. The blue unicorn already left...and Esther was now alone with the King.

Esther softly finished her question with, "Stay?"

Before the shy pegasus knew it, she was twirling around in the draconequus's hands and dancing with him. When her world and her head stopped spinning, her body was lifted off the ground and into the King's chest.

She looked up into his eager and desire filled eyes, and immediately blushed. Not only did her face feel warm, but her whole body did too. She and Xerxes had never been this close before. With a devilish smirk, he danced a dramatic yet hilarious tango with Esther.

"You know my dear," he whispered into her ear, "we never did have that little wedding waltz."

This reddened Esther's face even more. Oh why did he have to do this now?! She screamed in her head.

"I must say Esther, you're quite light on your feet. Pfft! You see what I did there?! Ha ha, oh classic." Xerxes laughed, especially at his own joke.

She was just going to tell him right after dinner. But now...she had to give him the bad news during a dance. Plus, he was such in a good mood too. She didn't want to ruin the whole evening for him.

But...she had to do it...Moriyah's life is at stake.

Her thoughts were soon interrupted by Xerxes asking her in a concerned tone, "Esther? Is there something troubling you?"

"Huh? Oh, um, actually...there is. I've been meaning to tell you something...all night."

"Go on, I'm listening."

She looked up and saw his bright smile looking down on her. A twinge of guilt pierced through her heart. How can she tell him that this date was just a way to confess the darkness in his beloved advisor? Especially when he's looking at her with that smile.

"The thing is...I..."

Her throat began to clog up. She tried to gulp down her nerves, but she couldn't. Looking into his gleeful face just made every word in her mind drop and disappear into nothing. But she had to say something. He was waiting on her.

She quickly stuttered, "I was wondering if you and Hamana can join me again tomorrow tonight for dinner."

Stars and hearts formed in his eyes. He twirled Esther around, as if they were flying through the air together. In his happiest voice, "Really?! You want to do it again?! Is this a trick question? Of course I'll come!"

Esther kindly reminded him with a nervous smile, "And Hamana. Don't forget Hamana."

He stops twirling her and groaned, "Oh. Yes. Hamana. Of course. But tell me dear, why do you insist on Hamana always joining us for dinner?"

"Well, it's my way of thanking her for all that she has done for us. For all that she has done for you. I haven't had a chance since I've got here."

Xerxes sighed with a smile, "I swear, my dear, you are just too considerate for your own good. But this one on the many lists of qualities that I adore you for."

With her cheeks completely red and warm, along with a twinkle in her eye, she softly remarked, "You...you adore me?"

"Haven't I told you before? Hmmm. I guess I didn't. Oh well! I'm telling you now! I adore you." Then, he added a cheeky smile at the end.

Before Esther could utter another word, Xerxes brought her closer into his chest. So that way, her face can feel how soft yet strong his chest was. And he could feel how warm her cheeks were against his chest.

Xerxes closed his eyes, laid his head on top of hers, wrapped his arms around her, and danced a slow dance with her. Luckily, the music slows down just for the occasion. Meanwhile, Esther stiffened in the King's embrace. She didn't move during the dance. All that she did was listen to Xerxes's heartbeat. And yet...somehow...she can still hear her own heart pounding too.

Xerxes couldn't explain all his feelings tonight. No. Tonight wasn't the right moment. He had to do it when the moment was just theirs and theirs alone. He'll figure out a way to make sure that Hamana was out of the way. He'll also need a few things in order to confess to her...what lied deep within his heart. Tonight just made him realize why he chose her as his queen. Tonight made him realized why he called their little friendship a relationship. Tonight, he realized that lingering feeling that has been stirring in him for this past month. And he couldn't wait to tell her...tomorrow night.

Author's Note:

MissKoi doesn't own MLP or the story and media that this fanfic is based on, for they belong to their respective owners and creators. The Fluttercord...it has intensified!:pinkiecrazy: Haha lol:raritywink::pinkiehappy:Hoped you guys enjoyed the Fluttercord and the chapter.