• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 6,197 Views, 185 Comments

Scootalong to the Cheer - Blackbelt

Inside the schoolhouse of ponyville, a parent teacher conference takes place. Let us see what happen

  • ...

An evening at Berry's

This day has been just perfect.....
the type of day of which I dreamed since I was small.....
It'll be me and Scootaloo.....
making art that looks really cool.....
I hope the day will last forevermore.......

Diamond Tiara sang to herself as she drawn across the town in her grand chariot, being guided by the majestic Knight Scootaloo. A procession of ponies stood at the sidewalks, chanting Diamond Tiara's name as she headed off into the distance towards the grand estate of the Loo clan. The stars and moon of the night sky glistened and shined with a quality that had not been seen in generations, Luna herself granting her blessing upon the two fillies.

The chariot pulled up to a glorious mansion. The Knight, wearing a prestigious military uniform, with medals adorning it, showing a luxurious and successful career, dismounted and walked towards the fair maiden.

"Are you alright? You've got some drool on your cheek." a most melodious voice reached Diamond Tiara's ears.

"I am doing most well, Dear Knight" Diamond Tiara answered.

"Huh?" Scootaloo asked.

Diamond Tiara looked into Scootaloo's eyes. She than noticed the look of pure confusion on Scootaloo's face. And the fact that Scootaloo wasn't dressed in the finest military uniform. Or the fact that it was still daytime. Or the fact that the street they were on was not filled with cheering ponies. Not to mention the grand chariot actually being a wagon being pulled by a scooter. Or that the Loo Estate was actually a wagon repair shop.

Ok Diamond Tiara, you can handle this. Just remain calm.......calm......calm........


.....That could have gone better.........

"DON'T CALL ME A BIRDBRAIN, YOU STUCK UP RICH MULE!!!!" Scootaloo yelled, anger in her eyes.

How DARE she call me that!....even though she's completely right......

"...I....I.....I'm so....sor....maybe I shouldn't have said that" Diamond Tiara struggled to say.

Scootaloo's jaw dropped. She also briefly wished she would have taken more time to learn about other signs of the apocalypse, so she could confirm her fears.

"I...I'm sorry too" Scootaloo said once her jaw started working.

"..we...we should probably head inside and make that card..." Diamond Tiara said, as she got out of the wagon.

Scootaloo, still pondering her place in the universe as a whole, could only nod as she lead Diamond Tiara into her home.

Upon entering the first floor of the Repair shop, Diamond Tiara was taken aback.

WHY ARE THERE PILES OF JUNK EVERYWHERE!!?!? I hope she doesn't LIVE in this junk!!!

Thankfully, blissfully, Scootaloo lead her to the stairs.

To Diamond Tiara's horror though, the living room wasn't much better than the garage downstairs.

This is their living room!? It's so small and dusty! Is....is THIS how common ponies live!?.............

"Make yourself at home DT! I'll grab the paper and crayons and than we can work on the card!" Scootaloo said as she shuffled away down a small hallway.

Diamond Tiara sat on one of the chairs that surrounded the table which sat in the middle of the room, a blush forming on her face.

DT.....she has a cute little nickname for me!............wait, I need a nickname for her.....Scooty? Looey? Roller? SC? Scoots?......THOSE ALL SUCK!!!!!

Scootaloo quickly returned, sitting opposite of Diamond Tiara, and deposited 2 sheets of paper and two boxes of crayons (8 packs) onto the table.

8 packs? How am I supposed to make art with only 8 colors to choose from? I wish I knew I was going to make art. I would have brought my 96 color pack.

"So....you're good at art, and I'm......not." Scootaloo admitted.

"You want me to make the card for you?" asked Diamond Tiara.

Scootaloo shook her head. "No. I admit, I may have bought things for Miss Cheerilee, but this? This has to be made by my own hooves....I just need help not screwing up."

You know.... Diamond Tiara thought at this point, I could probably demand more than just her cooperation at the school talent show....

Two ponies walked down the main street of Ponyville together. One, a mare, shrouded in a cloak as dark as shadows. The other, a stallion with a horribly unkempt mane. Both of them looked as if they wanted nothing more than to go home.

In fact, the only reason they were still walking together was because their houses were coincidentally in the same direction from the school.

By all accounts, no one would think they were on a date or anything like that.

"Cheerilee!" a voice rang out as Cheerilee and Heavy Roller walked along the edge of the produce market.

The school teacher turned her head and saw Carrot Top walking towards her, her cart being pulled behind her. Cheerilee was thankful to see a friend after her.....interesting....day, but couldn't shake the feeling that there was something weird about Carrot Top's smile.

"So...who's your friend here?" Carrot Top asked, her eyes discreetly scanning Heavy Roller's physique.

Oblivious to her friend's appraising gaze and its implications, Cheerilee began to state matter of factly, "This is Heavy Roller. We were just-"

Oh, you don't have to explain anything," interrupted the farmer with a wry and knowing grin. "I heard all about it."

"Huh?" Heavy Roller and Cheerilee said in stunned unison.

Carrot Top nodded happily. "Yeah. His daughter-I forget her name at the moment- was in the market today and told me ALL about it."


"And I'd just like to say I'm SO happy for you Cheerilee!


"So" Carrot top turns to look at Heavy Roller dead in the eye. "You make sure to treat her right. Because if you don't..."Carrot Top menacingly trailed off, doing her best to put on the best death glare she could manage, in hopes of getting her point across.

All it did was make Cheerilee fall to the ground laughing.

"Hahaha! Carrot Top! The look on your face is....snrkt....Bwahahaha!!!"

And in the process of laughing the hood of her cloak flipped up, revealing the state she was in.

"....wow...I didn't know you two were into that sort of thing...."

Cheerilee kept laughing for a few more seconds. Than the weight of what Carrot Top had been implying suddenly hit her. She very calmly stood up, flipped the hood of her cloak back over her face, and looked around. She than noticed the perfect place to have a private conversation.


Berry's Bar was mercifully quiet at this time of day, the nightly rush being a good hour or so off. A few families were spotting a few of the tables here and there, and one unicorn appeared to be slumped at the bar.

Unfortunately for Cheerilee, it was quiet enough for the owner, proprietor, and namesake of the bar to notice Cheerilee walk in.

"Hi Cherry!" Berry Punch said as she walked to the entrance of the bar.

Other ponies would have called her Berry. Cheerilee called her something else.

"...hi sis..." Cheerilee muttered, quickly realizing her mistake in choosing this place to explain the situation to Carrot Top.

"You know, I usually don't see you come around until I start serving the heavy stuff....and why are you wearing that cloak?"

"No reason, no reason whatsoever. Hey, can we get a private booth or something? We...have some things we need to discuss."

"...why are you so embarrassed?"

"She's just being shy because she's on a date." Carrot Top piped in.

"I'm not on a date!" Cheerilee insisted.

Berry Punch didn't acknowledge Cheerilee's denial. "NICE! Good looking stallion too. How is he in bed?"

Three jaws dropped simultaneously at that question. In addition, a few ponies who were dining were suddenly becoming interested in the conversation.

This is going even worse than the one time I dated that minotaur Cheerilee thought to herself. The only thing that could make this worse is if-

"And seriously" Berry continued, reaching her hooves up to the hood of Cheerilee's cloak "what's with the cloak? It's a hot day today, and I'm not gonna have my little sister sweating like some kinda-" What Cheerilee would be sweating like was suddenly caught in Berry's throat, as the hood came down. And on cue, the rest of the establishment went silent.

"....who did this?" Berry eventually asked, any pretense of sisterly teasing dropping from her voice.

She would kill her. She would track her down and wreck her.

Cheerilee dropped her voice down to a whisper. "The situation has already been dealt with."

"You mean you two don't do weird things in bed?" Carrot Top asked.

Berry immediately stared at Heavy Roller, her eyes filled with fire.

I already escaped death from one of them....I don't think I can escape death from another.... Heavy thought.


Everyone in the restaurant turned. The unicorn who was slumped over the bar turned out to be Trixie.

"The Tartarus raising demons....THEY did this to her......The children I've put so much work into entertaining with Great and Powerful feats of magic...did....THIS!"

Her trademark hat and cape were missing, and her mane was a frazzled mess. "....I coulda been a target. They could have come for me......at any time......"

"Trixie, I was kidding. This type of thing does not happen every day. Now please calm down." Cheerilee said.

A look suddenly came onto Trixie's face. It was a rare mixture of absolute relief. And unbridled rage.


"...it was a joke?"


".....don't you remember how kids used to act when you were in school?"

"I didn't go to school. I was tutored by Luna."

Cheerilee flinched as she realized what the lack of context did to Trixie's mental state."...sorry...."

"..I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have yelled. or tried to get Berry to sell me alcohol before it was time to."

"Thank you!" Berry cut in. "You shoulda seen her sis. She's been her for a few hours waiting for booze."

"...why didn't you just go back to your place and drink there?" Heavy Roller asked.

"What makes you think I would have copious amounts of delicious bourbon at home!?"

Trixie suddenly felt the eyes of everyone in the restaurant giving her a Are you kidding me? look.

"....there was an accident.....and how did you even know I might indulge to such a degree!?"

"Pinkie throws nice parties." Heavy replied.

Trixie constantly regretted that party from her first day in Ponyville. She quickly chose to (for once) get the attention off of her. "My drinking habits aren't important! What's important is how those kids did unnatural things to Cheerilee!"

All eyes in the restaurant turned back to Cheerilee.

"....it wasn't all the children....it was one kid....my kid" Heavy Roller admitted.

All was silent again. Berry Punch and Carrot Top came to the same conclusion.

"That is adorable!" They both exclaimed.

Carrot Top proceeded to explain when the weird looks appeared on Cheerilee's and Heavy's face. "It's clear Heavy's daughter is acting out because she's not used to having her dad dating somepony."

"We're not dating!" Cheerilee and Heavy Roller shouted, annoyed at the constant insistence to their relationship status.

Berry, Carrot, and several ponies in the peanut gallery groaned in disappointment Heavy and Cheerilee immediately glared at the ponies who were dining, and they quickly went back to paying attention to their food.

"And besides" Cheerilee continued, ignoring the groans. "It was all an accident."

"You're saying one filly did all of this, and you think it's an accident!?" Trixie asked.

"Well....." Cheerilee thought back to everything that had happened. "I-I know it seems like this was all on purpose, but I don't think Scootaloo would do all of this on purpose....." Cheerilee said, a smidgeon of doubt at the back of her mind.

"What if one of her friends put her up to it?" Trixie countered.

"HA!" Cheerilee couldn't help but laugh. "Sweetie Belle is one of the most timid, calm ponies in my class! The day she does anything will be the day I retire!"

"But what if she started hanging around with Diamond Tiara?" Asked a voice from the doorway.

All eyes turned to see Ditzy standing in the doorway.

The smidgeon of doubt in the back of Cheerilee's mind began to grow. "Why would Scootaloo hang out with Diamond Tiara?"

"I don't know. But when I went to pick up Dinky from Sparkler's shop after work, she told me that Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara stopped in at the shop together....and..."

The doubt was now an overwhelming force that threatened to take over Cheerilee's frontal lobe. "And...?"

Ditzy gulped, clearly uncomfortable with delivering the bad news."Apparently Diamond Tiara is helping Scootaloo with something."

Cheerilee's good eye twitched.

"Wait, you mean Scootaloo doesn't normally hang out with Mr. Rich's daughter? Cause both of them showed up at my food cart too." Carrot Top added.

A shiver ran through Cheerilee's very being.

"Why's everypony freaking out about Diamond Tiara? She seems like a well mannered young filly." Carrot Top continued.

A random pony from one of the tables began to laugh mightily.

"Mr. Roller?" Cheerilee asked without a trace of emotion in her voice.

"Yes?" Heavy responded, trying (and failing) to keep the terror out of his voice.

"I am afraid the previous disciplinary action that we discussed, in light of this new evidence, is insufficient. I believe we may have to go with a more serious plan of action."

"Y-you mean....that?"


Heavy Roller gulped, sweat running across his brow. He dared not argue.

"If you will excuse me everypony, I must discuss this matter with Mr. Rich as well. I shall see you all at a later time." Cheerilee monotoned as she left the building.

Upon leaving, an old stallion in the back began to applaud. "BRAVO! BRAVO! Dinner theater is such a fine thing!"

"Mr. Waddle, that wasn't a performance." Berry facehoofed.
