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Showing Their True Form

Twilight and her gasped out loud when a blinding light appeared out from nowhere which was 40 yards away from them, but until a few minutes passed the light went away. Once the blinding light went away the mane six and Spike as well opened their eyes to look where it came from, but when they looked at the direction the light was they saw three figures two small ones and one really huge one. It was still a blur to them which they tried to rub their eyes to clear the blur from them until they were done they looked back to where the three figures are at.

"Twilight what the hay was that!?" Rainbow Dash was the first one to say something.

"I don't know Rainbow..........I don't really know, but the only thing that got me interested is those three figures over there and especially the huge one at that which I can tell it looks very scary indeed." Twilight Sparkle answered with a confused look on her face.

"Umm....can.......can we go home please........it looks very very dangerous over there." Fluttershy said softly while walking backwards slowly step by step.

The others nodded their heads slowly with their mouths wide open and their eyes as well except Twilight, Spike, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rainbow Dash just stood there with interest in their eyes wanting to get a closer look at the beings. Though Twilight didn't say anything she just started to walk slowly over to the three figures followed by Spike, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Rarity and Fluttershy was standing a little behind feeling shaken up by this, but they didn't want to be left behind so they ran to catch up to the others. It took them 40 seconds to get there, but they stayed 20 yards away so they can get a better look of what's going on until a big explosion erupted a few feet in front of them. They were hiding behind a rock while watching the two small figures fighting the huge one, but when they got a closer look at the huge one they found out to be a monster. They were scared of the huge monster, but what surprised them is the to figures fighting the monster like they were not scared of it.

"FIRE DRAGON SPEAR!" Naru shouted while enveloping her right foot as she tries to kick the monster in the stomach, but the monster deflected the attack with his hand and smacks her with his other hand which that attack sent her flying into a rock. Once she made contact against the rock it shatter right on impact when her back made contact with it making her gasps out loud feeling the air knocking out from her lunges. Laxus saw his sister flew into the rock and saw her face in pain when she made contact with it which made him enraged by it. Laxus rushed at the monster feeling his magic rising from his body as his body starts to spark making it look like lightening is shooting from his body. "LIGHTENING DRAGON CLAW!" Laxus shouted with his right hand enveloped by lightening around it, but while he was running at the monster the monster tried to smash him into the ground but Laxus dodged the attack and run up the monster's arm. Once he got near the head he jumped in the air and struck the monster in the face which the monster was being shocked repeatedly from the attack. Laxus jumped backwards away from the monster and landed a few feet away from it, but the thing surprised him was that the monster didn't fall or anything it was just standing there with a huge evil smirk on its face.

"IMPOSSIBLE!........that was one of my strongest attacks I have, but how can it still be standing?" Laxus exclaimed with a surprised look on his face, but got into his fighting stance waiting for the monster to make it's move.

"Brother........please.........can go into my true self?" Naru asked softly while coughing and standing up from the rubble of the rocks around her.

"NO! it's too dangerous remember the last time you went to your true form........we don't know if you'll go out of control again." Laxus answered out loud, but not looking back to his sister.

"But it's the only way for to defeat this monster and we cannot defeat it in our state we are right now!" Naru exclaimed to her brother trying to prove her point about the situation they are in right now.

"rrrrrrrrrrRRRRRAAAHHHHH........FINE!, but if anything bad happens I'm going to put you down myself." Laxus agreed with his sister, but feels he might regret his decision he made.

Naru nodded her head knowing she got through to her brother, but started to concentrate her power into her body slowly bringing her energy into her body. Once her magic power started to rise fire starts erupting around, but it kept on growing and growling which enveloped her whole body. Once the fire enveloped her body her skin started to changed into crimson red scales throughout her body, even her eyes turned into crimson red with a slit as well. Her bones starts changing as well, but slowly which her nails grew into claws, then a tail starts growing from behind her. The bones on her back were shifting a little which this caused her a little pain from this, but she bared with it wanting to get this over with. When the bones on her back shifted in place wings shot out from her back in one swift motion, and once that was done her face started to grow a muzzle and her teeth started to turn into razer sharped like teeth. Each bone on her face shifted from left to right trying to get where it's proper place was, then it finished forming her muzzle. Everything on her body was finished to it's proper spot, but her muscles starts growing a little bit bigger but not huge (if that's what you thinking hahaha naw). She kept on growing until she was 6'0" foot tall, and when she was done transforming she walked out from the flames feet first, second her hands, third her face and finally her whole body. Naru roared out loud with proud in her voice knowing her transformation was complete, but once she flapped her wings the flames disappeared and showing a tall crimson red dragoness standing.

Twilight, Spike and the rest of the mane six saw this with their eyes and mouth wide opened in shock or surprised from this, but to Twilight she started to have sparkles in her eyes showing her interests in this transformation. Which Spike in the other hand was staring at the dragoness with longing in his eyes "Wow she's very beautiful." Spike thought to himself while still staring at her with him mouth still wide opened. He couldn't keep his eyes off from her because he was entranced by her beauty and how slim, but mostly how curvy her body is to him. While this was happening Rarity looked away from the action in front of her and looked to her left seeing Spike was staring at the dragoness without blinking which this put a huge smirk on her face, but looks right back to the action in front of her.

Naru roared out loud into the sky again and rushed at the monster full speed, but faster than before when she was in her human form. She rammed into the monster's stomach with full force which the monster grabbed its stomach in pain. Naru brought her knee up making contact with the monster's face sending it into the air, then flew up in the air with it and doing a front flip bringing her heel down on the monster's head with her full strength again sending it down to the ground. The monster made contact into the ground, but Naru wasn't finished when she flew down "FIRE DRAGON SLA~" was stopped in mid-sentence when she tried to attack but the monster somehow smashed its fist into her sending her flying towards where Twilight and her friends were watching from.

"WATCH OUT!" Spiked yelled out loud making Twilight and his friends take cover somewhere else, but Spike stood there waiting for the dragoness collide with his body which it happened as he caught the dragoness in his arms and made him sent flying backwards onto the ground sliding backwards some more.

"Whoa!.......nice catch Spike." Rainbow Dash said while flying towards him and looking at the unconscious dragoness in his arms followed by the rest of the mane six.

"Oh.......I......h-hope she's okay." Fluttershy said with a concern in her voice.

"I hope so too darling, I hope so too." Rarity agreed with Fluttershy while looking at the dragoness as well.

Laxus saw this happened in front of him which this made him more enraged "Okay you small fry you just made me more pissed off for hitting my sister like that." he said with a vicious demonic voice. Lightening started to envelop his whole body just like what his sister did. Twilight and the others saw this which made them frightened and walk backwards to hide behind Spike, but Spike was scared as well from this though he didn't show it not wanting to let his friends know he was scared. Laxus transformed just like his sister did, but his scaled was yellow and he was more muscular and more taller as well though making him more 7'0" foot tall. When his transformation was done he didn't hesitate to attack the monster that hurt his sister "LIGHTENING DRAGON ROAR!" he breathed in deeply and let out a deep demonic roar with a lightening blast at the monster. The huge monster tried to block the attack with his arms, but it was too powerful for him and making him whither in so much pain. The ugly demon monster was sent flying backwards into the ground, but Laxus wasn't finished as he jumped on the monster's stomach "LIGHTENING DRAGON EXPLOSION!" he shouted loud bringing both his hands together making a huge energy ball. He brought it down onto the monster which this made a huge explosion from where he's at and ending 20 meters out.

After the explosion was gone Laxus landed in the middle of the crater where the monster was no more than but ashes to him as he roared out loud enraged and victory. He breathes in and out slowly from his mouth trying to calm himself, but walks slowly over to where Twilight and her friends at. Twilight and her friends hid behind Spike because how scared they were (I know Rainbow Dash and Applejack would defend for their friends, but what Laxus did made them think twice). As Laxus carefully and slowly walked towards them, but kept a straight face without showing emotion in them as he doesn't want to scare the dragon in front of him that is holding his sister and the ponies behind him too.

He walks up to Spike slowly and kneels right in front of him, but doesn't look at Spike only at his sister "How's she doing?" he asked softly with his deep voice making Spike and his friends flinch a little.

"She's......She's do-doing fine.......but......but unconscious tho-though." Spike answered with a stutter in his voice while his body shakes at the same time with his voice.

"Who are........who are you guys?" Twilight asked softly while appearing from behind Spike with curious in her eyes.

"Well all I can tell you for now that my name is Laxus and the girl right here that your friend is holding is my sister and her name is Naru, but I'll tell you all the rest if we get my sister to safety right now." Laxus answered which the rest nodded their head in agreeing knowing the situation was still bad to them.

Laxus grabbed his sister from Spike and held her in his arms as he follows them to a huge tree, but when they opened it he saw nothing but books everywhere as he looks with surprised on his face. He shakes his head really quick to change the subject and made his objective to help his sister his main situation. He looks around to find a spot to set his sister down, and sees a couch in front of him as he walks towards it. He would sit down on the couch with his sister still in his arms, but moves her body to be on the soft couch and setting her head on his lap. While this was happening Twilight, Spike and the rest of their friends surrounded them with a look of concern on their faces and interest as well, but most of all they kept an eye on Laxus making sure he doesn't doing anything to put them in danger. Spike didn't care he just looked at Naru without blinking while saying in his head of how pretty, beautiful and hot she is.

"Okay let's cut to the point I want to know who the hay are you guys huh?" Rainbow broke the silence with irritation in her voice.

"Ah agree wit Rainbow there ah want to know ah's well." Applejack agreed with Rainbow with a nod.

To be continued.......