• Published 4th Jan 2016
  • 19,204 Views, 449 Comments

A Different Bridal Path - Stainless Steel Fox

Many stories have Twilight telling off her friends after the Wedding. But what if she felt she had to redeem herself, and it fell to someone else to give them the 'reason you suck' speech? Now a full story of the consequences of a single small change

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It's dangerous to go alone...

The three Princesses and one Captain of the Royal Guard sat around a circular table in one of the private meeting rooms of Buckingham Place. Celestia and Luna's expressions were guarded, Cadence and Shining Armours' enquiring. Celestia placed a short stack of parchment on the circular table in front of them.

"The report from the Guard outpost at Rainbow Falls is clear enough. Earlier this morning there was a great light in the northern wastes that appeared and slowly faded over a period of minutes. A patrol was sent out at first light to see if they could find the cause, and reported seeing a city made of crystal at the furthest point of their circuit, surrounded by a circle of snow free plains and hills. Even the cloud cover seemed to break in a circle around it.

"However, before they could approach it, they were then driven back by a snow storm, one that seemed to come up out of nowhere. They barely managed to make their way back to base, and these were veteran guards, experienced in the sort of wild storms the Northern wastes create. They immediately returned to report it, and the post commander, Lieutenant Storm Break, sent his fastest pegasus courier with the report. There's been a standing order to do so for centuries, against this very situation."

Shining Armour examined the papers. "Storm Break is a good officer, if he says it happened, it happened. But what is this crystal city, and is it a threat to Equestria? Clearly you have something in mind for us, that's why we're here."

Celestia sighed. "It is called the Crystal Empire, and it could possibly be the greatest threat Equestria has had to face, or the greatest blessing."

Her horn glowed, and a crystal floated up to hover in the middle of the table. It flared and a three dimensional illusion covered the tabletop, showing a city with wide green fields and houses made of crystal. Crystal paved roads surrounded it in a star shape, and at the centre was a towering spire of crystal resting on three flying buttresses, and looking like a rocketship from a pulp science fiction magazine.

"Even Luna and I have limited knowledge of it; when it existed it kept itself isolated, but we do know it contained a powerful magic. That was why a thousand years ago, King Sombra, a unicorn whose heart was as black as night, usurped the throne..."

The green fields turned yellow and black, spiky pillars of crystal sprouted up, finally encrusting the crystal castle and turning it's clean, soaring lines into something jagged and twisted. Over it floated the head of a grey furred unicorn with a night black mane and eyes of green with crimson irises. He wore a ornate black headpiece, adorned with curved spikes that mirrored the sinister looking crimson horn that curved up from his forehead, and plate armour complete with a cloak as red as his eyes.

The image changed to show him standing on a balcony of the transformed castle, an aura of purple flame streaming back from his eyes as a chain gang of earth ponies trudged along below. A pair of silhouettes appeared, backed by Celestia and Luna's cutie marks and fired a beam of energy down upon him. It stripped away his armour and headpiece, and started to turn his body to streamers of shadow before he vanished in it's glare. There was a final image of his screaming face being cast into a deep icy chasm that slammed shut.

"Luna and I ultimately overthrew him, turning him to shadow, and banishing him to the ice of the arctic north, but not before he cast a curse on the Empire, one that caused it to vanish into thin air."

The image of the city flared and vanished, leaving only the crystal floating there.

Luna spoke up. "When it was in it's full glory, the magic of the Empire did cast an aura of hope and love that was reflected across all of Equestria. If it was turned to hatred and fear... Sombra may have been freed as well, though if so he will still be very weak. Some-pony has to go to the Crystal Empire, help the ponies there and bring them hope, restore their feelings of love and joy before Sombra regains his powers. The Empire's magic is powerful, it can not fall again."

Cadence spoke for the first time. "And you think Shiny and I can do the job?"

Celestia looked towards her sister, then nodded as some unseen communication passed between the two of them. "That is our hope. The crystal necklace you once encountered may have been an artifact created by the ponies of the Crystal Empire. You proved to be able to wield it more effectively than the one who was wearing it. Your ability to evoke and restore love may well prove vital to restoring the Empire, while Shining Armour can shield a city. If Sombra attacks, that combination may be the only thing that can hold him off."

"Very well, I'll do it." Cadence stated seriously. "I hope I can live up to your expectations. Shiny?"

Meanwhile, Shining Armour was re-examining the reports and thinking ahead to the practical side of things. "If that snowstorm wasn't a co-incidence, it might be that something or some-pony is already trying to keep ponies away from the Empire. So going there by flying chariot is out. But we can take the northern railway route to Rainbow Falls and stop here, at this coaling station."

He pointed to a printed map that had several marks and notes written on it in ink.

"If the distances are correct, that puts us within walking distance of the Empire's borders. We'll need full cold weather gear and a compass, food and water supplies in insulated saddle bags, some guards to help me protect Cadence... oh, and a train."

Cadence giggled. "I guess that's a yes then?"

"Huh?" Shining Armour looked up from his notes. "Oh, yes, of course. We need to be going as soon as possible. It might be best to get the patrol from Rainbow Falls to meet us there. They can act as our guard detail and the train can go on to Rainbow Falls with replacements."

He thought for a second. "There is one other thing. I think we should take the Bearers and Spike with us."

"Why is that?" Celestia asked.

"Well, Spike will give us a way to contact you instantly, and Twilight's friends..." there was a slight catch in his voice as he said that, "... are all very resourceful ponies. Also, going on an important mission like this may help them to feel better. I'd ask for the Elements too, just in case they had to deal with Sombra directly, but without Twily, they aren't any use."

"Not quite true." Both Cadence and Shining gave Celestia a querying glance. "Even alone, each Element is the manifestation of a facet of Harmony, and as such they have a certain amount of power in the hooves of their Bearer. I agree that giving the six of them something important to do may help them with their grief."

"Just like you are with us, auntie?" Cadence interjected. Celestia nodded in acknowledgement, the slightest hint of a rueful smile at being caught out. "What about the Elements?"

Celestia looked over at her sister again and once again they seemed to come to some sort of agreement without speaking. "Very well. Better to have them available at need."

She picked up a quill and paper, and wrote a short note, then touched her horn to the bottom, causing a glowing golden seal in the shape of her cutie mark to emboss itself into the parchment. She levitated it and the quill over to Luna, who glanced at it, then countersigned it. She dipped her horn and placed her own seal, a glowing white crescent moon on a black shield, beside Celestia's.

Luna levitated it to Shining Armour. "This should help you to get things arranged. Authorisation to requisition guards and supplies as needed, backed by the full power of the Diarchy. Any-pony trying to be obstructive can explain themselves to us personally."

That last word was said in a tone that indicated any-pony who did was not going to enjoy themselves.

Celestia nodded in agreement. "I will retrieve the Elements, and go inform the Bearers and Spike that they may still be needed."

"Then we'll be off." Shining Armour said, getting up and offering Cadence a hoof.

After they'd left, Luna turned to her sister. "Are you sure you don't want me to go as well, my sister?"

Celestia shook her head. "No, I need you here. Ponies are still scared of some sort of retaliation or attack by the Changelings. They need reassurance, to know a Princess is watching over them at all times. I can not do that alone. Shining Armour and Cadence will have Spike, if they do need us, they can send word immediately."

"Ah, with both of us here, we can use a Solar or Lunar teleport at need, I see."

As the two of them got up to leave, Luna said, "I found your willingness to let the Bearers and Elements go... interesting."

"You disapprove?" Celestia glanced at her sister in surprise.

"Oh no, on the contrary. No-pony should have to face such a challenge alone. For a matter of such importance, we should not allow success to hang on a single thread or even two, however strong."

Celestia's expression darkened. "You're thinking of how I'd have handled it if Twilight was still alive?"

"Indeed." Luna placed a comforting hoof on Celestia's shoulder. "I know you loved her like a daughter, but you did sometimes make every task you gave her a test."

"You knew of my hopes for her, that she could succeed where Sunset Shimmer and so many others had failed." The white alicorn looked away. "She was so close, if anything her one remaining flaw was her over-reliance on me, on authority in general. But perhaps that is my fault, I kept her close, let her rely on me; I wanted to avoid the mistakes I made with Sunset and ended up making all new ones. The fact that she lacked confidence in making her own decisions isn't the only reason she got flustered so easily, but it contributed. And so did my tendency, as you said, to make everything a test. It didn't help that day that I dismissed her worries so easily..."

"You couldn't have known." Luna's tone was sympathetic as she reassured her sister.

"I should have at least given her attention, even if it was only to prove her fears were groundless!" Celestia's voice was slightly raised, a sign of the depth of her feelings. "My being proved wrong might have helped her to see that I could be fallible, and that she could disagree with me and still make the right decisions without needing me to hold her hoof."

Luna stepped in and hugged her sister.

"I don't think it is as big a problem as you imagine. I knew her less well than you, but I accounted her a friend, and a stalwart companion. When we first met, and I was lost in the madness of the Nightmare, she faced me fearlessly, even put her horn down and charged to trick me into charging her and moving away from the Elements. When next we met, on Nightmare Night, she was the one pony that extended a hoof of friendship to me from the start, while others still feared me as Nightmare Moon.

"She was an exceptional pony, as you said in your eulogy, both courageous and open-hearted. When it came to the important things, when the safety of her friends, or you, or all of Equestria was on the line, she made the right decisions and didn't second guess herself. She believed it was necessary to stop Chrysalis and save you, and she was willing to pay the price. Do not grieve for her, she would not have wanted that."

Celestia leaned into the hug. "I try sister, but it's sometimes so hard..."

The two of them shared the moment, not as rulers, but as two sisters giving and receiving comfort. Then Celestia released the hug.

"The fact remains that I failed to give Twilight the support she needed and it cost us both dearly. I may be a foolish old mare, but I will not make that mistake again. Shining and Cadence will have every scrap of assistance I can send them. And if Twilight were going, I would ensure she had whatever she felt she needed, and to Tartarus with any test!"

"Well said sister! On that note, you have Elements to retrieve, and I have the duties of the Night Court to prepare for." Luna paused and added, "And as for what I said about no-pony facing a challenge alone, that applies to you too, my sister. Know that I am always here for you."

"thank you Luna." Celestia left the room, with a slightly lighter step.

Author's Note:

Well this one mostly write itself. Some people may call it filler, I call it set up. Hopefully it shows something of how Luna's taking it, and how events have affected Celestia's tendency towards Xanatos Gambits. It also gets the rest of the cast heading in the direction of the Crystal Empire. What will they find there? I'll let you know when I've written it.

It's likely to be one of my longer chapters it may break the 4000 word per chapter limit I've set myself. The idea was that by writing shorter chapters I could produce them faster and stifle my tendency to waffle and info dump. It's had mixed results, but I think it's worked to some extent. I am fairly sure we now really do have four chapters to go.

On a side note, the title of this chapter is something of a 'take that' at the way Celestia handled the Crystal Empire crisis in canon. Telling Twilight that it's a test and she alone would have to resolve it, when you know that she freaks out over tests? Not cool, Sunbutt! Maybe it's more of a 'take this.'