• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 8,110 Views, 59 Comments

Distance - Picardy Third

Spitfire crushes on a filly she's only met a few times... it's time to go after her

  • ...

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

***Sweet Apple Acres***

“Will ya pick up the pace?!” Applejack hollered at Big Mac, who was slowly bucking apple trees somewhere behind her. “If Ah have ta come back an’ finish your work, Ah – “



Applejack suddenly found herself thrown against a tree by some force, and soon was entangled with a cyan pony with a bright rainbow mane. The two came to a stop underneath the nearest apple tree, shaking the trunk and sending a few apples flying down to land on the ponies’ heads. Applejack took a second to collect herself then glared at Rainbow Dash.

“Ya always know how ta make an entrance, Rainbow.” Applejack said, not making any effort to mask the annoyance in her tone. Rainbow Dash grinned in an effort to soften Applejack’s reaction.

“Sorry, Applejack…” Rainbow Dash said, getting up. She helped Applejack up and resumed, “I just really needed somepony to talk to.”

“Oh, well…” Applejack said, checking around to see if she could spare the time. Big Mac was taking longer than usual, so she wouldn’t have to play catch-up. She turned and took note of the few apple trees left to buck in the row. “Ah suppose Ah have a minute or two.”

“Good, because… I need to get something off my chest…”

“Ya do?” Applejack asked. She turned to Rainbow Dash with a look that seemed to combine confusion and disbelief, “I never knew you to be the one to keep secrets.”


“Wait a minute, does this have anythin’ ta do with that Wonderbolt mare here yesterday?” Applejack asked.

“Yea, it does. Her name’s Spitfire, and she’s still here.” Rainbow Dash said uneasily.

“That so? Why ain’t ya with her?”

“She’s back at my place.”

“Rarity was goin’ on about how Spitfire was here ta tell ya that y’all were in the Wonderbolts.” Applejack said excitedly with a small smile.

“What? No! That’s… no.” Rainbow Dash said. Applejack drooped slightly, “I mean, that’d be great, but… um… no…”

“Ya seem awful quiet today.” Applejack said. “Considerin’ how ya nearly knocked a tree over back there, somethin’ seems… wrong.”

“I don’t know…” Rainbow Dash replied. She looked down at the dirt and brushed a hoof against the ground, “I… did something… and I’m not sure how I feel about it.”

“Well, what is it?” Applejack asked. Rainbow Dash bit her lower lip and hesitated for a moment to find her words.

“Well… Spitfire and I were getting along really well, and… well, she sort of told me she liked me.”

“Well, ain’t that somethin’?” Applejack said, “What didja say?”

“A-and at first I turned her down, but… as the night went on…”

Applejack gasped and looked at Rainbow Dash in awe, a hoof shooting up to her mouth. Rainbow Dash smirked a little and nodded her head.

“Well, what happened?” Applejack asked.

“Well, we went flying… and I kissed her… and I… sort of… slept with her.” Rainbow Dash said, albeit very quietly, turning away from Applejack sheepishly.

“You… what?” Applejack said in a shocked whisper. She looked back and forth quickly, making sure that Big Mac wasn’t listening. “Ah… ah didn’t even know you were… well, ya know… into mares.” She said quietly.

“You’re not mad at me are you?” Rainbow Dash asked

“Oh no, of course not!” Applejack said, “There’s nuthin’ to be ashamed of here.”

“Well, what should I do?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Well… do you really like Spitfire?” Applejack asked.

“I do, but…”

“Then what’s the issue?” Applejack asked.

“Well, I don’t want Ponyville thinking I’m some sort of freak for liking Spitfire…” Rainbow Dash said.

“Nopony’s gonna think yer a freak!” Applejack said.

“Yes they will!” Rainbow Dash said.

“They won’t, and you know it.” Applejack said, “Besides, ya still have me no matter what.”

Rainbow Dash sighed, “You’re right. But even if everypony supported me, Spitfire still has to leave soon to be back with the Wonderbolts.”

“Well, if she knows what’s good fer her, she won’t break yer heart.” Applejack said, “She’s got another thing comin’ if she thinks otherwise.”

“Thanks.” Rainbow Dash said, “I think I’m gonna try to make it home before she wakes up.” Rainbow Dash said. She turned and prepped her wings for flight, then turned around, “Really, thank you.”

Then, she flew off at high speed. Applejack shook her head, “Ah hope you know what yer doin’, sugarcube.” Applejack said to herself. She turned around and saw Big Mac behind with her watching Rainbow Dash fly away.

“What the hay are ya just standin’ around for?” Applejack demanded.


Rainbow Dash quietly entered the house and took a few steps forward, only to be tackled to the ground and tickled half to death by her current houseguest. Rainbow Dash burst into a fit of hysterics and tried her best to fight off the attacker, but she was no match.

“Stop!” Rainbow Dash shouted between laughs, “Stop! Please!”

“Well, okay.” Spitfire replied. She sat back on her haunches and allowed Rainbow Dash to recover while she pulled her mane out of her eyes. Rainbow Dash continued to giggle, but was able to talk.

“Well, good morning!” Rainbow Dash greeted the yellow pegasus above her.

“And good morning to you too.” Spitfire said, delivering a small peck to Rainbow Dash’s muzzle, which turned into a full kiss, and then the two were making out again. A few minutes of this passed before somepony spoke again.

“So… does this make us marefriends now?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“If you wanna be.” Spitfire replied softly, smiling.

Rainbow Dash squealed happily and hugged Spitfire around the neck. She let go after a few seconds and flopped back down on the ground. Spitfire fell on top of her and ran a hoof through her mane a few times.

“Want breakfast?” Rainbow Dash asked, “I can make pancakes.”

“Sounds lovely.” Spitfire said.

Three knocks on the door sounded. Rainbow Dash groaned, “I’ll get it.” She got up and pushed Spitfire off, letting her fall beside her lazily. Rainbow Dash opened the door and lost her words suddenly.

“S-Soarin!?” Rainbow Dash said with disbelief. Soarin was breathing rather quickly, as if he had just flown here as fast as he could. Rainbow Dash was a little concerned.

“Rainbow Dash! Have you seen…” Soarin started, then noticed Spitfire lying on the ground behind Rainbow Dash with a messy mane and a lazy smile on her face. She raised a hoof and waved at Soarin happily.

“Nevermind.” Soarin said, “Spitfire, it’s urgent.”

Spitfire’s smile faded, “What is it, Soarin?”

“Why don’t you come in?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Uh… yeah, sure.” Soarin said, walking into the home. Spitfire got up and looked at Soarin with a concerned face.

“It’s about HQ.” Soarin said.

“What about it?” Spitfire asked.

“HQ?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Soarin appeared a little hesitant to answer, but Spitfire saved him the trouble, “It’s our main building in Fillydelphia.” Spitfire explained, “It’s where we have our museum, keep our trophies, and have some shows , practices, auditions...”

“It’s been attacked.” Soarin said quickly, stopping Spitfire.

“It’s… WHAT?” Spitfire shouted furiously, her stance widening and a fire alight in her eyes.

“Vandals. They broke two of the front windows and spray-painted a logo all over it!”

Spitfire growled and let out a furious groan, then stamped a hoof into the ground and said angrily, “Who did this?”

“We don’t know for sure, but the symbols they had painted gave us a pretty good idea.” Soarin said with a bite. His eyes narrowed and his face contorted in anger.

“It wasn’t…” Spitfire growled.

“Seems your marefriend has a bit of pent up aggression against the Wonderbolts.” Soarin said.

“Time out!” Rainbow Dash shouted, then looked at Spitfire, “What?” Spitfire narrowed her eyes and approached Soarin.

“Soarin, I told you never to call that crazy mare my marefriend!” Spitfire shouted.

“Try telling her that!”

“I’m so lost…” Rainbow Dash said.

“Let’s put it this way.” Spitfire said, “I have some ex issues.”

“Some?” Soarin said.

“Have you ever heard of the Silver Bullets?” Spitfire asked Rainbow Dash, choosing to ignore Soarin’s comment.

“Yea, they’re the Manehatten flight team.” Rainbow Dash said. “They got third in the International Aerial Acrobatics Competition last year.”

“Yea, well their lead flier is a pegasus mare by the name of White Storm.” Spitfire said. Rainbow Dash swore she saw Spitfire shake slightly when she said the name, “Unfortunately, we have a past together.”

“So what, do you think they did this?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“When we broke up, she and I got in a huge fight and she claimed she would do something to get back at me someday.” Spitfire said.

“And she has.” Soarin said.

“How do you know it was her?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Their logo was spray-painted all over HQ.” Soarin said, “It’s pretty obvious.”

“Spitfire, I…” Rainbow Dash said, Spitfire looked at her with worry in her eyes, “I understand if you want to leave and check up on your HQ.”

“That’s alright, Dash.” Spitfire said solemnly, “I honestly don’t wanna see it.”

“I don’t blame you.” Soarin said. “But another reason why I came out was to tell you that we’ve postponed our practice until we’re done figuring out what to do about HQ.”

“Postponed?” Spitfire asked with interest, shooting Rainbow Dash a little smile.

“Yea, I thought you’d like that.” Soarin said. “And speaking of which, how are things with you two?”

Spitfire scooted right next to Rainbow Dash and gave her a quick peck on the cheek, “Wonderful.”

“Good to hear.” Soarin said. He turned around to leave the house, “I’ll leave you two alone, then. Spitfire, we’re having practice on Wednesday. Just meet up at HQ and we’ll figure out to do from there.

“Will do.” Spitfire replied. Soarin smiled and left the house.

“Oh…” Spitfire said, falling on her side in a crumpled heap. She looked at a wall with great intensity, only to have her view blocked by Rainbow Dash’s face.

“Not gonna lie, I am so happy to have you right now.” Spitfire said to Rainbow Dash. She closed her eyes and smiled, but it quickly melted into a frown. She shook her head and let her body melt further, “I can’t believe Storm did this…”

“How’d you even get together with her?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“It was at the International Championships a few years back.” Spitfire said. “She was a rookie in the Silver Bullets and I was working up in the ranks in the Bolts.” Spitfire turned over so that she was lying on her stomach, legs folded underneath her. Rainbow Dash sat beside her and listened.

“She was… very energetic and motivated. She really wanted to be the best, and nothing was going to get in her way. I liked that about her. I liked most everything about her, really.”

“Too bad she can’t live up to me.” Rainbow Dash said, letting her head fall into the space between Spitfire’s shoulders and her chin. Spitfire moved her foreleg so that it was now wrapped around Rainbow Dash’s shoulders.

“Not even close.” Spitfire said.

“Hehe…” Rainbow Dash said, “Anyway, at the Championships.”

“Right.” Spitfire said, quickly remembering where she was in her story. “We had known of each other for quite some time, but we really never got to know each other. Well, we got some time together after the Championships. We had placed first like always, and they were fifth or sixth. We had been getting along great, and, well, let’s just say things worked out for us.”

“I get the picture.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Yea, so we tried to stick together as long as possible, but we were both part of different touring flight teams. It didn’t last very long. We were together about four weeks, only having spent about two weekends together, and I decided that it wasn’t working out anymore.”

“I understand.”

“Yea, she didn’t like it though. She thought that she just wasn’t good enough for me, that I was using her for a quick bang on the weekends, and even accused me of cheating on her a few times.” Spitfire said, “But, I weathered the fight and when we finally parted ways, she turned and warned me that she would get back at me somehow.”


“Yea, I thought she was full of it, until now…”

“Well, it wasn’t very smart of them to paint their logo all over. Now the cops know exactly who did it.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Well, unfortunately, that’s not how it works.” Spitfire said.


“How well do you know the Silver Bullets?”

“They used to be really bad, but they got some new members and now they always place in the top ten.” Rainbow Dash said, “At least, that’s what I’ve gathered.”

“Well, as soon as they began to place again, they developed a bit of a cult following.” Spitfire said, “And not from the friendliest of ponies.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, to put it in perspective, seeing their logo spray-painted on a vandalized building isn’t the most uncommon sight. They realized this, so that’s why they did it.”

“So… if it’s so common, then how do you know it was her?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Spitfire was quiet for a second.

“I think I’ll just take your word for it.” Rainbow Dash decided.

“I like that idea.” Spitfire said, smiling.

***About a mile outside Ponyville***

Soarin was flying back towards Fillydelphia with great speed. He and the other Wonderbolts had never experienced vandalism like this before. Sure, there have been multiple spray-painting incidents in the past, but nothing like this. Now, their HQ had been damaged, and that hit Soarin hard. The Wonderbolts were everything to the blue pegasus, so seeing the Wonderbolts’ home damaged was like seeing Soarin’s own home damaged. It was a personal blow.

As he was traveling, however, he noticed something that he didn’t exactly want to see. Far off in the distance, something glimmered in the sun. Soarin stopped and hovered in the air for a few seconds to get a better look, and sure enough, he saw it: them, actually.

A formation of fast-flying pegasi was approaching Ponyville from a different direction. Their uniforms, even from this distance, Soarin could identify. They were silver and shone in the sunlight as they flew.

“The silver bullets…” Soarin muttered angrily. He gritted his teeth and took off flying toward them with all the speed he could muster. He was going to teach them exactly why you don’t mess with the Wonderbolts.

Soarin got closer and closer to the travelling group of pegasi, every hundred feet feeling like one. He needed to intercept them before they reached Ponyville…

Just a little further… he could almost make out White Storm’s figure in the front…

“HEY!” Soarin screamed once he was at a close enough distance. The Silver Bullets stopped and hovered while Soarin was given an opportunity to get at a talking distance. Once Soarin was in front of them, he glanced back and forth at the flight team with anger in his eyes. Their flight suits were, as expected, radiantly shining as they moved up and down, the material catching the sun’s rays brilliantly. It would be a wonderful sight if it weren’t for the ponies in the uniforms.

At the front was White Storm: a (not surprisingly) white pegasus mare with a short very light grey mane with blue highlights. She wore a determined expression, yet there was a certain evil quality about her that Soarin always felt whenever he was near her. This includes while Spitfire and she were together.

“Soarin!” White Storm shouted with false happiness. She had a confident smile on her face, though her eyes looked angry as always. “How wonderful to see you!”

“Don’t mess around with me, Storm.” Soarin said angrily. “We know what you’ve done, and you’re going to pay for it!”

“What we’ve done?” Storm asked, faking innocence. “I have no idea what you’re talking about!”

“Don’t play dumb with me, Storm.” Soarin warned, “You don’t know who you’re dealing with.”

“Oh do I?” Storm said haughtily. She flew right into Soarin’s face, “I say you don’t know who you’re dealing with.”

Before Soarin could react, Storm did a flip and kicked him in the face, hard.

“Ack! Storm!” Soarin shouted, bringing his forehooves to his face. Soarin’s flight staggered a little and he sunk in the air a few feet. White Storm was now flying back to her team lazily, but Soarin wasn’t done. Not after that. Soarin could taste blood in his mouth, but it was being blocked out by his hatred for the grinning pony in front of him.

Soarin let out a growl and zoomed forward, right at White Storm.

“Boys!” she shouted. At once, a pair of Silver Bullets caught Soarin by the shoulders and held him tightly.

“Now, now.” Storm said, turning around slowly to face Soarin. “You wouldn’t hit a lady, would you?”

“Hope you’re not referring to yourself, ‘cause I wouldn’t.”

“Oh, ha-ha!” Storm shouted. She smacked Soarin with the back of her right forehoof. “Maybe I should send the Bolts another message. I don’t think my first one was enough.”

“You admit it!” Soarin said, “You admit you vandalized our headquarters!”

“Of course it was us!” Storm shouted, striking Soarin once again with the back of her hoof.

“Now, remember this: NOPONY makes a fool of me, or the Silver Bullets!” Storm shouted in Soarin’s face. She then looked up at one of the two pegasi holding Storm in place. Soarin felt a twinge of fear course through his body. Storm nodded to the pony on Soarin’s right.


Pain seared through Soarin’s right wing. He cried out in agony as the pony broke his wing. Tears sprang to his eyes and he began to shake. He refused every urge to turn his head to look at the damage.

“Wing injuries are a bitch.” Storm said softly to Soarin, who’s eyes were now filling with tears.

“You…” Soarin said, but his sentence was cut off when the two ponies holding him instantly let him go and he plummeted. He attempted to flap his wings, but the fact that only one was functioning properly only resulted in making him spin. He fell farther and farther, the ground coming closer. The fall would kill him, surely…


Soarin fell very hard, but not nearly as hard as he had expected. He fell on his stomach, feeling instantly damp and several round objects poking into his skin from all directions.

“You alright?” A female voice with a very distinctive southern accent shouted from somewhere. Soarin’s head was spinning and he couldn’t see straight. His wing was sending shockwaves of pain through his body, and now his stomach hurt like he couldn’t believe. He couldn’t even tell much where he was or what he was laying in.

Then, as he realized that somepony was approaching him, he blacked out…

“Aw horseapples.” Applejack said, looking at the injured blue pegasus that had just fallen in her apple cart. It was by a stroke of luck that she was wheeling her large apple cart this far out of town. A quick maneuver placed her cart right underneath the flailing pony and cushioned his fall a little bit, even if it meant that she was now out a good twenty bushels of apples.

Applejack gasped when she saw the injured wing, noting its awkward angle and fracture. She saw blood coming from his mouth and nose.

“What in the hay...” Applejack said in horror. “Ah gotta get ‘im back ta town!”


“Where are we going, again?” Spitfire asked, being dragged across town by Rainbow Dash.

“The Library!” Rainbow Dash said, “I need to introduce you to everypony!”

“You sure that’s necessary?”

“Well, I’m sure they know who you are, but do they know…”

“MOVE!” Applejack shouted from behind the pair. She was darting through the crowd with great urgency, though much slower than Rainbow Dash had expected. It took a few seconds of observation before she realized that Applejack was carrying an unconscious pony on her back… Soarin!

“Oh no, what happened?” Spitfire asked aloud. Rainbow Dash watched silently, curious.

“OUTTA THE WAY!” Applejack shouted with distress. She was moving as fast as she could, but it seemed to be difficult trying to keep the unconscious pegasus on her back. It wasn’t they were fairly close to Rainbow Dash and Spitfire that the pair finally noticed the state that Soarin was in.

His face was bloody and bruised, which matched various other spots around his body. His coat was matted with… apples? These weren’t what got Rainbow Dash and Spitfire’s attention, though. What they noticed was the grotesque break in his wing. They both subconsciously shook their own wings, not wanting to imagine exactly how much pain Soarin was going through.

“Soarin!” Spitfire shouted, running after Applejack. Rainbow Dash looked at Spitfire, then followed after.

“What’s the rush, Spits?” A voice came from behind.

Spitfire stopped dead in her tracks, almost making Rainbow Dash run right into her. Applejack continued on toward the hospital. Spitfire’s face contorted in anger and she looked about to explode. Rainbow Dash turned and looked at who spoke and quickly put two and two together.

Spitfire was the next to speak: “Storm”

“Miss me?” White Storm asked. She laughed as the rest of the Silver Bullets landed behind her. “Because I missed you.”

Spitfire turned and lunged at Storm, taking her completely off guard and forcing her to the ground.

“WHAT DID YOU DO TO SOARIN, YOU BITCH!” Spitfire screamed in her face.

“Eeeeasy, Spits, Soarin just… had an accident, is all.”

Spitfire snorted, then brought her hoof back and punched Storm hard in the face. Storm grunted loudly, turning away from the force of the punch. Storm spat out a little blood and smiled a bloody smile up at Spitfire, “You know I like it rough, baby.”

“YOU!” Spitfire screamed, hitting Storm in the chest, “HORRIBLE” again in the face, “EVIL” and once in the stomach, making Storm heave “FOAL!”

“STOP!” Rainbow Dash screamed. Spitfire’s rage quelled slightly and she turned to look at Rainbow Dash, who looked as though she were seeing something out of a horror movie. She was terrified. Spitfire attempted to find words, but she looked down and lost them.

Storm was in tears and convulsing beneath Spitfire, holding her body in pain. Her mouth and snout were bloody, and she appeared to be about ready to throw up. Spitfire stepped off Storm and took a few steps back. She looked up and around, seeing the shocked and horrified faces of all the ponies around her. All the ponies that were previously going about their day now had their focus on Spitfire. From their perspective, this was all her fault. To them, Storm was just a poor innocent bystander getting beaten to a pulp by this pegasus.

“N-no… I…”

“Wow, Spitfire.” One of the male Silver Bullets said, walking forward to grab their fallen friend, “Very mature.” Storm was dragged away, crying softly.

Spitfire turned around, almost in tears herself. “Rainbow Dash, I…”

“It’s okay, Spitfire…” Rainbow Dash said. “I’m not angry… just… a little shocked.”

“I’m so sorry!” Spitfire embraced Dash tightly and cried into her shoulder. “I saw what they had done to Soarin and… I… I just lost control…”

“I know what you mean.” Rainbow Dash said, “I mean, I’ve never snapped on anypony like that, but… I am the element of Loyalty. I can be a bit brash sometimes when it comes to defending my friends.”

“Oh, but now everypony hates me, I know it…” Spitfire said. “Just look at their faces.”

“Well, here in Ponyville, we don’t see violence like that.” Rainbow Dash said.

“I just want to be out of here… I just need to go…”

“Why don’t we just go see Soarin?”

“Soarin!” Spitfire shouted, “Oh, Soarin!” She tugged on Rainbow Dash’s neck as she pulled away, urging her to follow. The onlookers watched in awe as quite possibly one of the most violent events they had ever seen drew to a close. A small spot of blood remained in the grass where Storm laid.

***The Hospital***

Soarin lay on his side in a comfortable bed. He could hear voices… quite a few of them at that. He was a little out of it, but was able to regain some sort of consciousness. Light fought its way through his eyelids and forced them open. He blinked a few times to better adjust to the light and was suddenly embraced by something, causing a searing pain to rocket through his body, starting from his upper back.

“OH SOARIN!” A female voice shouted in his ear.

“Owowowowow!” Soarin protested. The one who hugged him pulled back and revealed herself to be none other than Spitfire.

“I was so worried about you!” Spitfire said, “Applejack brought you into town, and I saw you, and… oh, your wing…”

Soarin felt the blood drain out of his face. He turned and looked to see his right wing unfolded and mummified. He couldn’t move it in the slightest, but there was pain. Oh yes, there was pain.

“How bad is it?” Soarin asked. A nearby nurse answered quickly.

“Well, with any luck, you’ll be flying again in about eight months.” She said flatly.

“EIGHT?!” Soarin shouted in disbelief. Spitfire felt like crying, but didn’t. Soarin had been her best friend for years, so seeing him like this, his dreams being put on hold for eight months, was almost unbearable. The nurse thought it best that she not be present for awhile and left the room.

“Well, we’ll have to fix the routine…” Soarin groaned. “Until I can get back in the air.”

“How long will THAT take?” Spitfire said.

“Well… I dunno… um…” Soarin said. He looked around and saw that there were more ponies than just Spitfire in the room with him. Spitfire’s new marefriend, Rainbow Dash was there, but so were five other ponies he didn’t recognize. If he was going to discuss things about the inner workings of the Bolts, it would have to be done in private.

“You know the rules about discussing behind-the-scenes stuff, Spits.” Soarin said.

She sighed, “Just for a few minutes though.”

“Fine.” Soarin replied, then turned his attention to the other ponies, “I’m glad you’re all here, but we need to talk business, and well… the rules are that we can’t share this with anypony.”

“Sorry, girls, can we get you to step outside for a few minutes?” Spitfire asked.

“That’s fine.” Twilight Sparkle said.

The ponies funneled their way out of the room, Rainbow Dash being the last.

“Sorry.” Spitfire whispered to Rainbow Dash with a shrug. Dash quickly gave Spitfire a peck on the cheek.

“I can wait.” Dash said, smiling.

Rainbow Dash joined her friends in the hall. They had found benches, chairs, and spots to stand and wait for Spitfire and Soarin to finish discussing private matters. However, when Rainbow Dash entered the hallway, the focus seemed to shift to her suddenly.

“Oh, Rainbow Dash, you must tell us everything!” Rarity said.

“T-tell you what now?” Rainbow Dash said. She looked at Applejack angrily, who shrugged, confused.

“Tell us about how Spitfire came to personally welcome you to the Wonderbolts! Go on!”

“The Wonderbolts?” Rainbow Dash said. She sighed with relief and even chuckled a little, “She… she’s not here for that…”

“Well then why is she here?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

“She, uh… well…” Rainbow Dash stammered, looking for words. She glanced at Applejack for help, but Applejack simply nodded.

“It’s okay, Rainbow Dash.” Applejack said, “They won’t care.”

Rainbow Dash was slightly angry at Applejack for leaving her no choice but to spill, but if Applejack hadn’t, Rainbow Dash was sure that she wouldn’t have said a thing.

“Well, she just told me she wanted to see me, and… she had a bit of a thing for me.”

“She did!?” Rarity said, smiling widely.

“And, well… we spent a lot of time together, went flying for a bit, and… I found that I liked her too, and… now we’re marefriends.”

“You can’t be serious!” Rarity exclaimed, wearing a look of scandalous joy.

“Is that true?” Twilight asked, astonished.

“I didn’t even know you liked mares…” Fluttershy said quietly, as always.

“I bet she’s a good kisser!” Pinkie Pie said happily, inciting a few odd looks. “What?”

“Yep, it’s true.” Rainbow Dash said, “And as if I needed to say it, we, uh… ‘spent the night’ together too.”

Twilight and Fluttershy’s eyes bulged, and Pinkie Pie became ecstatic, “A slumber party! Oh! Cool!”

“That’s not what she means, dear.” Rarity said, a happy laugh present in her voice.

“Wow, Rainbow Dash, that’s really something!” Twilight said happily.

“We’re really happy for you.” Fluttershy agreed.

Rainbow Dash looked at all of her friends, who were smiling at her approvingly. Things were working out. Rainbow Dash couldn’t believe it, but things were actually working out. Her marefriend was a Wonderbolt and her friends supported it fully. Rainbow Dash felt happier than she had all morning.

“Oh… I love you guys!” Rainbow Dash said jovially, running forward to join them together in a group hug.

The hospital door opened.

“Hey Dash…” Spitfire beckoned. Rainbow Dash walked over to Spitfire and planted a big wet one right on her lips. Surprised, Spitfire just simply accepted the kiss with a quick move of her head. Rainbow Dash pulled back and smiled at her. Spitfire giggled, “Well, somepony’s in a good mood.”

“Hehehe yup.” Rainbow Dash replied.

“I take it you told them.” Spitfire said, ushering toward the surprised ponies.

“Just did.”

“That’s great!” Spitfire said, then much quieter, “That is great, right?”

“Yea, they totally support us.”

“Well good. Hey, I’m really sorry, but Soarin and I are gonna be awhile, so you guys might as well take off.” Spitfire said, then to Rainbow Dash, “I’ll catch up with you later.”

“That’s fine. Miss you!” Rainbow Dash said, walking away, waving. Spitfire waved back and watched the ponies leave.

“Miss you too.” Spitfire said.

Spitfire walked back into the room and joined Soarin at his bed. “How’re you feeling?” Spitfire asked her friend.

“My wing’s starting to hurt.” Soarin replied, giving a little nod toward his mummified appendage.

“I’ll have the nurse give you more pain meds.”

“Spitfire, I think you need to tell the Bolts that you’re a lesbian.”

“And what? Risk losing our focus thanks to our team’s prejudice? No thank you. I’ll just keep my personal life to myself.” Spitfire said. She had made her way over to the end of Soarin’s bed and had now pressed the red nurse button.

“You can’t just keep this hidden from everypony important!” Soarin said, “Besides what happened with Silverwind was years ago, ponies have moved on, and new ponies have taken their places. They will respect who you are!” Soarin said, then winced. His wing was starting to really irritate him now.

“You don’t know that, Soarin.” Spitfire said, not noticing Soarin’s discomfort due to her looking off in the distance.

“You’re right, I don’t.” Soarin said quickly. “There’s no way we can know for sure, but I say you should trust me on this.”

The white nurse pony entered the room and proceeded to Soarin’s bed. “What is the matter?”

“Can you get him some more pain meds?”

“Does your wing hurt?” The nurse asked Soarin, disregarding Spitfire completely.

“Like hell.” Soarin said, his eyes scrunched tight thanks to the waves of pain his right wing was now sending through his body.

“I’ll put some more medication in your IV.” The nurse said. “Hang tight.” She turned to leave the room, but was stopped by Spitfire.

“Will he be able to fly just like he used to?” Spitfire asked. The nurse glanced at Spitfire, pretended like she hadn’t heard her, and left the room.

“Was that not a clear question?” Spitfire asked Soarin.

“I… think that nurse is just a little resentful of you.” Soarin said. He winced once again as his wing irritated him.

“Resentful? What did I do?!”

“She told me about what you did to White Storm.” Soarin said with a small smile.

“Oh… that.”

“She’s here in the hospital, you know. Storm is.” Soarin said, “And as much as I love the fact that you beat her to a pulp, I don’t think doing it in public was the best idea.”

“I’m sorry, Soarin…” Spitfire said, “And you’re right, I just lost control.”

“You know they’re gonna hear about this.”

“The team? Yea, I know…”

“It’ll probably be in the news.”

“Wow, I didn’t think of that…” Spitfire said, sudden fear gripping her body.

“I’m just saying, you know, everything has its consequences.”

“I get it, Soarin.” Spitfire said. “I just hope they don’t… kick me out…”

“Oh, they can’t do that.” Soarin said, “You’re our lead flier, you call shots like that.”

“Yea, but if the team wants me out, they can kick me out.”

“The team. That includes me.” Soarin said, “And rest assured, I will never try to vote you off the team.”

“I appreciate it, Soarin.” Spitfire said sarcastically. Of course Soarin would support her.

The nurse re-entered the room with a small bag and started fiddling around with the IV attached to Soarin’s front leg.

“Can you tell me what room Storm’s in?” Spitfire asked the nurse. She breathed deeply and let out an angry sigh.

“I don’t think it would be wise for me to disclose that information.” The nurse said flatly.

“C’mon, I need to go apologize.”

“I’m sorry, but you will have to get her room number from somepony else.” The nurse said. She finished her work on Soarin’s IV and turned to leave. “If you need anything else, just call.”

“Thanks, nurse.” Soarin said. He could already feel the effects of the meds and was smiling pleasantly.

“Dang, she really hates me.” Spitfire said, then snickered a little, “Ah well.”

“You don’t really want to apologize, do you?” Soarin asked.

“I do, though…” Spitfire said, “It wasn’t right of me to beat her up like that, even if she did…” Spitfire said, looking at Soarin’s wing, then decided not to say it.

“I wouldn’t apologize.” Soarin said, “She deserved it.”

“Public image.”

“Well, it couldn’t hurt, I guess.”

Spitfire laughed. She always enjoyed Soarin’s company, but he did seem to lack the ability to think very deeply about some things.