• Published 15th Dec 2015
  • 4,903 Views, 13 Comments

A SunShyne Christmas - The Dante Shy

Fluttershy decides to make her crush a present for Christmas

  • ...

The perfect gift

Fluttershy loved Christmas and it wasn't because she had less animals to take care of, oh no it was because this was the time of year everyone was kind to one another, well more than usual. But this Christmas Fluttershy had a special plan for someone, Fluttershy was going to get her big time crush a present and confess her love.

"I'm going to do it rainbow I'm finally going to do it" Fluttershy's long time friend Rainbow Dash was the only one that knew anything about Fluttershy's crush. The two of them were currently siting at a table at the one and only sugar cube corner.

"Finally" Rainbow Dash made sure to drag out that word "its only taken you like what 2 maybe 3 months to do anything about it" Rainbow Dash was right, Fluttershy wasn't the most confident person in the world.

"Don't worry I have plan" Fluttershy began "I'm going to get her a gift and then tell how I feel" Rainbow Dash nodded in response, it was a good plan but there was a bit of problem

"So what you gonna get her?" The smile on Fluttershy's face dropped and then she began to panic.

"I... Well.. I could... Ermm" Rainbow Dash let out a little chuckle.

"Don't worry shy you'll do fine" Rainbow gave Fluttershy a wink which reassured and calmed her down "listen, if your worried about what do just ask somebody for advice"

"Okay.. What do you do for Pinkie" Rainbow Dash's eyes snapped open and she began to go a little red.

"I didn't mean me" Rainbow Dash let out a sigh, Pinkie and Rainbow had started dating a week after the friendship games and only Fluttershy knew about their relationship which was lucky for Rainbow Dash because as soon as Applejack finds out, well let's just say she'd never hear the end of it "Normally what I do is I would get her something she enjoys to eat, other times I try and bake something for her" Rainbow Dash began to rub the back of her head, some place somewhere Applejack was laughing at her.

"That's it, I'll make her a gift" Fluttershy jumped out of her seat, grabbed her coat and ran out of the store and then ran back in "Thank you Rainbow Dash"


Rarity was a woman of fashion and when it came to Christmas time she was able to create outfits and accessories that would still look fashionable and keep the wearer warm at the same time. Rarity was currently working on another winter coat until she heard a knock at the door.

"Oh, hello Fluttershy darling" Rarity led Fluttershy into her house "So what brings you here?" Rarity asked taking Fluttershy's coat and hanging it up
"Well... I need you to teach me to knit" Fluttershy asked nervously, to which Rarity raised an eyebrow.

"Whatever for darling?" Rarity led Fluttershy up to her room which was where Rarity kept all her fabrics, equipment and experimental fashion projects.

"I... Well... I need to knit a present I.. was... going... to" Fluttershy slowly began to hide underneath her hair as soon as Rarity began to form a massive smile on her face.

"Say no more Darling, I have everything you will need" After Rarity taught Fluttershy the basics, Fluttershy began her work on the present. With a little help from Rarity, Fluttershy was done in a matter of hours and she now had what she needed to give to her special crush.

After Fluttershy thank Rarity for all her help Fluttershy went home happy that tomorrow she'd finally tell her crush her true feelings. But something was still a bit wrong she couldn't just give the present to her crush without wrapping it up and that's when she got and idea.

-the next day-

"So in Equestria you call it hearts warming?" Twilight was still new to this Equestria thing it only been a few weeks after the whole devil twilight vs god sunset thing but she was learning and becoming more understanding the more Sunset explained

"Yeah and to be honest Christmas sounds better" Sunset Shimmer and (Human) Twilight Sparkle where currently sitting on the front steps to Canterlot High, Sunset was going over all the traditional activities that the ponies in Equestria would do during the time of hearts warming. Until they saw Fluttershy walking up to them with her arms behind her back

"Hey, Fluttershy" Sunset greeted and Twilight gave a small wave, to which Fluttershy greeted back

"Ermm... Sunset can I talk to you, please?" Fluttershy asked nervously, if you could hear Fluttershy's inner thoughts right now you'd only hear her screaming.

"Yeah Fluttershy, what's up" If you asked anyone of Sunset's friends they would confirm that Sunset could be a bit dense.

"Ermm... In private please?" After Sunset and Fluttershy said bye to Twilight they took a walk round the back of the school, Fluttershy walked behind Sunset to make sure that she didn't she the present box behind her. Once they had found a quite spot Sunset stopped walking.

"So Fluttershy what did you want to ask me?" When Sunset turned round she was meet by a box, the box was green and had a red ribbon tied on the top of it and a blushing Fluttershy holding said box.

"I... I made this for you" Fluttershy said very quickly her face was covered by her hair and from what Sunset could see she was bright red. Sunset took the box and opened the top, inside Sunset found a knitted lime green colour scarf with SS knitted into one of the corners in yellow string.

"Wow, Fluttershy you made this for me" It was now Sunset who was red in the face. After Sunset had taken the scarf out of the box all that was left inside was a piece of paper which read 'I Really Like You Sunset Shimmer - FS-'

"So erm... Sunset would.. Would you go out with me?" Fluttershy began to fidget with her coat and be sound more nervous than before, until Sunset gave her a Kiss on the cheek, the Kiss was only small but for Fluttershy it was a different story.

"Your too cute you know that" Sunset said putting her new scarf around her neck.

"So is that a yes?" Fluttershy asked with a smile on her face to which Sunset nodded and gave her new girlfriend another kiss on the cheek.

After the two left the back of the school they were met by the rest of their friends Rainbow Dash and Rarity had massive smiles on their face clearly Rarity had put two and two together and Rainbow well she was glad her best friend had finally confessed to Sunset but she was also glad that as soon as Applejack finds out about her and Pinkie she's going to get Sunset involved with the torment as well.

Author's Note:

I got a proof reader so yay for him

Wait for more random Sunshyne Christmas adventures- DanteShy

Comments ( 13 )

This is cute, but it could use a lot of editing.
There's some parts that don't quite lead into others like Sunset asking Fluttershy "what did you want to ask me?" when Fluttershy didn't mention any question - only that she wanted to speak in private.
It has a lot of potential though :twilightsmile:

Cute Story.

But oh my God the grammar is just... bad. Like, alot of readers would turn away from this due to them. In which of course there'll always be errors but when they're noticeable, fix them!

This story though imo, was rushed insanely bad.
Do you have any proof readers???
On the bright side though, this story alone has the potential to be a multi chapter story and not a one shot.

The other thing though was that, you made things too obvious. The title gives it away and makes the term secret crush non existing and irrelevant to this story because it has no value or uniqueness.

Why are you making aj sound evil :applejackunsure:

AJ is totally mean when it comes to relationships…anyway that was a AMAZING story:rainbowkiss:

How did this get approved with no description?

Just another generic one-shot that's painful to read and barely squeaks past the minimum word count. This story shouldn't even be on this site; this is literally a tumblr-tier drabble.

You can't even spell the word perfect.


You should make a sequel where AJ finds out

need more of this chapters

SS knitted into one of the corners


I'm a terrible person.

Fluttershy loved Christmas and it wasn't because she had less animals to take care of, oh no it was because this was the time of year everyone was kind to one another, well more than usual. But this Christmas Fluttershy had a special plan for someone, Fluttershy was going to get her big time crush a present and confess her love.

I feel the same when Christmas comes, especially to see many people with smiles on their faces. :pinkiehappy:

"I... I made this for you" Fluttershy said very quickly her face was covered by her hair and from what Sunset could see she was bright red. Sunset took the box and opened the top, inside Sunset found a knitted lime green colour scarf with SS knitted into one of the corners in yellow string.

Very impressive fluttershy. :twilightsmile:

After the two left the back of the school they were met by the rest of their friends Rainbow Dash and Rarity had massive smiles on their face clearly Rarity had put two and two together and Rainbow well she was glad her best friend had finally confessed to Sunset but she was also glad that as soon as Applejack finds out about her and Pinkie she's going to get Sunset involved with the torment as well.

Proud of you fluttershy. 😊

Back to comment that the cover is SO FRAKKING CUTE!

I could be wrong.
but it's like a cliché, for the hard-headed country bumpkin, who doesn't accept homosexual relationships, because he's very conservative.

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