• Published 11th Jun 2012
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Fluttershy In Efrafa - KartalTheWriter

When Angel disappears, Twilight turns herself and Fluttershy into rabbits to investigate.

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Cute Bunnies With Claws

It all began in the morning. Fluttershy was happily feeding her animal friends. She had worms for the birds (yuck), acorns for the squirrels, and carrots for Angel of course. Angel got only the best, as he was Fluttershy’s favorite.

As Fluttershy was about to feed the rest of the bunnies that lived in her yard, she noticed that one of them was limping. Naturally, she rushed to go and help it. After bandaging the poor bunny, Fluttershy went back to her work.

Later on in the day, Fluttershy realized she had to run to the market for some more medical supplies. On the way there, she noticed some strange bunnies hopping around. They seemed hurt, but when Fluttershy approached them, they ran away. More than a little disturbed, Fluttershy tried to go on with her task. When she came back home, fresh supplies in her saddlebag, she found three more injured bunnies. Suspicious now, Fluttershy bandaged the bunnies and then herded all the animals into her house to keep them safe. Then she set off for Twilight’s house, because Twilight was the smartest pony she knew.

Even near Twilight’s house she saw strange rabbits sneaking about, running away as Fluttershy approached. Now that it had happened twice, Fluttershy was really anxious to get to the bottom of it.

Fluttershy tried to be calm as she knocked on Twilight’s door but all she could think about were those poor limping bunnies. Fortunately, Twilight came to the door quickly.

“Hello Fluttershy. What a pleasant surprise. Do come in.” Twilight led the way into her house.

“Is something the matter, Fluttershy?” Twilight asked on noticing Fluttershy’s expression. Fluttershy nodded, and told Twilight about the number of injured bunnies she had treated in such a short amount of time.

“That does sound strange.” Twilight remarked, heading to her bookshelves and searching for something that might help.

“I’m really worried about these strange bunnies, Twilight. I think they have something to do with my injured bunnies. They look horrible too, like nopony takes care of them.”

“Describe these bunnies.” Twilight replied, still facing her bookshelf. She began pulling books down in her nature section. Caring for Your Sick or Injured Bunny? No, that wasn’t it. Adventures in Bunny-Sitting? Not that either.

“Well,” Fluttershy began, watching Twilight levitate books off the shelf and into two neat piles on the floor; one for books that wouldn’t help, and one for books that might help.

“Their fur is very scraggly and scarred and they’re definitely afraid of me. I tried approaching one that looked hurt and it ran away from me.”

“They sound like they might just be from the Everfree Forest. Nothing suspicious about that.” Twilight said, not taking her eyes off her work. She sounded more convinced as she kept pulling books down and examining them thoroughly.

“I wouldn’t worry about it, Fluttershy.” Twilight finished vaguely. “But I still want to see these strange bunnies.”
With that, Twilight closed the book she was looking at and set it on the pile with the useless books. Fluttershy stood up and lead the way back out the door and began looking for the strange bunnies.

“There were some right out here when I first arrived. They must have left.” Fluttershy pointed at the shrubbery around Twilight’s house. Twilight took a closer look, noting the bunny droppings and places in the grass where multiple little mouths had nibbled.

“They were definitely here, though.” Twilight said, turning back to Fluttershy. “Where else did you see the bunnies?”

“Well, I saw a few in the market when I went out to buy supplies.”

“I see.” Twilight said, calculating. The marketplace was a strange place for bunnies as it would be easy for them to be stepped on. Whoever these strange bunnies were, they weren’t native or they would know better.

Fluttershy and Twilight set off for the marketplace, paying careful attention to the countryside on the way. Once there, the only creatures they saw were ponies, and none of them seemed to be worried about a bunch of strange bunnies. Perhaps they didn’t know. If they did notice, they wouldn’t have cared much. No. Caring about such things was for ponies like Fluttershy and Twilight.

“I guess they’re not here, Twilight. I’m sorry to have wasted your time.” Fluttershy said in her soft voice.

“Not so fast, Fluttershy. I have a sneaking suspicion about this whole thing and I’m going to get to the bottom of it. Where did you say you first saw these bunnies?”

“On the way to the market, in the park. But Twilight, I’m sure this is nothing. I’m just overreacting to a few newcomers. I’m sure they’ll come around…” Fluttershy trailed off when she realized Twilight was not listening. She was focused on something behind Fluttershy. Curious, Fluttershy looked behind her to see what was occupying her friend’s attention for so long.

It was a band of bunnies with ragged fur. They all had certain scars set into their bodies in a formulaic sort of way. Some even had the same scar as another. As soon as they noticed Twilight staring at them, they all froze. One of them, who seemed like the leader, stood up taller than the rest and approached the front of the group to glare at Twilight with beady eyes that appeared to have seen horrors that Equestria had never dreamed of. Suddenly, the bunny bared its teeth and charged the two ponies. Fluttershy screamed and cowered behind Twilight, who, unsurprisingly, had been prepared. She quickly made a shield around her and her friend that Shining Armor would have been proud of. The bunnies, even all attacking at once, could not penetrate the dense shield.

“Twilight, why are they attacking us?” Fluttershy asked, the fear in her voice more than noticeable.

“Because,” Twilight said, not breaking her gaze with the leader of the bunnies, whose claws were drumming uselessly on her shield. “these rabbits are from Efrafa, and they’re on a Wide Patrol.”