• Published 8th Jul 2016
  • 1,362 Views, 36 Comments

End of the Beginning: Darkness Falls - NerdyByrd

So far Equestria's is moving along just find. So why is Rainbow Dash constantly looking over her shoulder? Why is she suddenly afraid the shadows are going to come and get her? That's crazy! Right?

  • ...

The Cure

"Would you stop throwing my stuff in the floor", Flash shouted at Moonstone.

They've been going back and forth between each other forever! Rainbow Dash looked over Moonstone's map to Jeffery and Maxium as Moonstone decided to give flash a piece of his mind.

"Well how about you find Jeffery and Maxium by yourself! Then it will be your fault when her coltfriend's dead", Moonstone shouted back.

Flash glared at him, but didn't say anything else. Rainbow Dash began fiddle with a pencil. She couldn't bear that thought. She quickly grabbed the map and turned to Moonstone.

"Will this get us to where we're going", she asked him.

"Depends", he said giving Flash a glare. "If you cooperate, we'll be there in no time. If you fight me, we'll never make it." He jerked around putting his muzzle into Flash's face. "Because I would have to kill a certain pony!"

"Now calm down", Rain Drop order," There is no need for that!"

Moonstone slowly walked away from Flash. "We'll see..."

"That was unsettling", Spark said very loudly," Ready to go?"

"Oh Spark", Twilight said suddenly," I just remembered. I met a Bat Pony who was looking for you. I think his name was Echo."

Spark went pale as he dove towards the window, carefully peeking outside. Rainbow Dash walked up behind him and place her hoof on his shoulder. Spark grabbed and pulled her against the wall where nopony could see her through the window.

"Spark what's wrong", Rainbow Dash asked.

"Echo is a Bat Pony who I owe a lot of money to. And I mean a lot", Spark replied as he peeked outside the window again.

"Why would you owe him money", Shining Armor asked.

"Ummm..... well....", Spark began," First thing must know about me is that I'm a thief."

"Oh great", Soarin mumbled.

"Spark", Rainbow Dash said slowly. Spark turned to her. "What did you steal?"

"A million bits worth of gems", Spark answered.

Everypony turned to him with wide eyes.

"Technically, Echo stole them. Then I stole them from him."

Rainbow Dash was about to say something to him, but there was a knock on the door.

"OPEN UP", a voice boomed," THIS IS THE LUNAR GUARD!"

"Crap", Spark shouted," Everypony out the door!"

.Everypony began to pile out the window onto the fire escape. Rainbow Dash was about to join them but then she remembered Twister. She turned around and saw him still unconscious on the bed. She lift him off the bed and begin the fly out window with him just as the guards buck the door down. She fell to the ground and found herself being pulled along by Moonstone.

"Moonstone where's everypony else", Rainbow Dash asked frantically.

"No time for that now", he snapped," We'll find them later."

Rainbow Dash followed Moonstone under a bridge where Spark, Pinkie Pie, Spiral, Lunimist, and her Mom and Dad was waiting on Snowy. As soon as Rainbow Dash got on, Spark took off running down a dark mine tunnel with the sled, and made everypony get off into the mine carts.

"Where's everypony else", Rainbow Dash asked Spark. She couldn't find Twilight or Flash or Spitfire. She also couldn't find Shining Armor or Soarin.

"I don't know", Spark said," But we have to go."

"But I-I-", Rainbow Dash stuttered.

"Well find them", Spark promised. He grabbed her hoof and pulled her into the mine cart. "But we have to go."

Rainbow Dash sat in the mine cart and lean against her Dad.

"It's okay Rainbow Dash", he said calmly. "We'll find them."

But Rainbow Dash couldn't help the feeling that it wasn't going to be that easy.


Twilight jumped out the window. With her brother by her side she made it to the very bottom. Her brother grabbed her by her cloak and dragged her into a nearby shop.

"Shining Armor what are you doing", Twilight yelled at him.

"Protecting you", Shining Armor growled. "I knew he wasn't any good."

Suddenly Flash runs into the shop.

"Flash", Twilight said in surprise.

"Princess", Flash said, turning around," Thank goodness you're okay! There are guards everywhere!"

"Where do we go now", Shining asked, shaking his head.

"What about to that place Spark was heading", Twilight said taking out a notebook. Shining Armor stared at her. "What? I take lots of notes." Twilight began to draw the map down on the paper. "I can remember parts of the map. If we go there, maybe we'll find the others."

"Of course", Shining Armor said," We should wait until the streets are cleared though. Can't risk getting caught."

Twilight nodded but a pit in her stomach was slowly forming.

What if they didn't make it out okay.


Spitfire, Fleetfoot, and Soarin were the first to make it out. Spitfire slip out the window and caught up with Soarin. Fleetfoot was right behind her.

"We need to wait for the others", Spitfire said to Soarin.

"No time", Soarin replied. "Look!"

Spitfire looked up as a group of guards were pushing their way through the crowd. Spitfire's heart began to race as she, Fleetfoot, and Soarin took of running down the alley. They took a sharp left and slip through a hole in a metal fence. Just as Spitfire thought they were going to get away, the came to a dead end. Spitfire turned around to see several guards cornering them. They pulled out their swords and slowing made their way to them. Spitfire prepared herself for the attack.

But the attack never came.

Instead, a group of Pegasus tackled the guards to the ground. They were wearing uniforms that resembled what the Wonderbolts wore, but the colors were different. They wore grey uniforms with black stripes and lightening bolts. The had goggles covering her eyes. They threw the guards into the walls, making loud crashing sounds echo threw the narrow allies. Spitfire wanted to help, but she couldn't move. She was frozen, feeling a mix of terror and awe.

Finally, the fight ended with the guards fleeing the scene, possibly to bring back up. The Pegasus looked at Spitfire and Soarin.

"Come on", one of them said," We can get you to someplace safe."

Spitfire followed the Pegasus with Soarin and Fleetfoot, as usual, trailing behind. What else could she do? These Pegasus just helped them out. Besides, the streets were now crawling with guards. It was there best option.

At least she hoped.


Rainbow Dash stared at the water. Spark had somehow turn Snowy the sled into a makeshift raft, and they had been floating steadily down the river. Rainbow Dash couldn't believe she got separated from her friends. And she couldn't help but wonder who's fault it was. Who made all this happened in the first place.

I can't blame Spark, she thought. How was he suppose to know that what he did was going to bite somepony else in the tail. What about her parents? They kept secrets from her, but the did it because Princess Celestia told them to. So was it the Princess's fault? Maybe it was her own fault. For lying to her friends. For lying about family. For lying about herself.

For lying to herself.

Rainbow Dash sighed. She had to be brave, and tough it out. The truth was that she just wanted to cry, but she couldn't because Pinkie Pie would see. She would see this sad, miserable mare, and that was the last thing she wanted Pinkie to see. It was the last thing she wanted anypony to see. And her parents weren't helping. They were constantly trying to hold her and comfort her. That was because Rainbow Dash used to accept this kind of treatment, but now? Now it made her look weak. A she didn't want any pony to look at her that way.

But she still longs for her parents embrace. At least it made her happy. Before everypony made her feel bad about it.

Moonstone grumbled something about maps and idiots. Spiral looked pretty happy. Spark, on the other hoof, look like he was going to be sick.

"Spark? Are you okay", Rainbow Dash asked.

"Water", he moaned. "My number one weakness."

Then he threw up.

"NO! NOT ON MY BAG", Lunimist shouted, jerking the saddle bad away from the pool of vomit.

Spark just fell over on his side. He obviously didn't want to start a fight.

"So were are we going first", Rainbow Dash asked," Maxium and Jeffery, or the vault?"

"Maxium and Jeffery", Spark answered," Doesn't make sense to let a pony die when you can help them."

"I thought you were sick", Rainbow Dash said confused.

"Well now I'm better", Spark said with a shrug. The raft bumped into a rock, causing it to rock back and forth. "And now I'm sick again", Spark said right before he lost his lunch into the river.

"We're here", Moonstone said.

Spark jumped up and threw himself off the boat onto the grass.

"Oh sweet land! How I missed you", Spark shouted, hugging the ground. Or at least trying to....

"Wow Spark", Pinkie giggled," You're so funny!"

"Hey Pinkie", Rainbow Dash called. Pinkie turn around. "Are you ready?"

"Absolutely Dashie", Pinkie chirped

They jumped off the raft and headed for a old house that looked like it could collapse any second. The doors slowly open, making a loud moaning sound. A young stallion appeared. He had a mint coat, yellow eyes, and a rainbow mane.

"Well, well, well", the stallion said. "Spark finally came back."

"Nice to see you too Maxium", Spark said rolling his eyes.

"Who's that", Maxium asked, pointing at Rainbow Dash.

"That's our cousin Rainbow Dash", Spark answer. "Just found out about her not too long ago."

"Oh", Maxium said thoughtfully," Well come in."

"Thank you", Rainbow Dash said politely.

"Your welcome", Maxium answered. "By the way, call me Max. It's just easier."

Rainbow Dash nodded and entered the house. It reminded her of Twilight's castle. Books all over the floors, scrolls covering the tables. The only thing that bothered her was that it was really dark. So dark in fact, she could barely see the over side of the room. It just went into a dark void of emptiness. Rainbow Dash carefully watched her steps as she got out of the doorway so her father could take Twister inside. The mark had spread from his neck, down his shoulders, and slightly across his face. Twister let out a moaning sound as he was laid down on a lonesome couch in the dark room.

"Who's that", Max asked.

"Twister", Spark answered," He has Nightmare Sickness."

Max's eyes widen. "Welp he's dead", he quickly said and tried to run off.

"Max! Don't do this to us", Spark half scolded, half pleaded.

Max slowly turned around. He had a very guilty expression on his face.

"Where's the cure", Spark asked.

"Well about that", Max said slowly. "I kind of... lied."

Rainbow Dash stood up and stared Max directly in the eyes. "You what?" She came all this way, clawed her way past shadow wolves and guards. She had hope in her heart that Twister could be saved. And it was all a lie?

Max started sweating bullets. His eyes darted back and forth as if he were looking for an escape. Rainbow Dash stepped towards Max. Max pulled his ears flat against his head and stepped back.

"You mean..... that my only hope to save my coltfriend. The one that I love. It was all a lie", Rainbow Dash barely hissed out. She wanted to punch something. She wanted to hurt him. She couldn't even think straight.

Rainbow Dash was fed up.

Max took off running, but Rainbow Dash was right behind him. He squeezed out of a window, and began to stumble into the woods. Rainbow Dash gracefully, and faster than the speed of light, flew out of the window race into the woods. She dodged trees left and right, keeping him in sight. He lied. Not just lied, but lied about the one thing that could be the difference between life and death. Twister's life and death. She was just inches away from him, and then bam.

Rainbow Dash felt her fore hooves hit him right in the back. She heard the sound of the impact. She slammed Max into the ground,, making him hit his head on a tree. He rolled over, but Rainbow Dash was already punched him square in the jaw. Then she stopped. Was this what I want my friends see me doing, she thought. Is this what I want my parents see me doing.

She looked at Max. A bruise started to show up across his face already, and he sat there trembling.

"Tell me why", Rainbow Dash demanded," Why did you lie?"

"Jeffery and I been working on a cure for years", Max explained," Everypony was constantly worrying and breathing down our back. I thought that if I.... if I told them that it was done, we wouldn't be so stressed out. I-I thought we would find the cure before anypony found out. But there is no alternative to the original cure. Magic. A spell." He stared at Rainbow Dash as the news begin to sink in. "Only a extremely powerful pony could perform this, and wake him up from the inside. I-I.... I'm sorry."

Rainbow Dash dropped Max on his back and began to walk away deeper into the woods. Then her walk became a run. Tears poured out of her eyes as she tore through the woods.

Stupid, Rainbow Dash thought, How could I be so stupid?

Don't cry Rainbow Dash, Smoke said.

Yeah! You're not stupid, Fractured Light argued.

"Just leave me alone", Rainbow Dash told them.

But- , Fracture Light began to protest.

"Go", Rainbow Dash ordered. The voices no longer said a word.

Rainbow Dash began to cry silently.

"I can help you", a voice said.

Rainbow Dash looked up to find the same Bat Pony she found in the Lunar Capital. He had a blue mane, silver coat, and lavender eyes. He didn't have his ratty clothing on. He looked down upon her.

"I know somepony that can preform that type of magic", he answered," But you must follow me."

Rainbow Dash knew it wasn't the smartest thing to do. To follow a pony you just met. If she was thinking straight, she'll probably decline his offer. But she was running out of options. She was running out of time.

So she took his hoof and followed him.


Twilight looked cautiously around. She saw a lake, just like the one that was on the map Moonstone had. But she couldn't find the house. Like, come on! How hard is it to find a house! Twilight sighed.

"Something wrong Princess", Flash asked.

"No", Twilight simply replied.

She loved Flash, but this wasn't the Flash she new. This Flash didn't think of Twilight anymore than his Princess. It sadden her. She wish he new the things his double did. But then again, this Flash could be different. After all there are a lot of major differences between the two worlds. But an Alicorn can dream. Twilight looked across the water, hoping that they just were on the wrong side, and not at the wrong lake.

"Shining", Twilight called," Do you see a house anywhere?"

"Umm", Shining Armor trailed on as he scan the area. "Actually yes. It's right over there."

Shining pointed at a dark house that sat on the lake next to the woods. She watched closely as a very Spark like figure came out of the house.

"That must be it", Twilight declared as she began the journey to the other side of the lake.


Rainbow Dash followed the Bat Pony through the forest. Rainbow Dash had learn that his name was Echo. He was the same Bat Pony that Spark had been so worried about. So Rainbow Dash decided not to bring Spark up. She was afraid that Echo may not want to help her if he knew that she had any connections with Spark. Although, he probably already knew about Spark. But with stakes this high...

... who would want to risk it?

Rainbow Dash and Echo finally made it to a clearing in the woods just big enough for a couple of ponies. Rainbow Dash walked out to the middle of the clearing and stared up at the sky. The sun was starting to set.

"Are you ready", Echo asked.

"Of course", Rainbow Dash answered. "I'm trying to save my closest friend. Who wouldn't be ready for that?"

"I'm sorry", Echo quickly said.

Rainbow Dash gave him a look. What does he have to be sorry about?

"Hello Rainbow Dash", a cold voice greeted her.

Rainbow Dash looked straight ahead of her, and found herself looking at the last pony she wanted to see. Nightmare Moon. She was tricked. Rainbow Dash turned to Echo who was lowering his head. Rainbow Dash felt her heart shattered into a thousand pieces.

"You tricked me", she said, choking back tears. "You tricked me."

Author's Note:

The next chapter will be the last chapter....

Of this book. The next book is called End of the Beginning: A New Path. So if you found this interesting then you might wanna keep and eye out for that! :raritywink: Also I would like for you all to comment weather you liked it or not and put what you would like to see in the next one! :twilightsmile:

Thank you! :pinkiehappy: Stay cool! :moustache: