• Published 19th Jan 2016
  • 279 Views, 2 Comments

Difficult Discoveries - DerpymuffinAuthor

"I am Ace Amethyst. Most know me as a traitor, others know me as a leader, and some know me as the random stranger carrying a baby foal."

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Chapter 6: Tunnel Dreams

Axel looked around him. Where was he? He saw a forked tunnel in the hill beside him. Suddenly a strange creature stepped out of the shadows that lined around the hill and the clearing that Axel stood in.

This creature looked like a pegasus, only, it's body was scrawny and its wings hung weekly at its side, only a few feathers and the skin covered bone.

"W-Who are you?" Axel asked, staring at the pony (If you could call it that) before him. The pony looked up, its thing gray mane hardly hiding its eyes. Axel suddenly recognized those eyes. He saw them every morning in the mirror.

Those were his eyes in that pegasus.

"Who are you?" Axel repeated, more firmly this time. The pegasus only looked at him more, its eyes full of life, something its body failed to portray. The pony nodded its head in the tunnels direction and began to trot towards it, every step a limp. However, this creature was determined to reach the entrance. Axel felt the urge to follow this mysterious thing and that's what he did. The pony then stopped at the entrance and turned to Axel who looked up at him.

"... Go.." The pony wheezed out and it looked back at the tunnels. Axel trotted in, the cold chills of the tunnels running down his body. Axel continued to walk until he reached the fork. He stood in front of it and looked at the two options.

As he stood there, a wind blew from the inside of the tunnels, carrying along with it faded voices that nipped and pulled for Axel's attention. However, Axel couldn't catch the voices before they faded again. He suddenly felt a sudden chill and he glanced around, the entrance to the tunnel seeming to have vanished.

"W-What?" Axel muttered with chattering teeth. Then a profound, female voice called out, drowning the faint wisps of words out of the cavern.

"Come. Join me Axel. Join me and your family." The voice was dark and it made Axel's blood feel cold. Axel's shadow climbed up the wall and a haunting grin covered its lips. Axel took a few steps back, his rump grazing the wall.

"You can't leave your heritage to rot, Axel." The shadow then morphed into a pony. An orange pegasus with wooden legs and a black, soulless eye with a single white dot.

Axel pressed closer to the wall, hoping the pony that watched him walk in would know he was in trouble.

"Don't think that pathetic shell of a leader can release you. He's withered away and he will die, his time is too close for him to deny."

Axel's body shivered as the orange pegasus walked closer, her breath smelt of blood and something else...

"I promise, if you were my son, I'd make you a great warrior. Your enemies would cower at the mention of your name." The pegasus ran her wing across Axel's back and he instinctively jerked away.

"Don't touch me!" He spat, instantly regretting it as the pegasus towered over him with a terrifying scowl on her face.

Axel cowered against the ground, staring up in terror at the mare who looked like she could bite his head off if she wanted to.

"Your just a coward. You only inherited your father's color. He would never allow his son to become what you are." The mare turned away.

Axel stood up, fury boiling over the terror. "How dare you insult my father!? General Flash Sentry is the greatest out there!"

"Ha. I see. They kept you in the dark... Funny... I thought you would be the first to know." She sighed dramatically "But I guess it isn't my place to tell you how your life began and how it will end. Good bye."

As quickly as the mare had appeared, she vanished, leaving nothing but the terrified and confused colt in the cavern.

Axel looked at the tunnel that the voices had come from. It felt like his body was screaming for him to go there, throw himself in, to join the mare that had just terrorized him.

He turned, something was calling him to the other tunnel. What was so special about it?

What would happen if he just stood there? Picked neither? Axel looked around and sat down, staring at the two tunnels.

"Axel." A voice called out, only, it didn't send chills down Axel's spine. it was a welcoming voice. Axel stood up and looked around taking a step forward. "That's it. Come. You must see this."

Axel obeyed the calming voice, feeling sure he heard it before. As he walked down the tunnel, eyes began to peer out from the shadows and blue light danced off them. Where was this blue light coming from? It wasn't from the crystals jutting out of the walls

Axel trotted faster, the light glowing brighter and brighter. He heard voices drift after him.

"Who is it?"

"Is it him?"

"No. His mane wasn't blue."

"Maybe he came here to save us!"

"Yeah! Go... uh... Mystery pony!"

Axel turned his head in the direction of the voice, his eyes catching onto a pale grayish orange colt. One of his hooves was pumping the air. The colt was probably a few years younger than Axel, although Axel was closer to being a stallion than one would assume, looking at his thin build.

"Come. They are only excited." Axel turned and saw a faint pale outline of a pony. Axel began to gallop after it. It was the source of the voice.

"Wait! Slow down!" Axel called after the shape, galloping after it, the voices fading as their own sources watched the colt chase the ghostly shape.

Axel turned a corner, expecting to catch the ghostly figure, instead he was caught in a blinding white-blue light. Axel stumbled back as his eyes tried to adjust. Axel blinked multiple times before he could see properly in the light.

The cave had light blue and purple crystals everywhere, one set of crystals formed a sort of pedestal and on top of those crystals sat an elegant looking blue gem necklace. It was a silver string attached to a diamond shaped blue gem, similar to the color of sapphires.

"This. This was meant to be yours." The voice sounded choked up, as if on the verge of tears.

Axel would ask what was wrong but he was captivated by the enchanting blue necklace. This was meant to be his?

Axel pressed a hoof against the surface of the gem. It was smooth. Axel flinched away when he saw that a light ripple formed under the surface of the gem where he touched it.

The necklace felt like it belonged to him. It probably did.

"It is yours Axel. Take it. It was always meant to be yours. We have managed to keep it safe after many, many years."

Axel felt questions bubble up in his mind. Why would they keep a necklace safe? Why were they keeping it safe for so many years? Why not just return it to him?

"These questions will be answered in time." the voice called soothingly and a purple aura surrounded the necklace. Axel took a step back as the necklace was place around his neck, the aura vanishing.

"We will always protect you." The voice sounded more like two ponies were speaking now.

Axel awoke with a jerk. He sighed.

Just a dream.

He stood up and stretched, trotting over to his bathroom mirror. However, when he looked up from washing his face, something caught his eye.

Around Axel's neck, was a blue diamond shaped necklace.