• Published 19th Dec 2015
  • 1,315 Views, 19 Comments

Conversion Camp - Cool writer

It's like summer camp... only with more transformation... and ponies!

  • ...

4 First Day

"Hello new ponies." Twilight began (what was sure to be) another speech.

"Here we go," I groaned to the newly named "Aura Spark" (a green, brown maned unicorn formerly known as Aron). We were standing before town hall, where our guardians told us to go.

"I hope you like the body you'll be living in for the next 3 months, because there is no way to change you back before the serum times out." There were a few groans from the audience, but mostly it was fine. These groans came from people who either didn't like how they looked, or what race they were. "Another note, if you decide to convert when you're older, you will take the form you hold now, only then it will be forever!" A few boo's came up at this. "This isn't some video game where you can re-roll your character, one body is all you get." Twilight joked. It wasn't like I cared, I got a good one anyway! Did I mention how ripped I am? I mean... seriously! I. Am. BUFF.

A bucking stud muffin!

... Because I'm a horse. stud, bucking? Ah well, I'm not going to get my cutie mark in comedy. I'd prefer it to be something to do with flight... but you can't really pick your cutie mark. I also wish the phrase was mark, and they'd drop the "cutie"... but it's their culture, soon to be my culture, and I have no place to request a change.

"... So today we are going to break up into groups, and learn about any new abilities your pony bodies have, and any abilities you've lost, like your dexterity has decreased for one." Twilight explained. Well duh, of course my dexterity's been... wait, decreased, not gone?

I thought about it more, and it made sense, I'd seen ponies use their hooves like hands. I finally get to learn how that works!

"Do you think they'll explain how hooves work?" I asked Aura.

"Well... I bet Miss. Twilight will, but I'm not so sure about your instructor." He nodded to Rainbow Dash, who was (unsurprisingly) hovering in the corner of the stage. "She'll probably say: 'You just grab it!'" Aura said, imitating the rainbow colored mare. I snickered, he sounded just like her!

"Alright then newfoals! Let's move em' out!" Rainbow shouted. "Pegasi with me!" She then zipped out back.

"Catch you around," I said, hoof-bumping Aura before following the gro... joining the herd of pegasi and going out the way Rainbow went. Out there was a field, with a clear sky above it. It was the perfect spot for my first flight. I breathed out, and walked into the field.

"Alright newfoals! Let's do this!" I could do this... I could do this!

Aura followed Twilight into an out doors area, with nature in full bloom. 'Well duh,' He thought. 'This is Equestria, of course it's predominately nature!'

"This will be were you learn to channel your magic." Twilight said. I nodded, determined. Alright... alright! I can do this!

I trudged back into the main room, my wings (not to mention everything) were killing me. I was sweaty, and covered in dirt. I was panting, and my tongue had lolled out of my mouth (which seemed to cool me down a bit). Then, Aura stomped back in, as if every step was harder than the one before it. He was panting, and head was drooped almost to the floor as well... he must look just like me.

"Hey." I managed to cough. He lifted a hoof in response. We were both exhausted. "So... how was... your... training." I panted.

"Kill... me... now." He panted back.

"Well at least you weren't getting slammed into the dirt 5,000 times."

"I know! I'm not sure why I'm so tired." He said. Twilight walked over.

"Well that's any easy one, if you use all of your magical energy, then your spells drain stamina instead. You must have been working hard!" Twilight said. She slapped him on the back, causing Aura to fall to the ground.

"I'm not getting up... ever." He said, not even lifting his head up. He had his legs spread out like he was some sort of animal skin rug.

"If you're that tired, you better drink a stamina potion." She chuckled.

"You can do that?!" We said to her.

"No, but you can drink some good old-fashioned water." Twilight said, levitating a sports bottle to me. I grabbed, then downed it. Aura grabbed it from me, and a look of dismay crossed his muzzle when he realized it was empty. "I didn't work you that hard... did I?" Twilight asked Aura.

"Yes!" He panted, after removing the bottle from his mouth.

"... And Rainbow Dash did the same to you?" She asked me. I nodded. Rainbow flitted over.

"I did what now?" She asked.

"Worked them too hard." Twilight replied.

"Well DUH! You're supposed to feel like that after a work out! And don't ya' feel better than when you started?" She asked me. I thought about it for a second, then nodded. I did feel... strangely good! "See? What did I tell you, he feels great!" I shook my head.

"Good, not great, I don't think "great" makes you wanna throw up." I said. I looked at Aura, still on the floor, and fell onto my side to join him. "I can't move any more." I groaned. My breathing was still heavy, but was calming down.

"Well thank Celestia you're not a human any more, if you'd worked out like that in your human bodies... you might have fainted!" Twilight said. Good thing ponies have better endurance than the average human, eh'?" Twilight joked.

"Can I die now?" Was my response. The other ponies in the room were in similar states. Twilight giggled, and walked up to the stage.

"That's all we have planned for today, so feel free to hang around here, go back to your host homes, or explore town." Twilight said. I looked around the room, at all the tired ponies.

"This is going to be a long summer."

Comments ( 4 )

Great so the ponies just over did the training bit. Hopefully they get use to their new bodies soon!

it's great to see an other chapter of this story again. I think it was a good chapter but I would have like it better if their had explain more of what happened during the day activity to get them all warn out like that and to see all the fun they had during that. I would have imagined that the Earth Ponies had a better time then the others seeing that they don't have as much training to do as the others and have a much greater stamina then all the rest. maybe your should add an Earth Pony as a companion, to the group to complete the set and to show the others what they are missing out on. I wander what els it there is to do outside the champ.

Wow,that was a nice chapter.

and any abilities you've lost, like your dexterity has decreased for one

I think you could revise the second half to ", for one, your dexterity has decreased"
That's just my opinion though, I don't know if it would improve it with in the context though, I'm no English major.

I am loving this story so far, but~ you did skip out on all the cool details of what they did during their training. Hope we get see more details in the next chapter.

You know... From the description, I thought Alton was going to summer camp, but wouldn't be ponified during the camp because of age restrictions. I read it too fast I guess, but if you care to expand the chapters a bit, it might help to go back and explain in the story that he is not old enough for ponification.

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