• Published 19th Dec 2015
  • 1,759 Views, 11 Comments

The Price of a Wish - Silver Scrolls

All she wanted was a chance and instead she lost it all

  • ...

Good Morning

She lay still in the bed. No sign of life from her save the gentle rise and fall of her chest and the beeping of a heart monitor. Ponies had come and gone, all friends and family, but only one had stayed by her side unquestioningly. Celestia had not left her bedside since Twilight had arrived at the hospital.

To see her, this strong and vibrant mare, lying in those stark white sheets, the pain it inspired was beyond any she could remember. It wasn’t just pain though, there was something more, something greater than the pain of seeing her like that. For all her knowledge, her wisdom and power, there was nothing she could do. Celestia, ruler of Equestria and caretaker of the sun was powerless to help the mare who meant more to her than the world.

Powerless. The word bounced around in her head causing her to squeeze Twilight's hoof tighter. Small spots formed in the sheets as once again the tears filled Celestia’s eyes and fell from her face. The sound of the door opening pulled Celestia from her revelry and she watched Twilight Velvet walk in.

“Afternoon Celestia.” The smile was slightly strained but not because of Celestia. If anything seeing her ruler sitting there beside Twilight with tears in her eyes gave her courage. “Has there been any change in her condition?” Celestia shook her head sadly. “I see. Well...I guess, we'll just have to keep waiting.” Velvet shuffled around the room, checking all the flower vases and busying herself as best she could to distract herself from the thoughts that plagued her.

After several minutes Celestia stood and excused herself to the restroom. Velvet quickly took a seat at her daughter's bedside. “Hey Twilight.” She brushed a lock of hair from her face with a sad smile. “I’m back again today. Heard from Shining and Cadence, seems like they’re on their way down from the Crystal Empire to visit again.”

Outside the door Celestia leaned against the wall. She hadn’t really needed to use the restroom but she could barely look Velvet in the eyes anymore. It hurt to see the look in her eyes when she looked at Twilight. It didn’t matter what the reason was, a soldier hurt in battle or a worker hurt on the job, her fault or not, seeing the look on a pony's face as they looked at their hospitalized loved one was something Celestia was never able to get used.

A hoof reached out and gently rested itself on Celestia’s shoulder. “Sister?” Luna asked questioningly. “Is everything okay?” Celestia looked to Luna, a tear rolling down her cheek as her composure threatened to break again. She shook her head slowly and sadly. “I see, no change then.” Luna sighed and pulled her sister into a soft hug. “I tried to reach her last night but it seems I was unsuccessful.”

“Do not blame yourself Luna. Whatever she has done, whatever has happened to her, it’s beyond even me.” Celestia almost pulled away from hug but she didn’t have the energy and leaned into her sister for support. “With all my years, all my knowledge and power, there is nothing I can do.”

They both turned and looked at the door to hospital room, their thoughts grim. Luna finally spoke up again. “I reached her in her dream but, it seems as though it achieved nothing. I came hoping that maybe, just maybe, there had been a change.” Her ears fell and she leaned against her sister harder, the shaking of her shoulders the only thing to give away how deeply her failure hurt.

Celestia wrapped a wing over her sister gently and they stood together, leaning on one another for support. Both uncertain of what the future held, what would happen to the elements without Twilight. Neither spoke, absorbed by their thoughts and their hopes for what may never come. Suddenly both were jolted from their thoughts as Velvet slammed open the door screaming for a nurse.

The hospital became a flurry of activity as doctors and nurses scurried about. Bits and pieces of what was happening were caught by the princesses and their hearts swelled at the news. The whole hospital seemed to warm up as they smiled for the first time since Twilight had arrived. Soon Twilight’s friends arrived with her father and they all waited expectantly outside the door with the princesses, their anticipation almost palpable.

Finally a doctor stepped out of the room and looked them in the eyes with a smile. “She’s waiting for you. We explained it as best we could and all she wants is to see you now.”

Twilight Velvet and Night Light went first, Twilight Sparkle’s friends following closely. Celestia shivered with excitement and hope as she waited with her sister. Finally she could see her smile again, see her face light up when she talked about magic or her friends. Twilight was back and it filled Celestia with unbridled joy, the likes of which she hadn’t felt since her sister had been returned to her.

They entered together, Luna letting Celestia take the lead. There she was, smiling vibrantly like everything that mattered in this world sat around her now. Her five friends chatted excitedly with her while her parents held each other with tears in their eyes. It took a moment for her to look up and tears threatened to spill from Celestia’s eyes as she took a step forward, then another.

Her next step stopped and fell slowly to the floor alongside the smile on Twilight's face. Twilight tilted her head and confusion slowly replaced the cheery look on her face. The seconds ticked by and all noise in the room fled as the everypony fell quiet, their gazes flicking back and forth between Twilight and Celestia.

Everypony was full of anticipation for this fated reunion. The memory of Celestia standing vigilant by Twilight’s bedside as she waited for her to return spurred the hope for a tearful and glorious reunion. Luna peered in from the doorway, unable to pass her sister and enter the room yet, confusion slowly etching lines into her face as she saw nothing like what was expected. The air was thick with anticipation and yet under it all everypony could feel something else, fear.

The silence was finally broken by Twilight. “I’m sorry, are you one of the doctors, is there something else?” She smiled kindly but it might as well have been empty to Celestia. It was missing everything it was supposed to have. The smile wasn’t one meant for somepony familiar, it was one given kindly to a passing stranger. Sensing something was wrong Twilight let her smile fall. “Um, are you okay?”

The world fell apart around Celestia as she stared at the purple mare staring at her. It wasn’t her, this was an imposter. Somepony must have replaced her, there was no way, it was impossible. With a choked up voice she managed to squeak out her answer. “It’s me, it’s Celestia.” No rise in the corner of her lips, no sudden light coming on as she recognized her. Twilight’s face remained devoid of recognition. “Co-ruler of Equestria, your teacher and friend.”

Twilight’s shoulders drooped and she shook her head sadly. “I’m sorry it doesn’t ring a bell.”

Slowly Celestia's rump sank to the floor as her mouth opened and closed, searching desperately for the words that would prove this was a dream. Tears blurred her vision and a lump formed in her throat. “But, how?” Her voice was a barely audible whisper. She looked back to Twilight and the look of concern on her face was the final straw. Something inside her broke and she lifted herself up from the floor, her face taking on it’s regal mask she used in court. This was neither the time nor place, whatever had happened to her could be rectified but not now during this joyous occasion for her friends and family. “I’m sorry.” Motherly affection filled her voice, covering up the quiver of sadness that tinged it. “Now’s not a good time, we can talk later. I’ll leave you to your friends and family.”

With that she turned away before anypony could answer and left the room. Luna scurried out of the way and watched as her sister hurried down the hall. Once Celestia turned the corner Luna looked back into the room and the confused occupants and offered them a smile. “I’m sorry about my sister Twilight. I have no excuse for her behavior.”

“It’s fine Luna.” Twilight settled down and leaned back. “I didn’t know you had a sister though.” A dopy grin brightened her face. “Especially one so pretty.”

The whole room giggled like they knew something she didn’t and slowly the atmosphere inside took on a brighter tone, the incident with Celestia pushed out of their minds for the time being.


As she rounded the corner Celestia vanished with a flash of light and quiet pop, a nearby nurse jumped slightly but when she saw no one else in the hall she relaxed. Back in Celestia’s quarters an identical pop and flash heralded Celestia’s return and she promptly fell into her bed. Twilight’s last words to her echoing in her head like a macabre song to her worst fears.

I’m sorry it doesn’t ring a bell. Over and over the sentence danced across her mind, trampling happier memories and turning them into shards that impaled her heart. How could she have forgotten all their time together, everything they had had, all the dinners, the lessons, the times Celestia had visited her in Ponyville? Unbidden tears came to Celestia’s eyes and she buried her face in a pillow and let the tears flow.

Finally the tears slowed and Celestia pulled her face from the pillow and rolled over. A scroll was wrapped in the golden glow of her magic and tugged free from the bookshelf it rested on before floating across the room and unfurling in front of Celestia.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I’ve been in Ponyville for a week now and it’s amazing, though it is a little strange from time to time. Like you told me I have been spending time trying to make friends and it’s been an interesting experience. Just yesterday my mail mare, her name is Ditzy Doo though everyone calls her Derpy, crashed through the front door of the library. I helped her up and we talked a bit and she ended up teaching me and Spike a new muffin recipe. She’s very cheerful though a bit clumsy. I still miss you and Canterlot most nights but I really like it here in Ponyville, it’s much friendlier than Canterlot.

Sincerest Regards,
Twilight Sparkle

The scroll curled back up and Celestia sighed wistfully. It was the first non friendship report Twilight had sent her and now it was one of the many things Twilight had forgotten. The letter began to move back towards the bookshelf but paused halfway and slowly floated back.

A smile wormed it’s way onto Celestia’s lips as a plan began to form in her head. If Twilight couldn’t remember by herself maybe Celestia could help her. Show her parts of the life she had forgotten. Her wings fluttered by her sides. It was perfect, she could just help Twilight remember her old life and then things could go back to normal. The smallest giggle bubbled out of Celestia as she rolled from the bed with a newfound energy and purpose and she began to sing a little diddy as she gathered the things she would need and began to plan.

Author's Note:

For those of you who are following already, go reread the first three chapters. I polished them up a little in hopes of clearing things up. Those of you just joining us, welcome and I hope you enjoyed this ride so far. Feel free to comment below, or not, you know what ever. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and will continue to follow, my announcement is now over.