• Published 21st Dec 2015
  • 4,049 Views, 91 Comments

A Long Journey Ahead - Black Hailstorm

Spike begins his journey on the road to improvement.

  • ...


A Visitor

It was late tonight. Just another day at work for a baby dragon. For the past month, many things had gone wrong and right for the young drake.

When Spike had arrived in Baltimare he hadn’t expected things to go his way instantly or easily at all. And he was right to think that way. Being a baby dragon and all meant that he wouldn’t get a lot of work, mainly because he was seen as a kid. And the ponies in this city weren’t keen on hiring kids for work.

They did seem to offer him some bits for his troubles though. One’s which he had gladly accepted otherwise he would have ran out of money for food two days after his arrival.

It was a disappointment really. Spending day after day, trying to find something that would keep Spike busy, something that would keep him going and ensure him that this whole trip had not been one giant mistake and waste of his time.

Each job he came to required him to do something he was either too short to do, didn’t have the magic or capability to do because he lacked the strength, or simply wasn’t right for him because the company didn’t want to hire a child who in his interviewer’s eyes had little to no experience on the real world, let alone the subject at hand that was a requisite for the job.

That last one had really set Spike ablaze. If that interviewer realized who he was he’d probably have reconsidered on refusing the number one assistant to the princess of magic. The guy who helped save the world not once or twice, but many times along with his friends.

Time passed and Spike continued his search, his purpose. Trying to find what made him unique in his own way. Eventually after five days of job hunting, Spike finally found a place that would take him.

It was a diner. A prominent one at that, yet at the same time it was not too fancy, not too casual. Just in between where manners were considered and the occasional reservation would be held on certain special events or occasions.

Spike had taken the job as chef, the only job that had been left open since their previous one quit and moved to Canterlot to broaden his own business.

His manager, Lavish Dish, a yellow unicorn with a well styled mane -one that Spike noted Rarity would have loved- seemed to like the young drake’s courage and spunk. Especially when Spike had explained his reasons for traveling to Baltimare in the first place.

Though it was brief, Spike saw a small grin cross upon the older unicorn’s face. Lavish had told him he could take the job and would be payed at the end of every three weeks with a salary of 32 bits. Provided he did his job well.

Spike smiled as recalled how he’d puffed his chest out with confidence stating: “Cooking is one of my many special skills.”

Lavish Dish had merely stared at the young drake with mild surprise and broke out grinning shortly after Spike’s declaration. He was sure he’d made the right choice in hiring the drake, and Spike was glad himself that he’d taken this job out of all the others. All his coworkers were nice, they didn’t bother to ask about his past, nor was he treated like a child but as an equal. It made him feel...good inside. Proud frankly.

Another thing that had him feeling proud was that not a single one of their customers had complained since Spike took up kitchen duty. Working as Twilight’s assistant for most of his life had taught him to be diligent and hardworking, as well as tidy and careful with everything he did. That was something he’d definitely have to thank Twilight for when he got back.

That and well he’d learned to ask for help with things he wasn’t able to reach himself unlike the time he’d tried to help Applejack back at Sweet Apple Acres.

A thought crossed his mind as he helped the only waitress that had stayed after hours to clear the tables. His chef hat slightly tilting down his face a bit since it was a bit larger than him, sitting kind of awkwardly on his head.

I wonder how Twilight and the others are doing, he thought. I haven’t heard from them in a while...and haven’t really gotten the chance to send them a letter since I’ve been busy with work and all. He frowned slightly at the mess a few kids had made at one of the tables, distracting him from his thoughts.

Spaghetti sauce the three colt’s families had ordered for them lay splattered all over the table’s design. A few signs of pasta looking like it had been smeared on the table by accident, or as if the foals had been playing with their food displayed itself on the corners of the table’s edge and on the center.

He gave a frustrated sigh. “Slaving over a pot of spaghetti and using my best recipe for that sauce and look where it ends up, as paint for foals” he muttered shaking his head with his hands on his hips.

Hopping off from the seat he’d been using to observe the mess Spike turned his attention to the light orange unicorn mare in the blue buttoned dress and apron. “Propeté, could you take care of this last table while I take the rest of the dishes you’ve got to clean ‘em in the back?”

Propeté turned to Spike and nodded with a smile, taking the cleaning towel she’d been using to wipe over the tables and their messes with her magic. Turning to Spike and stacking eight or twelve plates in his short arms carefully, the mare watched Spike stumble a bit with a reassuring smile as he backed up behind the counter. His body disappearing as he kicked the door open to the “EMPLOYEES ONLY” sign, save for his spikes and the dishes he carried being visible as he entered into the kitchen.

Spike heard muffled giggles come from the Prance unicorn as the door to the kitchen closed behind him. He smiled to himself as he somehow managed to keep his balance with the stack of dishes he carried, sliding most of the dishes into the large kitchen sink, before climbing a small stepping ladder and placing the rest of the dirty dishes inside.

Turning on the faucet, Spike waited patiently for the water to begin filling the sink before he began washing.

The thought of what the others would say if they could only see him now filled him with pride. He continued to wait for a few seconds, allowing his thoughts to travel back to his friends back home. Wondering what Twilight and the others had been doing for the past month.

Slightly nervous on whether they were furious at him for what he’d done, and how everypony else would react back home if they even knew he was gone, considering whether Twilight or the others said anything.

Then again knowing Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity they’ll definitely tell anyone they know so they can find me he thought with a sad smile.

A minute had now passed and Spike left his thoughts behind as he noticed the faucet hadn’t released water to allow him to clean these dirty dishes and silverware.

He raised a brow, moved his hands to the back of his neck and removed his chef apron then lifted the lever to the faucet moving it towards cold.

A sudden splash of cold water hitting him in the face made Spike yelp, jump back off his stepping ladder and fall to the ground with a loud thud. He winced, rubbing his rump and scowled as he watched cold water sail through the air and hit the ground.

“What the hay?” he said getting up with an annoyed pout as he looked to see that the sink’s removable spout for spraying water around the sink in cleaning was switched on instead of the main faucet.

“Spike, are you okay?” Propeté asked in her gentle Prance accent. “Do yoù need ze help with ze dishes?” she asked her hoofsteps coming closer.

Quickly turning off the water and switching it back to the main faucet Spike sported a sheepish smile. “I’m fine!” he called hearing the hoofs stop. “Just got a little surprise is all, probably from one of the other kitchen workers. Forget to switch the main faucet back on. Everything’s fine, but we still have a couple minutes left before the diner closes up. Could you make sure to let anypony that comes in we’ll be closing up soon?”

“I will Spike, please be careful” Propeté said before Spike heard her hoofsteps retreat from the kitchen door.

Spike let out a sigh of relief. Then his ears stood up as he felt his elbow touching water. Looking down just in time Spike managed to see the sink was starting to overflow. A gasp and some quick hurried movement and he had shut the pipe off completely, managing to stop anymore water from leaking onto the ground.

“Great” he said. “Guess I’ll get the mop.”

Jumping down and heading over to the very back of the kitchen, Spike opened the door, grabbed the mop then shut the door with his tail. His ears managed to catch the faint ringing sound of the bell that told them whenever a customer entered or left Serve & Dine.

Mopping up the small mess he had made quickly, Spike could hear Propeté, talking to whoever was now inside the building with her.

I’ll check on her as soon as I finish this, he thought hearing the mare giggle at something the voice had said. Hopping back up to the sink, and quickly turning on the drain, Spike managed to catch the words through all the noise the drain made as: “Somepony, back there?”

Propeté most likely responded “The chef” since whoever was talking to her said something else. An order maybe? Spike wasn’t sure. He turned off the drain after a few seconds when he saw the water level was just right.

Beginning to wash the dishes Spike’s thoughts once again travelled to the others as he washed, and dried. Placing silverware and utensils in their designated spots.

“Oh chef!” Propeté called from the other side as Spike was just finishing up.

“Yeah?” Spike called back.

There was a brief pause as Spike heard the voice ask the waitress something he couldn’t hear as he placed a bunch of forks and knives in their respected areas.

“Oui, I can get him” Propeté responded.

Spike raised a brow as he heard Propeté’s hoofsteps come towards the kitchen. Finishing up as he washed his own hands and dried them Spike looked at the unicorn with a slightly confused look.

“Does our somewhat stubborn customer want something? It is past closing time you know” Spike said as he got off the stepping ladder and walked up to Propeté.

Propeté smiled warmly at Spike. “I believe, our guest would like a drink. Besides he seems kind of eager to see you.”

“Me?” Spike asked pointing at himself with a claw. Propeté nodded.

“I will get him ze drink, you should go meet him. He is waiting at the counter for you” she said walking past him and going to the fridge.

“Well who wants to see me? Did he say his name?” Spike asked feeling a little nervous by the sudden announcement of somepony desiring to see him so late at night.

Propeté gave another warm smile. “You will see once you go outside” she said turning him around and giving him a gentle nudge towards the door.

Spike gulped, looking back at the Prance mare who merely nodded to him encouragingly before turning to get the stallion’s drink.

Pushing open the kitchen door and then making it to the counter Spike saw a familiar looking dark blue mane and a pale blue coat. The stallion wore a jacket, and from his back Spike could see he had wings.

Opening the door and walking away from the counter Spike stood there, mouth agape as he watched the stallion slowly swirl in his stool in front of the counter towards Spike with a kind smile.

The pegasus hopped off the stool and moved towards Spike who still stared at him confused and slightly afraid now that Spike thought about it.

“Hey Spike” the pegasus said with a smile hugging the young drake.

Spike licked his dry lips as the hug was broken and he stared at the pegasus before him. He managed a very weak, sheepish smile, his eyes moving around as if he were trying to avoid looking at the pegasus in the face.

“Spike” the pegasus said “I stumbled here by accident, the least you could do is look at me” he said with a frown.

Spike sighed, reluctantly giving in to his captive’s demands. “Hey Soarin. How you been?”

Soarin and Spike sat on stools side by side. Neither of them saying anything else to each other after both had asked how the other had been.

This was one of the things Spike had feared. One of the things that constantly gave him worries at night. That he would end up running into one of his friends or acquaintances from Ponyville. And here he was, Soarin, the very source of his nightmares now making reality quite clear to Spike that he had to face.

Propeté came back a few seconds after with a smoothie for Soarin. Soarin smiled kindly at her, before the mare, batted her eyelashes at him and trotted back inside.

Spike rolled his eyes. Propeté was the number one flirtatious waitress on this entire street. Right now Spike couldn’t tell if she was genuinely interested in Soarin or if this was just her being classy with a bit of appeal.

Spike rested his elbows on the counter, keeping his head up with both his hands. He gave a quick glance over to Soarin’s direction. Soarin who had been staring at Spike silently, looked away. Slurping his smoothie loudly.

Propeté who had sensed the awkwardness that threatened to suffocate everyone in this current establishment decided to intervene.

“So, Soarin. What brings you here to ze Baltîmare?” she asked, moving a strand of her gold and peach mane out of her sight.

Soarin stopped slurping his smoothie and smacked his lips together. Ears perking up a bit as he gave an awkward glance in Spike direction hoping to see Spike look interested.

He noticed Spike’s eyes give him a quick glance, which to Soarin meant that he was interested.

“Actually I’m glad you asked.” Soarin replied after an awkward cough. “Baltimare was hosting an event for pegasus athletes and being a part of the Wonderbolts I was asked to come as a spectator.”

“Oh, sounds wonderfùl. Isn’t zat wonderfùl Spike?” she said with a smile in his direction.

Spike shifted in his seat uncomfortably. “Yeah. It is.”

Silence. Another long awkward silence.

Propeté looked between Soarin and Spike both of whom were feeling extremely awkward and weren’t really sure what to say judging from the looks on their faces and the way their eyes would look at each other then look away.

Propeté sighed. Then an idea came to her mind.

“Spike, Soarin told me he knows you. How do you two know each other?”

“Oh that’s easy” Soarin said with a smile in Spike’s direction. Spike managed one himself.

“Spike and I know each other from the Wonderbolts event. Back when Rainbow Dash saved our lives, me, Spike, and her would hang out for awhile every now and then. We had a blast didn’t we Spike?” Soarin asked hopeful of a response.

Spike chuckled now allowing some form of eye contact with the pegasus. “Yeah...we did.”

Another brief moment of silence passed.

Propeté looked between the two of them once more starting to grow a bit frustrated with Spike’s lack of courage to talk to an old friend. After a few seconds with nopony saying a word the Prance mare slammed her hoof on the counter causing both dragon and pegasus to jump. Soarin’s wings spreading out in the process from the surprise and twitching a bit as well.

“Will you two just talk already! It is obvioüs that you two wish to speak to one another! So talk!” she yelled, moving away from the counter and heading toward the kitchen with a harrumph.

“W-Wait Propeté!” both Spike and Soarin called.

The mare merely disappeared into the kitchen shouting in french: “N’écoute pas!”

Spike and Soarin were left at the counter both slightly surprised by the mare’s outburst. Spike especially since he’d never seen the mare get so flustered up about anything even with the most annoying of guests.

A few seconds passed in silence before Soarin cleared his throat ready to speak, only to be cut off by Spike himself.

“So how’s everyone back at Ponyville?” Spike asked not making eye contact.

Soarin looked at the young drake and smiled. “They’re fine. Everyone’s fine.”

A satisfied nod came from Spike. “Good. Glad to hear.”

“And how are you doing Spike?” Soarin asked after another few seconds had passed.

“I’m doing fine. Well actually” he chuckled. “Before I got this job a month ago I probably would’ve wanted to come back home instantly.”

“Why didn’t you?” Soarin asked pushing his empty glass aside.

Spike’s ears wilted a bit. “I...I couldn’t.”

Soarin gave Spike a confused look. “What do you mean you couldn’t Spike? Everyone back in Ponyville and Cloudsdale miss you. We all do. Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and especially Twilight. They all miss you little bud” Soarin said gently placing a hoof on Spike’s shoulder.

Spike’s shoulders relaxed a bit at the gentle touch. He smiled a bit, then gently moved Soarin’s hoof off his shoulder. “I miss all of you guys too, but the reason I couldn’t was because I needed to figure out what I could do, what I can do without Twilight and the others.”

“Soarin, it’s been a month. I’ve grown up a lot in the past month. I’ve got a job, a place to stay at, and have made friends here. Not to mention I’m providing for myself and looking out for myself also.”

Soarin opened his mouth, but closed it. His brows slowly relaxing as he took in what Spike said.

The little guy was right. Now that Soarin actually looked at him there was something about Spike he’d noticed had changed but wasn’t sure what exactly. But now that he heard the young dragon speak he knew what it was that had grown in Spike.


He’d become a bit more mature, considering all the things that had just been described to him, Spike definitely did have that “experienced” air about him that Spitfire constantly gave him whenever he was around her.

Soarin smiled sadly though as a thought crossed him. “Does that mean you won’t be coming back to Ponyville Spike?”

Spike, looked up at the pegasus with some sadness and shook his head. “I can’t Soarin. Not yet, it wouldn’t be right.”

“What wouldn’t?”

This!” he said in almost a yell. “I can’t come all this way, to start things and just let it end because I don’t have you or any of the others watching my back. Soarin, I need to learn. I need to see what I can do on my own, I need to know Soarin, you get that...don’t you?” he asked with some slight desperation.

Soarin’s brows rose slightly when Spike yelled, but returned back to a relaxed state as he took in what Spike was saying.

Yeah, I get it. You want to prove you’re not just a kid, who can't do anything by himself. He smiled nostalgically as he recalled his times back at Wonderbolt Academy.

“I do Spike. Believe me I do. You know, I never told anyone this but before I was accepted as a member of the Wonderbolts, back at the academy I use to get a ton of heat from the others. Spitfire at that time was a supervisor and wasn’t running the place till a year after I officially joined her and Fleetfoot.

“And trust me Spike. If you’ve heard anything from Dash when Spitfire was supervising things were brutal. I can’t tell you how many times I got knocked down, talked down by different supervisors aside from Spitfire, and made fun of by my peers because I was one of the younger members of that year’s member.”

Spike’s ears perked up a bit as Soarin talked. Feeling a bit bad for him, only to offer his own comforting smile and pat the pegasus on the back gently with his claw. “But it all worked out right? You’re with one of the best flying teams in all of Equestria.”

Soarin laughed. “Yeah, but I lost my place with Spitfire and Fleetfoot three days after becoming an official Wonderbolt. The director said they’d found someone much better than me and I got kicked off and made to stay in the lower ranks for almost an entire year.

“And lemme tell ya Spike. That did not look good on my career.”

“Oh...” Spike said sadly. “How did you get back i?”

Soarin smiled. “Luck honestly. Apparently the guy that had replaced me somehow used his father’s connections to get the results switched when the speed scores were supposed to be posted. He got kicked out of the Wonderbolts for doing that, but after I got back in I put in a good word for him and he was able to get back in.

“Had to restart from the academy though” Soarin said with a chuckle.

Spike laughed also. “Was Spitfire director at that time?”

Soarin snorted. “No but she might as well have been.”

Both of them laughed at the comment for a few minutes. The tension in the air disappearing as they talked about their own jobs and how Spike was doing pretty well in Baltimare as a chef.

“I’ll have to try your food sometime” Soarin said playfully hitting Spike’s arm.

“Trust me, it’s to die for. Last pony that had one of my sandwiches refused to leave till he had three more for the road” Spike said, chuckling as he recalled the bizarre moment.

“HA! Maybe I should get the recipe then or the road” Soarin said joining in.

The two laughed a bit more for a few seconds before things got quiet again. Finally Spike asked the question that had been bugging him since Soarin’s arrival.

“Hey Soarin” he said with a weak grin. “How exactly did you know where to find me? I haven’t sent a letter to any of the others because of work and everything so...how did you uh?”

“To be honest Spike I didn’t even know you were here” Soarin said, staring at his cup to see if he could get anything left of his smoothie.

Spike raised a quizzical brow at the pegasus.

“Okay I knew you were here but that part about the pegasus event was true” Soarin said with a raised hoof.

“How did you know?” Spike asked now curious.

Soarin rubbed the back of his neck with a hoof looking away.

Spike didn’t like that. Whenever Soarin did that it meant bad news, or at least in his case it would be bad news.

“Soarin. Tell me, how did you know where to find me?”

Soarin said nothing. Spike continued to give him a look that said “tell me” but the pegasus remained silent, squirming in his seat.

Spike looked at the kitchen deciding to call Propeté only to see the mare’s face disappear behind the window in the door. Spike rolled his eyes.

“Propeté, could we get two more smoothies please?”

The kitchen door bursted open as the mare came out with two smoothies rested on a tray on her back. “Here you are” she said placing the smoothies on the counter with her magic, before taking a seat behind the counter.

“Don’t mind me. I will just be here, to take your glasses” she said innocently. Spike stared at her skeptically before turning his attention to Soarin who was now greedily drinking his smoothie.

“Well?” the dragon asked slightly impatient.

Soarin raised a hoof up as he took one more quick sip, then turned to face Spike. “Alright you see Spike Rainbow Dash has been looking for you.”

The dragon who had been drinking his smoothie nearly did a spit-take catching himself quickly enough not to make that mistake, before he swallowed everything in his mouth.

“What?!” he said with fear quickly making it’s return. “Is she here?! Is she outside?!?!” he asked now looking for a way to escape.

“Calm down Spike!” Propeté said gently.

Spike took a deep breath and exhaled while Soarin held both his forehooves out as if making sure to catch the dragon in case he decided to pass out on him. His wings folded back to his side when Spike had relaxed.

“She’s not here, so don’t worry about that. But she hasn’t given up on trying to find you” Soarin said. “In fact she had Thunderlane help her spread the word that you were missing a month ago. Now every pegasus up in the skies, are keeping an eye out just in case one of them sees you. But probably not as much as before, since it has been a month now.”

“I see” Spike said frowning. “I really bucked up didn’t I?”

“Hold on a minute Spike” Propeté said gaining their attention. “You have nothing to worry about. Now I may ‘ave been eavesdropping while you two were talking” she said with an apologetic blush and smile. “But I do know one thing!” she said before Spike or Soarin could speak.

“You are a hard worker. A month ago I thought you were just a child chasing something that you could never hope to achieve. That reality would come crashing down on you soon enough. But ze past month has shown me that I was wrong, you are possibly the most strong-willed dragon I ‘ave ever met. Well you are the only dragon I ‘ave ever met but you understand what I am saying.”

Spike stared in silence, feeling both proud having heard those words and a little confused on where his current relationship with Eta de Propeté stood. But he got what she was trying to tell him.

“I haven’t messed up. Have I?”

“Oui, you ‘ave only worked hard to get to where you are today” she said warmly.

Spike smiled a bit, turning his attention back to Soarin. “How is...how’s she doing?”

“She’s, alright. She and the others have gone back to normal, but I’ve heard from Thunderlane that Rumble often tells him that the CMC aren’t as extremely active as they usually are since finding out you left.”

“I see...” Spike said with his drooping just a bit. Soon enough though they rose once more as confidence filled Spike’s eyes.

“Well tell them I’m doing fine and that I’ll try to send them a letter as soon as I can on how I’m doing. But, don’t tell them where I am.”

“W-What? Why?! Spike, they miss you I can’t tell them that if I can’t tell them where you are” Soarin protested.

“Then don’t tell them” Spike said plainly, with his cheerful expression turning serious.

Soarin froze almost by his friend’s sudden change of mood.


“Soarin, I’m serious. If you tell them, they’ll come here. They’ll find me. And then all of this, everything I’ve done this past month will be for nothing. Please, don’t tell them.”

Soarin bit his lip, feeling torn between Spike’s words and his duty as a fellow pegasus to tell a member of the flock the truth. After all the pegasus motto was: We all look out for each other.Flock members take care of each other.

But then again this talk with Spike made him feel a bit closer to the dragon. So after a few minutes of careful thought, Soarin nodded. Though it was reluctant.

“I’ll try” he said as he finished his smoothie and got up.

Spike and Propeté got up as well. Turning his attention to the waitress Spike asked her to take the glasses back to the kitchen. He’d be closing as soon as Soarin left so they’d just handle those glasses tomorrow.

Once Propeté had left them Spike walked with Soarin towards the front door of Serve & Dine. “So I guess I’ll see you around?” Soarin asked lifting his hoof up.

Spike stared at the hoof, looked at Soarin and smiled, bumping his fist with Soarin’s hoof. “Definitely. I’ll be sure to write to you guys as soon as I can.”

Soarin nodded, and waved goodbye with a smile as he exited the store. Spike watched his friend walk down the street then turn down a corner into the night. Propeté voice called for Spike which he reassured he was still here.

Looking down that street one last time Spike turned and headed back to the kitchen to help his friend close up the store. Tomorrow would be another big day. And he’d need all the rest he could get after today’s events.

Soarin walked down the street he was on for a few minutes before stopping. He looked around a bit giving a secretive like look before he tapped his hoof on the ground twice.

Two pegasi descended by his side, Thunderlane and Twinkle Spark.

“How’s he doing?” Thunderlane asked with concern.

Soarin smiled with a laugh. “He’s...actually doing quite well. I don’t think we had anything to worry about.”

“Yeah but now that we’ve found him shouldn’t we tell Dash?” Twinkle Spark asked.

“I promised I wouldn’t tell. But, this is Dash we’re talking about here” Soarin said kicking a pebble away.

“We’ve got no choice Soarin” Thunderlane said as the three took off into the sky. “Rainbow Dash and the others need to know he’s alright.”

Author's Note:

Wow this took a while. Well here it is chapter 3. Thought Soarin's time in the academy and how he spent time there would be a good reflection one what Spike's currently going through. Now the question just remains how Dash and the others will take this information.

Also sorry bout the french, haven't taken it in years and had to use google to actually help me a bit so please feel free to notify me if I ended up making a mistake so I can correct it later. As for everything else enjoy.