• Published 25th Dec 2015
  • 2,734 Views, 27 Comments

Since When Were You Vinyl!? - Vinyl-ScratchDJ17

My friend Micheal somehow turns into Vinyl Scratch.

  • ...


Author's Note:

This story was meeant as a Christmas gift to my friend, Michael who I go to school with, and he LOVED this! Not sure what you guys of FImfiction will think. I think it kinda sucks since I was tired when I did this, and was going rather fast with my typing. Anyway, I hope at least a few of you enjoy :D Also, this is a simple fic so I didn't bother with the too many (If any) complicated issues in this, like the government being involved and getting people to believe Michael is Vinyl. Again, I hope you enjoy.

It had been another normal morning for me, even on Christmas Eve. You know, when the forces of school gesticulates your groggy from out of bed? Heh. Forces. Star Wars. I punned, but besides that, I had gotten up to get dressed, eat breakfast , followed by a cup of coffee, and off to catch the bus. I even threw in a quick trip to the bathroom to prepare for my half hour long bus ride. Just another normal day, on Christmas Eve. Normal. Yep.

After I had my fill of tasteless Cheerios and cheap coffee, I began to leave at 7:30 am. The normal time. Normal. I threw my winter coat on, my shoes, and backpack, first checking to see if everything is there. Messy pile of rolled up paper at the bottom? Check. Late assignments I'll never turn in? Check. Laptop? Check, which also finished up my 'check list' of my things. So with that said, I unlocked the door with a shouted goodbye to my mom before stepping out into the warm early morning. NOT normal.

El Niño is spanish meaning for little boy. But in this case, it means no snow. Hypothetically speaking. So there will be no describing of the snow crunching beneath thine feet of which i walk with. A good thing for us who can't stand snow. All the shoveling and the cold blistering winds, and plowing. Not to mention more frequent asthma attacks for me.

So I arrived at the bus station at 7:40. The bus hasn't arrived yet, so I took a seat on the bench, took out my laptop and entered my google docs. I clicked on my doc called "A Shifting Sunset Shimmer," and began writing on top of the forty-two pages I already had going. I typed and typed until the bus came round the corner and to a stop in front of the small group of kids who needed to get to school as well. When the time reached 7:47, we were off.


The first four periods of school, plus IE time went by quite smooth, with the only challenging task to be achieved, was just to stay awake. First hour I had Algebra with Mr. Moe, who looked an awful lot like the guy from this old movie called "Evil Dead." We had a feast of festive treats along with fun festivities before holiday break. Second hour, I fell asleep. Ie time, I fell asleep. Third hour, I played some Gun Mayhem 2 on Twoplayergames.org. Fourth hour, we continued watching an eighties movie called "Scrooged," with Bill Murray. After that, was lunch, where my day became...un-normal.

I chatted with my friend Gabe like usual along the way till we passed his Choir class, where I continued on my own to my lunch period. I walked in with a smile, even though I couldn't see past the hoard of humans blocking the way. There was a lot of commotion and flashing of lights at the table where I sat with my friend Michael everyday. I managed to push past everybody to the table, ignoring everything said, trying to keep my cool, to not lose my temper. One thing I cannot stand: people standing around an area irrelivant to be stood in.

As soon as I got through, I saw Michael sitting at the table with his hood up. From what it appeared to be, everyone's attention had been put on him. I shrugged as I sat.

"Sup, Micheal?"

"It's Vinyl," he responded. He turned his head to look at me.

I nearly fainted upon seeing the face of a blue maned unicorn. He...she smiled.

"DUDE, WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?" was my response. "You turned into Vinyl!?"

Michael smiled more and nodded.

"Remember how I told you I prayed about them being real? I prayed to wake up as Vinyl, and look! Best. Christmas. Gift. EVER!"

I rolled my eyes and punched her arm. "Lucky son of a bitch. Let me guess, I pray as well, but turn into Octi and we become best friends for life?"

Vinyl shrugged. "Maybe."

"I hate you, Michael. You went and did what every brony wishes they could do!" I whined.

"Yeah, and look!" Vinyl smile still adorned her cheeks as her horn lit a purple ish color, and that same aura surrounded his laptop, slowly lifting it into the air. "It's magic! You know-oh- oh! Never believe, it's not so!" she sang.

I sighed with a roll of my eyes. "I see what you did there. And, where's your tail?" I asked, looking behind him to see it swishing just above the ground. "How did I NOT notice that?"

"Dunno, but it's fun! You have NO idea how happy I am!" She smiled and threw her arms around me.

"I do now, since you never hug me," I chuckled and returned her hug. "Wanna ditch to the library where we don't have people right in our faces?" I asked.

"Good idea!" Vinyl smiled as she removed herself from me. She stood and quickly grabbed her things. I merely followed her out of the lunch room through the crowd of gaping people. Once through, we went as fast as we could to get to the other end of the school. Vinyl pulled her hood down and let out a sigh of relief as we walked along the white tiled floors, barren of any life.

The walls, floor and ceiling were all white, save for the frequent designs in the tiles on the floor. It wasn't much of appeal, but my friend being turned into a humanoid equine filled that gao in quite nicely. Not that I found him/her attractive, it just made for an interesting situation.

"So, what made you come to school against this? Must have taken quite the balls."
Vinyl shook her head. "Nah, not really."

I shrugged. "Yeah, since they got bigger, less hairy...I think, and moved up to your chest., thus you have no balls to give. So who'd you borrow them from?"

"Dunno," she giggled. " But I don't care! I'm Vinyl!" She smiled, clutching the air firmly with her hands. "I've been wanting this to happen for so long!"

"Oh, yeah?" I smirked.

"What?" She asked as we entered the library.

"Remember how you told me you'd bang her?"

She rolled her eyes. "I see where this is going."

I leaned into her ear and whispered, "You'd be the one getting banged, now!" I laughed hysterically and loudly, with my hands on my stomach. But not for long, since the librarian had told me to hush.

"Ha, you got in trouble!" She smirked back, poking my chest with a finger.

"Oh, shut it, Vinyl. So now, what?"

Vinyl shrugged. "Maybe listen to some wubs?"

I nodded. "Sounds like a plan."

Vinyl pulled a pair of headphones out of her pocket, and with her magic she gave me one of the buds which I placed in my ear. Vinyl placed the other in hers, and booted up her laptop as we came to sit at a free table.

"Music to my Ears?" She asked.

"The Mandopony remix one." I replied.

"Who's he?"

I facepalmed and typed the song in the search bar, and played the correct one. It began with an un-skippable Hulu advertisement which lasted about thirty seconds, and the wubs began as it ended. We both nodded our heads to the music, enjoying the bass and electronica.
"That was pretty cool!" Vinyl stated after the minute and a half video came to an end.

"I bet it was, Ausfahrt."

"Heh. Ass fart. Funny."

I chuckled slightly from my reference to The Living Tombstome's "Vinyl and Canni go to Galacon '14" video.

"So, did you wake up as Vinyl, or did you experience a transformation?" I asked.

Her head quickly turned to me with rather wide eyes, and shrunken pupils. "Bewbs,” is all she said.

"Sooo...the...bewbs were the first change?"

Vinyl nodded.

"Then what?"

"EH, it all just came and went in like three seconds. I was taking a massive shit when it happened. Watched my dick shrink into my body."

"Oh….kay, then." I turned away awkwardly, giving a flick of my brows.

"Nooo, come baaack!" Vinyl pouted, trying to turn me back around.

"No, Michael."

Vinyl gasped. "My name is Vinyl Scratch!"



"Michael!" I said a bit louder.

"VINYL!" Vinyl roared, gaining the attention of the librarian.

She glared at us an evil glare. "Quiet!"

I chuckled my plan had worked. "You go in trouble!" I smirked.

"Oh, shut it!" Vinyl rolled her eyes and punched my arm.

“Man, we need something fun to do.” I muttered.

Vinyl groaned. “I know! First day of turning into Vinyl and I’m stuck at school.”

I smiled and gave Vinyl a pat on the back. “Hey, after today, you got twelve days to do what you want in your new form and...stuff.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Vinyl smiled. “I’m really hoping I don’t turn back...is that weird?” She asked, with one drooped ear.

I shook my head. “I wouldn’t want to change back, either. I don’t care I would be the opposite gender, because just being a pony would make up for that!”

Vinyl smiled with a slight chuckle. “I enjoy life now. I just feel...right like this, you know?”

I nodded. “I see what you mean. Hey, maybe I turn into Octi and then we become marefriends, how about it?” I asked with a sly smirk.

Vinyl glared. “No. Never! Ever. Ever!” She deadpanned, prodding my chest with a finger.

I only laughed as steam literally came out of her nose.

“So, what’s your favorite part of your new body?”



Vinyl nodded.


Vinyl shrugged after a few seconds. “It’s worth being Vinyl, though.

“I’m sure you love everything else. Like the ears, the mane, the tail, hooves, and fur, and stuff?”

Vinyl nodded to each.

“Belly rub?”

To this question, Vinyl tilted her head, staring at me awkwardly.

“Want a belly rub, is what I’m trying to ask.”

Vinyl chuckled. “Oh, my grandma gave me one this morning before I left.” Vinyl sighed dreamily. “I love belly rubs.” She smiled, then her facial expression suddenly changed from happy to stern as she cocked her head at me. “But don’t you touch me!”

“Aight,” I shrugged. “Vinyl, guess what?”


I poked the tip of her muzzle with a fore finger. “Boop!”

Vinyl rolled her eyes, moving her head away from my finger. “You’re so weird.”

“Your tits are small.”

I laughed as Vinyl thumped her head down onto the table, nearly impaling it with her horn. “Fuck you, they are not.” Vinyl moped as she stared at her breasts, which looked to be about seventy five cm in size.

“Are too.”

There was no response, but a sniffle.

“Vinyl? You cryin?”

“Leave me alone.” She muttered, turning away from me.

“Awe, dude, you know I was just messing.”

Vinyl sighed and sat up, staring at her furred over breasts. “Are they really small?”

I shook my head. “Nah, they’re about average. I didn’t think you’d be so offended by what I said. Sorry, Vinyl.”

Vinyl glared and drew a fist back. Before i had time to react, she delivered quite a blow to my right shoulder.

“Ow, what the fuck!?” I snapped as I lay on the floor.

“Don’t be calling my tits small!”

I rolled my eyes with a heavy groan as I sat back in my chair. “Alright. I won’t.


“Octi is best pony.”

Vinyl gasped loudly. “You don’t mean that do you!? I thought I was best pony!” Vinyl whined, tears filling her eyes.

“Of course you’re best pony! Octi just a bish.”

“Okay.” Vinyl sniffed as the smile returned to her face. “I’m not wearing a bra.”

I facepalmed. “Then get some!”

“Or panties.”

“Don’t care!”

“It’s not my fault! Guys don’t wear that shit! I was a guy until yesterday night! A.K.A, the best night of my life!”

“I know, Vinyl.”

After that, there was a moment of silence, where neither of us spoke for a minute or two

“I’m going shopping after school. Wanna come with?” Vinyl asked, hoping to change the subject.

I chuckled. “You getting new clothes?”

“Yeah. I’m also gonna start saving up money to wubify my room!”

I patted Vinyl on the back. “Nice! Now, the bell is about to ring, so, see you tomorrow, Vinyl?”

She nodded. “Sure! And, Merry Christmas! Even though it’s tomorrow!” She chuckled as we stood from the table.

I smiled at her with a nod as I stood.

“Wait...we don’t have school tomorrow! So, see you after break then!” Vinyl chuckled.

“Yeah, derp!”

“God, I love life!” Said Vinyl in a cheery voice.

I shook my head. “I still hate you. Guess I’ll wait my turn to turn into a humanoid equine somehow. I’m hoping to turn into Lyra, now.”

“Nice, but, I has to go to class before I’m late!”

And with that, Vinyl ran off, her hooves clip clopping with each step.

I took in a deep breath, and let it out, still trying to register the fact my best friend had somehow turned into Vinyl Scratch. Because that’s definitely normal.

Comments ( 26 )

Tastless Cheerios and cheap coffee

I had that this morning, I feel like you're stalking me... :moustache:

6764487 No, I just know a bit too much about life. Like Misletoe is actually poisonous

Why do they have school on Christmas eve


Probably takes place in Geneva. School ended on the 23rd, pretty close to the 24th. Either that or some other country that does that. Maybe a country where the dominant religion isn't Christianity.

Or, I'm just overthinking things. Cool story, I hope Micheal liked it...

Pun is not a verb. :ajbemused:

You're not supposed to explain what you're referencing. :ajbemused:

It was an okay scene, with decent enough dialog. :ajsmug:

6808834 It was something i had to quick dish out in one night, so its okay if you say it sucks. I dont think i did good on it really

(My inquisitive look slowly increases until my one raised eyebrow shoots off of my face and through the ceiling, never to be seen or heard from again. Although it is spoken in legend that it will cause the end of the universe) WWWWWWAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHT?! :rainbowhuh:

What? WHAT? ._. Waht? Wat? Que?

Ok I'm better.

This was... Interesting. The dialogue was... Odd to say the least. If one of my friends suddenly transformed into an anthropomorphic animal, the last question on my mind would be "can I feel you up?" XD.

I think I'll have to re read this just to absorb whatever was going on XD although I will say that girls can wear boxers. No one minds that.

Ok went through it.

Girls wear bras for a reason, they bounce around like motherfuckers. It's hilarious and very noticeable.

This is a very optimistic view on how someone would react changing gender, species and voice.

Maybe I'll write a counter view of this. Im trying to make a name for myself as The One That Does Those Depressing Stories ^.^ I love it.

Overall... Odd but nothing outright terrible. Give it a like for its outlandishness alone.

6830359 no problem. I enjoyed the oddness.

6830491 I have the second chapter done on google docs, since Michael asked for more. Should I add it on here?

6830507 I don't see why not.

Bring it!

6830507 Bring it! Bring it good!

Fun story. :facehoof:

I don’t care I would be the opposite gender, because just being a pony would make up for that!

At the start perhaps but he would be eating those words after a while unless there's more to him than meets the eyes. But I guess I'm just reading to much into this.

Girls wear bras for a reason, they bounce around like motherfuckers. It's hilarious and very noticeable.

And painful for some.

....Woah, that was odd...

Comment posted by Dyno8man deleted Feb 20th, 2016

Aw, that's so cute, Tex. You're becoming a brony!

Idk xD

6956624 Which part: The outburst or the realization?

>> Doctor Tex Both!

I sthere gonna be a sequal?

There was nothing bad with this story, it was perfectly decent as a gift for your friend, but other than that it was mostly unremarkable.

Though there was plenty of potential to be had with this setting and characters. I was left wanting to know more about them, as only a little of who they were as people came through their behavior and dialogue, teasing us of their true identities in life.

I hope you'll consider further exploring the pieces you set up in this fic. I'd like to see if that potential I mentioned can be molded into something grand. :)

liked it but felt like it was unfinished or it felt like it needed a sequel

She glared at us an evil glare. "Quiet!"


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