• Published 23rd Jul 2018
  • 6,095 Views, 35 Comments

Slipping Through My Hooves - Awesomo3000

An alternate take on Somepony to Watch Over Me, if Apple Bloom had snapped at Applejack about her over-protectiveness.

  • ...

All The Time

Author's Note:

Crikey, I've been wanting to finish this story for the longest time! Glad I finally worked up the motivation to do so! Hope you enjoy!

To say Apple Bloom's 'home alone' day wasn't going too good was a gross understatement.

Ever since Applejack had unexpectedly returned home from her assigned pie delivery, she'd gone out of her way to look after her little sister in every crazy way imaginable. And all because of the simplest, not to mention silliest, of accidents.

She'd tried reassuring herself that Applejack, being as reasonable and mature as she was, would eventually snap out of it. But that hadn't been the case. From tying pillows to the rakes and nets to the apple trees' branches, and even adding training wheels to Apple Bloom's wheelbarrow, she was practically stalking her every move. It wasn't poignant so much as it was irritating and even creepy. The protection helmet she'd been forced to wear only soured her mood more as she trudged back to the house.

Shoving the bottom half of the stable door open, Apple Bloom's eyes popped wide at the sight of the living room. Every decoration and piece of furniture was now coated in plastic wrap. The chairs, the lamps, the door frames, even the corners of the pictures on the wall were covered. Her bewilderment quickly evaporated into frustration.

"Ugh, for the love of... You've gone and baby-proofed everything!" Right on cue, a proud-looking Applejack appeared in the doorway.

"Yup!" she replied with a soft chuckle as she stepped into the room. "Your big sister let you down once, but I promise it won't ever happen again."

Apple Bloom stormed a few steps away from her big sibling, who still kept that same oblivious smile on her face.

"But really, I'm fine! I can take care of myself! I don't need you watchin' over me!" She snapped, stamping her hoof for emphasis.

But still, Applejack didn't get the hint. With speed great enough to rival Pinkie Pie, she scooped her sister up in one foreleg and cradled her close.

"Aww, that's sweet." she cooed, tenderly rocking her back and forth. "I appreciate you're tryin' to make me feel better, but don't worry. I'll always be here for you." As if that wasn’t demeaning enough, Apple Bloom felt another helmet being placed on top of the one she was already wearing.


That innocently insensitive action was the final straw.

Apple Bloom’s small annoyed groan grew louder until it turned into an enraged growl. Flailing her forelegs around, she struggled furiously until she finally wriggled out of her sister's grasp.

"Stop it, stop it, STOP IT!"

Applejack took a defensive step back from the filly’s scream that echoed throughout the household, her loving grin now replaced with shock. Her teeth clenched hard enough to crack, Apple Bloom's chest rose and fell with every angry breath she took.

"Applejack, what in Equestria is wrong with you?" Applejack flinched as her sibling yanked both helmets of her head and hurled them at the wall. "Can't you see how crazy you're actin'? Covering my rake with a pillow? Tying nets onto the apple trees? Baby-proofing the living room? And all because I spilled some soup? You're treatin’ me like a complete idiot who can't do the simplest of things! I don't need you checking up on me every minute of the day!"

Trying to put on her comforting smile again, Applejack raised a hoof in a futile attempt to calm the filly down.

"Now, sis..."

"NO! I ain't finished speakin'!" Recoiling from Apple Bloom’s sharp yell, the farm pony instantly shut her mouth.

"Do I need to remind you about all the risky stuff I've done in the past? Like walking through Ponyville all by myself? Or applebuckin' out in the fields with you and Big Mac? Or when I helped wrangle that army of Pinkie Pies? Or how about the times I've gone through the Everfree Forest to visit Zecora on my own?” With each piercing question, Applejack anxiously took a step back from her advancing sibling.

“Heck, what about all those times I've gone out and explored different skills with the Cutie Mark Crusaders like diving or mountain climbing or zip-lining? Or when me and Sweetie Belle got pulled along by Scootaloo all the way to the Crystal Empire? Huh? Do those just not count for anything?”

At last, Applejack felt her tail touch the living room wall as the filly didn’t let up.

“I may be younger than you, Applejack, but I'm growing up every single day!” She continued furiously, “And as far as I'm concerned, I've done plenty a’ stuff that shows I'm not a baby who needs her sister constantly looking over her shoulder every second of her life!"

As Apple Bloom paused from her tirade for a much-needed breather, she could see in her sister's eyes that her words had hurt. A glimmer of guilt washed through Apple Bloom before she stubbornly forced it to the very back of her mind. Applejack’s next words were soft, almost inaudible.

"But... I'm just trying to look out for you, Apple Bloom. I... I want you to be safe."

She flinched as her outstretched hoof was smacked away. Apple Bloom's conscience begged her not to speak anymore at the risk of saying something really hurtful. But the pleas went unheard.

"Who cares what you want for me? YOU'RE NOT MOM!"

Time froze still. Applejack’s breath caught in her throat as she felt her sister's words slice through her heart like an invisible knife. The only thing that broke the silence was Apple Bloom's deep angry breathing through her nostrils.

She could've done several things at that point. She could've listened to the haranguing voice inside her head and apologised to Applejack, said she hadn’t mean it, explained that it just slipped out as a result of her frustration, maybe even given her a comforting hug.

Instead the filly whirled around and stormed up the stairs, leaving a very pained Applejack rooted to the spot. Not even the deafening slam of Apple Bloom's bedroom door made her flinch. Minutes that felt like eternity passed until at last, the farm mare found the will to move. Her eyes cast down at the floorboards, she very slowly staggered over to the plastic-wrapped couch and sat down.

A thousand thoughts raced through Applejack’s mind. Why her sister couldn’t see how much she cared for her. How she could’ve said something so horrible. Whether she had been right to return from her deliveries at all. If she maybe had gone a bit overboard.

And how things would have gone if they were still here.

Lifting her head up, Applejack directed her eyes to the books on the shelf near Granny Smith’s rocking chair, catching sight of a bright red one. Rising from her seat, she trotted over and very gently pulled it out. Her already-wounded heart ached more after a mere glance at the title on the front:


Taking her seat back on the wrapped couch, she set the book down on her lap. Her hoof trembling slightly, Applejack opened the cover. Turning through pages upon pages of photos with her, Big Mac and Granny Smith, she finally found the one she was searching for.

A weary yet still smiling Buttercup leaning in the rocking chair. Tenderly holding her newborn youngest daughter.

The corners of Applejack’s mouth curled up into a nostalgic grin as she recalled the night Apple Bloom first arrived at the house. The exhaustion on both Mom and Dad’s faces when they finally managed to get her to bed. Not to mention how utterly ecstatic she’d been about getting a little sister. Though she didn’t get much sleep on some nights because of her crying, Applejack had nonetheless loved her to the ends of Equestria.

Going through each photograph of Buttercup and Bright Mac taking care of their new foal, from feeding her to bathing her to playing with her, Applejack’s smile only grew. It wasn’t until she found herself looking at one of Apple Bloom being held in her sister’s forelegs that it faded completely. Her sorrow returning, the mare stared off into space as that particular memory came flooding back into her mind.

Wiping sweat off her brow, Applejack trotted into the living room which was lit up by the warm glow of the evening sun. She sighed in bliss at the smell of Granny Smith’s soup cooking over in the kitchen. And the sight on her mother on the couch gently rocking Apple Bloom made her light up more. Thanks to a sprained hoof, Bright Mac had recommended his wife take the week off to take care of herself. Fortunately she hadn’t minded, seeing how it meant spending time with her one-year-old daughter.

“Hey, Ma!” Applejack said, hoisting herself up onto the spot next to her. “How’s your hoof holdin’ up?”

Glancing across at her daughter then at her bandaged hind leg resting on a cushioned stool, Buttercup gave a warm smile.

“It’s comin’ along just fine, Applejack. Shouldn’t be long now before I’m out applebuckin’ until the sun goes down.”

“You always pull through in these kinda tight spots, Ma.” The teenage foal replied with confidence. Rather than making her feel better, however, Buttercup’s smile died down slightly as her rocking of Apple Bloom slowed. Noticing this, Applejack stared inquisitively.


After a moment of only the cooking sounds from the kitchen breaking the silence, Buttercup spoke once more.

“Applejack, you remember that talk we had when you were younger?” She asked. “‘Bout how your Pa and I won’t always be here?”

The tiniest twang of pain shot through Applejack’s chest at the mention of that memory. Though it had proven difficult, she had nevertheless prepared herself for that inevitable day.


“Well we ain’t gettin’ any younger. And when that day comes, the family’s gonna need you more than ever.” Reaching a free hoof out, Buttercup tilted her daughter’s chin up towards her until their eyes met.

“You’re the strongest filly I know, Applejack.” Both mares glanced down at the slumbering baby. “And your sister’s gonna need you most of all. To guide her. Encourage her. Help her grow into the great pony I know she can be. And with you by her side, I have every reason to believe she’ll become just as strong as you.”

Applejack smiled tenderly as her infant sister cooed in her sleep before sucking on her hoof. As the mental journey of her sibling growing up played in her head, however, that smile left her face.

“But… what if she grows up and…” She gave a small gulp. “…doesn’t need me anymore?”

Buttercup’s sweet chuckle rang in her ear like a bell. The sort of chuckle she gave whenever someone was completely overreacting to the tiniest of things. Applejack then felt her mother’s foreleg wrapping gently over her shoulders.

“Now it’s true that every sibling does need their share of space.” She said, giving Applejack a small kiss on the forehead. “To have room to grow and discover things for themselves.” Her loving smile returned as she directed the filly’s attention to Apple Bloom once again.

“But just because she won’t need you mindin’ her all the time, that don’t mean she’ll never need you. You may be growin’ up but you sure as pie still need Big Mac to help you from time to time." Applejack's smile came back briefly as she realised the truth to that.

"Y’understand, Applejack?" Buttercup continued softly. "No matter how big Apple Bloom gets, she’ll always be your sister. And she’ll still love you.” Both mother and daughter's shimmering eyes met again.

“Can you promise to take care of her when she needs it and love her in return?”

After a moment of looking back and forth between her sibling and her mother, Applejack at last returned the kiss before looking at the baby with undying affection.

“I promise, Ma.”

Tears escaped the corners of Applejack’s eye as she finally came to the biggest family photo at the very back.

Granny Smith had stayed strong all these years but when that day finally came for Buttercup and Bright Mac, it took its toll on everyone in the Apple family. But they’d managed to pull through it together. And now that they were gone, Granny Smith, Big Mac and her were the only ponies around to help Apple Bloom grow.

She’s my sister. Applejack gently ran her hoof over her sister in the corner of the picture. I love her more than anything in all Equestria. If something happened to her…

A small sniffle escaped her.

I don’t wanna lose her too.

Clenching her eyes shut, she thought back to that talk between her and Mom. About how children needed space in their lives to discover things on their own.

Gradually opening her eyes, her smile returned as she began remembering all the feats Apple Bloom had done with each passing year. Bucking the apple trees day after day. Helping to wrangle up those Pinkie Pie clones. All the crazy and stunt-filled things she and her friends had attempted for a cutie mark. Looking back on them, they were rather impressive.

Looking back down at the photograph, Applejack compared her younger sister on the page to how she was now. She had grown up pretty fast in what seemed like forever and accomplished so much for such a young pony.

Then Applejack recalled the events of today. Looking back now, getting snapped at didn’t make her wince nearly as much as remembering the crazy lengths she had gone to.

“I’m real sorry, Ma.” She said softly, wiping the stray tears out of her eyes. Remembering the living room coated in plastic wrap, she rubbed a hoof across the layered couch and sighed. How was spilling cold soup the equivalent of any of those past feats Apple Bloom has done? Did it really warrant this much security? It wasn't like she had almost been ravaged by a timberwolf or a chimera.

“I am gonna lose her if I keep hounding her like this.” The farm pony thought aloud. “Keep this up and I might end up driving her away. It could damage our bond… forever.” Closing the scrapbook shut, Applejack rose to her hooves and directed her eyes to the top of the staircase.

What do I want for her? I want her to grow into a strong pony. And to do that, I need to stop being a bodyguard.

She began her descent up the stairs towards Apple Bloom’s bedroom.

And start being a sister.

Grimacing as she painfully remembered that thunderous slam, Applejack contemplated whether or not her sister would even be in the mood for an apology. Like it or not, there was only one way to find out. Sucking in a deep breath, she finally raised a hoof and gave the closed door a couple of anxious knocks.

“Apple Bloom?” She called out quietly.

Not a sound came from behind the door for the longest time. Sighing, Applejack was about to turn away and head back downstairs before a familiar voice stopped her.

“Come in.”

Somewhat hesitant, Applejack opened the door a tiny crack and peeped inside. Seeing her sister lying on her bed staring up at the ceiling, she opened it all the way and quietly stepped inside. Neither said a word as Applejack made her way over and sat on the edge of the mattress. Before she could even open her mouth, Apple Bloom beat her to the punch.

“Applejack, I…” She paused, biting her lip before continuing in a melancholy tone. “I’m real sorry I snapped at you. I shouldn’t have said what I sai…”


The filly turned to gaze at her older sister in surprise. Applejack let out a quiet sigh.

“I should be apologisin’. You had every right to be mad at me. I’m the one I got a little carried away. Well… a lot carried away, actually. And I’m… I’m actually glad you said whatcha said. It knocked some sense into me. Made me remember some pretty good advice.”

Keeping her eyes on the floorboards, she inhaled deeply. “From Ma.”

Sitting up slowly, Apple Bloom’s attention stayed locked onto her sibling as she turned to look at her in return.

“I guess I was letting the past get ahold of me and not let go.” She began to smile warmly as her sister allowed her to place a foreleg around her shoulder. “I realise that you’re growin’ up, Apple Bloom. And I’m so proud that you’re accomplishin’ so much each day. By yourself and with your friends and family beside ya. Any filly that can do those kinda things sure doesn’t need me constantly lookin’ over their shoulder. You’re not a baby anymore and I shouldn’t be treatin’ you like one. I won’t hold you back but that doesn’t mean I’ll stop bein’ your sister. And when you do need me, I promise I’ll be there.”

Not a moment had passed before Applejack felt her sister embracing her, her small forelegs wrapped around her abdomen. Her surprised expression then melted away into pure happiness before she returned the tender hug, the filly nuzzling her. Applejack swore she felt a tear or two on her coat. As much as neither wanted it to end, both sisters pulled out of the loving cuddle.

“You know, if you were really worried about me bein’ home alone, you coulda just called Rarity or one of your other friends to come check on me.” Apple Bloom remarked after a moment’s silence. Resisting the urge to smack her own forehead, the farm pony couldn’t help laughing.

“Slipped my mind.” Came her amused response as she tried (and failed) to hide a sheepish blush. “Y’know, me bein’ busy with the crazy security and all.”

“I’ll say!” Apple Bloom gave a laugh of her own before putting on her best impression of her sibling’s voice. “’Oh, no, my sister spilled soup! Somepony call the hospital!’” Truly grasping the ridiculousness of it all, the two ponies almost fell off the edge of the bed in the midst of their laughter. Finally taking a moment to breathe, Apple Bloom glanced up at her sibling.

“So we’re good?”

“Little sister…” Returning the grin, Applejack pulled the filly in close for one last hug.

“We’re always good.”

Hitched up to her pie cart once again, Applejack restarted her trek out into the wilderness while her sister waved goodbye from the barn’s open doorway. Turning around briefly to wave back, she finally let that built-up tear run down her cheek. A tear of joy, as well as acceptance.

“My little sister really is all grown up.”

Comments ( 35 )

That line with Apple Bloom would cut deep, especially if we didn't see the Perfect Pear in the first place (or maybe after seeing it too).
This was really good. Liked reading it.

I love these "What If?" scenario structured stories, they're always great. 😃

You made an awesome and heartwarming story out of one of my least favorite episodes!

"Do I need to remind you about all the risky stuff I've done in the past? Like walking through Ponyville all by myself? Or applebuckin' out in the fields with you and Big Mac? Or when I helped wrangle that army of Pinkie Pie clones? Or how about the times I've gone through the Everfree Forest to visit Zecora on my own?” With each piercing question, Applejack anxiously took a step back from her advancing sibling.


“Heck, what about all those times I've gone out and explored different skills with the Cutie Mark Crusaders like diving or mountain climbing or zip-lining? Or when me and Sweetie Belle got pulled along by Scootaloo all the way to the Crystal Empire? Huh? Do those just not count for anything?”

Technically AB, that wasn’t an actual mountain to begin with:twilightsheepish:.

"Who cares what you want for me? YOU'RE NOT MOM!"


“Now it’s true that every sibling does need their share of space.” She said, giving Applejack a small kiss on the forehead. “To have room to grow and discover things for themselves.” Her loving smile returned as she directed the filly’s attention to Apple Bloom once again. “But just because she won’t need you mindin’ her all the time, that don’t mean she’ll never need you. You may be growin’ up but you sure as pie still need Big Mac to help you from time to time." Applejack's smile came back briefly as she realised the truth to that.

Truer words have never been spoken Pear:pinkiesmile:.

What do I want for her? I want her to grow into a strong pony. And to do that, I need to stop being a bodyguard.

Yes, exactly:twilightsmile:.

“Applejack, I…” She paused, biting her lip before continuing in a melancholy tone. “I’m real sorry I snapped at you. I shouldn’t have said what I sai…”

It’s alright AB, I forgive you:pinkiesad2:.

“I guess I was letting the past get ahold of me and not let go.” She began to smile warmly as her sister allowed her to place a foreleg around her shoulder. “I realise that you’re growin’ up, Apple Bloom. And I’m so proud that you’re accomplishin’ so much each day. By yourself and with your friends and family beside ya. Any filly that can do those kinda things sure doesn’t need me constantly lookin’ over their shoulder. You’re not a baby anymore and I shouldn’t be treatin’ you like one. I won’t hold you back but that doesn’t mean I’ll stop bein’ your sister. And when you do need me, I promise I’ll be there.”

Apples to the Core:rainbowdetermined2:!

“We’re always good.”

Reference to the actual episode:ajsmug:.

“My little sister really is all grown up.”

She is, she really is...:heart:.

Me too, I’m actually planning to do a series regarding that:raritywink:.


Cool. 😄 I'm thinking of posting this MLP horror story I had in mind for a while. ^^

“What If” stories are usually hit or miss. This one however hit the bullseye.

Bittersweet cute. Rather well written, especially in regards to the small backstory behind Buttercup and Bright Mac. I also added this story to a few groups for you, so enjoy that.

Oh the feels were so damn strong & well written too. This is "What if" one-shot makes me wish that this had happened, instead of what we got.


I'm a post a preview of it in a blog sometime. 😄

I posted a preview blog just now, but it's not the horror story, it's for my main MLP story I thought of for 3 years. 😄

Thanks. 😊 I'll post the horror story preview hopefully soon. ^^

( I see you use the pony emojis, I'm probably the only one that doesn't like using those XD )

This is the kind of character development I crave for the show. This is so well written.

This should’ve been the ending for the episode

Is the title a play on Slipping Through my Fingers and by extent a reference to the ABBA song of the same name???

DING DING! We have a winner! :raritywink:

You took a cringy episode and made it into something very heartwarming and feelsy. Well done.

Holy cow this was an amazing story to read. I'm kinda half and half on the actual episode, but found this to be awesome. If this had actually happened in the actual episode, I would've loved it.

Man, I hate that it took me so long to get to reading this story.

Great work, man, really excellent stuff.

It's okay, glad you enjoyed it and that your trip went well. :twilightsmile:

Fuller review here, but in brief: definitely preferable in my book to the show's take on this. I liked the flashback, but felt there was a bit too much of it. The "single tear" is a huge cliché too, but for the most part this is pretty readable stuff.

Comment posted by Creativa-Artly01 deleted Oct 13th, 2018

I. AM. SOBBING. :raritycry::raritycry::raritycry:

This is Exactly how I feel about my little girl growing up, and the same advice my mom gave me. Plus the Mamma Mia reference is so badass. This story really touched something deep inside of me. You really captured the bond AJ had with Buttercup. I applaud you, and all of your hard work. This is truly a masterpiece. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. It really does make everything so worth it. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Here, have a baby Dashie.


This would have been a better ending. Well written. :pinkiehappy:

Slipping through my fingers all the time
I try to capture every minute
The feeling in it
Slipping through my fingers all the time
Do I really see what's in her mind
Each time I think I'm close to knowing
She keeps on growing
Slipping through my fingers all the time..
Replace fingers with hooves...
What it made me think of!

Who cares what you want for me? YOU'RE NOT MOM!

You’ve gone too far, Apple bloom

Made more sense than what actually happened and it would have been interesting to see an interaction between Applejack and her mother.

personally I thought she should have done it during the show. Her sister was acting crazy overprotective. Even babies don't get codled that much.

It made me cry.
Going in my favorites. :pinkiesad2:

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