• Published 26th Dec 2015
  • 3,544 Views, 15 Comments

As The Years Pass - BlackWater

Twilight and Sunset Shimmer have another Christmas together as a happily married couple. It marks more than the end of another year, though. A life-changing decision is made.

  • ...

As The Years Pass

As the years pass us by, I feel this warmth in my heart,” Twilight smiled just faintly. She leaned against Sunset, who was at her side.

The snow was slow and sparse enough not to be overwhelming. Instead, the gentle drift was providing a remarkable view for them where they sat on the bench. It was a scenic viewing area outside the city. The direction they faced let them see further down the outside of the city's edge. It was lined with white pines and peaceful snow drifts. Winter had arrived on a friendly breeze this year.

Sunset wrapped her arm around her wife, feeling the thick plushness of her coat even through her knit gloves. “I don't know if it's because of us enjoying our time together or...”

“Knowing this is our happily ever after?” Twilight looked her wife in the eyes. A snowflake landed on the clear left lens of her black-rimmed glasses.

The red head pulled Twilight to her to fully hug her. They nestled their heads against each other's necks. The warmth they got from each other helped keep them there, but it had to end eventually. When they parted again, they looked out at the view. Not much had changed out there, which was usual for the outskirts of the city.

“What do you want this Christmas, honey?” Twilight asked.

Sunset thought about it for a moment and then looked over to her spouse, who was resting her head against her shoulder. “Another year with my beautiful and sexy wife?”

Twilight rolled her eyes and playfully tapped Sunset's nose. “Seriously.”

“How about you on our bed. Wrapped up in nothing else but a bow. Nothing else.”

The girl's deadpan expression came out full force.

“Okay, okay,” Sunset giggled and relented. “But I would enjoy it, you know.”

Twilight softened up. “I know.”

“It's just that I've sort of gotten everything I've ever wanted,” the redhead said cheerfully but almost with an indifference to the enormity of it. Her lips made a slant. “What else do I want? I've got great friends, a perfect wife, a pretty solid living...”

They kept sitting there looking out at the winter landscape. Twilight enjoyed cuddling up to her wife and enjoying small talk of no consequence. When they left to go back home, there were a few shapes nudged into the snow near where Twilight's boots had been beneath the bench. The shapes had, in fact, been drawn by those same fake-fur-coated boots.

It was the shape of two people.

And one smaller person in-between.

“I don't believe it,” Professor Theory leaned back in his chair. He ran his hand through his old graying hair.

Twilight was leaning over his shoulder. “Test 98. This makes it conclusive. Gene RP9 binds flawlessly.”

The old man took his glasses from his face with shaking hands. “Do you know what this means, Mrs. Shimmer?”

“Twilight,” the girl cheerfully reminded him for the thousandth time.

“After they come through the portal, they are transformed into us and yet retain their 'magic' gene.”

“Which can be retained in offspring as well. Highly likely too, since it's dominant,” Twilight nodded excitedly and pulled up her own chair to sit down in. “We've always known RP9 wasn't necessary as long as that white contagion was present, but this is a major discovery. It means ponies that come through the portal are not only transformed into our species but they also lack conflicting gene structures. Since RP9 doesn't exist on Earth or any other sampled planetary body in our solar system, it represents a priceless asset to scientific research.”

The professor wiped his glasses with his old Hawaiian shirt. He had clearly managed to compose himself and now he looked to Twilight with a curious tick in his eyebrow.

“What?” the girl's smile dropped a hair.

“Oh, nothing,” Theory played dumb.

“I know that look,” Twilight deadpanned.

The old man chuckled to himself and leaned back. “I just happen to know what this means for you. Personally, that is.”

Twilight's mixing emotions cooled to the point that she merely said “yeah” while looking down to the floor and bumping her shoes together.

Theory put his glasses back on and folded his hands on his lap. “You don't have to ask permission, you know. You're a perfectly grown-up adult. Heck, you're married even! Got farther than I did, that's for sure!”

Twilight smiled lop-sided at the professor's boisterous laughter. Inside, though, she worried. This was the revelation she had wanted so badly, but what would Sunset think? Twilight wondered if Sunset wanted the same thing she did. What if she said no to having a child? She refused to believe it would hurt their relationship but then there would always be that part of her that-

Theory slapped her on the shoulder. Apparently he had gotten up while she battled her inner voice. “Talk it over with her and just ask me for the keys if you need them. I can get ol' Ms. Sour Splice to give up the lab for a bit.”

Twilight opened her mouth but he wouldn't have anything of it.

“Don't you go arguing,” he pointed at her. “Talk it over. And maybe you need some time to think about it yourself too. Take the rest of the day off. Go for a walk. Get some fresh air. You deserve it.”

Twilight sighed. She knew better to argue with him when he got like this. As far as stubborn old men went, Theory did an excellent job. So she got up, gave her thanks, and took her bag with her on the way out. She left her lab coat on the hook, nearly forgetting to take it off. She often forgot and came home only to have Sunset comment on it.

The research institute was a minute or two outside of town because of the large outdoor spaces they needed for experiments. That gave Twilight a scenic, if rather cold, walk along the countryside. Snow was everywhere, as it had been for weeks now. The wind was thankfully low, so she didn't need to bundle up her face in her red and orange scarf as much as she would otherwise need to.

As she walked along the cleared off-road trail that wound through the surrounding forest, she thought to herself. The scarf around her neck she lifted to her lips and felt the warmth of it. She and her wife had exchanged scarves a few years ago, which was why it tended to clash so much with the typical colors of her wardrobe. Rarity had surprised her one day by remarking how it was an adorable fit rather than a fashion no-no. Apparently, even Rarity saw what apparel could mean beyond mere fashion.

Twilight sighed again into the open air. There wasn't any snowfall at the moment, so her breath came out in a steady cloud of warmth before fading into nothing. Before getting married, Twilight had talked to Sunset about having children in the future and what they had decided was that it was a complicated matter best left a few years down the road. Well, it was a few years down the road now.

As she walked along, hearing the almost silent crunch of layered snow beneath her, she looked to her hand. The wedding ring sparkled upon it, the sun emblem giving its usual warm radiance. The jewel was something between purple and orange and looked like a brilliant late sunset every time she gazed into it. That's where she and her wife were headed. A beautiful and timeless sunset together.

She just wished...

...wished that their story didn't end with just them.

Water came to Twilight's eyes, quickly feeling cold in the chill air. She quickly put her knit gloves on, having forgotten to do so earlier. Her lips trembled and she didn't know why. Maybe she was thinking too far ahead, but she felt like it was a decision to be made now. To her, the worst thing was the feeling of loss of what she knew they could have. If they never had a child, she would keep thinking about what life might have been like with one. That struck her painfully in her heart.

Twilight had gone on walking for so long, lost in thoughts about herself and Sunset, that she almost missed it when she reached the clearing in the forest trail. It was where a small lake laid, though it was frozen over now. A familiar face was there near the edge of the lake, a half dozen dogs attached to her via leash.

“Fluttershy?” Twilight was honestly surprised. She stepped off the trail towards the other girl.

The pet-lover noticed her, smiled, and waved her over. “Fancy meeting you here,” she giggled softly. Of course, that was always how she giggled.

Twilight was cheered up for some reason. Perhaps because her mind was on something else now. She tightened her winter coat around her. “Letting the dogs out?”

“They need some fresh air every now and then,” Fluttershy nodded and called out gently when one of the dogs started to put paws onto the ice. The paws retreated. “Not for too long, though. Can't have one of them catching a cold.”

The married girl nodded, noticing Fluttershy's winter attire that she hadn't seen before. It was green and brown with patterns of plants and pulled off that earthy look that was only possible with well-placed hues. Rarity had made it no doubt, since the brown was only used in accents.

The years had given Fluttershy a mature grace she had possessed in high school to a lesser degree. Her poise was relaxed and yet certain. She had gained several inches in height without heels. Every one of her movements was slow and yet powerful and deliberate. It was as if she were in tune with nature around her, knowing where everything was and having everything under her control. If Twilight didn't know her as a friend, she might have seemed intimidating, as ironic as that was in hindsight.

“You have a lot on your mind,” Fluttershy coolly commented off-hand. “Want to talk about it? I have a ways to walk back to my car.”

Twilight struggled with the idea but let in as Fluttershy led her back onto the trail with the dogs in the eager lead. Some of the smaller canines had too much energy to know what to do with, but they didn't get out of hand to the degree that Fluttershy had to do anything. A simple glance from her settled them down. They walked for a good minute before Twilight decided to say something.

“I want to have a child,” Twilight said bluntly.

“Oh my,” Fluttershy returned, but wasn't as surprised as she let on.

“I don't know if Sunset does, though,” the glasses-wearing girl sighed. “I get the feeling that she doesn't, since she got us into putting it off in the first place.”

“You've always been birds of a feather, though,“ Fluttershy commented as they took the first bend in the trail. “At least that's how it looked to the rest of us. I assumed you were open about these things with each other. But even if you're not, it's as easy as talking about it, right?”

“I'm scared she'll put it off again or say no,” Twilight hugged herself. The weather felt like it was getting colder.

“Then you should have a talk about that as well,” Fluttershy added. “Let her know that you worry about her response too and this is something really important to you. I'm sure it's as important to her too. Maybe she even feels the same way you do.”

Twilight paused and looked to the equally grown woman walking beside her, dogs tamed on their leashes. “You've changed, Shy. When did you get so confident and mature?”

Fluttershy heard her friend's joking tone but decided to answer anyways. “Sometimes people change. They grow up. Or they become more like children. I decided who I wanted to be. How I wanted to live my life. I'm happy with it. The real question is if you've figured out the life you want with Sunset. Is what you have right now enough or do you really need that last thing?”

Twilight let her friend's words sink in. The Element of Kindness had given her something to consider. What life did she want? And what life did Sunset want? Eventually, an amusing thought struck her.

“This is a little far out for you,” Twilight adjusted her glasses and grinned at her serene pink-haired friend. “Who told you and how could you have known I'd be out here?”

Fluttershy giggled once more. “I knew you'd come out here eventually since you tend to walk this path. I knew that because you've told me yourself in the past. I've been out here regularly for the past week thinking I'd see you eventually.”

“And the informer?” Twilight prodded and then shook her head. “No, I know who it was. Dashie.”

“She cares about you and Sunset,” Fluttershy smiled in that faint motherly way.

“I know she does...”

They came to the end of the trail. It was a different place than where Twilight had begun, which was why she hadn't seen Fluttershy's small electric vehicle earlier. How she managed to fit so many animals in such a small car was beyond her. But then she had always done that even in high school with her backpack.

With nothing but a whistle, Fluttershy ordered the dogs to get into their respective places in the car. She turned to the blue-haired woman and held her hands. “I don't know if you've noticed but Dashie is the type to deny how she really feels.”

“Except for a few things - like those Daring Do books. But, yeah, I've noticed,” Twilight nodded. She could tell how serious Fluttershy was being by the furrow of her brows and pressed lips.

“Last week we had tea. Well, I had tea and she had some kind of fizzy drink. Anyways, she talked to me more than she usually does and she normally avoids get-togethers with the rest of us these days. She had a breakdown, Twilight.”

Twilight's eyes widened. “What?”

“She cried a lot. She tried not to say much when she did, but I caught enough to tell. She feels like she's been abandoned. And not just by her blood relatives. She feels like the rest of us don't care about her anymore. You and Sunset are all the family she has in the world now. At least to her. I think the only reason she broke down in front of me was because she couldn't keep it bottled up anymore.”

“Oh,” Twilight lamely put in. She bit her bottom lip and felt helpless.

The dogs barked to let Fluttershy know they were waiting. The girl looked to her car and then back to Twilight, still holding her hands.

“There's more going on than there appears to be,” Fluttershy continued. “She loves the two of you and she's noticed you being troubled about having kids. She can be very perceptive when she wants to be. Please don't tell her I told you. She just wants you and Sunny to be happy together.”

“Don't worry, Shy,” Twilight shook her hands in the cold. Through both their gloves she could feel her warmth. “I wouldn't let either of you down. Dashie is a part of our family, after all.”

Fluttershy stepped forward to fully hug her friend, which Twilight gladly reciprocated. “We all are.”

It had been a month. Twilight couldn't believe it when the professor reminded her. Had she really put off the talk with Sunset for so long?

The young scientist walked into her apartment, closed the door behind her, and sighed. She didn't waste time removing her coat and gloves. Her scarf and boots came afterwards due to the heavy warmth of the room. Rainbow Dash liked it when it was like the tropics and Sunset was no better. Actually, Sunset had always been the warm-loving one among them and Twilight wondered if it was for her name or her country of origin.

There was somebody else in the apartment, though. It didn't take a hard guess for Twilight to figure out who it was. Only one person she knew wore cowgirl boots like the old muddy ones left safely near the door. So there was little shock when she stepped into the living room to find Rainbow Dash playing a heated video game against Applejack on their TV.

“Consarnit, RD!” Applejack grumbled and glared at the athlete. “I had that one. You shouldn't have had any super powers left.”

“Good evening, AJ,” Twilight calmly sat down on the sofa. The others were on the floor to be closer to the TV. “Is there an occasion I was unaware of? I don't see you too often.”

Applejack was more than ready to forget the game and take up a conversation with the glasses-wearing woman. So she aptly put down the controller and joined Twilight on the much softer sofa. The room was predictably warm enough from the active fireplace, so both AJ and Dash were in tees.

“Here she is!” Applejack merrily hugged the girl and beamed, all losses forgotten. “Don't know how long I've been waitin' for the chance for this. Gettin' off the farm when you're not neck deep in your lab is about as difficult as catchin' a wet hog in summer.”

Twilight was about to raise a question as to the meaning of her friend's words, but AJ was faster.

“Need a might of privacy first, though. Hey, Dash,” the farmer called to the girl continuing with the video game on her own. “I think Pinkie Pie wanted to see you down at the arcade for somethin'.”

“Huh,” Rainbow just kept at the game.

Applejack's brow ticked. “I wouldn't stand up Pinks if I were you.”

Rainbow sighed in the most dramatic way possible. “Yeah. Last time she took me to an ice cream shop and wouldn't let go of me for hours. She's such a time sink.”

Twilight got the hint that Rainbow didn't. “I think I need to talk to Applejack about something in private. Please, Rainbow?”

The tough girl stopped the game and looked back at Twilight. A mixed expression of curiosity and hurt was on her face. She clearly didn't want to go but relented with a shaky “okay.” Her departure from the apartment was perhaps the most downtrodden thing Twilight had seen in ages. Rainbow actually looked depressed because of it and it took Applejack holding her back to keep her from going after the girl and giving her a hug. AJ spoke up a minute after the door was closed.

“You can cheer her up after we're done,” Applejack assured her. “I've been hopin' to talk to you about this kiddy stuff for a few weeks now.”


“Grapevine,” AJ answered swiftly. “Shy does talk even if it's not loud or often. Anyhow, figured you might be on the fence. Glad I did, because looks like you are.”

Twilight let her tension out with a deep breath, grabbing a blanket on the side of the sofa for comfort. It was warm in the room and she still wore a long-sleeve shirt, but she felt she needed the soft coziness of it. Applejack rubbed her arm and smiled like a patient friend trying to give an uplifting word.

“You think too much, Twi,” Applejack stated bluntly. “You second guess the people closest to you because you're always so worried about being hurt or rejected. We've been through this back at CHS. I know you, Twi. Talk to Sunset. She's your family – wife and all. I think Rainbow will like the idea too, though maybe she'll never get to sayin' so.”


AJ laughed with a snort. “That one is the softest girly gal there is when she thinks nobody's around. Thought you'd have figured that out by now. And I think she'd be a great older sister to the new Apple.”

“Shimmer,” Twilight corrected. “Don't tell me you want a child to play with, AJ. You've already got Applebloom.”

“Heh,” Applejack tipped her hat. “She's not the little sister she used to be. I mean, good kid and all, but she's growin' up. Don't have any interest in the kiddy stuff no more.”

“Old enough to be getting nostalgic?” Twilight nudged her friend with more cheer than she had before.

This time AJ slid her hat down to hide her blush. “Aw, I don't know. Maybe I just need to get a backbone like you and Sunset. Get myself a good match. But golly, it feels like a might much, you know?”

“Thanks for telling me to buck up, Applejack,” Twilight leaned sideways to hug her friend. She knew how to change topics and save AJ from her embarrassment. “I think I will talk to Sunny tonight.”

“I didn't do nothin',” the farmgirl shook her head. “Didn't even get to the lecture yet.”

“There was more?”

“Thought you'd need it,” Applejack shrugged. “Usually takes a lot to get you past your books.”

“Not when I already know I need to do something,” Twilight winked.

Applejack brought her feet up and folded her legs on the sofa. Since she had changed to slippers indoors to keep the mud off the nice floor, it was a safe thing to do. “Honestly,” she admitted, “I didn't have a plan after gettin' your nerves up. Just thought I'd have a nice chat and relax. I did bring some cider with me. It's over on the counter. Want some?”

“Sounds great,” Twilight beamed and got up before Applejack could. “And I'd love to just relax. Rainbow always wants to go out and do something, so talking over cider sounds perfect. Maybe I can tell you about the concerts we've been going to. Vinyl just invited us to another of Countess Coloratura's performances. She's even performing in one of her songs.”

“Wait,” AJ rose a brow from the sofa. “Coloratura?”

“Yeah. The big pop star,” Twilight confirmed while pouring them both glasses of cider.

“Pop star,” Applejack repeated to herself. “Naw, couldn't be ol' Rara...”

“What is it?” Sunset asked, a happy grin on her face. “Got something new in mind for our Midnight activities?”

Twilight gave a “pfft” of amusement. She was sitting with Sunset on their bed, door closed and apartment empty of people save for them. As alluring as it might have been for her to give in to temptation and go with her wife's assumption, there was a pressing matter to be dealt with.

The girl adjusted her glasses and put her hand on Sunset's thigh. “We need to talk. About our future.”

Sunset lost her suggestive disposition. Instead, worry grew on her face. It did nothing to help Twilight's confidence.

“A long time ago, before we were married, we talked about the things we wanted in life. We both wanted to be married, but do you remember what I mentioned? About our family?”

The redhead folded her hands in her lap neatly and looked down at them. “Of course I do. I wouldn't forget anything you told me, Twily. Especially not something so important.”

Twilight read her wife's mood and continued with the same concern that had haunted her ever since that day they had first talked about their future together. “I still want a child, Sunny. I just don't know how you feel about it. This is something we have to do together.”

“I...” Sunset choked. “I know you'd be great at taking care of any kid we have, but me? I don't think I could do it. I could never forgive myself if something terrible happened to her and I was responsible.”

“So that's what this is about?” Twilight's eyes widened in realization. “You're afraid of failing as a parent?”

“It's not just that,” Sunset finally looked up to Twilight. Her voice was as uncertain as Twilight's heart had been for a long time. “What I do – what we do raising a child will affect her for her entire life. When I look back on my life, I don't see the kind of person who could be the perfect parent.”

“But there's no such thing as a perfect parent!” Twilight argued. She clutched Sunset's hands in hers. “And I know you, Sunny. You've gone through so much. We all have. You'd be the best and most loving parent in existence!”

“If that's true then I don't know how I'll ever be confident about it,” Sunset grimaced.

Feeling she was on the verge of a breakthrough, Twilight switched the tone. “I still remember our honeymoon – when you told me how much you feared being alone again. You were just as insecure about our relationship as you are now about having a child. The problem was never with how much we loved each other. It was here.”

Twilight poked Sunset's chest.

“You weren't willing to believe in your heart that you could have the eternal love we promised to each other.”

Sunset's gaze dropped in defeat. “Am I not willing to believe I will do my best with our child?”

“I'll always be here to tell you that you can and you will,” Twilight embraced her wife and brought them nose-to-nose.

Sunset tried to give the ghost of a grin, even if she had to force it. “Making the decisions for us both now, hm?”

“I got the feeling you were telling me 'yes' to the next biggest part of our lives,” Twilight whispered as she rested her forehead against Sunset's.

The other woman said nothing for a while, choosing instead to fall backwards on the bed with her wife. They cuddled there for a time while Sunset thought for herself and struggled with her own heart. It was midnight when she finally whispered her answer to her spouse.

“I would love to have a child with you, Twily.”

“Marriage,” Cadance shook her head as she sipped the last of her eggnog. “It's not the end of the road. Just another stepping stone in life. Not even a necessary one. But an exquisitely desirable one, in my opinion. I truly believe it to be a beautiful and irreplaceable part of life.”

“Says the Princess of Love,” Shining Armor yawned and rubbed his wife's shoulder.

The two were cuddled on the sofa of their massive living room. The equally massive TV was playing some sappy love story Cadance had seen a million times and still insisted on watching. She had been watching many of her favorites ever since she had become less mobile. Her pregnancy was so obvious by now that one could only miss it if they were not in the same room.

“Having kids is kind of like that, though,” Sunset added in, sprawled out beside the Christmas tree. Twilight was trying to build a book fort around them. “Where'd you even get all these books?”

“They have a library,” Twilight said matter-of-fact. “Didn't you see it on the tour?”

“This place needs a bus just to get from one side of the mansion to the other,” Sunset rolled her eyes.

“I'm so excited!” Cadance began to enthuse once again. “Not only will we have a baby, but my wonderful sister-in-law will too!”

“Are you sure about this new procedure, Twilight?” Shining worried.

Twilight paused placing a book on Sunset's West tower, to calm her brother. “It's not like some kind of mad experiment. Genetic assembly is routine. I've done it almost as much as Theory. I've done it more times than I've washed the dishes at our apartment! There's not a chance I'd be willing to be the child's host otherwise.”

“It's just so strange,” Shining shook his head.

“You mean strange as in unfamiliar,” Twilight closed her eyes, tutting in lecture. “The TV you watch movies on would have been considered far more than strange two hundred years ago. The advancement of knowledge is not like some random magic. It is stable and predictable, based on laws-”

The rest was tuned out. Shining Armor was no slouch in science but he didn't hold a candle to his little sister's prodigy status. Cadance had meanwhile struck up a new conversation with Sunset.

“Ready for the After Christmas party with your friends?” she asked the garrisoned redhead.

“Locked and loaded, princess,” Sunset faked a salute. She remained laying where she was.

“As much as I love the gang,” Cadance mused, “I'm glad we're just celebrating this one with you guys. With our little one on the way, I don't know if I could handle Pinkie's...enthusiasm.”

“I know what you mean,” Sunset closed her eyes and nodded.

“With the Sparkle parents on a getaway, it's even quieter,” Cadance commented. “Not that either of them were that crazy to begin with. I think Twilight's parents are one of the most serene couples I've ever met. Not reserved but definitely calm. You know?”

Sunset nodded again. Then, out of a mysterious urge, she reached around the West tower of the fort and poked Twilight in the side.

“Hey!” Twilight snapped out of her ongoing lecture. “What?”

“You were being cute,” Sunset stuck out her tongue and noticed Shining Armor nod his thanks to her.

Twilight, however, blushed and fumbled for a response.

“I have an idea!” Shining finally came up with something more engaging. “How about we play Assault on Canterlot Castle?”

“Oh, yes!” Twilight lit up all over again with joy. She pushed her glasses back up the bridge of her nose and quickly stepped over onto Sunset's side of the book fort.

“Are we three year olds?” Sunset rose a brow.

Twilight's only response was to give her wife a couple of thick encyclopedias and instruct her to fortify the gate.

“Oooh! Battle~” Cadance clapped her hands.

What?” Sunset's eyes widened.

Shining Armor stood up from the sofa and gathered as many pillows as he could without touching Cadance's personal supply. He stacked them on his side of the fireplace where he was opposite of the girls. “Preparing to fire!”

“Canterlot will never fall!” Twilight giggled and brought up her own thick tomes for defense. She held them up before the East tower.

Pillows flew. Books toppled. Sunset became a casualty.

In other words, a typical Sparkle holiday.

It was later on when the Shimmers were preparing to leave to go back home that Cadance drew Sunset into another one of her heart-filled hugs. Though it was awkward due to the woman's protruding belly, Sunset enjoyed it all the same. There was just a naturally loving radiance about the woman that could put the most stressed-out person at ease.

“Thank you for being part of our family, Sunny,” Cadance used the girl's familiar nickname.

Sunset reflected on the holiday they had shared once more and would yet have with their friends as well. She was grateful for it all. For the love of her life. For their many happy days and many happy friends. She was also grateful for her future. It was one she would share not only with her beautiful wife but also their beloved child.

Twilight and Sunset Shimmer walked into their apartment tired. It had been a long drive and they were ready to sleep. However, the second the door was closed and they were a few steps in, Rainbow Dash bolted from a hidden corner and snatched Twilight. She dragged her hostage before the warm glowing fireplace.

“Ready for an awesome Christmas night?!” Rainbow beamed like a child in a candy store.

Twilight groaned but was happy to remain limp in Rainbow's grasp. She might even be able to fall asleep now because of the warm fire they were in front of. Spike gave her a lazy acknowledgement from where he was curled up nearby.

Sunset sighed deeply, but in her heart she was as content as could be. “Long nights make for great memories, I suppose.”

Twilight felt her spirits lighten at her wife's words and Rainbow's happy smile. Fluttershy's words finally came up in her mind once again. If she had learned anything about love and friendship then she surely would use it now – no matter how tired she was. So, she surprised the rainbow-haired girl with a loving hug.

“Merry Christmas, Dashie.”

Comments ( 15 )

This story was great and since it was written by you I wasn't surprised it was so awesome and adorkable:twilightsmile:

Awww, you're sweet. :twilightblush:

Merry After-Christmas! :twilightsmile:

Rarity had made it no doubt, since the brown was only used in accents.

That is what I call amazing attention to detail! One brief line from boast busters that fit's well into the story very nice job! I only caught it because I obsessively watch mlp over and over on Netflix. I tried keeping track of how many times I'd watched each episode in sequence but lost track some time after 40. Than again I'm OCD so not much of a surprise I guess.

This was an amazing story. I enjoy reading your sunlight stories. Keep up the good work.

I'm an obsessive watcher too, though I'm sure I've got nothing on you. I've rewatched the entire series about 12 times maybe? I don't keep close track. It's just so fun to watch! *brohoof* /)

Oh! Glad you enjoy them. I like a lot of other characters but I seem to gravitate to Twilight most of the time. :twilightblush:

6789554 -returns bro hoof- Ya sometimes I'll literally wake up at 4 am and if I have nothing planned I'll just watch mlp from then till 11 pm no kidding that's how I role in a very down hill and slightly depressing manner. :moustache:

Please keep writing sunlight stuff though it's my favorite twilight ship and she's my second fav after Fluttershy (I love animals and nature) The problem is nobody seems to write it much let alone as well as you do I'm a sucker for romance I think it's because I like seeing people happy. :twilightsmile:

Awww. Well thank you. And I'm a sucker for romance too for the same reasons. I did get some more work done on Twilight Shimmer today. The next chapter is about half done. :raritywink:

6794326 Glad to here it I can't wait for it to be finished I have a policy that I only read completed works because last time I ended up having to wait (and still am) It literally took me a month to stop being aggravated that the writer hadn't posted a new chapter. Worst of all you had just seen Vinyl get her heart broken by Tavi so it's at a cliff hanger. :twilightangry2: I'm sad to say I'm anything but patient especially when it comes to writing and reading. :twilightsmile:

Oh and have you thought about maybe doing any Scootadash? There is an astonishing lack of it. Most that's out there is bellow 2000 words a story and finding good ones out of the ones I've read I could literaly count on two hands.

Yeah, I'm similar with reading completed stories. I've been burned quite a few times reading a really awesome story just to find out it died and will never get an update. That's why I make a point not to release stories I can't finish. I've got dozens of more stories unpublished because I don't have the time to write past the first chapter. Looking Up is the longest one I have public without an update and incomplete but I am going to get to it before too long and finish it up. Maybe after the next few chapters of Twilight Shimmer and Starlight, Star Bright. :raritystarry:

Do you mean Scootadash family or romance? :derpytongue2:

6796035 Romance I'm at total sap so whenever I see love put in distress or is disliked by others but "conquers all" -said in dramatic sarcasm- So ever since I read tommy Oliver's

what you mean to me

I've been a Scootaloo fan but I like it best when she's paired with dash. I actually think they would make a great cannon ship if Scootaloo was say 16+ but Hasbro is to cowardly to do such a "controversial pairing". I don't deny she may be a bit young in the cannon now but down the road anything could happen. I think they have chemistry. :scootangel:

honesltly i prefer this to how the main story is going as far as RD is concerned i like the idea of her staying with the shimmers and becoming there childs cool aunt (kinda like uncle jessi in full house)

A heartwarming development in your SunsetxTwilight continuity. Looking forward to see how this goes back in Twilight Shimmer.

While I'll never agree with having important plot details set out in a different story from an ongoing story, it's your stuff, so whatever. Just remember that not everybody reads author notes, especially when they're reading a backlog of chapters.

What a lovely piece. Now back to reading Twilight Shimmer.

“Knowing this is our happily ever after?” Twilight looked her wife in the eyes. A snowflake landed on the clear left lens of her black-rimmed glasses.

It probably is. :scootangel:

Sunset thought about it for a moment and then looked over to her spouse, who was resting her head against her shoulder. “Another year with my beautiful and sexy wife?”

Lol :rainbowlaugh:

“Don't you go arguing,” he pointed at her. “Talk it over. And maybe you need some time to think about it yourself too. Take the rest of the day off. Go for a walk. Get some fresh air. You deserve it.”

Well that is very thoughtful and nice of him. 😊

“Then you should have a talk about that as well,” Fluttershy added. “Let her know that you worry about her response too and this is something really important to you. I'm sure it's as important to her too. Maybe she even feels the same way you do.”

Fluttershy is right, you should tell this to sunset before it gets worse or you over worry yourself. :fluttershysad:

“Last week we had tea. Well, I had tea and she had some kind of fizzy drink. Anyways, she talked to me more than she usually does and she normally avoids get-togethers with the rest of us these days. She had a breakdown, Twilight.”

Oh my. 😰

“Pop star,” Applejack repeated to herself. “Naw, couldn't be ol' Rara...”

It is applejack. :ajsmug:

“With the Sparkle parents on a getaway, it's even quieter,” Cadance commented. “Not that either of them were that crazy to begin with. I think Twilight's parents are one of the most serene couples I've ever met. Not reserved but definitely calm. You know?”

They sure are. :twilightsmile:

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