• Published 13th Jun 2012
  • 2,669 Views, 23 Comments

The Daemon Hunter. - Oneyearwarpilot

Spike joins into the one of the most elite ranks of daemon hunters in Equestria.

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The Stranger

"The unholy one, he takes what he does not earn he kills with no justification. He will not forgive. He will never forget. He will not spare. He spews lies. He will always betray. He is the very creature humanity fears, but cannot see; the very beast that creeps into the mind, and influences sin and hatred. The very creature that will take your hope and swallow every bit of light while only letting darkness pour into your very soul. He will eat you in every sense of the word, in body spirit and mind."

"Today was going to be amazing!" thought Spike, today he was going to turn a year older, and he couldn't hide his excitement. Spike thought about all the presents he was going to get, and all the cake and ice cream he was going to eat. He was so happy. Spike had almost forgotten he was about to walk downstairs in his boxers, and upon discovering this is face blushed beet red, and he quickly turned around and ran back into the room.

He ran up to his dresser, opened it, and grabbed a pair of blue jeans, his white socks, and his signature purple hoody; it had a pale peach colored front pocket and a green line that ran down the back designed to look like dragon Spikes. After getting dressed Spike closed his mouth, and held it shut, letting a burst of green flames cleanse his teeth of the bacteria that had moved in while he slept. Spike was a dragon blood and as far as he knew he was the only dragon blood that lived in his home country of Equestria.

When he was a little baby he was found on the door of a monastery. Celestia the princess of Equestria had soon after adopted him due to his curious heritage. Very rarely did the humans of Equestria see dragons, and it was even rarer for them to mate with one, so human dragon crossbreeds were almost nonexistent. Of course this also means that people are very nervous when it came to this subject. Heck the monks had to beg local authorities to let them keep the little green haired Draconian boy. The few times dragons were seen they usually violently lashed out, destroying everything around them, and this of course brought a justified fear of their species.

Fortunately Spike was different; he was caring, loving, and helpful. He had more of an Equestrian nature; his flame weren't used for destruction they were used to send letters to Princess Celestia. His teeth were used to chew gems, and his claws were usually filed, but he is still Draconian. His teeth were still sharp as blades, and his lack of muscle hid that he had a supernatural amount of strength. This was proven when he beat Big Macintosh, a very tall and powerful farmer, in an arm wrestling contest at a Hearths Warming Eve party the year before.

Spike turned around and grabbed his brush. Looking in the mirror he began to brush his hair; the green hair had always poked upward until he brushed it down; it felt less like human hair and more like very soft needles. They weren't hard enough to break skin, but they weren’t soft either. Oddly enough though his hair was extremely sensitive, Spike loved when others would touch, and feel, his hair; it made him feel warm and comfy. After he finished brushing Spike observed himself in the mirror, he had pale skin from working in the library, and he was comfortable with his looks, but it hadn't always been that way.

Spike at the current moment lived in the small town of Ponyville, on the edge of Equestria, but he used to live in the capital of Canterlot with his stepmother Princess Celestia and his Auntie Luna, who both loved him and treated him like a son/nephew, as well his best friend Twilight Sparkle, who was personal student Celestia.

When Celestia was too busy to spend time with him he was allowed to spend time outside, but it was usually alone; most parents feared him, and most children mirrored their parents and avoided Spike. His only friend being twilight, who was the protégé of Celestia, but that left very little time for her to play. It wasn't until he moved to Ponyville that he had made friend with five other girls; each, plus Twilight, being the elements of harmony. Even then he sometimes felt like he was just Twilight's tag along, and only had friends through her a feeling Spike kept to himself. He never had that feeling when he was with Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and his girlfriend Applebloom, who was a bit older than him.

Lost in thought Spike didn't see the young tan skinned girl with red hair, a white shirt, and blue overalls sneak up behind him. Spike just noticed a pair of amber eyes in the mirror, and before he could react she pounced, and playfully wrestled Spike to the ground. If this had been anyone else Spike would've easily threw them off, but this was Applebloom. Instead he faked struggled, and countered grabbed her into a hug. Applebloom returned the hug, and looked at Spike smiling. She then leaned in and kissed him on his forehead.

"Hey Bloom nice to see ya." Spike dreamily before kissing Applebloom on the lips, she gladly returned it.

"Ah just came to wish you a happy birthday, and ah couldn't wait till the party to do it."

Applebloom then, to both their disappointment, was pulled off of Spike by a violet aura that came from Twilight, who had watched them from the doorway. Twilight had long purple hair with a pink streak going down it, and hair her eyes were violet. She had always, like Spike, worn a purple hoodie, but hers had a star burst symbol on the front. She giggled to herself as Spike had a confused look on his face, and Applebloom glared at Twilight.

"We were having a moment Twilight why did ya have to go and ruin it like that" Applebloom said in an irritated tone.

"It’s fine you two are together but Romeo here has to eat breakfast" Twilight had responded

"It’s fine Twi I can wait. Nice way to ruin the mood though." But as if his stomach suddenly disagreed there was a loud growl heard from his tummy.

"Guess not."

Everyone in the room, even the angry Applebloom, giggled at Spikes stomach. Applebloom helped him up and they all went to the kitchen to get breakfast. Ever since Spike asked Applebloom out a couple months ago every morning on the weekends she would get up, finish her chores, head to the library, and eat breakfast with him; as well as every weekday after school, and after hanging out with the crusaders she would catch spike after he was done with his chores they would hang and play together.

Twilight had no problem with it, and neither did Applejack. After they ate breakfast, which was basically oats, Applebloom said goodbye and went back to the farm.

Spike spent the rest of his time doing his daily chores, and cleaning up after Twilight who was currently studying a griffin breed. Seven o’clock came around and it was time for his party at Sugarcube corner hosted by none other than Pinkie Pie, Ponyville’s professional party girl. Spike and Twilight left the treebrary, and left towards Sugarcube Corner (or simply The Corner), and when they got there Spike observed the building. The Corner could be explained as one big gingerbread house, but whether it was made of candy or not, no one knew but they doubted it, or Pinkie would have eaten it. Both Spike and Twilight approached the door, the lights were on and the music was playing; they were about to knock when a pink puffy haired light skinned girl popped through the door. She wore her signature pink shirt with party balloons on it, two blue and one white.

"Happy birthday Spike!" Pinkie yelled in her usual overly enthusiastic tone.

"Thanks Pinkie, you really went all out didn't you?" Spike was a bit surprised; this was a bit much even for Pinkie. There was twice the normal amount of streamers, the happy birthday banner was designed with a various amount of gems, and the cake was sapphire encrusted. No one brought any presents but that was fine, Spike just wanted the company. Only his closest friends came The cutie marks crusaders consisting of Applebloom, Sweetiebell and Scootaloo.

The Elements of harmony Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, an expert on little animals, she has very long pink hair (might be extensions) and wears blue jeans with a yellow turtle neck sweater, Applejack, who has tanned skin, from working the Sweet Apple Acre fields, long yellow hair she keeps braided with a scrunchy, and she is usually seen wearing denim shorts and a flannel sleeveless top.

Rarity who is a dress making fashionista; her long purple hair is curved at the bottom, and she is always wearing different type of dresses, but the one she wore tonight was sleek on her neck, and she wore (to Appleblooms dismay) a heart shaped gem that Spike gave her on his birthday a couple years ago. And last, but not least, Rainbow Dash the self-proclaimed dare devil who also takes care of weather control; her hair was short butch like with the colors of the rainbow running down her hair in streaks, and she always wore her temperature controlled skintight leather sleeveless shirt and short shorts.

Everyone welcomed Spike in, wished him a happy birthday, and enjoyed the festivities.

It was late at night, about eight o’clock, and everyone was either home or at Sugarcube corner. Only one figure walked the streets; its skin was pitch black, looking like it was burnt, it also had no hair, smelled like rotting flesh, and wore a gentlemen's tuxedo. In its hand there was a tarnished silver pocket watch stuck at half past two. A light beamed off of it showing the sharp as blades fangs being shown by its wide grin. His shining crimson eyes looking around side to side.

"The sky is black, the air is fresh, and it's the perfect time for a snack." it looked around noticing the lights on in what looked to be giant gingerbread house "Ooh, snack time." it excitedly made its way to the building looking hoping to satisfy its hunger.

The party had been going on for some time, and it didn't look like it was stopping anytime soon. Rarity was standing near the cake table observing the masterpiece that was the sapphire gem cake; of course only Spike would only be able to eat it, but part of her wanted to steal it and keep it in her room. Pinkie Pie was playing pin the tail on the donkey, unfortunately for Rainbowdash Pinkie kept pinning her instead. Fluttershy was standing by the punch bowl enjoying Pinkies new punch "This Blueberry punch is delicious.” she thought to herself. Applejack and Twilight sat at the table next to the Spike and Applebloom while the other crusaders danced to the polka that Pinkie had put on.

Everything was going well till it walked through the door; it still had that messed up grin on its face. Spike was the first to notice as a shiver ran down his spine. Something wasn't right about this "thing", he didn't know whether to call it a male, or female, but it sure as heck didn't seem human. Spike decided to show courtesy, being different was something he understood, and he would hate if somebody judged him on appearance.

Spike walked up to the stranger still pretty suspicious but calm "Hello, can I help you with something?"

The stranger made no movement he just kept beaming with that strange crooked smile. Everyone else was frozen in place with indecision, even Pinkie who usually jumps at the chance to meet someone. Finally Rainbowdash, who grew tired of the silence, stood up and walked over to the new visitor.

"Look buddy if you’re not here to eat or wish Spike here a happy birthday please go, the shops closed." Rainbow grew more uncomfortable as she drew closer.

The stranger beamed even harder his smile grew so wide it put Pinkies to shame "Oh but I am here to eat Madame but food is not what I crave." its hand formed a fist and before anyone could react it punched Spike in the stomach sending the unsuspecting Draconian boy through the nearby wall. Surprised by what had just transpired Rainbow did not have time to react to the stranger’s next move; it grab her, and drew into what looked to be a kiss, and slowly the color dissipated from her body. It was eating her soul.

Everybody else had finally come to their senses; Pinkie grabbed the Cutie Mark Crusaders and took them upstairs. Applebloom, on the other hand, pushed her away and went to check on Spike. He was fine, but unconscious. How? She didn't know.
The other elements went and engaged the creature; Twilight used her magic to pull away the weakened Dash, Applejack immediately after kicked it in the face, sending the stranger flying. While airborne the creature extended its arm grabbing Applejack's throat pulling her with it, sending her flying at the wall, knocking her out. The stranger however, simply stopped in midair, basically giving physics the finger.

"Two can play at that game!" Pinkie screamed before pulling seamlessly out of nowhere her party cannon which she used to blast the stranger. It stood unfazed, and instead it opened it mouth and spit out a black inky bile which smacked Pinkie, sticking her to the floor. At first she giggled "That won’t work silly." disappearing into the bile Pinkie popped out of the punched bowl.
The stranger was unamused, it just stared for a second before grabbing a nearby table, and smacking Pinkie across the room, leaving her in a daze.

Twilight started to charge up a spell, and throwing her hands up a violet aura surrounded her hand as she aimed and then fired. The stranger just recovering from its fight with the party girl and was hit in the back with a powerful blast, sending him flying into the door outside The Corner. Both Twilight and Rarity banded together and ran outside to see if this thing had been defeated. Upon exiting The Corner they expected to find it laying on the ground. Oh they were wrong, it was nowhere to be found. On the top of the Sugarcube corner the creature watched the two girls as they searched for it purple and violet auras surrounding their hands their spells at the ready.

"Darling didn't you blast that thing with your strongest spell?" Rarity was confused, Twilight was the strongest magic user besides the princesses. "Maybe she hit it so hard the creature was disintegrated on impact." Rarity thought. "I don't think that was possible, the spell was a concussive, it should be right here unconscious"
Twilight looked around, something was off. She rarely needed to use destruction spell so she learned only a few spells, and none of them had lethal outcome.


Both the girls looked up the in horror as the creature laughed. They went to use their magic, but before either one of could the girls could cast it opened its mouth shooting more of its inky bile. Twilight at the last second blinked out of range of the bile, but Rarity on the other hand wasn't so lucky, and she was immediately stuck to the ground immobilized. Twilight started rapidly firing her spells, quickly using her teleportation to get away from the bile that it spewed. The creature, growing tired of the resistance, opted to end this quick; it watched Twilight, waiting for the perfect moment, and in finding an opening it disappeared in a puff of charcoal colored smoke and reappeared behind a now tired Twilight. Before she could react it punched her right in the stomach, knocking Twilight to the ground, and it then spat bile on her to keep her down.

The creature basked in victory for a second before bending over to feed on Twilight. As it was just about to reach her lips something smacked it on the back of the head. It turned back see a very livid Fluttershy.

"GET AWAY FROM FRIEND!" she screamed punching the creature in the face.

The creature clearly annoyed spat bile, sticking Fluttershy to the wall, but her strength only rose with her anger. She ripped through the sticky bile and charged the creature throwing a flurry of punches at it. It dodged them pretty easily, giving a quick counter flurry. Fluttershy, not being as agile, took every punch and finally fell to the ground after a kick to the leg. The creature then looked Fluttershy face to face, she winced at the smell. It opened its mouth and released a blacked smoke in her face, at first she couldn't breathe, but soon Fluttershy found it hard to stay conscious, and eventually blacked out.

Making sure that it didn't miss anybody it walked back inside the shop and looked around; in the corner of the stranger’s eye it spotted Applebloom trying to drag a still unconscious Spike upstairs. Applebloom had just got to the stairs when she noticed the creature watching her she she jumped in front Spikes body to block it from getting her boyfriend.

"Ah won’t let you touch him, so stay away!" Applebloom yelled in a panic.

The creature smiled at her and began to walk towards the couple.

"Ah said stay away!" Applebloom was completely panicked, she had no idea what she was going to do.

The creature stood in front of her face to face, it smiled and said in a calm tone "I don't want him. It’s you I'm hungry for." grabbing poor Applebloom by the throat it promptly kissed and began sucking the poor girl’s soul.

Spike was finally coming to, his eyes slowly opening; he was trying to remember what happened, the last thing he remembered was a great pain in his stomach and spine before blacking out. As he came to he noticed a strange pair of legs in front of him looking up he noticed the stranger he saw. He had hoped was a nightmare, or a very bad joke, this thing was lip locked with Applebloom, its hand at her throat. At that moment years of repressed anger rushed its way through Spike as he quickly jumped and gut punched the creature so hard he lost grip of Applebloom and went flying into the wall.

Spike then checked Applebloom’s pulse; she looked very pale, and her heart beat was slow, this only served to enrage the already pissed dragon blooded boy. The creature slowly regaining its bearings looked at Spike and readied to charge. Spike on the other hand breathed in, heavily mustering the raging flame that burned inside before it made its way to his mouth, and held it, preparing to strike. The creature charged, Spike released from his mouth a massive green fireball that hit the creatures chest burying its deep inside it before exploding incinerating the strange creature, it screams couldn't be heard over the the sound of the explosion. Spike killed it whatever IT was, he had turned it into ash. At first he felt bad, but then he looked at the damage caused and the only thought he had was "A well warranted ass whooping."

Chapter one complete please give feedback I tried getting more in depth than I did with auxiliary.

A special thanks to Ponyninja for Corrections.