• Published 26th Dec 2015
  • 1,433 Views, 19 Comments

Christmas with New Friends - DWolf

A brony thrust from our world to the EqG world avoids any of the Humane Six... that is, until he's found on Christmas Eve by one of them.

  • ...

Day - Part 2

The ride to Sweet Apple Acres is silent, save for the truck’s rumbling, the tone of which shifts noticeably as the road turns from asphalt to dirt. Once the truck stops and itds driver turns the engine off, she lets out a sigh.

“I’m sorry.” Applejack turns to look at me. “ I did some thinkin’ last night, and I shouldn’t-a snapped at ya like that yesterday.”

“Yeah, but I understand why you did.” I shrug. “I guess trying to lie to you is like beating a building down with your bare hands.”

“Heh, you can say that again.” The smile disappears as quickly as it came. “So you have any good reason for not tellin’ the truth?”

“I think, if I tell you--any of you--it’d be kinda unbelievable.”

“I’ve been through some pretty weird stuff in the past few months.”

“Not like what I went through, trust me.”

“Hmm…” She turns her attention back to the windshield for a few moments before unbuckling and opening her door. “Suit yourself.”

“I do mean what I said though: I WILL tell you all the truth in time. I just… need to find a way that makes enough sense.” I do the same and put a hand in my pocket, feeling the purple and silver thumb drive hidden inside.

“Just say when, and I’ll gather the others.”

“It might not be THAT soon.” We both reach the front porch of the Apple home when my stomach rumble softly, but just loud enough to be heard by both of us.

“Guess we got here just in time.” She opens the door and nudges me through. “How good at you are cookin’?”

“Meh, I’d call myself halfway-decent over a stovetop.” We both take off our coats, Applejack wearing her usual white and green shirt underneath.
“Mind helpin’ with the finishin’ touches on our lunch?”

“Dunno. Would that entitle me to seconds at least?” She launches a weak punch at my shoulder, which for her means I can definitely feel the impact.

“Depends on how good your work is.”


Turns out that my job on the mashed potatoes and apple fritters did indeed earn me seconds. Thankfully, I rejected thirds from Applejack, knowing it would probably start an eating contest with Applejack.

I’d like to survive today without antacid, thank you very much.

After I helped so arrange the plates and such in the dishwasher, Granny Smith gives me a wrapped basket filled with various apple-based goods on behalf of the entire family. Thanking her, the country gal and I soon migrate into the living room. There, we sit and just enjoy silence for a moment.

“Still offering that job?” I ask once it pops into my mind.

“Depends. Ya still think you can handle working around the orchard?”

“Yeah. Only one thing--it has to be outside the payroll.” At her raised eyebrow, I reply, “It’s complicated.”

“How so? You got some sorta record?”

“No, but that’s… kinda the thing. There are no records on me, period.”

“I only know one other person like that.”

“Let me guess. Sunset Shimmer?” She nods. That girl is a mystery.”

“Let’s hope it doesn’t say that way to ya for long.”

“What was that?”

“Oh, nothing.” I just drop it. Even though I know, I can’t let on… not just yet.


Meow. A little white ball of fur graces Rarity’s legs as soon as we enter her home. That reminds me…

“Uh, Rarity?” She turns to me. “Do you have any antihistamines?”


“Allergy medication,” I simplify.

“Oh.” She blinks. “Yes, why?” I point to the cat still at her feet. “OHHHH.”

“Yeah.” She rushes upstairs, then after a minute to the kitchen, afterwards returning with a pill and a small glass of water. I take them in hand and use them accordingly. My body may LOOK different, but I didn’t want to chance it if I still possess all the trappings I had back when my eyes were much smaller and my tongue wasn’t orange.

“How bad is it?”

“Not bad, but it would be very inconvenient to sneeze the entire time I’m here.” She shudders.

“Yes, that’s VERY true. Same with Fluttershy.”

“Oh, so she’s an animal person?”

“Oh, she has quite a few in her home. She even volunteers at the local shelter every week.”

“It looks to me that she’s more likely to socialize with animals than me or you.”

“If you were talking about her before she came to Canterlot High that’d be true. The only one she was even remotely comfortable around was Rainbow Dash.”


“They both went to the same middle school.”

“Ah. So I should tread carefully when she arrives?”

“Exactly. Wait here, please.” Without knowing it, I find myself standing outside her room. She dashes in and comes back out with various items in her arms, all relating to one thing.

“So, I hope you’re not offended by my asking, but… may I do something about your hair?”


About an hour in the bathroom later, she has my short reddish-auburn curls cut, combed, and without a single knot. When she asked about my face, I first take a good long look at it. It hits me now that my freckled skin is now condensed to just three on each cheek arranged in a triangle like the Apples, except said triangle points in the opposite direction, and one holdover from my old face just below my right eye. I smile at what I see in the mirror.

“Nah, I think it’s fine the way it is.” I look at her. “When it ain’t broke…”

“Nice to see someone happy in their own skin.” She beams at my little self-evaluation.

“Glad to hear you not say a bad thing about this.” I gesture to my face.

“Well, who would? You’re a fairly handsome, strong, and charismatic--if slightly awkward--young man.”

“Where I come from, my looks can get me some bad remarks.” Her eyes widen.

“Why would anybody do that?”

“People there have more similar skin color and hair than what I’ve seen here. Anyone who has fair skin, freckles, and red hair is automatically labeled ‘ginger’ and a LOT of baggage comes along with it… like being called soulless and wanting to devour the souls of others.”

“That’s… just… ABSURD! Who in their right mind would start such a rumor?!”

“Dunno, I just know I had a couple bullies that would taunt me for it in school.”

“Listen to me.” She puts her hands on my shoulders. “If you EVER get such treatment again, just pay it no mind. I can see here and now that you’re a beautiful person, inside and out.”

“I know.” I take her hands and put them back at her sides. “The ‘ginger’ bit’s something I’ve lived with for some time. It’s water rolling off my back.” She lets out a breath.

“Good. That’s... good. How ANYBODY can make such disparaging remarks just because of their looks is beyond me.”

“Seconded.” We walk out of the bathroom and run into a white-skinned girl with lavender and pink hair, a bit smaller than Rarity. She gives the two of us an odd look.

“Um, Rarity… who’s this guy, and what were you two doing in the bathroom?”