• Published 26th Dec 2015
  • 2,343 Views, 18 Comments

Execution - CristalGalaxy

The last day... The day where Twilight will be judged and executed for her crimes and dangerous sanity level. But at the very last moment, her mind refocuses... And she realises what she has done wrong... A little too late. Sequel to 'Sanity'.

  • ...


A scream.
A twitch of my ear.
Another scream.
So another twitch.

I turn my head.

Trying to shake off the screams.
They're annoying.
Annoying me.

Are they screams of anger...?
Yeah probably.

They're faking anger.
To make me.
Feel guilty.

They're horrible ponies.
I hate them.
They should die.
All of them.

But I can't quite make out who is who with all the different cries.

Then there's the voice.
The voice.
Recognisable beyond all the sounds.
The voice of a Princess who once loved me.
At least I think she loved me.

Well I still can't believe I loved her.
The only one who was worthy of my love was Rainbow.
But there always had to be complications right?

They had all plotted against me...
Killed her...

And why do I think that?
It's simple!
It's just because...


Because of...

I shook my head in confusion at the only question I had trouble answering.
Why? Why did I suddenly start accusing every pony?

Maybe... Uh...

It's so far away... I can barely remember! But I think it's because...


I... I don't know!
I don't know anymore who killed my love!
Everypony was responsible...
At least that was what I thought.

I tried to shift my position and take a look at Celestia.
To look at somepony who could perhaps give me the answer to my question.
To my extremely confusing question.
But I couldn't.
The only thing I could move was my head.

All the rest was attached to a huge, although simple machine that had a shimmering blade at the top.
The machine itself was situated on a stage where dozens of ponies were either angrily, fearfully or sadly staring or glaring at me.

I vaguely remember studying about these death machines.
Once the pony behind me lets the rope go, then the blade will fall on my neck and separate my head from body.

That word is so beautiful to me...
The entrance to seeing my love again.
She's waiting.
Up there.

"And I now... s... sentence this once... respectful alicorn... to... to..." The white alicorn took a deep breath to recompose herself. "...death..." Celestia's voice is cracked.
She doesn't want to do it.
I wonder why.

She looks at me and I send her a provocative look.
But what I see in her eyes isn't hatred.
She's disappointed...

I focus my eyes back on the angry crowd that had come to see my execution, and see my friends in tears.
Fluttershy is frozen to the spot, in a state of shock.
Rarity is completely dressed in black and crying her head off.
Applejack is being restrained by two stallions.
She's trying to get to me.
To... save me...?

Wait... What did... Why are they...? They killed Rainbow Dash! They... They're... crying...

Just like that, my reason comes back to me.
Slips of how mad I was gently flow through my mind.

Pinkie was the only responsible! And... And she... She didn't even mean to do it!
She was simply a little deranged!
Only wanting to make cupcakes to please her friends!

All those months, I was accusing the wrong ponies!
If only I had payed attention to Pinkie more closely.
I would've known!
What kind of a Princess of Friendship am I?!

I could've dealt with my love's death with maturity as a real ruler!
Not... Not cry and lock myself in my own pain.
I had made so many ponies suffer!
Pinkie was... I...

My head turned left and right, more violently this time.
The words weren't coming out.

My throat was already sore from all my screaming.

Celestia shot one last look at me and discreetly wiped her tears.
"I'm sure you will be happier up there my dear student..." she murmured.

W... Wait! I was wrong! I won't be happy! Don't kill me for nothing! I... need to talk!

But she trotted off the stage and created a bubble around the whole contraption.
I saw my friend's faces disappear behind it and silence took place.

And why the bubble...?
So that younger ponies wouldn't see everything I suppose.
Well at least that was a positive point.

"Wait! Wait! I finally... I'm sorry!" I screamed.
But the bubble was making any noise from the inside of it, impossible to hear from the outside.

I struggled against my ties, desperately trying to break free from all this madness... that I had gotten myself into.

But a hooded pony behind me came closer.
She was the only one inside the bubble with me.
The one who had to let go of the rope...
My executioner.

Then something caught my eye as she approached me from the front.
Her mane... Her mane was... pink...?!
And I could just about see under the hood, the beginning of... of... faded blue eyes...

"No..." a small whimper shot through my lips. "You're... Somepony killed you!"

Pinkie Pie gave me a twisted smile. She leaned in close to my ear.
What she whispered next echoed through my head like a thousand whispers of death.
"No Twilight... You killed me..."

Tears of despair flowed freely down my cheeks.
I couldn't utter a word.

She pulled her hood lower down her face so that her eyes would be out of view and grabbed the rope in her teeth.

"P... Please..." I managed to mumble.

She couldn't speak but I heard her voice all around me...

"Sweet dreams Twilight..."

My head struggled to lift up one last time as she opened her mouth, therefor letting the rope shoot towards the sky.

The last thing I ever saw, was a shimmering silver blade rushing to me...

Author's Note:

Thanks for supporting me throughout this!

Also, if somepony can help me with the 'different users' problem, please PM me... Starting to freak out here.

Comments ( 18 )

-intense growling-


(ok, I'm serious now. Only a few stories can get that reaction out of me, and this one did pretty much that. Congrats on that, my friend! It was an excellent story, although there is one problem. Usually, the executee is usually facing forwards, not up at the blade. Care to explain? But also, this story leads me to think there is something else afterwards.

The last thing I ever saw, was a shimmering silver blade rushing to me...

This leads me to believe that A. She is still alive somehow, or B. she hath turned into a ghost and wrote this. I'm sorry for being so picky, you can delete this if you want. But this story was VERY emotional, it was magnificent. Do keep up the work, my friend!)

Slice of Life

Oh my GOD, that cannot be more literal.

1,007 words

Unforgivable. The punishment is death.

... I've seen some messed up stuff in my day. I'm not just saying that, I really have. My point is I've never read a story that's made me cry, and this one didn't accomplish that either, but this series of one-shots certainly came the closest. Congratulations, you sick person. First, Cupcakes, Rainbow Factory, Little Miss Rarity, Sweet Apple Massacre, and now this..... Remember when this fandom was nicer? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

6767476 Thanks so much! Why would I want to delete your comment...?
I appreciate the criticism!
So, for the ending I didn't quite know how to end it... So I simply settled for that.

And I think I probably didn't make it clear enough that she struggled a lot and twisted her neck to face a tiny bit upwards, so that in the corner of her eyes, she actually saw the blade.

But she was facing down no worries!

6768466 Well, I thought that I was being so picky that you would not have appreciated it.

Too freaking scared to add a comment before someone else is gonna judge me -__-

Darkness has been, and always will be, appealing to some people. It's just a fact of life. And, like all things, they're completely free to do and enjoy what they want, just as you and I are. Some people don't like happy endings. Who would we be to say that there must be?
I, for one, am a fan of dark stories. As Fall Out Boy once put it, "There's something beautiful and tragic in the fallout." However, there's a certain... light, almost in it. Hm... How to explain...
A fanfiction is a unique genre unlike any other. it's multifaceted, and it has a certain.. effect. When a dark fanfiction of a show filled with such light is made, some of that light gets molded into it, giving it a different feel than if it was just a story about someone killing, it takes our hearts in different directions. We know the characters, and that knowledge, their soul, being turned in such a way, it gives it whole new meaning.
That's why people do this. It's because fanfictions, and fan-made stories, have a certain vibe, for lack of better words, that makes them special, one which is impossible to replicate if it were not based off of the show. Cupcakes, The Rainbow Factory, and all the othersout there, none of these would be what they are if they had nothing to do with My Little Pony. They would be just another horror story, moving on, forgotten about. But they are what they are, and they're extremely popular.
So, I guess it all boils down to this: we're all free to do what we like, and for those that see darkness as beauty rather than negativity, that's just what we like to do. I hate to use the term 'don't like, don't read', because it sounds kind of rude, but if you prefer other, lighter stories, I suppose you can just skip the ones with 'dark' tags.
I hope has been informative. If you have questions, or would like to discuss this further, don't hesitate.

P.S. I'm not trying to attack you, by the way, I'm just trying to help you understand. Let me know if I've offended you at all. Apologies, if I have.
P.P.S. This isn't really that bad, I've read other stories similar to this that have been much, much worse.

6923420 'Twas just a joke. Sorry if I offended you, that was not my intent.

6923420 Could I have the links to what worse stories you've read? I'd love to read one myself!!

Oh .-. Well, I feel rather silly now.

Hm, just off the top of my head, ever read Butterflies?

6923601 If it makes you feel any better, I don't think my story can compare to any of your's.

What'tchu talkin' about? Nopony's story is 'comparable' to another, we're all writers, and every story is worth reading. Tell ya what, I'll take a look at your stuff ^-^
..Wait, you read my stories? ^-^ Sweet!

6923605 No. Can you send me the link please? :pinkiecrazy:

I can't really understand how and why Celestia makes such a god damning decision to execute her loving student who is also a alicorn princess so easily ! And what happened between this story and Sanity ?! Where are Luna, Cadence and Shining Armour?! Why do they all disappear during this horrible event?? Could anyone explain pls ? I am really confused !:flutterrage::fluttercry:

This story saga is set after the events of Cupcakes, a story where Pinkie Pie mutilates Rainbow Dash. In this saga, Twilight had a crush on Rainbow, but never told her. So seeing the pony she loved killed in such a gruesome manner broke her. Twilight became insane. And in that insanity, she killed Pinkie Pie. Now, she's being executed for her crimes, and to ensure she doesn't hurt anypony else.

But it can't explain why Luna ,Cadance and Shining Armour never show up in the story at all. The author omits too much information in this story and it makes me feel confused and horror.

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