• Published 29th Jun 2017
  • 1,000 Views, 27 Comments

Equestrian Corruption - Krieg cormac

Tyber Zann, the leader of the infamous Zann consortium, ends up in Equestria after a imperial attack.

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Chapter 2

Last time on Equestrian corruption

“So what is it?” Tyber asked crossing his arms over his chest.

“I have never seen anything like it before in my life Tyber.” Urai turns around again and points out of the viewport. Tyber looked at where he was pointing and he stared in shock.

A sun and moon were orbiting the planet right in front of them.

“What the hell?”

Tyber stared at the planetary system in confusion. Nothing of the like has ever been seen before. No recorded planet in Imperial records have a sun and moon orbit a planet. He looks at Urai.

“Where the hell are we?” Tyber asked him turning around. Urai looks at the Navigator who nodded before he looked at Tyber once more.

“We are in unknown space Tyber. Far from any Imperial or New Republic territory.” Urai responded. “We are alone out here.”

Tyber thinks about it for a minute before he starts laughing out loud. Urai and the crew looks at him confused. Tyber ignored their looks and kept laughing in the most evil way before calming back down. Tyber stared at them like were crazy.

“Don't you get Urai? It's a fresh start. This planet will be our new base of operations depending if it can support life and if it has the resources. We can use this as a hideout. We will launch raids from here.” Tyber said loudly. Plans were already forming inside of his mind. “This hehe is the first step...in bringing back the Zann Consortium.”

Urai let himself have a small smile on his face. The old Tyber is finally coming back. Tyber was already giving orders out.

“I want the Merciless and the Retribution in orbit. They shall be providing tactical support. We don’t know if this planet has locals and if they do; I want to be ready. No surprises. Lynn contact the Interceptor. I want their status.” Tyber ordered out. He grabs his hologram communicator and the familiar armor of the defiler appeared. “Nyo’omy. I want two of your squad members on the Retribution asap. Orders will be sent shortly. I want you to head to the Interceptor and have your remaining squad member to remain on the merciless.”

The defiler nodded visibly. “Yes sir.” Tyber cut the communication off and he puts his communicator away. He looks at Urai with a smile.

“I want all assault squads on the Interceptor. Leave a couple guards but take all of the heavy equipment. What vehicles do we have?” Tyber said. He sure was moving fast despite this new development. They haven't even been in the system that long.

Lynn checks his datapad. “We lost most of our vehicles when we lost the other three interceptors. We got several swamp speeders and a few droidekas.” The bald male human reports. He looks at Tyber again.

“They shall do for now. What's the status on the Interceptor?” Tyber asked. He was planning on using to reach the planet surface.

Lynn looks at the datapad again. “They report that they have lost their torpedo launchers and have several hull breaches. Their cargo bay is untouched thankfully.”

“Excellent. Tell them to repair what they can. I want us to be ready to move in 10 hours.” Tyber ordered. He has a menacing smirk on his face. “I want a base of operations built on that planet. Once that is done I want a space station constructed. We’ll raid a couple Hutt convoys to get the equipment and supplies. Now I'm going back to sleep. Wake me when everything is ready to commence the operation.”

Urai simply nods his avian head in response before looking back out the viewport studying what he can with his eyes. Tyber simply walked out of the bridge and he went back to his room. He didn't bother to undress and he simply fell asleep again. ‘The Zann Consortium shall rule again.’ Tyber thought as he closed his eyes. He had a evil smirk on his face as he drifted back into dreamland.

Celestia sighs content and opens her eyes. Last night was amazing. She looked at the empty plate where the cake used to be at. She licks her lips remembering each bite that she took. Celestia shivers slightly and she lays back in her bed sighing. She lays there for a couple minutes before getting up. Celestia unfolds her wings stretching them. “Mmmmm.” She stood up and she looked around her room.

“Well time to raise the sun.” Celestia yawned as she walks to her balcony. She channeled her magic through her horn making it glow with a golden aura. Celestia smiled as she made the sun rise. She raised it to the angle that she always raises it to. Celestia smiled as she watched the moon get lowered. Then, Celestia remembered the conversation she had with Luna last night. She quickly ran back inside her room and closed the balcony door.

“Phew. Celestia smiles. Today was her day off and she wanted to stay in and rest. She turned around ready to head back to bed, only to see Luna staring straight at her. Muzzle to muzzle.

“Good afternoon sister.” Luna said excitedly. She had a big smile on her blue muzzle.

Celestia sighs. “Good morning Luna.” She looks at Luna hoping that she had forgotten about last night.

“Ready to investigate the disturbance sister? I still sense it.” Luna said not noticing the look of laziness on Celestia's face. “I got a bad feeling about this.” Luna scrunched her muzzle up.

Celestia nods slowly. She just wanted to get this over with. This is the fourth time this month that Luna said she had sensed something. Each time it was a dud. A wild goose chase. Celestia didn't have the heart to tell Luna how angry or that she didn't want to go along with her, but Celestia decided that she might as well humor her beloved Lulu. “Sure Lulu.” Celestia replied.

Luna smiled nodding. “Follow me sister.” She was practically jumping up and down. Then, a loud grumbling noise started to sound out. Luna turned around in surprise. Celestia smiles sheeply.

“Its breakfast time sister.” Celestia said smiling at Luna.

Luna smiles back sheeply. “Hehe I forget that you’re on a different time table than me sister. I already ate dinner.” Luna was willing to give up several hours of sleep to properly investigate this disturbance. Besides, it also meant that she could spend some quality time with her sister.

“I’m sure you can wait 30 minutes for me to eat breakfast Lulu.” Celestia said giggling. It was fun seeing her sister mess up every once in awhile. Luna still gets amazed by all the advancements that ponykind has made since her banishment. Pfft, she still gets amazed by the 10 ply toilet paper.

Luna nods smiling. “I suppose I can. I shall get a head start. I shall be in the observatory.” Luna leaves the room. Celestia kept her smile until she left. Celestia let's out a sigh once she was sure Luna had left. She looked around in case anypony was around and she levitated a cake from under her bed.

“Well, this is suppose to be for emergencies, but I suppose this qualifies as one. It'll take too long for the bakers to make a fresh one.” Celestia said as she levitated the cake up to her mouth with her magic. She opens her mouth and stuffs it all in her mouth. Celestia sighs feeling the delicious, moist cake in her mouth. She chews it slowly and she swallows it. “So good.” She smiled. Celestia looked at the clock and saw that only five minutes had passed.

She looks at the bed, then Celestia looks out the door. “Hmmm. Well I might as well get this over with.” Celestia thought out loud. She walked out of her room. Celestia turned and she walked through the halls. She gave a motherly smile to any guard or maid that came upon her way.

Celestia heads to the observatory to find Luna looking through the telescope on the third floor. “Have you found anything Luna?” Celestia asks as she walks up behind Luna.

“No, I can't find anything, but I can feel something isn't right.” Luna said with determination as she turned to look at her sister. “Do we have a bigger telescope?”

“I believe we do. It's on the top floor.” Celestia responded. Luna was using the telescope that anypony could buy from a toy store. The one on the top floor was masterfully crafted and was imbued with magic. It was the most powerful telescope in all of Equestria. Luna nodded and she went to the stairs on their right. Celestia followed behind her. Soon the reached the top of the observatory. Luna smiled once she saw the masterwork telescope.

“This should be able to do it sister.” Luna said as she walked over to the port where you look in. Her horn got covered in its blue magic aura and she aimed the telescope. “Hmmm. No not there. I'm getting warmer, warmer, hehe where is it.” Luna whispered as she kept aiming it. Then she stopped moving completely. “C-Celly…come here.”
Celestia sighed.

“Did you find it?” Celestia asked. She walked over to Luna who was now looking at her. Luna nodded slowly and motioned her hoof to the eye port. Celestia sighs again and she looks through the port. Her body went still and she looked up from the port. Celestia looked at Luna. “Please tell me this is a prank.” Celestia said slowly.

Luna shaked her head side to side with wide eyes. Celestia looked back into the port. She saw three weird box shapes. They looked similar to the spaceships from Star Mare Beyond. Celestia looked away again and stares at Luna.

“Sister...we aren't alone in this galaxy.” Luna said. She was normally confident, but she had never seen or faced anything like this. Celestia nodded in return.

“We can't let this knowledge reach the public. It would cause mass panic.” Celestia replied trying to be as calm as she possibly can. “We need Twilight and her friends.”

Luna nodded in return. “We shall need their help. Hopefully these aliens come in peace.” She was wondering how her sister could be so calm with a discovery like this.

“Hopefully.” Celestia said in return. “They could be passing through. We don't know anything about these things. For all we know this could be a prank by Discord!”

Then, Discord's head appeared from out of the floor. “Nope. I'm on my vacay Celly.” Discord said as the rest of his body appeared with a T-shirt on with shorts and sandals. “It's been centuries since I had a proper vacation. I'll be back before you know it.” He pokes Luna's and Celestia's cheek before disappearing into the floor again.

Celestia groaned. “In all of my years I never thought that aliens are actually real.” This could prove to be bad. Who knows how these newcomers would be. Are they a violent race bent on world domination? Aliens who came to abduct and experiment on her beloved little ponies. By the time Celestia had regained her senses; Luna was already on her way out of the door.

Celestia galloped next to her. Luna looked at her with a smug look on her muzzle.

“What?” Celestia questioned. She scrunched her muzzle in a cute fashion. Celestia didn't sense something good.

“You owe me 50 bits.” Luna replied still smug. “You said and I quote, “There are no such things as aliens. If aliens exist I'll give you 50 pics.””

Celestia sighed for who knows what number this one is. Her horn shined golden and a small bag of bits appeared. She simply floated it over to Luna who used her blue aura to grab it.

“Relax Tia. It's not like we have to solve this problem. Just leave it to Twilight and her friends. They fix everything.” Luna said smiling greatly.

Celestia smiled back. “We shall see.”

Author's Note:

This was a fun chapter to write. Next story I will update is Scipio when its done.

Comments ( 11 )

Oboy twilight is so dead.

What makes you say that? :twilightoops:

Celestia is sending the Mane 6 agains typer and urai. Thats a death sentens.

To be completely honest, there was once a point in the development of the gamr where Urai would have had a Venator-class Star destroyer (the shitty vanilla version that had two Ion cannons, two Concussion Missile Launchers, two Laser Cannons, an engine hardpoint, a shield generator hardpoint, and was all around a steaming pile of shit for anything other than nostalgia and the shits-and-giggles), and another that had him in command of a hero version of the Keldabe-class Battleship, but both ideas were scrapped for unknown reasons. There was a mod (that was honestly quite unknown and/or unpopular) that restored the Venator for Urai, but once again, the Vanilla FOC Venator was so trash it really wasn't useful, hence leading to that mod's unpopularity. Unfortunately, however, that and many other mods that people spent great time in making were lost in the shutdown of the Filefront servers a year or so ago.

love it needs more

Shame this story is deader then disco

So is anybody gonna finish this story?

Anyone is free to adopt it as long as they let me know. I've stopped writing MLP stories

Aright be I might know se people who would love to adopt this story

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