• Published 30th Dec 2015
  • 416 Views, 5 Comments

Embers of The Past - zeroxwolfx

A less than honorable past comes back to haunt the princess of the sun, and others realize how much she really lived up to her name.

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Cake Time!

Chapter one: Cake Time!

“Please sister, try to take just ONE piece at a time…” said Princess Luna as she walked past the three layer cake that was special delivered to her sister from Sugar Cube Corner.

Princess Celestia blushed, letting out a giggle, “No promises Luna!” she said with a wink, scooping a spoonful of it into her mouth.

Luna rolled her eyes, trotting towards the door, “Well, perhaps thou could at least save me a piece? Surely you do not want Equestria praising her princess of the sun’s belly…”

Celestia was in the midst of scarfing down another large spoonful, swallowing before she gasped at Luna, “Luna! That’s hardly a thing to say about your sister!” she grinned as Luna trotted away, flinging a scoop of frosting across the room before she left, spattering her right on her flank before she did.

Luna gasped in return, she turned around, looking at the mark before looking at her sister, “And THAT is surely no way for a princess to behave!” she said glaring at her. She wiped away the frosting with her magic, and flung it back at Celestia, retaliating and splatting her square in the face. She suspected that that would teach her her lesson, “Now you see how childish and immature that is? Now how about…” she was cut off.

The entire top layer of the cake was being flung across the room, catching Luna off guard before it splattered into her face, covering a good portion of her with cake and frosting, this of course was sending Celestia into a giggling fit, “Perhaps it is now, for a princess of cake?” she managed out through her chuckles.

Luna steamed before she charged up to her sister, pushing her back and making them both topple into the cake, “Ah HA! See who’s the princess of cake now!” she called out as her older sister sunk in cake, of course at this she couldn’t keep from smiling herself.

Princess Celestia rolled her over, pushing her hooves, wiping cake into her sister's face as she laughed, the two now engaged in a minor wrestling match, trying to get the over covered in more cake, although they were both pretty well covered in cake, the platter it sat on, and the table and table cloth both strewn across the room. Meanwhile the pair of royal guards that stood at the door watched, awkwardly trying to keep as straight of a face as possible, which was very difficult considering the situation. Across the hall a catering pony walked with several carts full of dessert entrees. Princess Luna quickly flew up into the air and took a pile of elegant desserts with her, flinging them in an aerial barrage to Celestia. Celestia of course, managed to catch more than one in her mouth, gulping down the tasty treats, before one impaled itself on her horn.

The caterer looked on at the situation with perplextion, thinking he should do something. He opened his mouth to speak, but a guard simply shook his head at him, letting him out of the room with a sigh.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna engaged in their fearsome battle of deserts and left-over cake frosting for the better part of five minutes, they eventually stopped once they realized that the room was nearly covered in the aftermath of their sugary battle. Both sisters looked at each other with a shock, before bursting out into laughter, Luna spoke first, “I suppose I still need some work on, behaving like a princess…” she said hiding a smile.

Princess Celestia leaned in to hug her younger sister, “Oh Luna, I wouldn’t have you behaving any other way,” she said tenderly as she pulled away, giving her little sister a kiss on her forehead, managing to get some cake on her nose, making her go crosseyed and giggle at herself.

Luna shook her head at her sister, covering her face to avoid laughing again, “We’ve made quite a mess… we’d better clean this up,” she said, right before there was a knock at the door.

A royal guard entered followed by a certain purple princess, “May I present, Princess!...” he paused for a moment as he opened his eyes, shocked by the mess, “...Twilight…”

Twilight Sparkle looked on the scene, mouth agape, before she rushed forward looking at the two, “Oh my gosh, what happened here?” she said with surprise.

With a small bit of panic Celestia and Luna looked at each other. They stuttered for a moment trying to think of an answer. While they struggled, a royal guard rolled his eyes, strutting forward as she spoke up, “There was an… accident with the dessert entrees, your majesty, we’ll make sure to get it cleaned up right away…” he intervened, sounding quite convincing at it too.

Both Celestia and Luna looked to the guard, then to Twilight, giving her a simultaneous nod. Twilight spoke, “Oh dear, I hope everyone is alright… we’d better get you two getting cleaned up, I don’t think ponies would take too kindly to seeing their favorite princesses covered in cake!” she said, trying not to laugh at their ordeal.

Celestia chuckled as Twilight lead them both out, “That certainly would be awkward wouldn’t it!” she said as she and Luna secretly shared a wink. As they were led out of the room Celestia looked at the Royal guard who saved them from embarrassment, he blinked at her, keeping his stern, blank expression as most guards could. Eventually though he gave her a wink, and she smiled almost foalishly at him mouthing a “thank you” with her lips. She gave his shoulder a pat before she caught up to the other princesses ahead.

Luna and Celestia idly brushed themselves off of cake while Twilight led them away, another pony quickly trotting up to them with a hoof-ful of towels. Luna made her way towards her own quarters, giving Twilight a bow before she left. As she did Celestia spoke, “I must admit I was not expecting you today Twilight Sparkle, not that I’m not happy to see you of course!” She was a BIT unhappy to be found in such an immature situation.

Twilight was wearing her old book saddle, and she pulled out a very old book, paging through it with her magic, she seemed to want to speak, but withheld herself before Princess Celestia spoke, “...was there something you wanted to tell me, Twilight?” she asked curiously.

Twilight hid herself behind her book with her ears splayed, in truth, although her curiosity was egging at her, she was considering putting it aside, as she did not want to upset the princess. Eventually curiosity got the best of her, “Well… yes, but it’s something that um… may not be a very comfortable subject…” she said quietly.

Celestia smiled at her, “Princess Twilight, I have much in my years. If you consider something to be important, then I am more than willing to discuss it with you. You may place my discomfort of an issue aside, Princess.” She said giving Twilight a gentle pat with her wings.

Princess Twilight gulped before she stood up straight, looking at her mentor confidently, even though her words came out a bit more meek than she intended, “Princess Celestia, I wanted to talk to you about… Nightmare Moon…”