• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 1,346 Views, 2 Comments

Moonlit Rainbows - OctaviaFan221

while sleeping in a tree Rainbow Dash gets a visit from a bat... but this isn't just any bat, no... It's a vampire bat. Twidash fic

  • ...

The inside of the Rainbow

Chapter 1

The day seemed like it was a movie, everything was perfect. Birds were chirping a soft song and the soft breeze slowly moved the grass. The ponies of Ponyville walked by and the pegasi of Cloudsdale flew threw the sky, making everything even more perfect.

Bunnies and squirrels ran and hopped around trees while other little animals scampered along the ground.

Everypony was out and about, enjoying the day. Except for one pony. The pony that works so hard, she has to sleep in to be able to work even harder the next day.

Rainbows head slowly lifted from her pillow. She opened her eyes and let a small yawn followed by the stretching of her wings. She hopped out of bed and made her way to her kitchen to prepare a quick breakfast.

After taking the last bite of eggs and hay bacon, Rainbow Dash washed her dishes and went to the bathroom. She took a quick shower and brushed her teeth and mane. After finishing up she walked over to her Daring doo book shelf and grabbed the latest story. She put it in her bag and headed out of her house and flew to Ponyville.

She had a skip in her step as she trotted towards a big sparkly castle. She was humming some some song she heard from Pinkie, something about making ponies smile. Speaking of, on her face was a grin from ear to ear. As she walked by, ponies waved to her and said hello. She was polite and did the same for them, but there was only one thing in her mind right then. She couldn't wait to see her friend, Twilight.

She took a few more steps before finding her way in front of the doors of the castle. She knocked before the doors quickly opened. In front of her was that lavender mare grinning from ear to ear. Seeing Twilight so happy made Rainbow Dash's heart explode.

" You ready for our Daring doo session,Twi? '' Asked Rainbow. Twilight smiled.

" Ready as I'll ever be " said Twilight with a grin.

" Then lets go ! " Rainbow said while running forward to their reading spot with two pillows set up. Twilight followed behind her. Rainbow opened the book and began to read. Twilight giggled and began to read herself.

As interesting as the book was, Rainbow couldn't focus on it. Her eyes kept drifting to Twilight. She felt Twilight's wings on her because of the close proximity between them. Rainbow felt her wings wanting to ruffle. She managed to keep them still. When she thought she had control of them she looked at Twilight.

Rainbow felt hot, she felt a dribble of sweat run down her cheek.

" Hey Twilight, I think I'm gonna cut this session short and go home to take a shower " said Rainbow. Twilight frowned, she was about to say something but then Twilight's head popped up.

" You could use my shower, it's right right across that hall " said Twilight pointing a hoof towards a room. Rainbow was lost in Twilight's voice, she slowly nodded in agreement. " wonderful, i'll go start the shower for you " Twilight giggled excitedly. Rainbow caught up with what Twilight was saying and sat in silence.

After a second, Rainbow heard running water and then Twilight walked out.

As she Twilight walked by her she said " all yours ". Rainbow nodded and walked inside. Everything was organized, not that it surprised Rainbow, we were talking about Twilight. Rainbow smiled and walked forward, the water was already on and running for Rainbow. She dipped a hoof in to check how hot it was. When she knew it was fine she stepped in.

Rainbow wet her mane and coat before squeezing shampoo on her hoof with her mouth. She rubbed it in and made sure she got the nervous sweat out of her mane. She rinsed the water out and repeated the process with conditioner. When she finished she stepped out of the tub and grabbed a towl to dry her fur and mane.

Rainbow stepped out and walked in the room with Twilight. She walked and sat down next to Twilight. Twilight didn't look up as her head was buried in the book.

" Do you feel better Rainbow? " asked Twilight still keeping her head buried in the book. Rainbow adjusted herself.

" Yeah, much " replied Rainbow picking up her book.

" Nice, now, are you ready t- " Twilight cut herself off as she looked up at Rainbow. She stared in awe at the beautiful mare next to her. Rainbows mane was down and frizzy rather than her usual sleek and shiney, Her coat was soft as well. Twilight couldn't remove her eyes from her friend next to her.

" Ready to... " Rainbow said waiving her hoof to signal Twilight to continue.

" OH, sorry... Ready to..." Twilight tried to remember what she was going to say. Her head popped up, "OH YES, are you ready to discuss the book? " asked Twilight. Rainbow chuckled.

" Yes, Twi, " Rainbow said with a slight smile and a giggle. Rainbow got out her paper of notes that Twilight insisted she made and looked them over before looking at Twilight, indicating she was ready to discuss the book.

Rainbow waved one more hoof goodbye to Twilight before flying back home to her cloud house. While flying, Rainbow replayed the night in her head. Rainbow couldn't help but feel happy anytime she was around Twilight, but the chastising of herself always comes later. Rainbow frowned, whats wrong with her. Twilight's her friend, and a mare. Why does she feel this way, why can't she stop feeling this way? Rainbow focused more on flying home to try and shake the mind maddening thoughts racing in her mind. She felt a tear run down her cheek. Rainbow surprised herself, she doesn't normally cry. In fact , she hadn't cried since tank went into hibernation last winter. Rainbow, deep in thought, didn't notice that she was home and standing like a mad mare out in the night. When she came back to her senses she sighed and entered her cloud home. She walked into her room and got ready for bed.

Rainbow sat with her friends at Sugarcube corner with her friends as they had a quick snack and just talked.They were all discussing something about an incident with the royal sister and the destruction of the East Wing. Rainbow however, wasn't paying attention to anything her friends were saying. All she could do was daze at the beautiful mare across from her. She was so mesmerized that she almost didn't hear Applejack talking to her.

" Ya'll alright, Rainbow?'' asked Applejack. " Ya'll aint talking much today. "

" Hmm, oh yeah I'm fine." Said Rainbow barley coming out of her daze.

" You sure, cause your eyes aint left Twilight since you sat down, " said Applejack with a smirk. Rainbow gave an audible growl. She stood up out of her seat and held her muzzle high.

" You know what, yeah I was staring at Twi here. I think she's very pretty. Gotta problem Applejack? " Rainbow practically yelled into Applejack's face. Everypony starred in shock as Rainbow turned and stomped out of the shop. But no pony was as shocked as Twilight.

Rainbow flew up to a tree and laid down on the branch, After all the stress she needed a nap. Once she was good and comfortable, she closed her eyes and drifted asleep.

A few hours had passed and it had gotten dark. Rainbow was still napping on the branch. She was snoring so loud she almost didn't hear the bustling of leaves and branches coming from above her. She sat up and searched the leaves and branches. After a minute, she just brushed it off as a squirrel. She laid back down and closed her eyes. Not even a minute later, she felt a sharp pain in her neck. She jumped and let out a screech as she hit the wretched creature, tearing it from her neck. Rainbow tried to lift herself off the ground, as she had fallen out of the tree from shock. She felt drained and could barley find the power to open her eyes. After a minute she found the strength to lift herself into the air. She flapped her wings as hard as she could and flew in the direction of her home.

" I haven't seen her all week either, " said Rarity. " not since Sugarcube corner ".

" Do ya' think that's why, we haven't seen'er all week, because she's embarrassed ?" Asked Applejack. They all shrugged. Everypony sat in the throne room with worried faces. Had they really hurt Rainbow that bad? Everypony gave suggestions. All except for one. Twilight.
It was silent until Pinkie's head popped up.

" I have an idea. How about we go visit her!!! "Pinkie yelled, scaring everypony half to death.Twilight's ears perked up.

"that sounds like a good idea," Twilight said with a warm smile. " Let's go visit Rainbow,". Everypony nodded in unison. As they all agreed Pinkie looked at Twilight with a sly grin as she cast the cloud walking spell.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry for all the random editing and for how long it took.

Comments ( 2 )

I'm this chapter is very interesting to read I wounder what happened to rainbow dash. Keep up a good work update more on this story soon I'm very interested in the story. :twilightsmile:

I like it so far :twilightsmile:

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