• Published 31st Dec 2015
  • 2,426 Views, 19 Comments

Heart's Warming Dance - FelixTheBrony

Pinkie managed to arrange a formal dance in the Ponyville Park for Heart's Warming, telling everypony to try to find a date before hand. Needless to say, this causes a bit of a stir.

  • ...

Finding the Dates! Part 1

Finding the Dates!

Pinkie bounced happily down the streets of Ponyville, decked out in her dark pink scarf and wool hat, seemingly unfazed by the snow and ice that was currently being cleared off the roads by shovel wielding ponies, hoping to avoid ponies slipping and sliding all over the place.

Now this seemed like it was nothing special. Pinkie being happy? But she was happy for a reason today...well a different reason than usual.

She continued to bounce down the road, towards the castle, without so much as a care in the world. Having just passed through a snowball fight between the school-ponies, the market vendors trying to pedal their seasonal merchandise and the heavily decorated buildings of the town.

That was until she actually crashed into a prismatic maned pony, strangely bare of any winter gear, walking backwards, motioning to a white Unicorn wearing a dark purple scarf and knee high boots of some kind, who seemed to be carrying a large crate of some kind. “Oof!”

“Hey! What's the big...Oh hi Pinkie,” Rainbow quickly cut off, having just noticed the pink pony behind her. However that meant that Rarity had now lost her navigator and she tripped over Pinkie's tail, sending the crate crashing down against the ground.

“No!” Rarity cried out, quickly setting the crate upright, and checking the contents. The other two looked up as Rarity pried the top of the crate open and lifted up some baubles and tinsel, checking it over with a critical eye.

Once Rarity was satisfied she let out a relieved sigh and re-sealed the box, letting it rest for a moment. “Potential disaster averted.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes and gave Pinkie a quick look. “Okay Pinks, you gotta look where ya going, you almost got the town's Heart's Warming Tree decorations totalled.”

Pinkie sprung back up and gave the two a wild smile. “You'll never guess what guys!” She declared, excitedly, almost as if she didn't even notice the looks she was getting, nor what Rainbow had previously said.

Rarity and Rainbow let out a collected sigh and rolled their eyes at their oblivious friend and just decided to humour her. “No, I don't think we will, care to enlighten us?” Rarity asked.

“Mayor Mare has approved the use of the park for the Heart's Warming dance I've been wanting to do since forever!” She cheered, jumping up and letting multi-coloured confetti out of her mane in celebration. She then paused, looking around herself in contemplation. “I'll need to restock that soon.”

“Hey, that's great Pinks!” Rainbow answered, smiling at the pink Earth pony.

“Yes, truly. You've been trying for so long, it must be a relief that you finally get to host it,” Rarity added, igniting her horn and cringed as the heavy load suddenly bore down on her. “I knew I should have asked Twilight to help.”

She suddenly felt the load weigh a lot less and blinked as she noticed a mint green Unicorn smiling, happily. “Don't worry, I'll help ya!” Lyra replied, grinning sheepishly. “I've been looking for something to do all day!”

Rarity sighed with relief and beamed, gratefully. “Thank you ever so much, Dear.”

“No problamo, amigo!” Lyra replied, moving to stand next to the box as Rarity moved to the opposite side. Rarity turned to Rainbow Dash.

“I shouldn't need anymore manoeuvring Rainbow, so I'll meet you at the tree to put up the decorations,” Rainbow grinned and saluted.

“Gotcha Rares, catch ya there in about ten minutes!” The Unicorn nodded before she and Lyra continued on their way. Rainbow then hovered off the ground a little, relieved to get some warmth back into her wings.

“Jeez, how do you guys manage to stay out in the cold so long?!” She asked Pinkie as she rubbed her hooves together.

“Because we wear our winter gear of course!” Pinkie replied, merrily, patting her scarf. She then continued towards the castle before pausing. “Oh yeah! Rainbow, you're invited to...”

“The Heart's Warming dance? Pinkie, I assumed the whole town would be invited,” Rainbow interrupted, raising an eyebrow. Pinkie, in reply, pouted.

“Aww, but I wanted to sing the your invited song!”

“You sing that song, at least, twenty times everytime you have a party. One less ain't gonna kill ya,” Rainbow replied, pausing for a moment. “Though I don't think Discord's heard the song before, maybe you could sing it to him?”

“Ooh, maybe I can!” She smiled, before pausing again. “Oh and I'm trying out a formal thing! And, it being a dance, you should probably find a date or something!” She announced, causing Rainbow's eyes to widen a little as her cheeks started to redden. “So try to find a stallion or mare to go with! I don't judge!” She finished, turning back to continue on her way to the castle, leaving a blushing, stammering and embarressed Rainbow behind.

“Why's it such a big deal?” Applejack asked, nudging Rainbow in the shoulder with a mug of warm, spiced cider. Rainbow took the beverage and drunk from it, deeply.

Rainbow, after finishing decorating the tree with Rarity and Lyra, had made her excuses and rushed off towards Sweet Apple Acres to talk to Applejack and seek advice from her.

“It may not seem like such a big deal to you, since you have coltfriend and all, but how am I supposed to find somepony to go with in...What's the date?”

“Eighteenth of December,” Applejack answered.

“Three days!” She cried out, suddenly deciding that deep drinks weren't doing it for her, so just downed the whole thing.

“You act like ponies will care if ya don't go with anypony,” Applejack chuckled, causing Rainbow to glare at her. “Why don't ya just go with Fluttershy or Rarity?”

“...Do I have to explain why that's stupid?” She replied, narrowing her eyes. “Or are you itching for an argument tonight?”

“Now, now. Ah didn't mean it like that,” Applejack answered, calmly. “Ah meant go as friends. It's a dance, not a kissin' booth.”

Rainbow shook her head and sighed in resignation. “I can't do that! It took three months to convince everyone that I wasn't a filly-fooler, I don't need those rumours going around again!”

“Aw shucks, Lyra and Bon-Bon are going together and they...”

“Have been married for two months,” Rainbow dead-panned, causing Applejack's eyes to widen considerably.

“Really now?! Shucks, Ah just plain darn didn't notice,” The orange pony said, taking a drink of her own cider. “Well, ya want mah advice? Just bite tha bullet and ask out tha first guy ya see that ya like tha look of!”

Rainbow recoiled a bit, not noticing that Applejack decided to refill her drink, before she gave her friend a reluctant look. “Doesn't that seem a little...desperate?”

Applejack shook her head. “Ah don't think so. Ah like ta call it tha direct approach. Worked fer me an' Soarin, didn't it?”

Rainbow lowered her eyelids in a dead-panned look. “Oh yeah. It also worked well for Rumble, huh?” Applejack cringed, rubbing her forehoof with the other, glancing up the stairs of the farmhouse.

“W-well...Uh Applebloom ain't much fer stuff like that. She didn't hurt him too bad!” Rainbow rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, just a broken leg, nothing too serious,” Applejack huffed and poked her in the chest.

“Look if yer scared just cause o' that, remember that they're kids! It's different fer them,” Applejack responded before adding. “Plus she didn't do it on purpose. He hugged her and she pushed him off. She don't like being hugged without permission.”

Rainbow contemplated this for a second, shaking her cider in a circle, causing the liquid inside to circulate around the mug. “...Alright, fine. The next guy I see, I'll ask out.”

Applejack grinned and wrapped a hoof around her friend's shoulders. “That's tha spirit!”

Suddenly, the door in the hall behind them opened, letting in Big Mac, wearing a large, green parka and carrying a large shovel in his teeth, which clattered to the floor as he shook some of the snow off of his mane, tail and flank.

“Howdy Mac! All done with tha paths?” Applejack called out, before Mac made his way into the kitchen with the pair.

“E-eeyup!” He replied, his teeth clattering as he rubbed his hooves together to warm them up. Applejack grinned and poured him the last of the prepared spiced cider, and placed it into his hooves to warm him up.

As Applejack went to fetch him a blanket, knowing that Big Mac and snow don't tend to mix well, Rainbow was looking over the red stallion, scanning him as if evaluating him for some sort of test.

Hm...Good looking, check! He's a nice guy, so check! Not much of a talker though...You know, unless he's cross-dressing or something, Rainbow grinned and hid her face behind her hoof when he looked over to her to hide the chuckle almost escaping her. Gotta admit though, it takes guts to try something like that just to try and make his sister happy.

She continued to look him over, however this time Mac did notice and rose an eyebrow at her, quizzically. Rainbow responded by looking into her half-finished beverage and started swirling it again.

I don't know...I mean, he's cool I guess, but I kinda need someone to talk to not at, She thought to herself before looking up again, noticing him taking a few sniffs of his own drink, before taking a swig. But AJ did say to ask out the first guy I like the look of...Ah well, you only live once!

Before Mac could ask what was wrong, after trying to find a way to word it properly, he saw her chug the rest of her drink down, for the liquid confidence, and speak up herself.

“Hey, Mac Attack, you wanna go with me to that Heart's Warming dance? You know, unless you have plans,” Rainbow asked, noticing Applejack had returned to the room. Who had dropped the blanket in shock.

Mac blinked, before placing a hoof to his chin in contemplation. Did Miss Dash just ask me out? He thought to himself, looking over her, noticing the way her body seemed to twitch in some places, her nerves obviously getting the better of her. Ah guess so. Well, she is AJ's friend...Ah mean, she was a little insultin' at the Sisterhooves Social but we didn't talk all that much before. Oh, guess Ah should answer!

“Eeyup,” Mac replied, causing Rainbow to raise an eyebrow in confusion.

“Eeyup you got plans or eeyup you'll go with me?”

Mac rubbed a forehoof with the other before tapping the table-counter twice, to indicate the second one. Rainbow let out a breath she hadn't realised she had been holding and grinned at him.

“Cool! I'll meet ya there at seven, okay?” Mac nodded, meekly, causing Rainbow to smile more. “Awesome, thanks Mac I'm sure we'll have a blast!”

She got up and made her way to the door, punching Applejack, lightly, in the shoulder on the way. “Thanks for the advice AJ, I owe ya one!”

As she made her way outside, Mac turned to his sister, raising an eyebrow. Applejack sighed, slapping her hoof against her face. “Shoulda seen that one comin'...”

The next day, Pinkie had approached Fluttershy's place to invite her to the Heart's Warming dance and to tell her about the date idea. Needless to say, Fluttershy was hesitant.

“Oh Pinkie, I'm not sure,” Fluttershy said, pouring out a few birdseeds for the hummingbirds, which they started to devour happily. Pinkie's mane deflated in response.

“Aw, why not?” She asked, as if she didn't already know.

“Well...I just don't want to bother anypony for a date,” The butter yellow Pegasus answered, moving on to throwing seeds to the chickens. “Plus it's such short notice, I don't know how many of us will be able to get one.”

Pinkie hummed a bit, before smiling brightly. “Well AJ's probably going to go with Soarin, since he's her coltfriend and all, and I got Cheese to come with me! I think Rainbow got a date as well! So that's three of us!” She cheered, causing Fluttershy to sigh.

“Oh um...I'm sure you'll have fun. But, I just...”

Pinkie wrapped her hoof around Fluttershy's withers and rushed her into her home. “Oh I got an idea! Discord!

After she called him, the mismatched Dracoeques popped into existence in front of them, with a towel wrapped around his head and barrel. “Do you mind, Miss Pie, some of us are trying to shower!”

Fluttershy tilted her head, confused. “I have a bath, not a shower.”

“Oh!” Discord replied, looking up the stairs. “You have a shower now.”

“How many times do I have to tell you not to mess around with the plumbing?!” Discord grinned, sheepishly.

“Technically, you said not to make the 's' bend a 'o' bend, nothing to do with all of the plumbing,” Fluttershy lowered her eyelids in a deadpan expression causing Discord to sigh and face the corner of the room.

“Yeah, I hate the naughty corner,” Pinkie mentioned, before she shook her head and asked: “Discord, do you have a date yet?” Discord shook his head, knowing he wasn't allowed to speak for five minutes while in the naughty corner. “That's great! You can go with Fluttershy!”

Both their eyes bugged out, though only Discord's actually escaped his head so he could grab onto them, rub them onto the towel on his barrel, and pop them back in. Pinkie saw their expressions and quickly raised her hoof to stop their questioning. “Now, now. You don't have to go as a date, you can easily just go as friends!”

Fluttershy let out a sigh of relief, while Discord just chuckled merrily. “Oh I'm sure that'll be fun! Right Fluttershy?”

“Oh, um...yes...So long as you promise to be on your best behaviour!” She responded. Discord clicked is talon, causing his towels to turn into a scouts uniform with a sash full of badges, with him holding his lion paw to his chest, saluting with the other.

“Scouts honour!” He grinned, a lightbulb suddenly popping up over his head. “I must go get a suit from our favourite, fractious fashion friend!” He then popped out of existence, leaving a small cotton candy cloud, raining chocolate milk over a certain white bunny, much to his irritation.

Fluttershy looked over at Pinkie and let out a sigh. “I'll keep an eye on him, don't worry.”

“Okie doki loki!” She replied, quickly pushing the rabbit out of the way to stand under the rain with her mouth wide open, facing the sky to drink it.

Rarity groaned as she listened to Sweetie Belle go on and on about how much fun she and Button Mash were going to have at the Heart's Warming dance, working on the fourteenth dress this morning. This one was for Sassaflash who, as well as every other mare that had come to her, had only just heard about the dance this morning/last afternoon and needed a dress.

Of course, she was happy to oblige, and she could definitely use the extra bits before Hearts Warming. After all, she was hoping to get her parents those cruise tickets that they had been wanting. Plus Sweetie Belle did mention something about wanting an Xbone or something like that. She didn't know much about gaming, but she knew it cost a lot.

But that didn't mean she was a miracle worker! After this one was done, she had to work on one for Mayor Mare, Carrot Top and all her friends! Plus all the others!

So with how distracting this was, she didn't think she'd get the chance to find a date for herself. That, in itself, was a nightmare!

“Hiya Rarity!” The white Unicorn jumped, causing the needle to fly out of her grip and get stuck in Discord's chest. He looked down at the offending object before picking it out, causing chocolate milk to shoot out of the wound. Sweetie Belle giggled a little at her sister's look.

“Discord!” Rarity cried out, quickly getting a bowel and sliding it under the chocolate milk flow. “Please stop bleeding chocolate milk on my floor!”

“Well there's something you don't hear everyday!” Sweetie Belle said as Discord placed a plaster with a bunch of yellow smiley faces over it, causing the milk flow to stop.

“And a big warm, how do ya do, to you too!” Discord replied, looking annoyed. “I didn't know greetings now consisted of stabbing each other, however awesome that sounds.”

Rarity sighed and gritted her teeth. “Hello Discord,” She reluctantly greeted, motioning to the mess. “Could you be a dear and help me with the mess?”

Discord clicked his talon and all the chocolate milk had soon vanished from the room. Rarity and Sweetie Belle blinked in confusion. “You're usually not so co-operative. Are you sick or something?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Discord laughed and waved his talon. “No, no. I need a favour and I'll surely be more likely to get it if I'm not being...well me.”

Rarity let out a sigh before making the finish on her latest dress, flinching at the lack of detail or pizazz. Though, she did mention that possibility to everyone who ordered a dress, it's still quite frustrating since it doesn't feel like something from her at all.

“I'm a little busy right now, Discord, I have so many dresses to make.”

“That's what I need help with!” Discord exclaimed, happily, causing Sweetie Belle to raise an eyebrow at him.

“You want a dress?”

“Yes...I mean no! I mean, maybe some other...No a suit! I need a suit!” He glared over at the giggling little Unicorn and muttered under his breath. “Well played, little one, well played.”

“Not another one!” Rarity cried out, falling flat on her face. “I don't think I can do this! I have two days to make thirty seven dresses by myself!”

“I offered to help!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed, huffing and crossing her hooves. Rarity sighed.

“I know you did, but you also need to rehearse the song you're going to sing at the dance and for your date as well! I don't need to take up your time with this,” Sweetie Belle sighed, looking over at the song sheet on the table.

“I guess...”

“Why don't you go see your friends for now. I'm sure I'll be fine on my own,” Rarity said, rubbing Sweetie Belle's shoulder. The filly nodded and picked up her song sheet with her magic.

“Okay. Don't forget to find a date!” Sweetie Belle called out as she left.

“You don't have a date yet?” Discord asked, strangely serious and concerned. Rarity sighed and nodded.

“No, but don't worry about it. I'm sure I can allure someone on the day. So who are you going with?”

“Fluttershy. We're going as friends,” Discord clarified, smiling fondly. Rarity matched his look.

“That's sweet. I'm sure Fluttershy appreciates it. The poor dear is just so...”

“Socially awkward?” Discord offered.

“...I was going to say shy.” Rarity finished, causing Discord to shrug.

“You say potato, I say guacamole,” He grinned, before snapping his talon and poofing right in front of her, causing her to jump back. “So you need a date.”

Rarity sighed and nodded. “I suppose, but I'm just so busy that I don't think I'd...”

“Who's this?” Discord asked, pointing to a picture in a book that looked like...

“What are you doing with my diary?!” Rarity screeched, snatching the book out of his talon, blushing in embarrassment.

“What? Sweetie Belle can print your darkest secrets in the newspaper, but I'm not allowed to read a single page?” Discord asked, tutting. “That's just not fair.”

“Sweetie Belle took it without permission and was punished for it. Now please, would you leave me alone to finish these dresses in peace,” Rarity stressed, pointing towards the door.

“But I had an idea!” Discord whined, clicking his fingers, now having measuring tapes and designing papers, pencils and the likes, needle and thread floating around him. “I was going to offer to finish a few of these dresses as payment for my suit and, while I'm doing that, you can go find that Pegasus coltfriend of yours and get that date!”

Rarity was about to tell him to get out again before blinking. “Y-you know how to make dresses?”

“So long as I have the designs, which you seem to have sorted out,” He answered, the dress for Twilight floating in front of him before he clicked his talon and the materials seemed to twist, curl and meld together before her very eyes. “During my...ahem, Dictator days I had to find something to kill time and this was actually a lot more fun then I thought it would be.”

“Oh...um...I guess...” Rarity stumbled, not sure what to do. This was the only opportunity she'll have to go find Thunderlane, the stallion she'd been harbouring a crush on for a while now, but she wasn't quite sure whether she could trust Discord or not.

Though he had soon finished Twilight's dress, which was a lovely, thick, dark blue garment that shined from the amethysts glittering from the corset. As far as she could tell, he had done quite a good job with it!

“I guess...I could agree with that...I'll be back in a few hours. Don't burn the place down, flood it, hurt Opal or mess with my stuff,” Rarity warned, before leaving.

Discord shrugged and turned to look at the dresses that Rarity wanted to do more with before he felt a pair of hooves wrap around his chest. “Thank you Discord,” Rarity whispered before rushing off again.

He smiled at the appreciation and got to work clicking his talon and getting the dresses sorted. “You're welcome,” He muttered when he was sure no-one could hear, letting out a sigh.

“You don't have a date?!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed, loudly enough to shake the tree house to it's core and for her friends to cover their ears.

“No,” Applebloom answered as she poked the tip of her hoof into her ear and twisted it, as if trying to clear it out.

“Why not?”

“Why do ya think?” Applebloom answered, rolling her eyes. “I don't want one. I'm too young to be worrying about that right now.”

“B-but...It's a dance, you can't go on your own!” Applebloom sighed, looking over at Scootaloo.

“Ah'll just go with Scoots, Sweetie Belle, it ain't a big deal!” She responded, as if it were obvious. She left a pause, waiting for Sweetie Belle to start arguing again. However, this time, Sweetie Belle didn't say anything.

“Um...Actually, AB, I kinda already have a date,” Scootaloo mentioned, rubbing her hoof in embarrassment. Applebloom's eyes suddenly bugged out as she turned to her friend in stunned surprise.

“What?!” She exclaimed, grabbing the orange pony by her shoulders. “Since when do you care about the mushy, gushy romance stuff!”

Scootaloo, quite forcibly, pushed her friend back and gave her a disgusted look. “It isn't like that at all! It's more of an agreement! At the first School Dance thing that Cheerilee put on, Featherweight and I made a deal that we'll just go to all of them together so that we're never the odd ones out.”

Her two friends looked at her, noticing a light red in her usual orange cheeks and her wings were fluttering a little. Before they could ask about it, she shook her head and put a hoof on Applebloom's shoulder. “Which means I can't go with you. Rainbow Dash is my big sister, after all, and what kind of little sister of the Element of Loyalty am I, if I can't be loyal to him like he is to me?!”

Sweetie Belle smirked, mischievously. “Yeah, she has to stay loyal to her coltfriend after all,” She all but sung, causing Scootaloo to growl at her, still holding the red tint to her cheeks.

“It's not like that at all! He's not my coltfriend! He's just a colt that happens to be my friend!” She argued, causing Sweetie Belle to giggle.

“Then why are you blushing?” Scootaloo froze, only now just noticing how warm her face felt.

Okay Scootaloo. You need a really good come back to that! The best one you can think of! “Shut up!” She declared, turning away with a small smile. Genius, Scootaloo, genius.

Before their argument could continue, it seemed as if something in Applebloom had just set off the big, red 'PANIC' alarm and she suddenly started to hyperventilate. The other two turned to her and immediately got to rubbing her back and trying to calm her down.

“WhatdoIdoWhatdoIdoWhatdoIdo?!!!” She cried out, far to fast for any normal pony to make out.

“This is solved quite easily. Go with Rumble, he likes you!” Sweetie Belle offered, causing Scootaloo to shake her head.

“He's kind of afraid of her after she broke his leg.”

“Oh c'mon, that was an accident. I'm sure he would've forgiven her by now.”

“Have you ever had your leg broken, Sweetie Belle? It's not something you just get over.”

“Alright fine! What about another friend of ours? Diamond Tiara?”

“Going with First Base.”

“Silver Spoon?”






“Ruby Pinch?”

“Truffle Shuffle.”

“...I'm out of ponies...” Sweetie Belle sighed, looking over apologetically at Applebloom. “Maybe Big Mac will go with you? You know, like he did with...”

“The Daddy-Daughter Dance?” Scootaloo asked, raising her eye at her. “That's a little embarrassing, don't ya think?”

“I don't think Mac has much shame, you know since he cross-dressed and all.”

“Yer never gonna let him live that down, are ya?” Applebloom asked, glaring at the white Unicorn who flinched under the death gaze. “Besides, he's got a date with Rainbow Dash. Who did ya think mah plan B was?”

“...You don't, by any chance happen to have a plan...”

“Ah had several plans in place. A was Scootaloo, B was Mac, C was Diamond Tiara and the next four were the four who are apparently taken!” Scootaloo interrupted Applebloom, pointing at her as she finally noticed something important.

“Rainbow's going with Mac?! How'd that end up happening?!” Applebloom sighed, annoyed.

“Ah don't know, ask her! Meanwhile, if ya can focus on mah crisis!”

“Rumble still hasn't got anypony to go with so you can still...” Sweetie was soon interupted.

“Ah can't because he's already going with Babs!” Applebloom screamed, covering her head with her hooves. “She was visiting when Ah went ta tha hospital ta apologise properly an' they kinda hit it off really well! She's comin' ta visit fer tha weekend tomorrow an' tha two made a date of it!”

“...Oh,” The two let out, turning to each other and quickly turned away from Applebloom and started to try and come up with a plan.

After a while of thinking and muttering between themselves, they nodded, turned to the yellow filly and Scootaloo informed her of the conclusion they came to.

“Yeah, you're screwed.”

The bow adorned pony screamed in frustration and glared at the two. “Well ain't you two just a big old barrel o' useful!” She then went into the corner. “Now excuse me, Ah'm gunna go sulk in tha corner.”

The other two shared another look and decided to let her sort this out on her own, leaving the clubhouse and Applebloom alone.

Rarity sighed in relaxation as she smelled the fresh cup of coffee laid out in front of her. “Thank you,” She said to Clover, the waiter, before taking a sip. Clover nodded and went to collect orders from another table.

She knew she should be trying to find Thunderlane, but she reasoned that since he was probably on weather-patrol and in the sky, she'd never find him. So she decided to just wait until he was on his lunch break and then go look for him.

Just as she was taking another sip, she noticed a presence beside her. She looked down and noticed a pair of green eyes looking up at her. “Hi Rarity!” Spike said.

Rarity smiled, cheerfully, at her little, part-time assistant and best friend. “Hi Spikey, how are you doing today?” She asked, motioning to the seat across from her.

“I'm doing fine. Actually, it's great I caught you cause I wanted to ask you something,” Spike said, causing Rarity's eyes to widen in panic.

Uh oh! Please tell me this isn't about what I think this is going to be about! She begged to herself, reluctantly nodding. She knew of his crush on her, mainly because the little dragon was quite obvious about it. He pretty much wore his heart on his sleeve, but now that this dance has come up, it's probably given him the confidence to finally confront her about these feelings.

The problem with this, however, is that she's going to have to let him down. Not just because of her interest in Thunderlane, but mainly because he's just too young for her. If he were older she'd happily date him, but it just wasn't to be. Of course, being a child, he probably doesn't understand that.

I just hope he doesn't take this too hard, She thought to herself as Spike worked up the nerve to ask.

“D-do...Do you know anypony who hasn't got a date to the dance yet?”

“I'm sorry Dear, I can't...” Was as far as she got into her preprepared speech before his words caught up to her. “Wait, what?”

Spike blushed a little harder, embarrassed to have to ask again. “I was just wondering if you knew anyone I could ask out to the dance. You know? Without having to explain to their coltfriend that I'm not trying to steal anyone.”

Rarity blinked, clearly a little puzzled by this turn of events but, overall, actually kind of happy. “Um...I'm sorry, Dear, did you want something to drink?” She offered, before Spike sighed.

“Look, if you don't know, you don't have to keep dodging the question...”

“No, no! Nothing like that! I'm just...gathering my thoughts. I thought for sure that...”

“I was going to ask you out?” Spike asked, Rarity nodding in reply. The dragon let out a disappointed sounding sigh. “Well I was going to, but when I reached the boutique and you weren't there, I got caught talking to Discord. When I told him why I was there, he told me you had, and I quote 'Gone to ask out the stallion of her dreams...or diary.'”

Rarity held her breath as Spike rubbed an arm over his eyes when he felt something sting them for a second. “And...W-well since you had a date planned, I went to Twilight to see if she'd go as a friend, but she got a letter saying that Cadence managed to twist Shining's hoof enough to get him to send Flash down for the week. So I've been trying to find a date since,” He finished, now noticing a cup of hot chocolate in front of him.

Clover quickly left again and Spike, feeling his throat swell a little, took a sip of the hot liquid. “And that's what brought me here. Is Sweetie Belle free or something?”

“Sorry Dear, she has a coltfriend,” Spike sighed at that answer. “Though I'm not sure about Scootaloo or Applebloom. Perhaps one of them would be happy to go with you?”

“...Didn't Applebloom break Rumble's leg?” Spike asked, concerned. Rarity sighed.

“That was an accident, Dear, I'm sure she won't kill you for asking a question,” She explained, looking at the time and noticing there was still, at least, an hour before Thunderlane was supposed to be getting off his shift.

“I guess...” Spike said, before turning to jump down from his chair. “Well I best be off, good luck with Thunderlane.”

“Wait!” Spike paused and turned to Rarity with a raised eyebrow. “It's been a while since we last saw each other and Thunderlane won't be around for a while. Want to talk for a bit?” She asked, smiling pleasantly.

In his head, Spike knew this might be a bad idea. He's trying to get over his crush on the Unicorn opposite him and spending time with her, without anyone else around to boot, isn't going to help with that. And he certainly didn't want his waterworks to start up again. Plus he had to get that date.

...But he just couldn't say no to her. It was a weird thing for him where he was quite incapable of refusing to do anything for anyone...You know, unless they were a jerk.

So Spike took a deep breath and put on his best smile. “Sure, I can spare a few minutes.”

“Howdy Soarin!” Applejack called up to him as he flew through the air towards the orchard.

Once the Pegasus noticed her, he smiled widely and waved to her. “Hey AJ! What's up?!” He called back, unaware that he had just flown right past her.

“Uh...Soarin?! Ya might want ta look out fer that...!” Was as far as she got before he slammed, face-first, into one of the trees next to the farmhouse, then fell right into one of the buckets that Big Mac had set up just before said stallion had smacked the bark of the tree and the snow rained down into the buckets and on top of the Wonderbolt's head.

Applejack had run up to him, concerned for his health. “You okay there, Sugarcube?” She asked, pulling him out of the bucket and out of the snow that now filled it about half way. Big Mac had turned around to look over his work, then rose his eyebrow at all the snow lying around everywhere and his sister and her coltfriend now standing in front of him.

“Yeah, I'm fine,” He grinned, before cringing and holding a hoof to his head. “Just a little bump, no biggie.”

Applejack sighed in relief, then rolled her eyes. “Ya need ta stop starin' some place else when yer flyin'. This is tha third time this has happened!”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac agreed, pushin between the two to scoop up the snow and to put it back into the bucket.

Soarin shook his head and gave her a devilish grin. “I'd happily risk a concussion if it meant I got to stare at you for a couple more seconds,” Applejack mimicked his look and stepped closer to him.

“Are ya tryin' ta seduce me, Mr. Wonderbolt?” She asked in the most suggestive voice she could muster. Soarin winked at her in reply, causing Mac to look up from his task, horrified.

“Gotta start some place, like maybe your room?” He answered, causing Mac to run off.

“Eenope!” The two, startled, turned to see the red stallion run away as if he were getting chased by wendigos, and suddenly became a lot more self-conscious of their surroundings, chuckling lightly.

“Forgot your brother was there,” Soarin said, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. Applejack shook her head, trying her best to fight off her blush.

“It's fine, sometimes Ah forget he's here too. He's just so darn quiet,” She replied, wondering if she may have just ruined his picture of her as his 'innocent little sister'. Well, he's still got Applebloom at least.

Soarin let out a slightly louder laugh, then immediately regretted it as his head throbbed. “Ah, I think have a headache,” Applejack rolled her eyes at him and nudged him towards the farmhouse.

“Only mares get ta use that excuse, Soarin, besides you've been gone fer six months so yer gonna get an aspirin an' then yer gonna show me how much ya missed me,” She grinned at him, smacking his flank with her tail.

Soarin smiled back, nuzzling her cheek. “So long as you show me how much you missed me,” He answered, let a low breath into her ear.

Applejack wobbled a bit, and nuzzled back. “Ah can agree ta that.”

Author's Note:

Yeah, as you can see, I went a little nuts with this fic, trying to make it an epic, holiday fanfiction...Then Christmas passed and I wasn't even nearly done...And it's still not even done!

I decided to end this chapter here and just make the dance itself a seperate chapter which I'll try and get done within the week. But, by then, I guess it's still late. Sorry about that! Next time I'll have to start it a few more days earlier. :twilightsheepish:

Hope you guys enjoy what's here so far! :pinkiehappy: Thanks for reading and Merry, Late, Christmas! And Happy, early New Year! :twilightsmile: