• Published 1st Jan 2016
  • 2,031 Views, 7 Comments

Times Neverwhen - Two Sides to Every Heart - Hail King Sombra

Not everypony in the Crystal Empire at the time of King Sombra’s return was hoping he’d fail.

  • ...

His Hour of Glory

For the briefest moment, Sceadwian had felt good and it was the first time in a thousand years.

Not that she had been in pain that long, empty time, she mused, reveling in the growing, comforting darkness slowing crawling over her surroundings. None of them had. They had all slept in the shadows their King had shielded them in and, as her name implied, she had covered Him with herself in The Sleep, healing Him, nurturing Him, guarding her love in case The Two decided to pursue them to finish the terrible job they had begun.

She smiled at the irony of her name, Shield, when it had been their King who had protected them first from destruction in the Blinding when disaster had struck the city millennia ago. At first her failure had deeply embarrassed Sceadwian, until He had taken her to Him, murmuring it was not her fault and not her fight and how grateful He was she was safe and with Him for the long sleep they faced ahead. Gone was the shy pony of their childhood who never spoke of His feelings, though their pain was always in His red crystal eyes. Before her now was a true King of their people whose power and presence radiated out, routing their foes, reclaiming the land once theirs aeons ago!

She felt a hoof on her shoulder. “It isssss a good moment, isssss it not?” a voice whispered on the hot winds around her. Of course it was Schmauch, the one their King had assigned to be her companion when he was not about.

Sceadwian nodded. “Oh yess,” she patted his hoof, the hiss in her voice less pronounced than her companion's. His eyes were peculiar - a dead giveaway he was coalesced and not a true pony. He had always had a problem with creating that part of their disguise. She avoided his gaze when she could, but never held it against the loyal friend. “The cold and the ssnow grow tiressome, even in Ssleep.”

“Look!” someone close by shouted, pointing towards the center of the Faire. “He comessss!”

“Your pony eyes blind you as it does these scared creatures,” Schmauch scolded. “He issss already here! In the inky blacknesss, the roiling cloudssss, gathering ssstrength from thessse pony folk.”

Sceadwian nudged his shoulder to get him to turn to see where their other cloaked companions were looking. “No, he is right. The ground shakes at His return.” She frowned. “But – ssomething is wrong. He is ssooo angry!”

It was completely dark now over the land. A ripple of sheer relief and joy ran through the small cluster of her group. She longed to throw off her cloak and run free in it, if only He had not been so enraged at something. Caution stayed her hoof, it not being an easy habit to break so quickly.

There – at the center of The Crystal Fair! A huge slab of rock rose as the darkest of their kind rose with it – an angry coil of deepest Shadow, its eyes burning with need and power as their King drew strength from the fear and terror around them.

Her knees buckled, as did the dozen figures around her. His royal presence was so strong it was never to be ignored when so close. They all bowed, even as crystal ponies ran around them, so frightened, none stopping to question their sanity at not fleeing.

Their ripple of devotion fed their King, especially Sceadwian's. Unexpectedly, He became solid – a crowned stallion of charcoal dark coat, flowing, ebony mane and tail as black as his true Shadow Self. Feeling the weight - the heavy, comforting chest, shin plating, and hoof armor, He looked down, surprised. The brief thought that it would slow Him down in his race to capture the Crystal Heart was blotted out by its glint above as it and a small, purple dragon plummeted out of the sky towards Him. The Heart's shine consumed his thoughts now. He licked His lips, savoring the taste of victory so close!

Scheadwian drew her hood back at last, not wanting to miss a single second of His victory. Her and their people's hearts and minds, lent their wills and strength all for this, their glorious leader, their beloved Shadow Pony.

Then, suddenly, heart-breakingly, it was gone in an instant!

“NO!” she screamed as a pink Alicorn shot out of the skies from nowhere, snatching the Crystal Heart from their Dark Pony's reach. It surprised Him as much as her. He drew back, frozen in wonder, perhaps, following the Alicorn's path as she shot like a rocket back towards the ground.

“SSchmauch, everysshadow!” she yelled, surging forward. “Help him! MOVE!”

They ran, but saw it was already too late. The Crystal Heart slingshot slightly past the axis point of its pivot at the base of the castle, then snapped back, into its place. She and the others stopped, horrified. She knew all too well what was coming next.

“Retreat,” the Umbrum King ordered as the crystal ponies below Him bowed to the heart.

“SSombra - “

“No. It is lost,” His voice echoed calmly, but sadly in her mind.

“But you - “

“GO!” He shouted.

“I WON'T LEAVE YOU TO IT!” she screamed out loud and in her mind. Schmauch and the others tried to pull her back, but she shifted into smoke and their hard, pony shells had no grip on her. “It will burn you from the insside out, like before!” she sobbed.

“I know and I will not let that be your fate as well,” He said softly, using His magic one last time to force her back to solid form. “ Schmauch, get her out. Now.”

“NO, PLEASSE, NO! SSOMBRA!!!” she cried wildly as Schmauch and the other Umbrum grabbed her and headed for the city's outskirts.

“Goodbye...Hope. I–I love you,” He whispered.

Her last sight was of her King and lover, caught in the shock wave of the Crystal Heart's purifying light, His physical body burned to crystal ashes as they beat the pulse to the city's gates.

Author's Note:

I had intended this to have more parts...could do more, if everypony wants. Let me know in the comments.

Comments ( 7 )

This is really good I like it. I also love how you have the whole romance of King Sombra.

Thank you so much, Passing! I am so glad you've chosen to follow my King and I through his adventures. I was in a magical space m'self when I wrote that, feeling the strength of the relationship and position he holds with his own people, the Umbrum. That did most of the writing for me. I was merely holding the figurative pen as its inspiration brought for the words.

More romance will be had, rest assured. It is a rocky relationship Nyx, my later ego, and he started on, but it is the beauty of the passion he held (and still holds) for Princess Luna that is a sweeping tale that brings one to tears, along with his downfall and its reasons.

If you liked the story that much, please consider giving it a thumbs up so others can be emboldened to enjoy it as well. It is just a tiny favor I ask and it makes His highness feel quite pleased with Himself when He sees others are finding merits in His adventures.

P.S. - I ADORE Vinyl scratch too! Her and Octavia's scene in the 100th episode - BEST PART OF THE EPISODE!

Wow! As you said, two sides to every story. I almost feel sorry for King Sombra and I do for Sceadwian. From their point of view, the Royal Sisters are the villains. Please, do continue with the King's adventures.

This was a little confusing to follow-Hope wasn't mentioned until the last line and I'm sure there was some other comic universe lore that escaped me. Oops. I do remember reading the comic version of Sombra's backstory out of curiosity (and, I think, boredom) weren't there talking crystals involved?? :rainbowhuh: And due to the small word count, I don't think you need an adventure tag although a Tragedy one would work very well.


This was a little confusing to follow-Hope wasn't mentioned until the last line and I'm sure there was some other comic universe lore that escaped me.

Sorry for the confusion, IceStar. Yeah, I intentionally put Hope's name last so it'd be a shock to those who were familiar with the comic. It was my own headcannon about Radiant Hope in an alternate future where she's joined Sombra and he'd turned her into an Umbrum (a shadow pony, like him) and his people were freed from their prison. I wrote it before the Seige of the Crystal Empire had actually freed them. It was kind of driven by the thought that one pony's tyrant is another's savior.

weren't there talking crystals involved?

Yeah, but I don't believe in talking crystals, so I ignored that part :rainbowlaugh:

I don't think you need an adventure tag although a Tragedy one would work very well

Wow, were you reading my mind? I was thinking that last week as well and forgot to do something about it. I'm putting it back on my list of a bazillion and one things to get to. (That list is actually getting knocked down, but things keep getting piled on top of it, heh!)

Thanks for the feedback. You are AWESOME!


You are quite welcome. *tips suspiciously Sombra-esque crown*

Such a good job you have done!

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