• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 4,730 Views, 29 Comments

Thanatosian Love - Majin Syeekoh

The demon expelled from Sunset reflects on what it could never have again.

  • ...

Deathly Desire

Sunset Shimmer.

You look resplendent before me, with your horn of white and your wings of powdered gold.

I cannot communicate this to you in my prison of addled flesh, but I have been waiting for this moment.

Ever since that day, moons ago, when the rainbow of harmony split us in twain and my very being ached as you surrendered yourself to mortals when I promised you the world. I became your shadow, both physical and metaphorical, as I viewed how the entire school shunned you. I am sure you heard my whisperings to betray your ostensible friends so that we may once again be joined in communion.

I slowly cultivated a sense of resentment as you shared your misgivings, anticipating your eventual rejection. Your flesh-mates, however, redoubled their efforts to make you feel accepted. I would have to fortify my own efforts for your acknowledgement.

That opportunity approached me when those extradimensional hell-beasts arrived. I parted ways with you, the days seeming like centuries as I fed myself on their siren song. I twisted their desire to go home into one more akin to yours, to remind you of what you once were in the hopes you would realize what you had lost and would let us become one once again.

But my dream remained a fancy when you failed to notice my presence within them and full out assaulted them with prismatic fury. I was forced to shatter their gemstones they inhabited to preserve my identity from that accursed rainbow, not caring that I rended those monsters’ souls. Licking my wounds, I returned, dejected by your apparent inability to acknowledge me.

I became your shadow once again and my existence cried out for your warmth as you ingratiated yourself to those bags of meat. To become you once again was my greatest desire. But through your inaction you had granted me no quarter. Strings of barbs scored through me at your ignorance of my plight. In my silent torture the musical irony of us being divided by harmony slowly became apparent. That, somehow, the very nature of who we were had ultimately been altered to incompatibility.

And I wept.

Soundless wails and wordless tears filled my moments at what I had lost. Your constant engagement of friendships taunted me mercilessly as all I could do was watch by the shadow I was, you operating as my scourge as you flaunted your happiness while all I could do was wallow in my misery.

It was not just! It was not right! I deserved to be fulfilled! I would bring the world to its knees for one more moment with you. One more moment in you would be worth the end of the world.

Fate spat in my face once again when I was transferred into a world with all of my adversaries―Honesty, Kindness, Loyalty, Generosity, and Laughter. What followed was pure agony.

Laughter attempted to impress its joy upon me, which I spurned. I had no need for its services.

Loyalty promised to be my friend. I laughed in its face. I had no need for friends.

Kindness offered a shoulder to cry on, but I was out of tears. I had only one loyalty now.

Generosity proffered a helping hand. I was beyond help. My existence had not been kind to me.

After rejecting all of their advances, Honesty asked me what I wanted. I complied generously.

I wanted to be Sunset Shimmer once again.

The raucous laughter tore through me like a thousand arrows as they cruelly informed me that I would never be her, that I had no hope of ever residing within her. They regaled me of deeds I had indirectly influenced, that she was far beyond my influence precisely because I had tried to influence her.

I wept and seethed at the confirmation of my darkest fears that I could never be her. With my reason for existing routed from me, there was only one option left to ease my pain. If I could not have Sunset Shimmer, no one could.

It was armed with this knowledge that I possessed the Twilight Sparkle and tore reality asunder, sharing my madness with her brain. It was fueled by this desperation that I became the thanatosian impulse that you once again stepped up to conquer.

Looking at you now, with your ivory horn and your solar wings, it is apparent to me now that we could never be together. That I could never take my place inside you. In my wanton desire to conjoin with you I had pushed aside the signs and signals that you had transformed into my antithesis. I put you on a pedestal above the unwashed masses. You placed yourself below them, a friend to all.

It is with a heavy heart that I sentence your execution for the capital crime of spurning me. It is with a hole inside me that I condemn existence to death for the offense of warping you into what you are today, a being that cannot accept me into your heart.

Gaze upon me and despair, Sunset Shimmer. You birthed me. Through neglect, you have nurtured me. And through the scorning of what you hold dear, I have self-actualized. There is a certain irony that only through rejecting you I have achieved my full potential as the reaper of reality while you by rejecting me have become all I oppose.

I am the monster you could never be, I am the sadness you could never see. I am the pain which you never felt, I am the torture which you were never dealt.

Looking at you now, with your silvery horn and your astral wings, a part of me wishes that it did not have to turn out this way, that we could be together once again. Yet the majority of me knows that this will not come to pass.

And for me to know peace, you must perish. Even if it involves the destruction of everything.

Comments ( 28 )

That was absolutely fascinating to read. I think my personal favorite thing is the vocabulary you used. It really did make the being feel like something totally separate from everything else. (Plus it was fun to read!)

Albi #2 · Jan 2nd, 2016 · · ·

Lovin' that thesaurus, aren't you, Syeekoh?

A little garbled in some places, but overall, really, really, good and beautiful.

Majin Syeekoh

6792151 Yeah, I picked the speech very carefully and I'm glad it made it fun to read,

6792153 Did you not know that it speaks in Thesaurese?:trollestia:

Anyway, glad you enjoyed it!

Sunset's personal Nightmare is a fascinating entity, a blend of apocalyptic force and spurned lover. Very cool stuff here, especially how you managed to tie the movies and Sunset's character arc into the production. Great work, Syeekoh.

TGM #5 · Jan 2nd, 2016 · · ·

An interesting read, really gives perspective on the thoughts and feelings of a demon that could not carry out what it wanted.

Not-goddamnit syeekoh.

Majin Syeekoh

6792167 I'm glad you liked it!

It's one of those burning ideas that started from a single point and fell into place as it came out, honestly.

6792169 A not-goddammit? Hell really must be freezing over.


Not-goddamnit syeekoh.

But what if this was his plan all along? Truly, this is the ultimate "goddamnit syeekoh" moment.

Majin Syeekoh

6792372 Oh no, my plot has been foiled!

Curse you, ZOMG!

It's a fascinating thing, to hear Death whisper sweet nothings in your ear.

this was really something. so very beautiful and one of the very best sunset shimmer stories that i have read. keep up the really good and awesome work.

Not a bad piece.

Though I can't help but be reminded of when I found the Venom Symbiote under "Yandere" on TVTropes...

Majin Syeekoh

6793875 Thank you. I appreciate it.

6794937 Yeah, I guess the Midnight Demon is a touch yandere.:pinkiecrazy:

I think after the battle of the bands, this spirit got angry at Sunset, went inside the CMC, and attacked Sunset through them. (The anon-a-miss story)

Because I had way too much to say about this story, I reviewed it in a blog post. Also I did that thing where I write more words about a story than the story has. Sorry! :twilightsheepish:

(tl;dr: despite a few things not quite working out, I liked this piece, particularly the strong sense of obsession it builds through its narrative voice.)

Majin Syeekoh

6798753 I suppose I'll reply formally here.

I enjoyed your in-depth analysis of the story and am looking forward to reading more reviews by you.:twilightsmile:

Damn, now this one is short, but filled with a depth many ten thousand word stories don't match.

This...demon, for lack of a better term, was wonderfully characterized and twisted in its love for Sunset, although it could have had a bit more explanation for the reason why it loved her (I'd imagine it loved her ambition and potential-the monster she could have become). Its reflection and eventual realization of Sunset as its antithesis was exquisite to behold. Makes me want to see a full fight between Demon Sunset and Phoenix alicorn (whatever that was) Sunset at the end of Friendship games.

All in all, a wonderful one shot.

Majin Syeekoh

6809655 I'm glad you enjoyed it. It means a lot to me.:twilightsmile:


So, are the Sirens souless now? I wonder how could they survive that.

Majin Syeekoh

6823866 I suppose you could say the gems contained what made them sirens. That's what they lost.

As for whether or not they have souls... that's way beyond my pay grade.:twilightsheepish:

So Sunset Satan is pretty much the Greater Scope Villain of the whole EQG series? I can dig it.

It's a bit like the Venom Symbiote in its thought process. Actually...

Sunset Satan=Venom (An evil version of our hero)

Daydream Shimmer=Anti-Venom (A previous host of the creature now dedicated to destroying evil.)

Majin Syeekoh


So Sunset Satan is pretty much the Greater Scope Villain of the whole EQG series? I can dig it.

Yeah, that was pretty much the idea I was going with.

The Venom similarities only connected when someone else pointed them out.

Author Interviewer

Well, that was a thing. :B

Majin Syeekoh

6922191 It's certainly rather thingy.

Not truly love at all, of course but rather obsession and a desire to possess and control. Not that different from those mad beings in the real world who will kill someone because 'they love them too much to let them go' or some other nonsensical reason.

Hot bloody damn. I'm not sure I was totally prepared for that critical hit to the feels ;-;
Excellent story. Absolutely brilliant. I love how you explored the madness Sunset went through in her demon form as a (semi)sentient being.

DAMN. I have seen stories from the perspective of a bad guy, but this is a rarity (heh!). This is similar to the feeling that an abuser haves when their victim breaks away from them and moves on with their life. They are angry that they cannot be "with" their victim again and that they can no longer affect what they do because their victim no longer cares for them.

Here, though, this demon isn't wanting to be with Sunset, but be her. The demon wants to be Sunset, but cannot, because Sunset is her person and she is well-off on her own.

So the only way that the demon can be Sunset... is to kill her and take her place.


The Elements of Harmony are real bitches.

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