• Published 4th Jan 2016
  • 3,424 Views, 33 Comments

The Queen's Finale Plea. - Quill Copy

Her hive starving and crippled and herself in even worse condition Chrysalis turns to the only being in Equestria that can help. Too bad that this particular pony has so many reasons to hate her.

  • ...

For her children : She begs The Crystal Throne

Chrysalis shivered, partly from the harsh cold of the Northern Ice Fields, partly from the disgusting sensation of the dead patches of white that was by now at least half her chitin. She looked over the miserable survivors of her Hive, their own chitin hides pasty grey rather than a healthy black.

“State your business!”

It was a command more than a request, she couldn't blame them though – all things considered.

“I, Queen Mother of the Olympian Hive –” she couldn't believe she was doing this. No, that wasn't quite true what she couldn't believe was that they were letting her do this, in all honesty she had expected to be struck down the moment she set hoof near the empire. “– stand before you, –” maybe there was hope, after all she was still alive wasn't she? And, despite being completely surrounded by guards, what remained of her Hive were untouched. “– Empress of the Crystal Throne and Equestrian Princess of Love –” yes she had to hope. If she didn't hope her children would feel it and give up… she couldn't let that happen – she couldn't lose any more of them. “– in a desperate plea for asylum.”

“Ha! Is this some sort of joke?” It was the armored unicorn standing just in front of the alicorn she had addressed that spoke “You want us to help you?” Chrysalis almost ignored the soldier before recognizing him as Shining Armour… Prince Consort…


“No. What I ask …” she shook her head silently correcting herself before kneeling in the biting snow, “What I beg of you is mercy on my subjects. They are starving and I can no longer feed them.”

Another scoff “And why should we care? You’re nothing but parasites! If you –”

“Shining! That’s enough.”

“But –”

“No.” the voice was strangely gentle even when firmly wielding authority, Chrysalis recognised it immediately without having to rise her head; it was Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. “Let the Queen explain herself. Your Majesty, I suggest you rise before you speak, it’s unbecoming of royalty to kneel.”

The changeling did as she was told, more in hope of gaining favor than anything else. “I…” she faltered only to feel the collective presence of her Hive offering her wordless encouragement. That in itself nearly broke her heart: their shared voice had once been so loud, the comforting roar of well over ten thousand minds, but now… now it was the whisper of the weak and starving dozens that remained. She could only just hear them.

“I have come to you out of desperation, my children are dying and your aid is the only hope I have found. Please, I beg of you, all you need to do is let them into your city, the crystals themselves are saturated with more love than you could ever need. No disguises no lies, just… just please.”

“How do we know this isn't one of your tricks? I understand your concern for your people, but I won’t let you endanger mine.”

“My concern? For my people?” a sudden rage twisted in her stomach as she stepped forward. “They are my children! I may not have lain them but I am their Queen Mother and I knew every one of them!! I knew the name of every worker, drone and hatchling, I knew who their mates where and what role they played in my Hive! Even then they numbered in the tens of thousands I knew each and every one of them as a ‘ling not just another subject!” Chrysalis wondered what was stuck in her throat only to realize it was a sob. She let it escape as she spoke on, her tears staining the snow the faintest tint of green, “Don’t think you could ever understand what I feel for them,” she bared her teeth “I have felt every one of their deaths as my own, not merely as a loss, but by willingly sharing their mind so that they need not be alone.” Jabbing a hole-filled hoof at a large section of white on her withers she finally explained the origin of the strange discoloration. “When there was no more love left I gave them from my life force.” The queen was shaking now fighting through sobs. “I gave them parts of my soul… so that they could make it here… to you and you’re empire…”

“Chrysalis…” the alicorn was promptly cut off.

“I have given them everything I can, done everything I could… and it not enough anymore… please… please just help… help my children…” the weeping queen met the gaze of the one she had wronged so unforgivably and in those gentle, pony eyes she saw tears. Clear and colorless tears.

“How many are there?” asked Cadence as she nuzzled the insectiod royal, a surprising action meant to comfort.

“Seventy nine.” She could answer the question immediately no need to count or estimate. “Seventy one workers, three hatchlings, and five eggs… none of my drones survived the journey…”

Turning from the queen the Empress addressed her gathered guards. “The changelings will be entering the city, there will be no protests there will be no questions. They will be escorted directly to the palace and be hosted in the fourth battalion’s barracks until otherwise stated. That is all.”

“Cadence I don’t like this…”

“I’m not asking you to like it, Shiny. I’m asking you to trust your wife… and obey your sovereign.”

“Thank you P –”

“And you.” Cadence rounded on the queen “You need to understand something, you’re not guests, if anything you’re somewhere between refuges and prisoners, you will not course trouble, you will cooperate. I will be contacting the other princesses and only then will you fate be decided.”

“Still, Thank you… that is far more than I expected.”

Cadence’s eyes and tone softened “Did you really think that I would leave anypony… anybeing to starve to death in the snow?”

“I… I had hoped not… but, as any‘ling will tell you, hope is a slow and dangerous poison.

“Are all changelings so morbid?”

“Only the alive ones… May I make a request?” not waiting for a reply she continued “Be kind to them? They are good little ‘lings and very loyal… they do not deserve to be punished for my mistakes… Please?”
“I will keep that in mind… Chrysalis? Chrysalis?!”

There was a heavy thud as Queen Chrysalis, Queen Mother of the last changeling hive for longer than ponies can remember, fell into the chilling embrace of the Northern Ice Fields.

Author's Note:

This is just a thing I wrote at like four in the morning... so here it is...

Comments ( 33 )

You have to do more, not just on chapter please

So sad t-t.. and so good!!!

Fuck your cliffhangers! Continue this!


6797380 What cliffhanger? It's pretty clear Chrysalis is dead.

that was good. very sad but very good :twilightsmile:

6797577 I think she just slipped on the ice.

(In seriousness, I could easily see this going either way were the story to continue. It could be a tale of the last surviving Changelings trying to make their way in life as refugees and without their Queen, or the next scene could have Chrysalis waking up in a hospital bed having been just barely saved from death by the Crystal Empire's love. Either way's good.)

6796703 I'm considering it, but I need to sort out some minor stuff first... like a plot...

6797380 Profanities, Demands and then please?
How could I say no to that?

She lost consciousness, depending on numerous factors she in fact might still have plenty of time before cardiac arrest and death. Considering that she was standing and arguing beforehand, she should have pretty good chances of survival esp. since potential rescue is right here.

But in the end, whatever happens is up to the author I guess?

6798807 Plus, she is at the border of the empire, which is radiating concentrated love through the air, and is in front of the princess of love. I believe that she just lost consciousness and can be saved, she was too lovely during her speech to be too close to death.

Very nice piece, I love it when Cadance is portrayed like this, loving and caring. And I think she understands that what happened to her children after the invasion is more than enough punishment for Chrysalis.

Hoping for a sequel.


Brilliant story! Will she live, or did she give her life for her subjects? I must know the answer ^-^

please continue!

*tilts my Furry head and thinks* COntinue Please, it would be interesting to see how this goes

Short, sad, and also sweet. I would not be opposed to seeing more of this. : )

I say let Chrysalis die just to be different from the other fics with this premise, then when all the fans rage about being unfair and how Cadence should be the bigger mare and forgiveness and all that bullshit, point out she did temporarily conquer the equine species with her army and personally abused Cadence and her soulmate.

Seriously, every fic is always, "But all that gets forgotten and Chrysalis is forgiven and redeemed and happily ever after."

... But that's just me griping. Continue!

It was short, but I loved how you wrote Chrysalis caring about each of her changelings. I'd love to read more of this. Good job!

wait thats it? it needs another chapter! like if it implies what i tihnk it implies then NOOOO! D:
still nice short story X3

Do continue

7123531 :facehoof: I haz so much dumb... fixed.

You know what? I've been thinking quite the same.

It seems to me that there is quite the number of otherwise well-written fanfics that have Celestia self-flogging about how much she's a worse monster than Chrysalis, etc. but hey, was it the Equestrians to invade and abduct the others?

And each time I read about it, the Changeling queen don't even bother to try diplomacy before going violent,
sometimes going as far as blaming the ponies because, as prejudiced as the ponies are, diplomacy would have failed, anyway.

Ah well. Sorry for the rant, once again.

I ... don't know what to say.

Many times have I wished Chrysalis to fail in her nefarious endeavours,
yet I've never wished her to die or her race to go extinct.

Even distrustful of Changelings as I can be,
it makes me sad to see such calamities falling onto them.

Chrysalis, don't go.... :fluttercry:

Well I'm not sure if I want continuation or not because right now its very good end, you don't know is she is trully death or not etc

Very short but not bad

Honestly I hate this fic type not because they forgive her, but because chrysalis goes and begs them. jesus fucking christ there is little more insulting to her character than have her resort to blase begging. she is a master manipulator. This is like being a charismatic politician and just standing on the side of a road with a sign that says "please gib moneyz"


People beg when they know they're beat. A manipulator is a glass cannon. When in their element, with all the cards in their hand and not yours, they are extremely powerful.

When you've flipped the table over, thrown their cards on the ground, pissed on them, and then slapped them about the face and shoulders until they're crying in a corner, a manipulator is weak, all their lies and drama and bullshit exposed for what it is, they have nothing and can do nothing.

A person who can do nothing for themselves and has to rely on mercy from whoever de-fanged them can only beg and hope for the best. This is what it means to be captured. To be helpless.

wrong, chrysalis presumably spent a LONG LONG time ruling in WORSE circumstances, a place like equestria so full of love is unheard of or imaginable to her. She is better than this and you are making up excuses to put her low like she's a regular person just because she lost one angle. She can appear as anyone, go anywhere, knows the tricks to get people to turn on one another, at minimum she can do more than get on her hands and knees and fucking beg, why not for example, ask celestia for a small favor, one of the most classic manipulation points. maybe even hide her real identity when asking for it. but no, because you can't imagine how manipulation works, you cannot imagine a scenario can occur where the manipulator doesn't need some kind of full hand to win the pot.


A post like this is how one spots an angry child. Getting upset over something that doesn't concern their personal fortunes, poor attitude, ad hominem to throw around freely, and then openly making assumptions about something and someone they don't have any information on.

I would have entertained any opinion if presented civilly, herp. Because discussion is what we do here, bandying about ideas and viewpoints... for fun. But you just had to lash out pointlessly, petulantly. Embarrassingly, even. So I will not be continuing any such line of discussion. Enjoy your day.

You seem to have nothing to post but a responding to tone fallacy, flailing wildly wont get you anywhere when all you're doing is detracting from the substance of the argument you fool. It most certainly wouldn't be fair to ignore your other fallacies, since you've strawmanned me with so many falsely

Appeal to age
Emotional appeal: mind your own beeswax get off my lawn
responding to tone,
responding to tone, Cherry picking, and finally
big lie technique, repeating false information over and over to attempt to discredit the fact that my post does have content and arguement to it that you are ignoring

Your entire post does nothing but act in opposition to your stated goal, to have a discussion, you claim you aren't interested in having one if it is not civil, but show you are incapable of accepting criticism while blithley handing it out in spades, all in a manner that obscures the truth no less.

well this was bloody amazing

Comment posted by fanreader999999 deleted Oct 14th, 2023
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