• Published 17th Feb 2016
  • 661 Views, 6 Comments

Snippets - The Wind King

The title explains it all, these are snippets that arose from my conversations, or if I wanted to thank someone

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The Hatching

It wasn't an impressive chamber.

Small, poorly lit, no real defining features other than the five small pedestals that each held their own small black rubbery egg, eggs that were squirming and moving as what monstrosity was in them wanted out.

And yet to the five ponies that were bound to the floor with a smooth, overly natural looking resin that small, poorly lit, almost empty room was the whole world. Their minds held no other existence than that room, the unnatural eggs, and the ponies and places they had left behind, all thoughts of their plans lost on waking up in this terrifyingly alien chamber, their mouths, hooves, horns, and wings bound.

None of them could say how long they had been watching the eggs, a side effect of having their mouths bound shut, but all of the ponies snapped out of their thoughts of home as a crack echoed through the chamber, lines of green running down an egg as the black shell started to split down the middle, whatever was contained within growing ever more desperate to escape, and to the captive audience; ever more ready to devour the feast on pony flesh that had been left for it.

Another cracking noise, and the ponies eyes flickered nervously to the second egg to start falling open, ever so slowly, before it was followed in rapid succession by the last three eggs, each of them breaking open with a rush of green slime and the thump of alien flesh against egg shell; before, with a dreaded sense of finality all five eggs split apart almost completely evenly, revealing their strange, horrifying contents, that could only be the most abominable creatures ready to consume the helpless ponies.

It was adorable.

Not in the conventional sense, but as each pony looked at the strange creatures that almost tumbled out of the remains of their eggs, their hearts warmed, their fears melted away, and even though the organic bindings over their mouths the soft sounds of a muted "D'awwwww" could be heard.

Hearing this each hatchling looked up at the ponies, looks of purest curiosity on their faces as they tilted their heads, wide blue eyes looking with fresh wonder at this strange new world, and the confusing noises it made. Before each of them started to shuffle forward on the wobbling legs of newborns towards the bound ponies, each tumble and accompanying squeak bringing forth another chorus of parental adoration.

As each hatchling nuzzled the snouts of the captive ponies, sniffing and licking in their exploration, so too could each pony feel their resolve weakening to the utterly captivating things that were now either snuffling their way into sleep by snouts, on top of necks, or under wings; flexible chitin warm against soft fur.

No pony or hatchling noticed the quiet noise of a door opening, another muted "D'awwww", and the sound of a door closing as a fully grown nurse drone trotted away, her heart soaring at the sight of the hatching chamber so full of love.

Author's Note:

So yeah, I wanted to write Horror fading into Adorableness, tell me what you think