• Published 8th Jun 2012
  • 2,288 Views, 101 Comments

Happy Birthday to You - n

When you don't realize that time is up, how will you cope?

  • ...

Do you like it?

Happy, happy birthday to you.

On a meadow, we are all gathered. It’s a sunny day too, just like you would like. The flowers have bloomed, just as always, and the birds are chirping. And we also have your favorite kind of cake, courtesy of Pinkie Pie. It has just the right amount of icing. There are strawberries on top, and it has that custard filling that you always said you could never get enough of. It’s soft and moist. Do you like it?

We sit on the picnic blanket, checkered red and white. First comes the sandwiches. Everything is going to be done in the right order, just for you. They are the sandwiches with the olives and the toothpicks. The lettuce doesn’t stick out too much, and there are just enough daisies. Salt has been measured out to a precision. And we have drinks as well, apple juice, with a bit of fizz. The fancy ones that you always dreamed of. And some extra crispy hay fries to go with that. Do you like it?

Next comes the song, and what songs they are. Happy and cheerful, we dance around in a circle, as each person takes a turn to sing a new song. They are all ones that you listened to. I sit back because I can’t bring myself to sing, but that’s okay right? I’m just going to sit here, and admire the sweet scent of the flowers. This lasts until dusk, just like you always wanted. Do you like it?

Now it’s time to cut the cake. We cut it perfectly, into equally sized pieces. Each one has a strawberry, whole. The icing pattern has been cut in the right places, so that it isn’t interrupted in strange places. Then we all take one, just one, and eat. And we know how good it is. The flavor spreads through our mouths, and we all savor it. All of it is finished of course. Not a single crumb is left. Do you like it?

It’s the best part now. The part where you get to open your presents. One by one, we line up to give them to you, thanking you for what a great friend you’ve been, how important you’ve been to our lives. One by one we leave them there, for your leisure, so you can open them in order. They are all wrapped with the shiny paper, and all of them have a nice ribbon, tied into a bow. Do you like it?

After this, the rest of the guests leave, but there’s still me, and there’s still your dog. We frolic around in the meadow, and have a good time. I throw the ball, and he runs and gets it. He’s so happy, running for that ball. When it gets back, it’s wet with his slobber, but since it’s your birthday, I don’t mind that much. It’s enough for me that he’s happy. He even found a new stick. Do you like it?

Then it’s over, but there’s always next year.

Happy, happy birthday to you.

On a meadow, we are gathered. It’s not so sunny this time, which is unfortunate, but we can’t change your birthday. The flowers are sitting there, damp and muddy. We have your favorite cake again though, courtesy of Pinkie Pie. She ran out of that custard you liked too, but we have some ice cream inside instead. The birds aren’t out, but we brought instruments to play instead. We also bring perfume, because the rain is drowning out the scent of the flowers. But we set everything up in a perfect circle. Do you like it?

We sit on the picnic blanket because we can’t sit on the mud. First come the sandwiches, but we have to hide them under umbrellas, otherwise they’ll get wet. The apple juice you wanted was out of stock, so we have normal juice instead. But we have extra hay fries, to make up for it. We chat as we eat. The rain is falling, dampening the mood, but we’re still happy because it’s your birthday, and that’s reason enough. Do you like it?

We sing songs and play them on the instruments and it’s grand. We dance around too, although not in that perfect circle, because there’s not enough room. We can’t play all the songs you liked though, so we make up some of our own. I try to sing this time, just to make up for last year. I have a blast doing it, just like you always said I would, every time you tried to force me at the karaoke bars. And you would always scold me when I pronounced it wrong. Ka-ra-oh-keh, you would always say. I think I got it right this time though. Do you like it?

Then we cut the cake, neatly into slices. Or at least we try, but the cake is stubborn, and one of the pieces is a little messed up. Not too much though. I can’t bring myself to finish my slice though. I think it’s my sweet tooth. It hurts too much to eat that slice of cake, even though I’ve enjoyed it every year prior. Everypony else is like that too, stopping after a few bites. At least there’s some cake for you. Do you like it?

I think we make it up to you here, with the presents. This year, they are huge, and I mean it. They are at least twice the size of last year’s. Once again we line up to give you the presents. One pony has forgotten to bring one though. But he’s sorry, and promises to make it up to you. And the rest of the presents are big enough to compensate, I think. Mine even has some extra ribbon. Do you like it?

The rain makes it impossible to play catch with the dog, but then again, the dog is getting older. It can’t run the same way it used to. So we just sit there, looking at the scenery, while I pet it. We are both content. He wags his tail a little, not as much as the year before. I feed him little tidbits, and we wait and stare. I think back to the days when I was a little afraid of the mutt, but now he has a new collar. Do you like it?

Then it’s over, but there’s always next year.

Happy, happy birthday to you.

This year, we can’t go to the meadow anymore. It’s been taken over by the city for a construction project. There aren’t as many guests as well. Some of them couldn’t make it. They’ve sent in some cards though. Most of them are exotic, from places like Neighpon, and Buckingham. The one from Buckingham even has a castle on it, the one you always dreamed you would go to. Do you like it?

Then we sing songs, because the pizza hasn’t arrived yet. It’s hard to get fresh daisies in the city. You always did like your food fresh, so we got the pizza instead, made from fresh wheat from the greenhouse. The tomatoes are from the rooftop garden we started years ago. I’m still keeping it, just for you. I made sure that the pizza company is making it with those. I even paid them a little extra. Do you like it?

The pizza is already cut into neat little sections, all the same size. I figured it would make up for that fact that it isn’t sandwiches. We also managed to get some hay fries. This time it’s just boring old beer though, because they don’t sell the apple stuff in the city anymore. Sweet Apple Acres refuses to offer lower quality cider so it can be shipped farther. The pizza though, it has the peppers and the onions you liked. Do you like it?

Then it’s time for the cake, which is the same as always. This time, there’s too much icing though. It’s far too sweet for you, so I don’t eat it either. The cake is taken home by another guest for another birthday party later. So I take out the cookies that you liked instead. It’s not cake, but it’s a dessert, and it’s easy enough to portion. Everyone agrees they are pretty delicious cookies. I leave one for you too. Do you like it?

Oh, and the presents. This year, you have the best presents of all. There’s a signed poster, just like you always wanted, in your room. It’s next to your other Wonderbolt posters. You always did like them, because they were free. You never did get to go and get a signed one personally, did you. We got you a new easel too, the shiny, new fangled one from that store that you always liked. Next to it, on your desk, is the fancy pencil set you wanted, for drawing. Do you like it?

I’ve given the dog some presents too. He has a new bed to sleep in, extra soft. He also gets the better food that you tried to work for and get for him. Now he’s asleep in that bed, exhausted as is from all the partying that he participated in. I’m a little tired too. Funny how that is when one gets older. And I sleep next to him now to give him some company, because he’s kind of lonely now. Do you like it?

Then it’s over, but there’s always next year.

Happy, happy birthday to you.

That grassy meadow, filled with flowers, is all but gone now. Instead, there is the foundation of a new building. They’ve dug out all of it. I’ve been avoiding thinking about it for a while, but I can’t deny it any longer. So I cry. I have some flowers that I bought from the local grocers. They aren’t quite as sweet as we remember though, but it’s all I have. There’s no room in the garden for a meadow. But they are your favorite flowers, the daisies, wrapped into a bouquet, nice and neat. Do you like it?

It’s pizza again, but the greenhouse doesn’t have wheat anymore. I did give them the tomatoes again though, but the tomatoes aren’t as good as they used to be. Something about the rain is different, toxic even. I think it’s the new treatments they are using and the filth on the street. No one believes me though, and sometimes, sometimes they even say I’m crazy. But you’ve been right about many things, and this is no different, so I stick up for you like I should’ve. Do you like it?

I can’t even mention the cake this year. Pinkie wasn’t there to make it for you this year. It was something super duper important. She sent her apologies though, and some muffins. There are all sorts of them, from blueberry, to raisin bran, to chocolate chip, to even your favorite, strawberry. I tried to bake one myself, but it turned out kind of lopsided. I couldn’t do the icing quite right either. The strawberries are hard to pick out perfectly too. It’s the thought that counts though, as you’ve always told me. Do you like it?

We sing some songs, but we don’t have enough people, so eventually we start playing them on the record player. Dancing, well, we started that, but then a neighbor complained about the noise, so we had to stop. But the record player is our voice, and sings for us. Besides, it has a better voice than any of us will ever have. All your favorite artists are played, one by one. Do you like it?

Presents are hard this year. We don’t know what to get you anymore. There’s another signed Wonderbolt poster, taped up next to the long line, as usual. Money can’t buy everything right? Well we decided to paint you a picture, on your easel. I hope you don’t mind. We paint the meadow in its full, colorful glory. Then we put it next to your Wonderbolt posters. It isn’t very good though. Do you like it?

The dog is tired now. It’s fast asleep in the bed, now worn, but softer than ever. I make sure to take it to the vet often, because the dog is your favorite. From the frown on the vet’s face that I see every time, I know that the dog doesn’t have that long left. So I make sure to clean his litter every day, and give him baths. And I make sure to pamper him, so the rest of his life is comfortable. Do you like it?

Then it’s over, but there’s always next year.

Happy, happy birthday to you.

I can’t do it this year, not the same way as before, because it’s just me. They all begged me not to, those who were once your friends, but I promised remember? I don’t need them anyway. So I moved out of that stuffy old apartment into the countryside, so I can hold your birthday in another meadow. It’s bright and sunny outside, and the flowers smell nicer than the flowers that I remember. Do you like it?

Then I eat my sandwich alone. It is the perfect sandwich. There is no crust, and it has an olive. The lettuce is cut just right, and there are just the right number of daisies. As I eat it, I daintily sip from a fancy glass with the fancy apple juice. I also spent months perfecting the hay fry recipe. Everything is just right, but I can’t bring myself to like it. It tastes wrong somehow. But it’s your favorite. Do you like it?

I sing your songs alone, and it’s not as fun. I also play them on the instruments I have, which I tried to learn. I don’t play all of them too well. Then I dance to the record player, because I don’t have anyone to sing with me. It’s not as fun as I remember, so I have to force myself to continue. None of the songs make me as happy as they used to, and I’m crying now. But they are the songs you like, and it’s your birthday. Do you like it?

I got Pinkie Pie to make the cake this year. It’s smaller though, because I don’t want to let it go to waste. The good thing though, is that it’s already in the perfect proportion, because there’s only me. It has only one strawberry, cut and arranged into your favorite flower, even if the color isn’t right. And it’s good. When I eat it, it’s the softest and moistest cake I’ve ever eaten. Yet I can only eat one bite. The rest’s for you. Do you like it?

And because it’s only me, there’s only one present. It’s a signed Wonderbolt poster again. I have them all with me, in a bundle, together. I tried to save as much as I could when I moved, but there was only so much I could carry with me. I’m trying not to cry all over your precious posters and ruin them, but I can’t stop. It’s supposed to be your birthday, yet I can’t be happy for you. But you’ve almost got all the posters in that collection you wanted. Do you like it?

Your dog isn’t here anymore. One day he just got up and left. I think he’s looking for you, because you were always his favorite. I couldn’t bring myself to stop him. I think he’d be happier with you anyway. He always misses you; I can tell, because I miss you too. He was always looking to where you would be if you were still here. But now he’s off to a better place, to where you left to. He’s always been loyal. Do you like it?

Then it’s over, and next year, I don’t think I can do it next year.

Can you forgive me?

Would you forgive me?

If it’s the last birthday here, and I joined you next year, with the dog, and the meadow and the flowers, would you forgive me?

Happy, happy birthday to you.

The cover image was made by Adiwan, and is called Memories. If you like it, drop by and give the artist a message of appreciation.

I would also like to thank some other people who dropped by and gave me input. This list includes RavensDagger, Moon Shooter, and Slashe720.

Comments ( 99 )


This was amazing.

This is so amazingly sad, it's so powerful. You made me cry over a story for the first time in years. Honestly, I haven't cried over any other fanfic, but this...this just broke that.

Thank you.
You really made me realise how precious our short lives are.


It seems I'm best at sad.

It seems so, but is sad what you enjoy writing the most?


No, because it makes me cry lol.
Apparently this was EQD quality too, but wasn't related enough to MLP

Keep doing other stuff as well, your ability is obvious. I know you can make great stories that aren't sad, your other works show this.


I only write what inspiration I have, no matter what it is.

I cried so hard:pinkiesad2: I just have two questions. 1). Who was the narrator? And 2). Who died?



Good point, or else your heart wouldn't truly be in the work, it seems to work best that way.

712224 ok. Doesn't make it any less sad.

"Do you like it?"
Yes, yes I do. :pinkiesad2:

That was incredibly well-written and very effective at causing feels. It wouldn't have worked, though, if it hadn't been for the repetition of "Do you like it?" That created within the reader the same sense of obsession that the narrator felt. It connected the reader to the narrator. It also made the story seem almost haunted, or maybe depressing is a better word. Nonetheless, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Well done, sir.


A lot of this does rely on repetition

This is... very sad, to say the least.

id be sad if and only if i knew who the story was about but honestly the writing was excellent the repetition made it all the better

sad you say? well see about that

:fluttershysad: great story very sad but in the best way possible. Bravo.

5/5 Fluttershy's for you... It took me a second read through to really figure it out. First time through I didn't read the first sentence well enough and didn't realize that the pony was dead from the very beginning... my favorite story on here. If this doesn't get featured I will be more suprised than I ever have been. I know I sound like I'm gushing but it's really that good.

I died inside.

I think I'm going to have to fave, and check out more of your work.


Great story. Shame it didn't make on to EqD, but who goes there for the fics, really?

Is like my little dashie:pinkiesad2::pinkiesad2::pinkiesad2::pinkiesad2:
this is powerful in sad


:/ That isn't really important but okay
I dunno
sad is my best, I think
most of it is troll
It was EQD quality though, apparently. They even went out of their way to thank me for submitting it, so I'm happy enough
It won't get featured imo, because of the timing of release
Ahaha, this is somewhat different from MLD

I guess your right but is still very sad


sad seems to be my best

Well them good luck in those stories you have been approved by me

I cried so much. : . ; But I love it very nice job! :heart:



I am crying, in a good way. In a way that I'm recalling my own birthdays, those ideal points in time spent with friends I can never see again. Remembering the parties for others; the anticipation of being with those who love you and whom you love, sharing in a beautiful moment that will never come again.

I'm pointlessly mourning the inevitable. Ceaseless time, giving us these beloved things, moments saved in our minds and hearts, all meaningless records for the dust that we'll all become. Wonderful moments that cannot be again.

I'm crying, in a good way. I won't stop wanting to love being with my friends, my family. Meeting new people, sharing ideas and laughter and tears and knowing that we all are happy and well. For now.

It's always about the memories. They last the longest. Yet they're only born from the moment. We chase down the seconds in hopes to create a lifetime of blissfully warm memories and it's futile and it's humbling and it's wasteful and it's the most important thing in the world... and... hm. I don't know anymore.

Thanks, for evoking these emotions I've tied to moments of the heart. I think I needed a good cry anyway. Thanks.



thanks for the well thought out message


Well it took an edit or two - my thoughts and my fingers don't mesh well.

A watch for you. And another thanks. A good cry has put me in a great mood. That's what they're for, right? Tears being literal symbolic vessels for our emotional flood, the tides of our mind riding on dangerously high white caps? Pounding the surf with the rage of an angry ancient sea god, or perhaps a whimper once upon shore, never letting you know that you're about to drown?

Ahem! Yes, carry on.


It's comments like these that keep me going

this is why i watch/follow people.
for the stuff like this.
i'ma go cry now.


I made so many people cry
I dunno, that's like...

that's like awesome.
you should do more.


that's depressing actually :/
even if it does show that I did a good job

I can't stop crying... it was so...sad :fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry:



Sometimes sad is my best too. I'm just better at reality tragedy. It'd be hard to incorporate ponies and not totally ruin everything that's good about them.


Then write tragedy.
You don't have to limit yourself to fanfic, and honestly, it's probably better not to

haha I don't, I actually have an entire folder and notebook full of stories and story ideas, I just like being able to post it where people can read and review it.


Well good luck with whatever it is you are writing.

Its really gripping and honestly has a subliminal message that life is short and sad no matter how hard you try.


uh thanks

722809 its meant to be a compliment. :ajbemused:


I made everyone cry but Alphex who is now banned

This was nice. It didn't make me cry, but I rarely do so don't take that as a comment on your story :twilightsheepish:
The only way I can think of to describe this story is... gentle. It softly toyed with my emotions, but it definitely wasn't boring either.
The repetition helped to reinforce it, and the changes each time were well thought out, the whole thing was expertly written.
Excellent work chap :moustache:

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