• Published 6th Jan 2016
  • 540 Views, 3 Comments

A truly honest confession - MichelleTwistaloo

Rumble likes Pipsqueak yet has no idea of how to reveal his feelings towards his friend...is honesty , as twist says, really the best solution?

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Chapter 2 (final chapter, the aftermath)

The average sized colt groaned as he woke up. He felt dizzy and disoriented, almost as if he didn’t know where he was, which, in fact, he didn’t. Just, where, was he, exactly? The walls were a sickly yellow, and he was hooked up to this bed, something stuck in his forearm….and with a startled cry he realised it was a needle.

Now he would have cried as he realised he was the cool kid and in the movies the cool kids are always the first ones to die, but then he remembered what Twist had previously told him, High-school dynamics were not real. And, with that hindsight he could probably guess where he was...not on the mother ship of some alien invasion, but, rather an hospital.

“Hey tchere.” - Twist finally called up to his attention as his shot shot towards her. It hurt, but then again the last thing he remembered was the massive wing boner he had sprouted….that had been embarrassing….but he didn’t care because that did mean that…

“Wh...wh…” - He knew that this was a bad thing to, Twistaloo had apparently waited him out on the hospital room, but right now all he wanted to do, more than everything was see, not her, his closest friend, but Pip. Because if he remembered correctly something kind of neat had even happened…

Twist pointed her hoof towards the door, where the little colt stood. It was hard seeing him from his position, since he has so small, and he couldn’t really adjust himself, since he had that needle stuck in his foreleg, and was sort of stuck to his bed. But he smiled bravely at the little colt, little “Pipsqueak” as he was known. The one with the accent.

Pipsqueak approached and Twist receded slightly,so as to give him space to approach. She felt like a third wheel, truth be honest, but then she had wanted to join those two. And she was glad that, at least, that thing had worked. Instead of being done like that...even if she had had to interfere.

“Hey…” - Rumble’s voice was hoarse, and his mane was pushed down, there was no mention on how cool his mane probably didn’t look anywhere as there weren’t any reflective surfaces in the room, but it was probably for the best anyway. - “I love you…”

He had expected Pipsqueak to smile cockily and say “I love you too”, like he had done something similar in the park, he had expected him to do something gentle and put a hoof to his, but his reaction surprised him.

“I know...Twist told me...and I sort of figured the effing thing from there.”

Rumble gave out a long harsh glance at Twist, who, through her glasses let out a pleadnig look, though it was seeable. She had just wanted to help. She had seen Rumble rattling his brains out that telling Pip on his back.

“She did, did she…” - Rumble’s rage was quickly subduing however, as her ploys had gotten the two of them together and, really, what more could he have gotten? It was a nice thing she had done for the both of them.

“Yes and you’ve got quite the…” - Pipsqueak let the world wander in the air… - “Wing span...enough to end up in the hospital when releasing it, be more careful, alright? Other than that, I love you too!”

“And I love you”

And then they went for that second kiss, which was a bit sloppy, Rumble was still lying down, so they weren’t at eye level, Pipsqueak at to be lifted there by twist, and so he stood close enough touch Rumble’s Chest and kiss him. Lying down. Just sloppy wet kisses, they weren’t old enough to be, well, misbehaving, but, from that phase, puppy love would grow into it.

“I’ll be visiting you every day...be more careful” - He turned around. - “Sweets” - As soon as he pronounced those words he ran out running, through the hospital, unable to face what he had said, too red to admit it, but Twist thought it adorable, while Rumble? Rumble just did his best to bury his face on the pillow, from embarrassment.

But they’d grow...and they’d learn.

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