• Member Since 19th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen Saturday


Blind Commentator, Actor, Voice Actor, Analyst/Reviewer, and Writer


The backstory of Raid Raptor, the OC of Raptormon132. And his ascension to alicorn status.

Note: Before you go on your pointless, and unjustified hatred on my OC, because of him being a red and black pony, and him being an alicorn (which is one of the things I really hate about the brony fandom), I have to explain a few things. He was not born an alicorn, he was born a pegasus, and later became an alicorn (as you see in the title image). He starts out as red and black, yes, but he changes color later when he becomes an alicorn (as you can also see in the title image). His color changes to Dark gray, and Moderate red and Light brilliant scarlet patterned (which is his final design), and it will explain how as you read this story. In fact the way Raid Raptor's father, Hawk Eye feels about his color before he changes is based on how the fandom views about red and black OCs. I'm hoping that my OC's backstory might put the color scheme of red and black into a different light, since I think the whole red and black hatred is completely bullshit, unjust, and hypocritical since there are a few who have red and black OC's and are quite popular in the fandom, with ToonKriticY2K being one of them.

And also note that my OC's final design is at these two links below.
1. http://raptormon132.deviantart.com/art/Raid-Raptor-The-MLP-OC-of-Raptormon132-563852009
2. http://raptormon132.deviantart.com/art/Raid-Raptor-with-Yu-Gi-Oh-ARC-V-style-Duel-Disk-649871302

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 64 )

There's actually going to be a few antagonists in this. Raging Wind and his gang are one of them. Also, just so you know, the Yu-Gi-Oh! duelling won't happen until when Raid Raptor reaches 24. That's when the true villain comes. :raritywink:
If you want to know a broad outline of his backstory, you can see it at https://www.fimfiction.net/group/210834/aspergers-bronies-united-the-autistic-group/thread/269598/post-your-asperger-oc-bio-here#page/3 to know. :raritywink:

yay for yugioh in general. just two questions my good sir.
one why raidraptors (and honestly the raidraptors symbol for a cutie mark kind of looks stupid)
two. please tell me your not going to use the traditional style of duel disk. i read a story where celestia and luna duel (over dessert) and the used the duel disk that crowley uses from yu-gi-oh gx and that makes much more sense for ponies to use than the traditional version where it looks....awkward to say the least

For question one: It was suggested to me by a friend of mine because of my username. And I love the playing style of them, not to mention the character who plays them in the anime/manga, Shay (which in my eyes is the most bad ass character in all of Yu-Gi-Oh!). And it's stuck with me ever since. :scootangel:

For question two: No. I'm going to use the duel disks of the ARC-V series, like in my icon. Those look much better.

8042750 ok for number one the rank-up gimmick is interesting and a great way to screw with people

as for the duel disk i don't know the disks on their forearms just feels off to me. then i see crowleys chest duel disk and think "that makes more sense for a pony than the ones everyone else uses" but i haven't seen arc-v so i might be wrong on that part

Well, I will tell you that there is going to be others (Raid Raptor's friends) who will play Yu-Gi-Oh! aka Dual Monsters. They are 2 unicorns, 2 griffons, an earth pony, a dragon (who at the end becomes Raid Raptor's lover), and a deer. But that won't be until after Raid Raptor defeats the villain at the end. Raid Raptor will be the first out of the gang to truly master it. :raritywink:
But they could have both types of duel disks, depending on what they choose to use. :moustache:

Also, you should watch ARC-V. It's so awesome. :rainbowkiss:

Can't wait for the duels to start I like the story and if you need someone to bounce ideas with let me know okay?

And if you need oc cards let me know okay?

I'll keep that in mind. :twilightsmile: Though I should tell you that the duelling won't start until much, much later. And I was planing on using real cards from the actual series. My OC will use Raidraptors, since it's his name, and he has the raidraptor crest.
Also, if you want to now a summery of my OC's backstory, look at https://www.fimfiction.net/group/210834/aspergers-bronies-united-the-autistic-group/thread/269598/post-your-asperger-oc-bio-here#page/3 to find out. :raritywink:

BTW Thank you for the follow, and for adding my story to your favorites.

It was just a thought I already had ideas for cards especially if at some point you want your main to be able to use the three primary summons but it's okay and good luck going forward!

Thanks. :twilightsmile:
Though, just a friendly tip. Next time you want to reply to a certain comment, reply by pressing the reply button (it looks like this: >>). It's on the top-left hand side of each comment. It's easier to keep track on what your replying about. :raritywink:

8057638 are you interred in at least hearing the concepts?

"interred" I think you mean "interested"?
Interred means to place (a corpse) in a grave or tomb, typically with funeral rites. LOL!

But to answer your question if you meant "Interested": I wouldn't mind hearing the concepts.

Ya that is what I meant the first is a fusion card
Falcon fusion you can use this card along with dark atrubtie monsters in hand on field and if your at half or less ones in grave for a fusion summon when a rank up card resolves you can once a turn add this card to hand.
I never came up with a raid raptor fusion but starve venom actually can be made in raptors
As for a tuner I made a fusion tuner
Raid raptors tuning falcon 2 raid raptor monsters with 1250 attack and 750 defence
Once a duel if you would take a leathal attack and this card is in grave you can summon this card and end the turn you must be at half or less life to use this effect and bainsh this card when it leaves after it uses this effect and its level four
As for synchro
Raid raptor's ally dragon king
One dark tuner one or more no tuner winged beast monsters
Once a turn you may special summon a banshied monster
When this card destroys a card in battle search you deck for a card and add it to your hand and when this card attacks negate all your oppents cards on Field
Its level 8 3000 attack 2300 defence
What do you think of them?

And sorry I can't spell to save my life often even spell check can't give me the words I want!

Oh and tuning falcon let's you mill a falcon or raid raptor card on summon.

So what do you think of them? My oc cards I mean.

Thank you not to over powerd right?

Sorry if I'm to pushey but can you pretty please answer my question the next time you're on?

They aren't over powers right

They are over powered right?

Well, on. their not. Neither of them are OP.

I know you said no oc cards but I even have a idea that could give you a good reason to include them in his deck.

Would you like to hear how?

Are you interested in knowing my idea?

The human that gives him the deck could be a former soldier of that queen that you have your main fight so she k knows the deck inside out but when he ascends it changes parts of the deck to give raid raptor a fighting chance along with giving him the knowledge of how to play the deck.
Well what do you think?

Maybe even make the Queen's deck be a pure xyz killer deck of some kind?

Actually the human that gives him the cards and dual disks is some kind of arch-angel like being, a prophecy keeper. But I like the idea of a former soldier of some kind. I could make it that the deck Raid Raptor uses would belong to that former soldier of Queen Syrith's that betrayed her long ago, and he that was secretly loyal to the prophecy keeper.

As for Queen Syrith, her deck would have cards like Five-Headed Dragon, and Jinzo. And Raid Raptor defeats her by using Rank-Up-Magic Soul Shave Force to summon Raidraptor - Revolution Falcon, and rank it up for Satellite Cannon Falcon. wiping out all spell and traps on her field, including Amplifier equipped to Jinzo. With Jinzo destroyed he activates Xyz Reborn to bring back Rise Falcon, and have it gain Five-Headed Dragon's attack. Then with Satellite Cannon Falcon's effect, makes Five-Headed Dragon's attack go to zero. ...I think you know what happens next. :ajsmug:

But I could save them for future uses. :raritywink:

BTW If you're wondering, and interested, here's some images on what Queen Syrith looks like. And do tell me what you think of her.


If you want to use them go right ahead plus if you need any more like support cards let me know okay?

Interesting to say the least.

So you are going to say inexperience is the reason he loses the first time?

And I know you said it be a while before the first duel but please tell me it won't take like more than 10 chapters!

If you need help including oc cards answer the message I sent you okay?

And sorry for asking so many questions!

Do you want to work with me on this I can make sure the duels are interesting and make sense.

Please when you next get on let me know if you're interested in working with me?

I want this fics to be a winner is the reason I want to help so please let me if its not to much trouble?

Well, I have no clue how many chapters, but the duels won't be for a long while.

That, and Queen Syrith's knowledge of the deck.

Fair point just take only the time you need Id rather wait 15 chapters for a well done one than 5 for a bad one but what do you think can we work together please?

What did that last comment of yours mean?

Well, it won't be for a long time, plus I also have a close friend who's a very skilled player, who's agreed to help. It'd be interesting to hear 2 different sides.

Well I'm no great player but I've been in the game awhile so sure I'm in I was the one who offered in the first place oh and by a while I mean since the beginning.

Well, the story is kind of on hiatus, because I'm busy with other stories I'm writing, and my YouTube channel.

I have other things a want to say but they might spoil something so can you please message me?

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