• Published 14th Jan 2016
  • 4,674 Views, 57 Comments

Stronger Than You - GarnettFox

All I wanted was to have fun at a convention, now I'm stuck in Equestria with two voice who are also me in my head.....Help?

  • ...

Boop the Snoot

When I wake up its to a bright curious pair of honey gold eyes twinkling at me, still half asleep I gently raise a hand and touch my finger to a soft furry nose.

"You. Are. Adorable." The little creature giggles brushing my hand off with pale yellow hooves covering her nose.

"Zecora! It's awake!" She chirped a contry twang to her voice. I sit up as a confused looking Zebra peeked her head in from a adjacent room.
"I must admit my surprise at you being aware so soon, I was sure the quickest you'd wake was with the full moon."

So this is the 'Favorable future' Sapphire? PONYS?!

....I'd hoped I'd been dreaming, I smiled for them trying to ignore the voices in my head. "Sorry for startling you miss Zecora. Am I saying it right?" I know the little cutie had just said it, but with the thick accent you never can be to careful. Thankfully the Zebra just laughed.

"Zecora is right as you presume, and this is my little apprentice sweet Apple Bloom."

"A cute name for a cute Filly." Apple Bloom beamed with delight Zecora smiling and ducking back through to finish was she was doing, apparently figuring I was harmless.

"Where'd ya'll come from and what even are ya'll? Only two legger creature I ever saw where Discord and that Minoter guy."

"...You mean a Minotaur?" She clapped her hooves.

"That's it! Ya'll a girl one of them?" I laughed and pet the top of her mane her little ears twitching.

"No, I'm Garnet a Crystal Gem."

"Crystal gem?" She arched a eyebrow "....Don let Spike close he'll try and gnaw on your foot. Dragons reallllllly like their gems." I laughed a little nervously picturing a massive dragon plucking my Gem's out my hands...

....Would it be wise to invest in gloves?

There are no major changes to fate caused by the presence or absence of gloves.

"So ahh...Why ya'll in the Everfree Forest?" She asked after a few moments of awkward silence.

"It wasn't planned," I shrugged "One moment I was in a large gathering the next I know I'm in this forest and I pass out, kinda embarrassing."

"So...Ya'll ain't got no home? No bed?" I shook my head "T'aint right...Ah know! Ya'll can stay at Sweet Apple Acres with me and mah family! Ah mean...Zecora ain't really got the room for ya." The hut was rather cramped for my rather giant proportions.

"I don't want to be a bothe-"

"Shucks, you kiddin? A extra pair of hooves or...What ever it is ya got there is allways needed on the farm!" She beamed glancing out the window wilting a little "...Though it is gettin kinda dark, 'nd Applejack will probably want ya'll to work before you can stay...." She gasped and clapped her hoove again "The Clubhouse! It's a little small but you can stay there tonight 'nd tomorrow show em what you can do!"

I hummed trying to think of a gentle way to let her down, I've never done farm work before nor did I really have a handle on my new for-

"I would be delighted Apple Bloom."

I watched the scene detatched from it as Apple Bloom did a happy dance and started hurrying my body out the hut without me in the drivers seat.

...Honestly didn't know we could do that, pretty cool!

Holy crap...Is....Is Sapphire controlling me!?

Apparently pretty awesome let me do it next!



I can still hear you two you know.


Watch the language.

To be fair Sapph you should have given her a heads up.

This is the best outcome for us, we can talk about this once I've-


-Sorry, we've gone to sleep. I only want the most favorable future for us.

....And you think hijacking my body instead of saying 'Wait it's better for us to go with her!' is a good way to insure that! Sapphire fell silent after that, Ruby to probably sensing that if she spoke my ire at Sapphire would get piled onto her. I sighed trying to settle in this strange nothingness inside my mind where Ruby and Sapphire apparently resided, this was going to take some getting used to.

Comments ( 46 )

keeping an eye on it.

Hmm... Garnet Displaced, that gets my attention. But first before reading this- The title. The 'then' should be spelled 'than' and also be capitalized.

6832741 Noted and corrected, thanks for the heads up!
*Edit* and doubly corrected when I noticed I put a capital A in there for a minute, I'm a idiot.

I'm sorry, I feel obligated to give a thumbs-up before even reading.

This Garnet(cosplayer), after all.

6832773 Hopefully the story's good enough so far that you don't take that Thumb back XD

In the fic description, you mean to use 'quiet', not 'quite'. Common mistake online.^_^ Just thought I'd point that out for ya.;)

6832823 Fixed! You'd never think english was my first language with all the spelling mistakes I make, damn dysgraphia. XD

6832839 Hey, don't feel bad. In many cases your grammar is better than mine.:raritywink:

And now I just remembered what happens when Garnet gets. . . um, poofed is what I think it's called? Or at least that's what Steven called it. Any way what would become of our protagonist? We know that Garnet basically only exists because of Ruby and Sapphire fusing together. Would her consciousness just be split between the two or would she. . . cease to exist until the two came back together again?

you could probably shapeshift two more heads for Ruby and Sapphire to use....
also, does your Visor still change depending on who is in control?

6832991 Considering how the show is, cease to exist till fusion occurs again.

6832839 lol Glad I could help. Unfortunately, do not, yet, know enough about Steven Universe to get into this. Got a long list of shows I'm getting through in an alternating schedule. It's part of that, but I haven't even gotten to episode 10 yet in that schedule.

6832991 I could tell you, but then I'd have to poof you X3

Don't you mean "Boop the Snout?"

6834598 I've seen it done both ways, I just thought Boop the Snoot was cuter.

I friggin love SU, and your use of Ruby/Saphire is beyond brilliant!! I can't wait to see more.

I love this story! XD

:moustache: "You're a living gem??? ...we are gonna have a meaningful friendship."

I like it so far, but it needs quite a bit of editing for spelling, punctuation, and such.

I would be glad to do said editing. (Hopefully you use Google Docs.) Have a look at my profile page to see other stories I've edited, if you're curious, and toss me a PM if you're interested.

I'd recommend, but I don't know how to get rid of my school Grammarly account and replace it with a free account. (I don't pay either way, but still.) It will help with small problems (bigger problems with PRO) and has a Chrome app.

I just binged the first season of Steven Universe and reread chapter 2. It's weird, but I think I like it.

Also, I just remembered that there is a Pearl Displaced you might want to meet.

6998513 Well, that comment was before my SU binge. ...but I'm still not totally sure I dislike it that much, but there's still something that carried over. At first I didn't like Steven, but he grew on me. Now the only thing that messes with me is the fact that Peridot, Jasper, and Ruby were never guys.

I don't have a problem with that, but it still messes with me that there is not one guy gem. Steven doesn't count because he's part human. ...also my brain is very picky. I don't listen to every song because I convince myself that they're not worth it, even though they probably are.

alright i have one thing to say before i read this..
if his mind was put into an already fused body wouldn't unfusing literally rip apart his mind?

7064832 This....E? Huh?
....For anyone woundering the storys not ended or abandoned, I'm just really busy with life and other writing projects, STY isn't one of my main focuses.

7065749 Oh!....Oh that's weird 0.o I rated it T originally, I honestly don't know how the rating changed, I'mma fix it.
...For future notice maybe saying 'Why is this rated E?' rather then just 'Why's this E?' Even after you replyed 'For Everyone' I was confused till I saw the rating was different then what I published it as.

7066120 I was tired when I wrote it. Sorry.

Are you going to update this at all?

7071309 ....If you actually read the comments you'd see not two days ago I commented that I'm busy with life and other writing projects that I personally feel are more important. This fic isn't abandoned I'm just busy, I've never claimed to have X amount of chapters out at X time, fanfiction is something I do for fun and currently there is other stuff I'm focused on. I'm glad you enjoy the story and want to read more don't get me wrong. But complaining about lack of updates has never encouraged a writer to write more, from personal experience it make you want to work on the story less as instead of fun it becomes a chore you become tired of.

7071434 I didn't read the comments and I know there's no deadline i'm just impatient.

I'm stuck in Equestria with two voice who are also me in my head.....Help?

This sound similar to one of Deadpool's many problems.

7049559 Whoa. :rainbowderp: That's a good point. Also kind of scary to think about.

Edit: Also, the main character is female.

So far, this story is pretty 'meh' to me, but I'll keep following it and see where it goes. I'd say a bit of editing is needed.

This is a good start and an interesting idea. I can't wait for more. I'm also wondering about when Ruby and Sapphire unfuse. I'd like to see how the ponies would react to that.

This is never being updated again is it?

7444441 It will when I have less shit going on in my life and I can get through my writers block, as it is the next chapter is stalled out about a fifth of the way in and in no condition to be posted annnnnnywhere

When is the next update?

Hey, could be worse; could have taken a picture of your cosplay and recieved massive amount of hate and death-threats for being the wrong body-type/race.

So is this dead

Pretty much I don't think theyll care if anybody else does the same idea now that it's dead story it's been two years they've had plenty of time

Do you know anyone that will do it because i can write a story to save my life:twilightsheepish:

no updates since 2016? its official, this story is dead as disco, I'ma just carogarize it in the 'dead stories' group, not an actual group here its just a txt list of stories that are dead

It's a great story and I love the concept so please continue this even though it's been a long time



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