• Published 8th Jan 2016
  • 6,574 Views, 68 Comments

Enchanted - Night Flight

This is how a stallion falls in love. And in the unusual world of him, this is the only usual thing that happens.

  • ...

I Was Enchanted To Meet You Too...

Nervous. That’s how he’s feeling at the moment. All those days, all he wanted was her and now… she’s standing in front of him and looking at him with her wonderful, big magenta eyes.

He has to make his move sooner or later. ‘Just think of how everything started,’ he said to himself. How everything started… just a month ago, at his own garden party…

There he was. The party he was holding. The one that everypony was waiting for. He had to plan a party of his own because every Wonderbolt did it every month. Each time, a Wonderbolt planned a party by alphabetic order and no matter how hard Soarin ran away from it, it was finally his turn to do it.

And only God knew how much he was hating it. Each guest who was passing by only received a fake smile from him. Every conversation that included him was filled with nothing but forcing laughter. The same party as always. The same, old, tiring, lonely party.

He sighed as he got free of another group of fillies that his best friend, Rapid Fire brought with himself. Anypony could bring as much guests as she/he wanted with her/himself. And that huge group of fillies were Rapid Fire’s ‘guests’. Probably his girlfriends.

Soarin walked up to the snack table. The good thing about this damn party was that it was made by him and he could eat his favorite snacks at least! ‘I wonder how much more time is left till the end of this crap,’ he said as he munched his apple pie and watched the ponies who were talking and having fun. He was eating his last beat of pie when his eyes locked on the only thing that stood out among everything in the garden.

Using the word ‘beautiful’ seemed a little unfair for the angle that was standing across from Soarin. No. It sure wasn’t enough.

The beautiful light of full moon was pouring on the base of the beautiful creature in front of him and made her glow like the princess of sun herself. Her cute smile could melt stone and her wonderful eyes could kill thousands of stallions instantly. Her stunning rainbow mane was curled and gathered at a side of her face. Her mesmerizing cyan coat reflected the moonlight like a real mirror. In front of her were two of Soarin’s friends, Spitfire and Fleetfoot.

Seeing the way Spitfire was treating her, Soarin guessed that she was Spitfire’s guest. It was right at that moment that her conversation ended and she turned her gaze to the snack table, right where Soarin was staring at her. The happiness in her eyes quickly changed to curiosity as she stared back at him.

‘C’mon man, walk! Go and see who that wonderful, stunning, beautiful mare is?’ ordered his brain. Instantly, Soarin started walking to the mare with a kind of smile that all of his teammates said is ‘filly-killing’. Her silhouette was getting close and closer to him as he got near and nearer to her.

“Hello, welcome here,” he said with his smile.

She smiled back and answered. “Hi. Thanks.” Her voice was a bit raspy but it sure was beautiful. To Soarin, it was like the bells of heaven and shook his heart like it was a huge wave.

“May I know that who I have the honor to meet?” he asked softly. ‘Who I have the honor to meet? Idiot, idiot, idiot!’ said Soarin as he slapped himself in his mind.

“Oops! I’m Rainbow Dash. I’m Spitfire’s guest and friend,” she said with a giggle. “And you must be Soarin Skies right?”

“Yes, that’s right,” answered Soarin with a wider smile. “So… would it be okay to ask where are you from?”

“Of course. You can ask me anything. Actually I’m from Ponyville. Spitfire and I were friends since last year and she asked me to come to party as her guest,” answered Rainbow.

“Hmm… aren’t you the mare that saved my pie and my life?” he asked as he examined Rainbow more.

“Oh, that…” she muttered. “Yes, I am.”

Soarin grinned. Now he knew who she was. “Well, I gotta say that you’d changed a lot.”

She blushed and whispered, “It was Spitfire who said all of the mares dress up like that. So I asked my friend to do my mane but since Spitfire said there’s no need for dressing up I came here like this.”

‘She looks super cute when she’s blushing,’ said something in Soarin’s mind. ‘Woah, woah, woah! What the hell Soar?’ he said to himself. But just shrugged it off and replied, “Well, I think that you look lovely.”

“Thanks,” she whispered again as her blush deepened. Then she took a deep breath, to stop her blush probably, and said, “So… how’s Wonderbolt life?”

“Fun. And hard sometimes. I mean you gotta get up early and start practicing hard but it usually ends before lunch and we have rest of the afternoon and evening to ourselves,” explained Soarin.

“Wow… I wish I could experience these things too…” said Rainbow excitedly.

“You really wanna be a Wonderbolt right?” he asked, silently praying that the answer would be ‘yes’.

“TOTALLY! I mean, who doesn’t?” she said with more excitement than before.

“With the stunts I saw, I don’t doubt you’ll be a part of us sooner than you know!” said Soarin hoping that what he said was true.

Their conversation started to take up and led to them knowing more and more about each other. In Soarin’s eyes, Rainbow Dash was a cool pony that was totally in love with flying and loved to fly fast and race. Not only she was beautiful, but she was very cool too. Like… 20% cooler than any other pony.

Her friends and she lived in Ponyville, somewhere that she spent most of her life. She became friends with Spitfire when she was spending her day with Wonderbolts after the Young Fliers Competition. Soarin wasn’t there to meet her because he had to leave soon for a job he had. After that day, Spitfire and she were in touch and Spitfire had invited her to party last week.

The two talked and laughed for rest of the party. And time passed for Soarin so fast that he even thought about stopping the time! Both of them were having fun and no pony dared to interrupt them. They just walked past them and smiled as they saw them together.

But as all of the things must come to an end, the night and the wonderful conversation neared its end. Almost half of the guests had left and the other half were preparing to leave soon. It was getting late and weather was getting cold by each second that was passing by.

Soarin didn’t know about Rainbow but he didn’t want her to leave AT ALL! He somehow… wanted her to stay there with him forever… but the problem was that Soarin had to leave there himself. It wasn’t his garden after all. He had just rented it for the party.

And about his thoughts… he couldn’t think of anything but Rainbow, even though she was right in front of him. He wasn’t the kind of stallions that didn’t understand their feelings so he quickly found out that fortunately or unfortunately, he had gained a crush on her. So it was natural that he didn’t want her to leave.

But she had to and Soarin knew it very well. “I… guess it’s time to go. It’s getting pretty late. My friends are waiting for me,” said Rainbow with a smile that looked a bit sad.

“Oh… then I think it’s a good bye?” asked Soarin although he didn’t want to.

“I… guess…” replied Rainbow with a sigh. Then she put on a cheerful smile and said, “Well, goodbye,”

“Goodbye,” said Soarin with a sad smile.

“Oh and one more thing,” said Rainbow suddenly.

“What?” asked Soarin. She watched as a light blush appeared on Rainbow’s cheeks and she stood beside him. Then she took a deep breath and kissed Soarin lightly on the cheek.

“I was enchanted to meet you,” she said before flying away quickly.

Soarin was glued to the ground and his eyes were wide open. He couldn’t believe what had happened. ‘Did she just… kissed me? Wow…’ he said in his mind as a huge grin started to form on his lips. ‘And what was the sentence she said? Oh! She said I was enchanted to meet you.’

“I was enchanted to meet you too Rainbow Dash,” whispered Soarin but he was late for there was no cyan mare around.

It was impossible! He, Soarin Skies the stallion that was famous for sleeping too much couldn’t sleep. IT WAS 2 A.M. AND HE COULDN’T SLEEP! That was a disaster. The reason of it was a really dumb question but that dumb question was sticking in his mind and making him twist and turn while thinking. That question was none other than,

Is Rainbow Dash in love with another stallion?

He was pacing back and forth in his room and thinking about different questions that were similar to that. He could slap himself for not asking such an important question from her! But yet, it seemed a bit impolite to go and ask about a mare’s love life. And not any mare, the mare you’d just met. But what if she was already in love with somepony else? Then Soarin would be broken.

All he wanted at that moment was Rainbow to answer his endless questions and smile and giggle like she did back at the party. It was at that moment that he heard somepony knocking on his door.

His frowning face quickly turned to a happy one and he stopped walking around his room. He grinned as he thought that the pony behind the door might be Rainbow Dash. His mind was so distracted by her that he didn’t thought who can be awake at 2 A.M. or how Rainbow knows where he lives.

All he did was rushing to the door like never before. He had a huge grin on his face and he was so excited. Then he opened the door and saw Rainbow with her cute smile. It was her! It was really, truly her! He couldn’t believe it.

Rainbow’s smile deepened as she saw Soarin. She softly whispered, “Hey…”

But before answer could escape his mouth, Rainbow Dash disappeared. His happy face turned to a sad one and then to an angry one. Angry for not meeting her before. Angry for not asking her to see him and most of all, angry for not replying when Rainbow whispered that she was enchanted to meet him.

“I was enchanted to meet you too Rainbow,” he whispered as a single tear fell to the floor.

After that wonderful night, a lot had happened and a lot of things had changed. Lazy Soarin who always had bags under his eyes for sleeping too much got heavier bags under his eyes but this time, its reason was lack of sleep.

Each and every night he only thought about Rainbow Dash and saw her on every single of his dreams. His days were all tears except from the times he was at the academy. He tried hard to show himself happy in front of his friends and teammates and fortunately, he was successful. Heh! At least he was a good actor.

After looking everywhere for her, a month had passed. Spitfire who was the only one that realized Soarin’s feelings, gave him the best news in his life and invited Rainbow for the next Wonderbolt party. Then, since it was her turn to plan the party she chose the garden Soarin had party in, and kindly helped him plan a show to confess his love for the mare.

And there he is. That faithful night had finally come and he’s staring at Rainbow’s curious eyes that are asking ‘what are we doing here?’. Soarin had taken her to a part of garden that was far away from the place of party. It’s very dreamy and the right place to confess love so he starts without wasting another moment.

“Rainbow Dash, it’s been a month since the last time we saw each other,” starts Soarin. “I know that you’re asking yourself that why did I take you here but I want you to listen to me and then decide. Please don’t think that I’m crazy and just let me end, okay?” says Soarin.

“Okay,” answers Rainbow uncertainly.

After that, Soarin stomps his front hoof firmly as a sign to start. After few seconds, music starts to play. Spitfire who is standing behind the bushes smiles and starts to leave. Deep down, she’s wishing her best friend luck.

Soarin who hears music playing, returns his attention to Rainbow and starts singing with a smile:

(Please put 'Rainbow' instead of 'Taylor' as you're listening.:raritywink:)

“…Cause you were all of my dreams come true

And I just wish you knew,

Rainbow I was so in love with you,” he ends the song with a smile. Then he takes a deep breath and starts to pour his heart to her. “Yes, that’s true. Since the time you left, I was in love with you. No, don’t get me wrong. It’s not like I’ve never thought about you having a coltfriend. It was the question I had every single night,” he says nervously. “If you don’t love me, or if you’re already in love with somepony else, just tell me. I swear I won’t bother you anymore. But if you’re a little and just a little interested in me and there’s nopony in your life, then all I can do is begging you to give me a chance,” says Soarin sadly.

“You mean that if I tell you that I’m already in love with somepony else… if I say that I don’t ever want to see you ever again… would you leave and don’t look behind?” asks Rainbow after listening to him.

“…Yes,” whispers Soarin with a shaky voice. “Cause you’re just so important to me that I want you to be happy. Even if this happiness is with another stallion,” he says as he tries hard not to cry. The next words he’s gonna say gonna be the worst ones in his life anyway. “I-I g-guess according to w-what you a-asked, I g-gotta say… goodbye. Forever,” he says as he turns to leave. “Oh and one more thing,” he says sadly. “I was enchanted to meet you too.”

And with that, he starts to walk away. Tears are slowly falling from his eyes and he’s trying hard not to collapse. But he should get it over with. By the way, that was what he wanted from the start. He wants her to be happy, even if his heart would break for it.

As he’s trying to imagine his empty future without his colorful rainbow, a mare runs after him and touches his shoulder and stops him from walking any further. Few seconds later, her lovely voice comes as she says, “Soarin… no…”

“Huh?” says Soarin as he turns back to see the mare. Her beautiful magenta eyes are filled with liquid and her lower lip is quivering. A typical sign of crying. But before any tear falls from her eyes, she throws herself at Soarin and starts crying into his coat.

“No… please don’t go. Please…” says Rainbow between her cries.

Soarin who is shocked, shakes his head hardly and quickly hugs Rainbow. “Shhh, don’t cry. I’m not going anywhere my love. I’m right here,” he says as he strokes her mane with all of the love he has to her. Seconds passes and he continues stroking her soft mane. He can’t help but smile at her. Although he’s sad that she’s crying but knowing that she cried for him to stay, makes him smile like no time before.

“Soarin,” calls Rainbow after she stops crying.

“Yes my love,” answers Soarin lovingly.

Rainbow smiles as she hears him saying that. Then she lifts her head which is on his chest and locks her eyes with him. She smiles at him and whispers softly, “I love you too.” Then she continues, “In fact I had since the first time I saw you. I just thought that you might think I’m one of those nosey fanfillies so I hid it but my friends and Spitfire found out.” She sighed happily and looked up at the stallion with a blush. “That was why Spitfire invited me to the party. To see you. And I wanted to say that… I love you too.”

Soarin who had been smiling at her a second ago, backs away and his arms leaves the mare. His face slowly goes blank. “What did you just say?” he whispers with disbelief.

She only giggles and smiles wider. “I just said that I love you too. Didn’t you said that you love me?”

He does nothing but shaking his head affirmatively and dumbly as a grin starts to form on his face. Suddenly, he leaps forward and grabs her shoulders firmly. “Say that again Rainbow Dash. Just one more time. I beg you,” he says with excitement.

Rainbow giggles again. “I saaaaaaid that I looooove yooooou!” she says like she’s explaining something to a deaf pony. She wants to smile again but instead, her eyes go wide as she feels a pair of soft and warm lips against her own. She blushes like never before and smiles at the kiss. Then she closes her eyes and hugs the stallion tightly as she starts to kiss him back.

“I love you too Rainbow. I LOVE YOU TOO!” shouts Soarin happily as their kiss ends.

“Buuuuut,” says Rainbow. “Loving me isn’t easy. You got to spend all of the love you have for me. And you’ll be killed if anypony finds out I like to be romantic okay?”

“Okay, anything, I’ll do anything for you,” says Soarin with a smile as he hugs Rainbow tightly and whispers in her ear, “I’ll give you such a love that you’ll hate to go home and leave me.”

“I do hate to leave you and go home even now,” whispers back Rainbow with a smile and a light blush. “Would you do whatever I ask you to?” asks Rainbow suddenly.

“Anything you ask,” he replies with a voice filled of determine.

She smirks and says, “Shout that you love me.”

“Then cover your ears cause they might hurt,” he says with a wink to her.

“I don’t care,” she says while giggling.

All Soarin does is grinning and locking his eyes with hers. His eyes are shouting of the happiness and love he’s feeling at the moment. He opens his mouth and shouts at the world, “I LOVE YOU RAINBOW DASH!”

Spitfire who’s enjoying talking to her friends and teammates back at the party, stops talking when she hears a pony shouting. Other ponies around her also stop talking and listen to the voice.

“I LOVE YOU RAINBOW DASH!” shouts Soarin.

Everypony in the party laugh and Fleetfoot exclaims, “Oooh, somepony’s totally in love! I guess I found the victim for my next series of teasing!”

“I guess it’s more like victims!” says Rapid Fire who’s standing next to her.

Other ponies also start to whisper and talk about it. Among all of them, there’s only one pony who’s still smiling and she’s none other than Spitfire. She smiles warmly at nothing and whispers, “Well done lil’ brother. Well done.” Then she turns her head toward where a pony with dark blue skin and mane is standing and wishes the same thing would happen to them…

Author's Note:

Well if you don't I guess you found out now. :twilightsheepish:
But really, tonight is the best night of my life. I'll never forget today and the first story I actually ended:pinkiehappy:
And oh!
Thanks for reading :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 68 )

Haha ,First comment.I love it .it's sweet and cute. Great piece of work. :twilightsmile:. First story ending well congratulations. :pinkiehappy: I litterally fell down laughing when soarin shouted :rainbowlaugh:
Keep up the good work

Aswome story!!!!!!!!!:pinkiehappy:

Maybe I'm dreaming
----------> Both by Owl city
Is this a coincidence or what? :rainbowlaugh:

Really now,I LOVED the story,but...what stallion was Spitfire talking about?:duck:.I think I know the answer....is it from Piercing The heavens? Because if it is,I LOVE that ship:rainbowkiss:


SO CUTE!!! AWESOME!!! I do love a bit of soardash although I prefer spitdash there is not enough of it in this world :P

Thanks so much for writing this, it was truly amazing and I applaud you! :rainbowkiss:

cute! A few problems with tenses here and there, but I think those are typos. Either way, the fluff was so real!! And sweet!!:heart:

Can't believe Soarin actually shouted.

6812807 Hey, you're the first person who find it out.:rainbowlaugh: And yeah, it is a coincidence. BUT I LOVE HIS SONGS:rainbowkiss::pinkiehappy:

6812818 Thanks:pinkiehappy: and your answer is yes. It is. I also love that shipping.:rainbowkiss:

6812876 Thanks.:pinkiehappy: I'm happy that this story made you Read some Soarindash fics:twilightsmile:

6812902 I'm still learning English.:twilightsheepish: And thanks.:twilightsmile: About Soarin, that's what love can do to you.:pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh:

6813001 Why? Isn't it good?

6813271 Oh really? Thanks.:pinkiehappy: I was worried I wouldn't get to do it.:twilightsmile:

I love this so damn much!!! :rainbowkiss::heart:Do you think you would be making a sequel?

6813313 I don't know. Probably if I got time and idea for it:twilightsmile: And thanks for the compliment:pinkiehappy:

Okay before I start reading let me just say how happy I am some one made a SoarinDash story off of this song! One of my stories had a chapter named after this song and I linked this video:

*Straps on feels resistant armor* Okay I'm read let's read.

“I was enchanted to meet you,” she said before flying away quickly.

Don't worry my feels armor protected me.

*Armor breaks* NO NO NO!!!


For a second, I thought that it was inspired from the movie enchahted. :rainbowlaugh:

A great story. I just thought I want to give you something.



relax, Sofea. He came here early because of you.-Pinkie

Wait. . . What?-ME

Umm. . . I mean he came here because of your cookies! (glad she didn't catch that, it was a close one!)-Pinkie

(Suspiciously suspicious) okay. . .-ME

AH! My dear, Sofea!- King 3C

Don't call me dear, it's embarassing-ME

Very well. Now here's all the 3C you order.- King 3C


Your very welcome-King 3C

Take it as a gift from a relative in Islam.


6813775 :rainbowlaugh:Okay. If I found time and idea, I'd definitely do it. Thanks for the comment anyway.:twilightsmile:

6814521 Thanks:rainbowkiss: I love 3C it's just that I'd just ate some chocolate but I'll eat it tomorrow at school:raritywink:


Thanks for the follow.


This was SOOOOOOOOOOO amazinggggg!!!!! :rainbowkiss: Definitely a favorite from me!

AHHHHH I still can't get over at how AWESOME this story was!!! :pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy:

'Mazing story! It's really sweet. But FYI Adam wrote the song after he first met taylor. It's actually confirmed that he DID have a crush on Taylor for a while, as if the song didn't make it obvious enough... but the story is really good! Keep up the good work! But...

Then she turns her head toward where a pony with dark blue skin and mane is standing and wishes the same thing would happen to them…

Don't you mean coat?
And if it happens to be Wave Chill... and if you know which story i'm talking about which ships WaveFire... you are officially 20% cooler than you already are.

6816922 :pinkiehappy:Thanks. It wasn't as awesome as your stories of course. :raritywink:

6818178 Yes, I knew about the song and that was exactly why I wrote this.:pinkiehappy:
Oh and thanks for mentioning. I'll make sure to fix it whenever I get.:twilightsmile:
And yes I know which story you meant and I exactly meant Wave Chill:raritywink:

6819339 Whattttt? It was like, three thousand times better than mine! :pinkiegasp:

You sir, are an amazing writer :raritywink:

Everything really fit into the story, the music, the atmosphere...everything. Minor spelling errors but I don't think anyone's gonna be bothered about it:scootangel:

Keep up the good work!:ajsmug:

Just to confirm... but the story we're (hopefully) both thinking about is PTH / Piercing the Heavens, right?
Cause even if it isn't i would still like to read it. But i'm pretty sure it's PTH. I introduced the story to most of my fellow pegasister friends at school and all of them love it. Why am I telling you this? i have no idea... :derpytongue2:

6819558 But your idea for 'a dash of love soared through the sky' was really awesome. The idea of Soarin & Rainbow running away was really amazing. It reminded me of the song 'Runaway with me' by Carly Rea Jepsen:pinkiehappy:

6820491 Oh, thanks:pinkiehappy: and I guess that those errors were because I was in rush when I wrote the story.:twilightsmile:
Oh, and...I'm a girl:twilightsheepish:

6822711 Yep, I meant that story.:twilightsmile: And you're so lucky that you actually have pegasister friends at school. The ones who know I'm a pegasister think that MLP is childish and the only pegasister I know isn't a Soarindash fan:fluttercry::fluttershysad:

6826877 Awe thanks so much!

But your story is amazing, too!

6826882 :pinkiegasp: I am so sorry, I did not know :twilightsheepish:

6826894 That is really sad... but to be honest i keep it secret from most of my friends, except for my pegasister friends, of course. Most of them are soarindash fans, but 1 or 2 of them are soarfire fans... which is just :fluttercry:. Some of them aren't even FLUTTERCORD FANS!!!!! HOW COULD YOU? I could understand not liking soarindash, as much as i love it, as it isn't canon. But fluttercord IS basically canon by now. How many times have you heard that Discord is being good because of Fluttershy? How many times have you heard Dissy Dear (hope you know where this came from) being good because of Old Lady Celery? HOW MANY? Ok, now i'm just ranting... but you get the point. Some of us don't agree on ships, but we all agree that MLP is definitely not just for kids.

6827778 It's okay. I used to write it on my bio but that seemed kinda idiotic:derpytongue2::twilightsmile:

6829511 Wow, you're a Fluttercord fan too? I'm not a huge fan but I think that it's much, MUCH better than Fluttermac:rainbowwild:

Great story that I just read and ended up in tears and fits of laughter xD

I LOVED THIS STORY!!!!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:
It was soooooo cute:derpytongue2::yay:

7005823 Thank you so much.:pinkiehappy::raritystarry::twilightsmile:

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