• Published 10th Jan 2016
  • 1,935 Views, 8 Comments

More than a ''best friend.'' - Lunasservant1985

Eric Inkpot's friendship with Lyra Heartstrings is just as strong as her's with with Bonnie ''Bon Bon'' Sweet Drops. Being best friends can involve more than two people.

  • ...

Friends do everything together...even the unpleasant stuff.

''Oh Eric!'' Lyra Heartstrings said as she undid the lock to her school locker. She happily and cheerfully flung the door open as a young man with a complexion that made the choir girl think of fresh baked sugar cookies, approached carrying Lyra's heavy school bag to it.

''So where do you want your things Lyra?'' Eric Inkpot asked as her bag began to dig into his shoulder blades. He didn't MIND doing this for her, he liked doing nice things for Lyra and she really appreciated the sentiment. Eric placed the gym bag on the floor as Lyra giggled and playfully kissed Eric's cheek.

''Thanks Inky,'' Lyra said unzipping her bag and taking her rolled up gym clothes out to store them away in her locker. Her pet name for him making him chuckle embarrassed at it, but he liked it none the less. ''Can you not look for a second please?'' She asked with a blush and giggle as her hands wrapped around her sports bra and stretchy elastic pink panties, the perfect mix of playfully sexy and enduringly sporty. Lyra liked Eric as a good friend, but she didn't trust him that much...yet.

''As you wish Lye.'' He said trying to retort with his own nickname. As Lyra blushed redder than a cherry ice pop, her hands tucking the racy gym wear away in the depths of her locker. ''So how are things going with you and Bonnie?'' Eric asked his back to her as if she was changing rather than putting clothes away.

''Oh Bon Bon?'' Lyra said as she was satisfied with what she stored away. ''She's my best friend, we do just about everything together.'' Lyra said happily. Her words felt....a little awkward.

''I thought I was your best friend Lyra?'' Eric asked picking up Lyra's gym bag and carrying it for her. Lyra stopped briefly and looked at Eric with a solemn look in her eyes.

''Hey hey now...it's okay Eric.'' Lyra said as she placed a soft silky hand on his cheek and tilting his head to look her in the eyes. ''You're a good friend to me Eric, and that means a lot to me, I just like Bon Bon a lot too.'' She hugged Eric tightly and they proceed to their last class for the day after gym. In an older time, when flight attendants where called stewardess without being a dated Adam Sandler joke, they would have been in home EC class, and as an episode of Married with children once said, the presence of boys in this would have...indicated a few things...best to not go there.

Anyway, the class consisted of mostly girls including Lyra, and guys like eric, as well as Braeburn, Applejack's cousin, and Caramel. Everyone was presenting the final project of the week. Lyra had gone with freshly baked croissants, Eric however?

''Uhhh Mr. Inkpot?...Eric?'' Ms. Cheerilee asked with a ruffle of her pinkish maroon nose at the dish he prepared. ''May I ask what...this is?'' She said trying to maintain a smile. The dish smelled heavily of vinegary mayonnaise, cold cuts, and steamed peas and spinach. It didn't look very appetizing either, pinkish lunch meat texture with the mayonnaise dressing that looked like puke and the filling looking like green mashed up zombie guts, yeah it wasn't very tasty looking.

''It's called super salad loaf, a recipe meant to make the most of rationed food supplies during WWII. Yes I followed the steps to a tee, it may be different than a version from the 40's due to differences in ingredients over the years.''

''Well...I..I'm sure it's...'' Ms. Cheerilee had no idea how to approach the situation; on the one hand, her student had replicated an archaic recipe to near perfection. On the other? It smelled like salt and vinegar and looked about as appetizing as stewed vomit.

''I think it looks tasty Ms. Cheerilee!'' Lyra quiped quickly as she got beside Eric and hugged his side as she took a spatula, cut a slice of the luncheon meat poor man's meat loaf, and a fork. She grimaced a bit as she lifted the slice of pink, white and mushy green to her mouth. The strong smell of not bad...but not appetizing mayonnaise and baloney filling her nostrils as she...

''Lyra no!'' Eric shouted just as she took a bite. ''You don't have to do that...I know it's a dietary disaster.'' he said packing up the super salad loaf.

''I'm not joking Eric...I...I really want to try it.'' Lyra said yet again as she lifted the fork to her mouth again.

''I want some too!'' a cream colored girl with hair that looked like freshly pulled taffy, ''If your trying some Lye, then so shall I!'' With that, Lyra and Bon Bon both took bits the poor man's meat loaf and each took a bite...''It...It's...'' Bon Bon said after her swallowing made her look like she was on of those fear factor contestant forced to eat half smoked horse rectum.

''It's terrible isn't it?'' Eric sad sadly getting the tupperwear ready in case one or both girls would vomit. Bon Bon realized that while the dish wasn't...good. It wasn't all THAT awful, the first bite was like eating a sandwich made with WAY too much meat and topped with TOO much mayo, and the gelatin filling had no flavor just was very filling. As for the pea and spinach with cracker stuffing? It had a very veggie after taste but wasn't as bad as it looked, not as bad as the girls had perceived it to taste based on appearance.

''It's not that bad, but it's nothing to write home about either to be honest.'' Bon Bon said putting the fork down.

''If you used less mayo, maybe stuffed it with olives and cheese instead of vegetables it might be better Eric.'' Lyra complimented noticing as Bon Bon did that it wasn't as bad as her brain made it out to be.

''Well, two students ate it and aren't being rushed to Nurse Redheart's office, so I guess you get a B for effort and since you're dish didn't poison them.''

Later at Sugar Cube Corner

''Here's your sodas girls,'' Mrs. Cakes said placing two tall glasses of Club Soda on the counter for Lyra and Bon Bon, Followed by an iced tea for Eric.

''You both look like you could use them.'' Mr. Cakes added as he sprayed root beer into a gass with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, as the girls grumbled and sipped their drinks. Eric felt bad for them, it was his lousy home cooking project that caused their upset stomach.

''I'm sorry girls, I told you both you didn't have to eat it.'' He said giving them both hugs which they both returned making soft coos each as his touch eased the ache in their stomachs a bit.

''I know you did Eric,'' Lyra said sipping her drink.

''But Lyra and I both said we'd do it.'' Bon Bon added before taking a sip of her own soda.

''And being a good friend,'' Lyra continued taking a break from her sips.

''Means,'' Bon Bon picked up as Lyra resumed her drink, the girls continued their back and forth exchange.''

''Keeping your word.''

''And doing everything together.''

''No matter how unpleasant they seem, no matter what.'' Lya finished up as Eric sat between them both.

''Not that you're dish was...unpleasant, it just needed improvement is all.'' Bon Bon said as Eric smiled and patted her head lovingly.

''How are your stomachs girls?'' He asked as he got Mrs. Cakes attention for an order.

''Much better now that I've had that club soda.'' Lyra said handing her glass to be taken away.

''I feel a lot better too, less like I'm gonna be sick...oh sorry Eric...no offense.'' She said blushing and giggling nervously.

''None taken, hey Mrs. Cakes?'' He said to her.

''What can I get you dearie?'' She asked happily.

''Large float for three please?'' He said smiling as Lyra and Bon Bon cuddled his sides and taking straws. When Mrs. cakes placed the large mug of root beer and vanilla in front of the three friends, Lyra and Bon Bon placed straws in the float and sipped smiling at Eric as he added his straw and drank with them.

''Daaaww!'' Mrs. Cakes said seeing the sight, ''reminds me of an Archie comic I had as a girl.'' She said giggling as she rung them up.

''I got this girls.'' Eric said fishing for his wallet, but they stopped him as they took two fives from their purses.

''Eric?'' Lyra asked as she and ''Bonnie'' paid.

''Yes?'' He replied as he still left a few bills on the table for a tip.

''Friendship means sharing everything.'' Bon Bon continued.

''From soda floats to sweet shop checks.'' Lyra finished with a perky squee and she hugged his one side tightly, Bon Bon doing the same to his other side, Eric couldn't have asked for more.

Comments ( 8 )

Um... ok?

It was short, and sweet, and well written, but... where's the rest? I realize there's a sequel I need to read, but as a standalone story it kind of went nowhere.

6842855 this story and its sequel are kinda meant to be direct opposites to each other, like the first one...is mostly a harmless read that with maybe a few things removed or altered, like the underwear Lyra puts away, it would be like those Equestria girls shorts that are extras on the EG DVDs.

While the sequel is a straight up clopfic that goes for a full on mature audience, a direct opposite to this one even though they are supposed to be telling a continuous story.


I mean that this story could basically be summarized as:

* Lyra, Bonnie, and Eric are besties

* Besties never leave each other hanging

And... that's about it. There's no real plot or story to it, just some character building.

If I really think about it, though, I guess there's nothing wrong with that. I'm probably too used to reading 500K+ word megafics. :twilightblush:

6844596. Yhea if you look at it that way didnt a lot of the actual zhows earlier eps read that way? Like look before you sleep or ticket master?


That's exactly what came to mind, yeah.

6844907 have you read this story's sequel yet? And if so what'd you think of it?

6844596 only 500k? Read Legacy's (by Nfire) 900k!

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