• Member Since 26th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Rated Ponystar

"You think you know me..."


An AU of the Hearths Warming Eve Story

Four centuries ago, the advanced civilizations of mankind fell to the horrors of hatred and warfare; the holiday of Unity Day reminds them of what they've lost as they struggle to rebuild. Humanity passed through its trial-by-fire, and has finally set aside pointless conflict; not all are as lucky, however.

A recon unit, called to investigate wendigo sightings on the borders of human lands, encounters three lost ponies whose nations are embroiled in a bitter war of annihilation against one another as an endless winter ravages their homeland. Though reluctant to become involved, one human ranger will try to teach them the harsh lessons humanity has learned – before they suffer the same fate as the old world.

Commissioned by WesFox134

Edited by SoloBrony

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

Oh, wow. This is so amazing.

Can I thumb up twice?

This was good!
I don't really know why it seems like the Alternate universe scare people away though :applejackunsure:

Ah. This story. I did, in fact, edit it.


>looks around. Crickets chirp.

Well I'll just respond to comments then!

6828086 You most certainly can! They just cancel each other out. Upvotes are created by splitting voter and antivoter apart, you see.

6828179 I think it has to do with the nature of fanfiction communities. People are mostly here to read about stories in a particular universe, so AU stuff runs contrary to what most readers may be here to see, y'dig? Regardless of its quality. It is a little odd, considering that all fanfiction is... well, alternative.

... Wow. That was amazing! :heart:

What a nice story. It just had such a nice and warm hearted message that I had to up vote and favorite it.

Hah, that's an interesting rejiggering of Hearth's Warming. Very nice! :twilightsmile:

if that was a movie, it would be Oscar bait.

This would make a great movie. Heck, I'll watch it.

A future like this stories ending would be great!

Am I the only one who wants to see a retelling of the whole mlp series with this human twist? I'd love to read that!

Day only got worse from there. We’ve got orders to head up into the mountains tomorrow. Wendigo activity has been seen from s cout group A30. It caught us all by surprise since we haven’t had to deal with wendigos for about six years now. They were all heading south for some reason towards whatever lies behind the Ixion Alps. Wendigos only go to places where high levels of negative energy and conflict are taking place. Whatever poor land has those suckers, I pity them, since you can’t really kill the damn spirits, just scare them off with fire.

What? So is it humans on Equis or Equestria on Earth?

I saw her leave as I looked outside my window at the vast city known as Zion. Filled with ponies and humans, magic and technology, a world better then we could have dreamed. It’s amazing how much we can do when we work together – and the hardship it can take to make us learn that lesson.

And thats what makes friendship truly magical.

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