• Published 9th Jun 2012
  • 847 Views, 36 Comments

Dreamer - Axan Zenith

A Dreamer is merely a philosopher without the fame.

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Dreamer - Prologue

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there were two ponies. A mare and a stallion, to be exact. One was rather soft-spoken and gentle. The other, confident and strong willed. One fateful day, in a small, out-of-the-way cafe in downtown Canterlot, these two star-crossed lovers glanced up from their cups of somewhat decent coffee to find the other staring straight at them. Their eyes met, their hearts melted, and they fell deeply in love with each other. After a long and beautiful courtship, the young ponies arranged to be married, and prepared themselves to embark on a heartwarming journey full of life, laughter and love.

This is not their story.

Rather, this is the story that takes place directly after that one.

You see, many years passed since those days, (at this point the two were in the stages of their marriage when they argued over which side of the plate the fork went on), and the couple decided to take their relationship a step further. That is, they wanted to have a foal to call their own. So one day, they locked the doors, applied the proper mood lighting and...

Ahem. Yes, well, months later the mare had a beautiful baby colt. A light grey in colour, with an untidy red mane. As the two parents held their child, the stallion, (The soft-spoken and gentle one), decided they should start trying to name the little tyke. The mare, (the confident and strong willed of the two), agreed, and chose the name Comet Crusher. The father wanted to name him something nicer, and suggested to name him Fairy Dust. Not wanting to be left out, the newborn colt cried out, “Blurgle!”, at the top of his little voice. The two parents considered this, but decided that while “Blurgle” sounded dependable, but still in touch with the feminine side, it didn’t quite fit.

As the newfound parents debated on what to name their newborn foal, the little earth pony decided to turn his infantile mind to bigger and better things. The hospital wall, to be specific. After a few milliseconds of painstaking study, the colt decided, perhaps conclusively, that the wall was boring. He looked to another wall, this time on his right. No, that one was boring, too. It was then that he realized that the entire room was quite dull, even if it was one of the few rooms he had ever been in. He huffed and puffed, and waved his tiny hoof around. Partly for experiment, partly because he thought it might be interesting. Anything to break the monotonous drone of voices saying things he couldn’t understand.

He had just about given up on the prospect of finding something worthy of his attention when he happened to glance at the wall on his left. Identical to the aforementioned boring walls, a drab cream coloured wallpaper with a horribly clashing pink stripe, except for one major detail.

There was something set into the wall. A small, square shaped portal filled with what appeared to be a solid but transparent material. But it was not what was in the window that grabbed his attention so completely.

It was what was on the other side.

Vast. That was the only word to describe it, even if he didn’t even know what the word “vast” meant yet. It was so incredibly vast, that he doubted that even the adult ponies in the room, (who were, at this point, completely oblivious to his trance like state, and were currently debating “Red Baron” over “Bird Song”) could possibly comprehend its size.

It was vast, and dark blue, and studded with lights.

The lights seemed to twinkle at him. Waving at him? Calling him to them? He didn’t know. He wasn’t sure if he should trust these twinkling lights from the heavens. They seemed so distant....

But there was something else.

Something massive.

Perhaps not as large as the thing it was resting on, (Submerged in? Floating over?), but gigantic all the same. It was an orb, a huge, white orb, that hung majestically above the land. Its surface was scarred and pockmarked with shadowy craters. The dark patches stood out against the ghostly white exterior like cancerous lesions, especially a large grouping of them that looked remarkably like the head of a pony. Was that what it was? Something made by ponies, like him, and then branded by their mark? Maybe.

The whole thing was glowing softly. Not shining, no, just glowing. As if lit by borrowed light. It should’ve looked beautiful. And it would’ve been, if the mark hadn’t been there. There was something about it that just seemed....wrong. Off. A clumsy splotch of paint on a masterpiece.

He took in the sight behind the window.

And so it was that the little silver colt fell in love with the night sky.

Of course, his mind was still childish. In fact, everything he had learned in this short time ended up pointing back to the good old options of blubbering and drooling and doing the things an infant should do. And so he did.

But it was still there. The sky, the moon, the stars, all of it. Somewhere in the midst of his developing brain, there was stored a love for the heavens, and it would not be overshadowed by an intense desire to make unintelligible noises at random objects in the room. He continued to cry and babble and be generally agreeable with everything, until another truly extraordinary thing happened.

His mother and father were still in the thick of their argument when it happened, so it was sometime until the father suddenly looked down at the little bundle he’d been absentmindedly carrying in his unicorn magic and fell silent. His mother took the sudden lack in verbosity as a victory, and had only begun crooning when she saw it too.

The small silver foal lay curled in his linen wrappings, grey-blue eyes shut against the world, and shifted slightly in his sleep as the smile on his round face seemed to grow with every second. For one fleeting moment they both wondered what visions could be bringing their child such happiness, but it was lost as they looked at each other in a way they hadn’t done in a very long time, and smiled themselves.

For they knew now exactly what to call him.


Many years later, on the sunlit grasses in the royal city of Canterlot, a silver coated colt with an altogether smoother red mane sat, absentmindedly staring across the grounds.

His name is Dreamer, and he is about to be smacked in the face.

This is his story.