• Published 18th Jan 2016
  • 2,760 Views, 16 Comments

A Very Screwy Pregnancy. - MLPRainbowHeart

Screwball's pregancy is worse than she thought. Mood swings, food carvings, nauseas, contractions, etc. Join them in the road to parenthood, and see who gets it worst. Screwy,or Mothy?

  • ...

Month 1: Vacation

We all have that moment in life. That moment when you are overjoyed, but then get scared? Well a young married couple had that day some days ago. And now they have an adventure to face, together. But after all the pain, there is always a reward at the end.

" OMC! Mothy I can't believe I'm pregnant!" Screwball said jumping up and down in front of the mirror.

" Yeah, me neither. But stop jumping." Mothball said walking by her side and wrapping his wing around her. Screwball rolled her eyes and then led them to the mirror. She pushed away Mothball, and moved to the side. She looked at her belly, and started moving around... sort of like Pinkie Pie.

" Do I have baby belly already? Do I? Do I? DO I?" She said grabbing Mothball by the shoulders and shaking him.

" Relax Screwy, you haven't." Mothball said getting her hooves off him.


" What do you think it would be?" Screwball said, calming down and laying down on her bed. Mothball chuckled as he laid down by her side.

" I don't know. But I sure want it to be a filly." Mothball said wrapping his hooves around her and pulling her closer. Screwball smiled and put her hoof on top of her husband's hoof.

" And I want it to be a colt." She said closing her eyes. Mothball gave his wife a little kiss on the cheek.

" It doesn't matter what it is, I will still love the foal." He whispered in her ear. She smiled.

" What is it going to look like? I mean I have draconequus blood... and you are a changeling." Screwball said with a bit of worried in her tone. Mothball thought for a minute.

" Does it really matter?" He said then stroking her mane. Screwball who was enjoying the affection, sighed.

" Not really. But I don't want the foal to be bullied. Take me for example, I was bullied only for my eyes." She said lowering her ears, but still letting her husband do the affections. Mothball chuckled quietly but didn't answer.

" What about we call it a night? You are sleeping for two after all." He said putting the bed sheets on top of them.

" Isn't it supposed to be eating for two? " Screwball said chuckling. Mothball chuckled again.

" Besides, it's just nine at night." Screwball said turning to her husband. her head was now on his chest. Mothball hugged her tight.

" Still."

" Night Mothy."

"Night Screwy.

And they were both peacefully sleeping.

Wake up..

" Hmmmm.."

Wake up....

" M-hmmm"


"Gah!!" Mothball stood up in the bed with his eyes opened after his wife screamed in his ear.

" What happened?" He said rubbing his eyes. Screwball just shrugged.

" Dunno. I was feeling lonely." She said with an innocent smile. Mothball groaned as he laid down again and put a pillow on his face. Screwball giggled and laid by his side. She hugged him and moved a little bit the pillow so she could see his mouth.

" Well.... I was thinking. Maybe you and I could go for some weeks to Crystal Empire.. after all, Heart's Warming Eve is in three days and I was thinking on doing something only you and I." She said snuggling close to him and putting her head on his chest. Mothball smiled.

" Oh well okay." He said removing his pillow and giving her a light kiss. She smiled and sighed.

" Thanks." She whispered. Some minutes later they were both heading downstairs. Screwball walked to the stove and thought for a second. She was about to poof something but something stopped her. In front of her something appeared. It was her father.

"Gah!" She shouted giving a tiny jump. Mothball looked at them and walked by his wife.

" Good morning sweetheart, good morning Mothball." Discord said politely.

" Good morning sir Discord." Mothball said with a smile.

" Morning daddy!" Screwball said hugging her dad.

" Why are you here?" Mothball asked with a confused tone.

" Oh, well Screwy, if your going to be a mother, you need to learn how to cook!" Discord said with a smile.

" Isn't mom supposed to be the one that teaches me?" She said raising an eyebrow.

" Probably. But I have seen her and I have learned! Watch." He said appearing a frying pan on the stove. He then appeared an egg on the counter. After grabbing the egg he frowned.

"I-I.."He said.

" Let me guess, you don't remember anything?" Screwball said rolling her eyes. Discord smiled awkwardly.

" O-Of course I remember! You just-" He said taking the egg and putting it on the stove. He turned it to medium. He then took the frying pan.

" Isn't the egg supposed to be in the frying pan?" Screwball said frowning.

" No!" Discord said with a smile. He then took the frying pan and smashed the egg with it. Mothball and Screwball gasped at the same time as Discord took a spoon and put the broken egg in the frying pan. He then served the raw, still with the shells and then gave it to Screwball.

" I'm pretty sure, that's not how you do it." Screwball said looking at the egg. Discord gave her a frown but then sighed in defeat. He clicked his fingers making a yellow pegasus appear by his side.

" Discord? I was trying to make Zany eat his food!" She said clearly annoyed.

" Yeah, yeah, I will deal with that. But teach Screwy how to cook. BYE!" He said before disappearing out of the kitchen. Fluttershy sighed and looked at her daughter.

" Okay, I'm going to cook you two breakfast, you watch Screwy." Flutter said walking to the stove.

" That was sooo gooooood!" Screwball said and made a long sigh. Mothball chuckled.

" I know, your mother is a really great cook!" Mothball said happily. Screwball nodded and taking a bite of her food.

" I have to try that recipe someday." Screwball said. Mothball just smiled.

Knock Knock

" Who can that be?" Mothball asked. Screwball stood up and went to the door. She opened it and standing there was a little purple-grey filly. Dinky smiled. She had a card in her mouth. She gave it to her bestfriend.

" Morning Screwy, how's the pregnancy going?" Dinky said with a smile.

" It's going great Dinky! Although I'm only 1 month." Screwball said with another smile.

" What's this?"

" It's the invitation for my wedding, remember when Cinnamon Stick proposed to me?" Dinky said with dreamy eyes.

" How could I forget? I had to sing while he took an hour to propose!" Screwball said giving the invitation to her husband, who walked by her side.

" He only took a few minutes." Mothball said before directing his eyes to the card.

" Well, it sure felt like an hour."

" I hope you can make it. And I know we are giving the invitations early, since it's in six months." Dinky said then rolling her eyes.

" Oh don't worry! It's always nice to give the invitations early!" Screwball said with a smile. Dinky nodded.

"Well I'm going to leave you two alone!" She said walking further from the couple. Mothball closed the door and put the invitation on the table.

" Mothy, start packing." Screwball said with a smile.


" Umm, you said we were going to Crystal Empire!"

"Yeah, but on Hearth's Warming day!" He protested. Screwball shook her head.

" Nope." She said getting upstairs. Mothball groaned.

"Fine." He said before following his wife upstairs.

" Sooo pretty!!" Screwball walked out of the train admiring the Empire. She walked closer and groaned.

" What's taking so long?" She said looking back and seeing her husband barely getting out of the train. He had five bags on top of him and one in his mouth.

"W-why did you pack s-so much!?" He said walking slowly to his wife. Screwball just shrugged. She took two bags with her magic, making Mothball sigh.

" Thanks."

"No problem."

As they walked to the Empire they gaped at its beauty. All the crystal ponies were smiling and talking. Suddenly something bumped into them. It was small, so it didn't make them fall. A little filly was rubbing her head.

" I'm sorry!" She said doing puppy eyes.

" Don't worry." Mothball said. The filly smiled and went running. Screwball sighed.

"We are going to have on of those, in some months Mothy." She said with a warm smile. Mothball smiled back and nodded. It was silent for a few minutes, until they reached the castle. Screwball happily trotted to the castle and knocked. They were greeted by a pink with blue mane alicorn. She smiled when she saw Screwball.

" Screwy!"

" Flutterby Lily!"

They giggled and Screwball started to do their usual greeting.

"Sunshine, sun-" Screwball said but was stopped by Flutterby Lily's hoof.

" What gives?" She said raising an eyebrow.

" You are pregnant." Flutterby said entering the castle and gesturing for them to followed. Screwball groaned annoyed. Mothball looked at her and chuckled. He hugged her with his wing only to get a groan from her.

" Screwball! Mothball!" They heard two voices. Cadance and Shining Armor went to greet them. Screwball hugged Cadance and Mothball nodded to Shining Armor.

"So, how's your pregnancy?" Cadance said with a smile.

"It's fine. But I can't wait for my baby belly!"

Shining Armor chuckled.

" You still have to wait a lot for that." Shining Armor said hugging his wife.

" Hey, you better prepare yourself for the mood swings....she being daughter of chaos... your going to have it pretty badly." Shining Armor whispered to Mothball. Mothball had his eyes widened as he gaped at him. With his mouth still opened he looked at Screwball who was laughing with Cadance. He gulped as Shining Armor chuckled.

" Well, will you be staying here for the next week?" Cadance said.

" Well, although I really like the castle, I wanted to get our own room in a hotel or something." Screwball said. Cadance nodded and thought for some minutes. Shining them smiled.

" We don't know any hotels, but we know some pretty good houses that are for rent. And we will pay them." He said. Cadance nodded.

" Right! Flutterby Liliy's best friend's family is on vacation, they have their house for rent. We can tell them!" She said with a smile.

" On it!" Flutterby shouted and ran to her room.

" Thank you. But we will pay it. " Mothball said.

" Oh no no. We will pay it." Cadance said. Shining nodded, and Mothball shook her head.

" Uh uh. We will pay it. You already done too much." Screwball said. Cadance was about to protest but her daughter came running.

" They said no problem! And since its for the daughter of chaos, they will give it to them for free! The time they need it!" Flutterby Lily said excited.

" Okay, that's settled then." Shining Armor said with a chuckle.

" Well thanks a lot! "

Screwball and Mothball entered their temporally house. They both put the bags on the floor and gave the house one good look. They both gaped at it's beauty. It had two floors, the living room was huge and so was the sofa. They had a TV in the wall and a lot of decorative plants. They moved to see the kitchen. It was huge as well. It had one table for 8 ponies and a lot of decorative things too. They moved to the bathroom. It had a shower and a Jacuzzi. They smiled at the decorative things AGAIN. They went upstairs. It was mostly rooms. Three rooms, and two bathrooms upstairs. They entered one of the rooms. It was all turquoise. But rather girly. That was clearly Flutterby Lily's friend.

They moved to the other room. It had a huge bed and a lot of pretty things. Both of the tables by the bed's side were white. They had a lamp on them and some flowers. The windows had baby blue curtains that matched the bed. There was another bathroom in that room. It had a huge mirror and some candles. A Jacuzzi that included a shower and some soaps with really nice smells. I would tell you more, but the house was way too huge.

Screwball smiled.

" This place is AMAZING!" She shouted throwing herself on the bed. She sighed and wrapped herself in the cozy, fluffy baby blue blankets. She then looked like a burrito. Mothball chuckled.

"Comfy?" He said laying down by her burrito wife. Screwball chuckled. Mothball looked around. It was too dark, instead of turning on the light he opened the curtains, making the sun hit Screwball's face. She hissed and she wrapped her face in her burrito.

" Sorry sweetheart." Mothball said with a chuckle. He then looked at the backyard and gasped.

" Honey, they have a pool!" He said. Screwball's burrito turned into a squashed burrito. She stood up and sat on top of the blankets with a smile.

" Really!?" She shouted. Mothball nodded with a smile. His wife gasped and with a smile went running downstairs to the backyard.

" Screwy! Your pregnant! Be careful!" He shouted. He then heard a long bang and some glass breaking.


Mothball ran to the door and downstairs. He didn't see his wife so he ran to the door that led to the backyard. By the door's side was a little wooden table with a flower vase, well there WAS a flower vase. He saw his wife floating on top of the broken glass with a scared expression. Mothball sighed in relief. Screwball slowly went back to the ground and shut down her magic.

" Screwy, please be careful. Now we have to pay that. Not only that, you could have gotten majorly hurt." He said going to his wife and helping her so she wouldn't step on the glass. Screwball smiled awkwardly.

" I know. I know. I will listen to you next time." She said giving him a kiss on the cheek and using her magic to clean the glass and put a new vase on the table. She ran outside.

" Oh well, we don't have to pay it." Mothball said with a smile.

" WATER BOOOOOOOOOOOOOMB!!!!!!!!" He heard with a splash following the scream. He then chuckled.

" She still has a beautiful childish spirit." He said going out to the pool too.

Author's Note:

Hello! So, I'm writing next chapter for GD. ( Grandchildren Of Discord ) But..... it deleted. -_-

Anyways, I was thinking, " I never wrote about Screwy's pregnancy!"

So I decided to do it! Well this was a last moment cover art so if anyone wants to do the honors: Go ahead and PM me. You are always welcome to do the cover art.:twilightsmile:

Also, I will be needing chapter arts too :). And: Some times I will write a blog so we can chat there and you can give me ideas for the story! Of course part of the credit goes to you!:pinkiehappy:

Well, love you all! Wait for next chapter of GD and here!:twilightsmile:
