• Published 18th Jan 2016
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Dragonball MLP - ultrapoknee

Goku inadvertently lands on a new world on his way to planet Namek. Now, with his ship in disarray, Goku new adventures on the planet called Equis is about to begin. Where he sure he meet new friends as well as enemies.

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episode 17: Duel in the Dragon Lands.

[Dragon Lands - Dragon gathering - Third Person POV]

"I hope you fully grasp the magnitude of invoking the shenanigans clause. It is not something that one should speak so loosely." Torch stated. His eyes bore into Garble's very soul.

Garble swallowed the lump down his throat at Torch's overwhelming presence. "O-of not your former leadership. I speak only the truth, you see...." He trails off as his eyes fell upon Ember who in return glared at him with nothing but contempt. "The selection of the new Dragon Lord has been sullied by interlopers and co-conspirators. Who--"

"WHAT?! YOU DARE SAY THAT MY DAUGHTER'S CLAIM OF THE BLOODSTONE SCEPTER AND HER RIGHT AS DRAGON LORD IS FALSE!!!!!" Torch bellows in outrage as all the dragons shiver in fear.

"She was aided in attaining the staff, your lordship. She did not win by her means," Garble said quickly. Torch turned his gaze to his daughter who has been silently listening.

"Is this true daughter?" Torch asked in a harsh tone. Ember knew to lie would be pointless, so she had to speak the truth without implicating her friends.

"Yes father, I did receive aid," Ember said as Torch looked ready to explode, but Ember continued. "And so what if I did. It is expected for a dragon to win the Gauntlet of Fire on its own. There are no rules that forbid dragons from helping another to become Dragon Lord. The goal was to fly to Firecano island and come back with the Scepter. The 'how' does not matter only the results. And the results speak for themselves as I am the Dragon Lord."

Torch silently ruminates over what he has heard. He stared into his daughters' eyes and Ember stared right back. After a few more agonizing seconds, Torch went to speak. "While it may be a bit....unorthodox and unexpected. My daughter has a point; the means of acquiring the Scepter does not matter as long as it is acquired. My daughter has beaten the Gauntlet of Fire and is now your Dragon Lord. You will give her the respect she rightly earned!" Garble sucked in his teeth in frustration at this. His hopes of becoming Dragon Lord have now crushed away. However, he could still take his revenge against the ponies that denied him.

"Your lordship, you should know that interlopers are still among us. And you should also know that, out of the 4 of them, only one of them is an actual dragon," Garble said.

Torch raises his brow in confusion. "Only one was an actual dragon? What sort of nonsense is this? Look around you little dragon," The former dragonlord said as he gestures to the amass gathering of dragons. "I see only dragons here."

"Father, this is a waste of time. Anyone with a working pair of eyes and brain can see that this dragon is nothing more than a sore loser trying to deface me," Ember said as she got in Garble's face. "And if he knows what is good for him, he keeps his mouth shut." She threatened, causing Garble to snort out smoke from his nostrils.

"I am inclined to agree. Unless you can provide proof of the interlopers' involvement; I cannot approve of the shenanigans clause, and you will face immediate reprimands at the new Dragon Lords' discretion." Torch promised while a wicked grin fell on Ember's face. Garble slowly gulps at whatever Ember has planned. He shook off his nervousness and turned to locate Spike and Goku again only to find that they disappeared from their original spot. He searched for the two in the crowd of dragons until he heard grunting in the back. Garble flew over to the sound and saw Spike and Goku trying to push their way through the crowd.

"Here's your proof right here," Garble announced as he pointed at Spike's and Goku's vicinity. The surrounding dragons once again gave the duo a wide berth so they would stand out more. Spike was crestfallen from their discovery while Goku chuckles sheepishly and rubs the back of his head.

The massive dragon was steadily losing patience at this point. "Pray tell, how does these two provide you with proof?"

"It's quite simple your lordship. That runt of a dragon was in cahoots with the interlopers that disguised themselves and tainted the Gauntlet with their presence," Garble exclaimed as all the dragons gasps in shock. "It gets worse; two of those intruders were none other than ponies," he said as the dragons gasp louder. Ember was becoming increasingly worried. She chances a glance at the area Rarity and Twilight were hiding.

"Twilight, what do you think is happening over there? Shouldn't the contest already be over with?" Rarity asks as the two watched the scene from behind a boulder.

"I don't know Rarity. It's hard to hear from here, but at least we are far enough away so that we won't risk exposure. Let's hope Spike and Goku can get out of there without an incident," Twilight said.

Back at the gathering, Garble smiles wickedly as he now had his foes right where he wanted them. "You see, the runt here tried to pull a fast one on us by disguising the ponies as part of the scenery," Garble said as he flew down to a pair of boulders that stood in the background. He proceeds to lift them, hoping to find a pony underneath, only to find nothing but an impression from the stone. Garble looks around the gaping chasm of rocks for potential hiding places as he frantically moves to each one. He would lift a set of boulders again and again only to get the same result each time. 'Where the drake are they?' Garble thought to himself. He nervously chuckles as he turned back to Torch and Ember. The former looking visibly annoyed and impatient while the latter smiles down at him with an unspoken glee.

"Well, little dragon? I am waiting for you to present the ponies to me!" Torch said. Garble went to retort, but Ember cut him off.

"Don't bother father. I believe we have indulged the deluded claims of this foolish dragon long enough. I say it's time to move on to other matters such as an appropriate punishment for interrupting my crowning ceremony." Ember said venomously. Former Dragonlord Torch was about to agree, but Garble was far from done just yet.

"W-wait!! I-I have witnesses. Yeah, that's right witnesses! They were there with me when the ponies revealed themselves." Garble said while Torch looks down on him dubiously.

"Witnesses? And who are they?" Torch asks. Garble nods his head quickly and turns to the crowd. He instantly found the four other dragons that were with him.

Garble went behind the four and pushed them forward. He then faces them and whispers loud enough for only them to hear. "Alright, you bunch of hatchlings. You better tell Torch about the ponies, or I'll make what I did to the runt seem like a small bruise in comparison to what I'll do to you." He threatens and the four glances at one another before moving up to address the former Dragon Lord.

"So have any you of seen these ponies at Firecano island?" Torch asked. The four dragons debated amongst one another. They considered Garble's threat for a brief moment before they turned their attention to Ember who gazed upon them with a look that all but dared them to reveal what they know. After a few moments of deliberation, they made their decision.

"No sir" they all denied in unison. Garble looked like he had just been slapped in the face while Ember was brimming with satisfaction.

"It would appear that another claim has been shot down. Which I already suspected. No creature, pony or otherwise, would have the audacity to infringe upon the Gauntlet of Fire. Especially, with me acting as the Dragon Lord." Torch said as he once again bares down on Garble. His face was covered in darkness as he got closer, making him all the more terrifying. "I shall ask but one more time. Present truth of your claims or face a very harsh consequence," he said as Garble couldn't stop trembling. He had only one claim left, but even he began to doubt its authenticity. Crackle always was an oddball dragon also before Spike came along. But Garble had no other options at this junction.

"There's still the c-claim of one of the interlopers posing as a dragon, and he is standing right there next to the runt," Garble said as he pointed at Goku. Spike stood stock still and started to sweat a little. Ember fidgets uncomfortably while the gathering of dragons looks on in silence. Moments later, they all burst out in laughter.

"Seriously? Is Crackle a pony in disguise? That's rich."

"He is an oddball but not some pony."

"Wow Garble; could you get any sadder right now."

Garble gritted his teeth at the taunting remarks. "Oh come on, think about it. You saw how Garble made his way to the island. Was he ever that coordinated? Or how about when he knocked me out with one punch? Can Crackle, the most soft-headed dragon of the dragon lands, really do all that?" Garble finished his rant as he tried to regain his breath. Everyone was silent while staring at Garble blankly as if considering his words.

Spike knew he had misdirected everyone's suspicions before Goku got exposed. "Hold on, if Crackle such a soft-head then how did he knock you out? Last time I checked nopony can do that to a dragon," Spike said and most found his reasoning sound.

"Hey, that's true."

"I'll say. Maybe Crackle got a lucky hit in. Or Garble's a bigger wimp than we thought."

Garble was beside himself. He was quickly losing his supporters left and right. The sound of someone clearing their throat causes him to turn back around. There, Ember floated mere inches above him. Garble went pale at the sight of her, and a nagging sense of doom was flowing into him. "If you're quite done making an embarrassment of yourself; I believe it's I ended your shenanigans. Henceforth, I herby your clause to be folly and sentence you to--"

"WAIT!!!" A new voice yelled, stopping Ember as she was about to deal out her punishment.

Everyone turned their heads to see a turquoise dragonfly down to the gathering. However, his flight pattern was sloppy and erratic which caused him to impact against the ground and draw up a dust cloud. Once the smoke cleared, everyone got a good look at the newcomer. His eyes were unfocused and started in random directions. The armor he wore, if it could be called a shield, was rusted over and poorly secured against his body. It consisted of a chest plate, grieves, and leg plates; all of which sported heavy scratches and dents.

"Hey, isn't that-- Crackle?" A random dragon asked.

"Duh! I'm here for the Gauntlet, haha." Crackle dumbly said as everyone stares at him wide-eyed.

"Oh no!" Ember said dreadfully.

"Oh, drake!" Spike said with much concern.

"Huh, I wonder why he's so late?" Goku asks, oblivious to the imminent danger.

Suddenly, all of Garble's earlier bravado came back in full force. The modern appearance of the real Crackle was all the proof he needed to endorse his claims; one of them at least. "Ha, do you all see now!? If there weren't any interlopers here then why do we have two Crackles here?" He said as the dragons all eyed the two Crackles. Many seemed shocked by this latest development, none more so than Torch.

"Uuh hey, why am I standing over there when I'm right here?" The real Crackle pondered.

Torch narrows his eyes on the two as he thought of a course of action. "You two, stand before me now!" he orders. The real Crackle immediately stumbles his way toward Torch while Goku causally follows. They stood Torch as he bares his hard judgemental glare upon them. The authentic Crackle was silently quivering under pressure whereas Goku remains perfectly calm. Torch notices this, and he began to wonder. 'The one on the left had the natural reaction one would expect facing down a dragon of my stature. But the one on the right-- He appears to have no fear of me. He either has the great courage of a true dragon or he is something else entirely.' he thought. An idea pops into Torch's head; one that can definitively prove who the impostor is. Torch inhales sharply and blows out a burst of flames at the two.

"YIKES!!!" Goku yelled as he sidesteps the surprise attack while the flames engulf Crackle. Unfortunately, as Goku dodges the attack, his costume tail trailed behind and caught fire. Torch ceases his attack and studies the scene before carefully. Crackle was covered head to toe in black soot, and his poorly maintain armor crumbled away. He cough's up to a plume of smoke and collapses to the ground. He was scared and confused but otherwise excellent. Goku, however, was now desperately trying to put out the flame in the tail of his costume by blowing on it. Although, he manages to succeed. The fire burnt the costume's tail to a crisp and part of the tip crumbled away into ashes. Goku turned his attention back on Torch.

"Hey!! What was that all about!?" Goku said, unaware of the immense trouble looming over him. Spike was sweating profusely, and his eyes darted side to side, looking for a way out.

"So it would seem that your claim is the truth, little dragon. That one is a fake as dragons are impervious to fire." Torch said in a low dangerous tone.

Garble chuckles briefly at this. "Of course my claim is right."

"There's no more sense in hiding now. Take off the ridiculous outfit and show us what you are. Or shall I burn the rest of til nothing remains but your charred corpse?" Torch threatens. Goku blinis a few times before removing his disguise.

"Aw, that's better. It was getting hot in this thing." Goku said as he tosses his suit to the side. His entire form was now visible for all eyes to see. The dragons studied him curiously, taking in his bizarre features. Torch and Ember do the same. The closest thing they could compare him to was that of a minotaur.

Back at Twilight's and Rarity's hiding spot, the two girls become increasingly frantic as the scene before them unfolded. "Oh no! The former Dragon Lord just burned off Goku's tail, and now he's exposed." Twilight said with worry in her voice.

"What do we do darling? Surely they will need us," Rarity said.

"There isn't much we can do at this point. The dragons haven't tried looking for us yet, so they still don't know we are here." Twilight summarized.

"But Goku and Spike are now at those brute's mercy. Is there nothing we can do to help?" Rarity asks.

"I know this looks disastrous, but Goku held his own against Princess Luna so he should be fine if it comes to a fight..... I hope." Twilight said in reassurance, more for herself than her friend.

Whatever curiosity Torch held for Goku quickly died out once he remembered the serious crimes he had committed. "You have a lot of nerve posing as a dragon and disgracing our traditions with your presence. Explain yourself now. Were you conspiring to steal the bloodstone scepter?"

Goku made a thoughtful expression before answering. "Nope. I just came here to help my friend answer that summons you sent out."

"He's lying! We all saw him come in with the runt and fly over to Firecano Island. If he was just here for the summons, then he should have left already." Garble argues and the rest of the dragons' murmurs in agreement.

"He speaks the truth, creature. I--"


"Eh, what?" Torch asks.

"My name is Goku. It's nice to meet you Torch." Goku chirped.

Many of the dragons were taken aback by Goku's carefree attitude. "Are you some fool? If I wanted to know your name, then I would say-- SPEAK YOUR NAME!!!" Torch bellows, but to his surprise, Goku hadn't flinched. "Do you not comprehend the seriousness of your crimes?"

"Well I wasn't going to steal your scepter thing, and I thought it was pretty fun to compete," Goku replies, however, Torch's patience had run out.

"FUN?!! YOU BELIEVE TRAMPLING ON OUR CUSTOMS WAS FUN!? I HAVE HEARD ENOUGH!!!" Torch roars, causing everyone to wince. "Since you have come here uninvited and participated in an event strictly for dragons. It falls upon me to deal out a punishment most suitable for your transgressions," he said, but Ember rose to protest.

"Wait for a second, father! I am the acting Dragon Lord. I should handle the punishment." Ember said. At least with her, the worst that would happen with Goku was banishment from the Dragon Lands.

"Nay, daughter. This transgression happened under my term as Dragon Lord so I must address the situation. Otherwise, I risk looking weak and weakness is something I will not tolerate." Torch said sternly, leaving no room for arguments. "Now I am still curious how a non-dragon made his way through the Gauntlet of fire completely unscathed. So you shall be pitted against the biggest strongest dragon in a duel to decide your fate. Should you prevail, you will be set free. However, should you lose, you and the dragon that brought you here shall die!!" he said darkly. Spike promptly fainted while Garble rubs his hands together in anticipation.

"Ok sounds great but who will I be fighting?" Goku asks, much to the surprised glances of all the dragons. To them, Goku had just agreed to a death match with zero hesitation.

Torch shook off his stupor and smiled down at Goku. "Me!" he said as the other dragons' cheers. Ember pales at this and Spike recovers enough to hear what was meant only to faint again.

"Seriously!? This fight will be amazing! I'm so excited." Goku beams which causes Torch to become more perplexed.

"Hmm, I admire your bravery in the face of certain doom. We shall reconvene at the battle platform near Firecano islands in one hour. And just so you don't get any notions of escaping-- Ember! Place the binding spell on the little dragon," Torch commands. Ember lets a sigh as she floated down to Spike.

"...Sorry..." Ember whispers to Spike. She takes the bloodstone scepter and lightly bops it against his head. The same glow that summoned the dragons briefly reappears before fading out.

"That spell my daughter place on you will inflict large amounts of pain on you should the creature attempt to take you out of the Dragon Lands." Torch informs as Spike went crestfallen. All the dragons then proceed to head to the battle platform to claim a good position for the duel. They left behind Spike, Ember, Goku, and Garble to talk amongst themselves.

"Haha, I'd say it was nice knowing you and your 'friend' here, but it wasn't-- I hate you, in case that was clear," Garble said as he flew off to the battle platform. Once he left, Twilight and Rarity teleported next to them.

"Oooh, I was so worried about you two. Surrounded by all those ruffians, urgh; at least they're all gone now." Rarity said with relief as she cradles Spike in her arms.

"Come to think of it. Where did the dragons all go? From what we could tell from our position, Dragon Lord Torch didn't seem to please that you there Goku. So why did he and the dragons let you go?" Twilight inquires.

"Haha well..you see, Torch didn't exactly let us go." Goku chuckles sheepishly. Twilight and Rarity looked confused until Ember spoke up.

"Goku must fight against my father in a duel to decide his fate. If he loses then both he and Spike will be sentenced to death." Ember ruefully said as she looks away. The two mares gasp as Rarity grips Spike harder.

"We need to leave now!" Twilight said as she charged her horn, but Ember raises a hand to stop her.

"That will accomplish nothing. Father had placed a binding spell on Spike to prevent them from fleeing." Ember informs.

"But you're the ruler now! Can't you say no!?" Twilight asserted.

"This happened under Torch's rule as Dragon Lord, so I have little say," Ember said reluctantly. Everyone went downcast as they felt hopelessly trapped.

"Why are you guys getting so bummed out? All I have to do is win the duel, and we can go. Seems pretty simple if you ask me." Goku said nonchalantly.

Everyone stares at Goku as if he grew a second head. "How can you possibly win against the biggest dragon here? There's no way." Spike exclaims, but Goku merely shakes his head.

"I know it looks bad but trust me I know I can win," Goku said confidently.

"For your sake, I sincerely hope you can," Ember said. "You two remain hidden on the battle platform. We need to go now."

[Later at the Battle Platform]

Loud cheering erupted all around as the many dragons took their places in the spectators' seats carved out of the bedrock. Standing on the edge of a large arena surrounded by a pool of lava where the two combatants, Former Dragon Lord Torch and Son Goku. Ember stood at the center of the field and addressed the audience.

"Greetings fellow dragons. We are gathered here today for the duel between my father, the former Dragon Lord, Torch." She announced and gestured to Torch. The audience cheers immediately intensify while Torch puffs out his muscular chest. "And his opponent, the strange hairless ape, Goku," she said, but instead of cheers, Goku received various boos and hisses from the dragons.

"Sheesh, tough crowd," Goku comments.

"The rules are as such: whichever combatant is incapacitated first or falls into the lava viva ring out will be declared the loser. Combatants! Are you ready?" Ember asked. Torch let out a powerful warcry to signify his readiness.

Goku took his martial art stance that seems to bring confusion to everyone watching. "Ready," he said. Ember nods and flies to her seat where Garble and Spike sat, She stood up with her hand raised high, preparing to start the match.

"BEGIN!!!" Ember shouted. Torch slowly began to make his advance toward Goku.

"I hope you had time to say your goodbyes to your monkey friend down there," Garble taunts.

"Goku's a lot stronger than he looks, Garble. After all, he beat you easily." Spike shot back as the two eyed each other.

"Hmph. It's just too bad your pony friends ran off. I would've love to see them get fried as well." Garble said as he chuckles. Spike ignores him and glances up at Twilight and Rarity who were hiding in a cloud. Twilight thought it was the best way to stay out of sight while staying close. She used her cloud walker spell on Rarity to keep her from falling.

Back at the arena, Torch stops a few feet short of Goku and straightens his posture. He rose to his full height, hoping to intimidate Goku with his massive size. But to Goku's credit, he remains as calm as ever. He was no stranger to fighting foes much more abundant than himself and Torch was barely half the size of a great ape. Torch grew slightly irritated that his tactic failed miserably. Dragonlord Torch decided that he was going to use a more direct approach. He raised his right claw to his left cheek and brought it down in a swiping motion toward Goku. A massive gust of wind followed his strike, forcing the dragons behind Goku to brace themselves, drawing a large dust cloud. Torch smirks at his apparent victory. He waited for the dust to clear out; expecting to see Goku's form sprawl on the ground or blown away completely. When the dust cleared, and Goku was gone, Torch closes his eyes and beams in triumph. And the audience goes wild for their former ruler.

The spectators see Goku was nowhere to be found and began cheering. Garble busts out laughing at the results. "Wow. I blinked, and it was over. So much for the ape." he taunts as he continues laughing. Ember scoffs at the maroon dragon's ego before turning a severe expression to Spike. She had hoped to alleviate his pain with her condolences as well as a promise of swift punishment for Garble. However, to Embers' surprise, Spike did not wear a mournful expression at the loss of his friend. Instead, he was staring intently at the arena.

"It will take more than that to beat Goku," Spike mutters loud enough for Ember to hear. She pondered about what he meant by that and followed his line of sight. Her eyes widened as she saw Goku behind her father safe and unharmed. The other spectators notice Goku as well and abruptly stops their applause. Torch opens his eyes to see what the problem was. He looks around to find the shocked expression of the audience until a familiar voice calls out to him.

"That was pretty good, but your aim could use some work," Goku yells out. Torch instantly snaps his head to find the source of the voice. He found Goku behind him unscathed and smiling at his shocked expression.

"Hmm. You are quite fast, but then again that is to be expected for something as small as you." Torch said.

"Yeah and to be honest, someone like you could be much faster. It might also help if you didn't telegraph your moves to your opponent." Goku advises while Torch quirks a brow at his statement.

"Oh, and you could do better?" Torch asks incredulously.

"Yeah! You should do it like this!" Goku tightens his clenched fist and thrusts it forward at high speeds. The resulting shockwave catches Torch off guard and tags him in the face. He recoils from the blow and takes a step back. Torch recovers quickly and stares at Goku blankly. He had no idea what he just did.

"W-what was that?" Torch asks, wanting some answers but Goku didn't reply. Torch became angry and slammed his left claw down on Goku's position. This time he moved much faster and left little time for Goku to react. Torch smiles for a moment and lifts his claw. Only to be surprised when Goku wasn't stuck against his hand or embedded into the ground. The next thing Torch knew was another shockwave striking his left side only much stronger than the first time. He recoils again and shakes off the cobwebs. Torch turns his angry gaze on Goku who, once again, dodges his attack and responds in kind.

Ember observes as her powerful father had already been hit twice by a creature slightly taller than her. A part of her was inwardly cheering for Goku to win and prove to her father that size does not matter while the other part of her was curious as to how Goku was doing this.
"Spike, what's going on? What sort of magic is your friend using?" she asks him.

"I can't tell you much about it, but I do know that it's not magic he's using. It's something he calls Ki." Spike tells her.

"Ki? What is--"

"Raaargh!! Hold still!" Torch's yell cuts Ember off as she turns back to see her father chasing down Goku. Torch pushes him further and further to the opposite side of the arena, hoping to either crush Goku under his claws or knock him into the lava pool.

Up above the battle, Twilight and Rarity watch with increasing trepidation as Goku narrowly evades Torch's huge strides. They wince at every step from the massive dragon gets closer to hitting its target. "Twilight darling, I don't believe I can stand this for any longer."

"I feel the same way Rarity, but we have to have faith in Goku. He's Spike's only chance now. He should be fine as long as he uses his superior speed and wears him down." Twilight said, trying hide best to hide her rising panic.

Goku finds himself close to the edge of the arena as he dodges another stomp attempt by Torch. "Uh oh, something tells me that's one ring out I don't want to happen," he said as he peeks over his shoulder and stares at the bubbling pit of molten rock. Goku turns back in time to see Torch torque his body around for a tail swipe. Goku jumps into the air and avoid the attack and proceeds to run along Torch's back. He spots his target, the end of his head, and leaps to avoid Torch trying to swat him away. Goku gets closer and raises his left fist in preparation to strike. He added enough power to knock him into the lava pool hopefully. "Yaaah- D'oh - Aah!!!." Goku punch connected but did not affect the thick scales acting as armor. His hand was red and slightly damaged from the collision. As Goku tries to fan the pain away, Torch took this distraction to thrust his back upwards. This move launched Goku in the air and allowed Torch to follow up by using his massive wings to score against Goku and blast him into the arena floor.

The crowd cheers at the successful hit while Goku's friends wince at the impact. "(Smug laughter) You fool! Did you believe your tiny attack to work against me? You're nothing more than a bug that needed to get squashed." Torch mocks as he finds Goku in a small crater. They excepted him to be knocked out, but Goku sits up and clutches head in pain.

"Ow, it's like getting hit by a bus," Goku said to gritted teeth. He looked up to see Torch bring down his claw again. But Goku quickly pulls out his power pole and plants it firmly on the ground. "POWER POLE EXTEND!!" he called out as Torch's claw slams into him. Everyone was sure Torch won that time, but his claw was suddenly blasted back a red staff shot out. Goku kept the power pole extended and whipped it around to collide with the right side of Torch face while he was still recovering. Unfortunately, just as his fist, the strike did little more than annoy the former Dragon Lord. Torch smirks at Goku who laughs sheepishly in response. Dragonlord Torch then flared out his left wing and gave it a hard flap. This motion creates an enormous Gail of winds that pushed Goku back.

Try as he might withstand this incredible, Goku lost his power pole as it flew out of his hands. It sailed through the air and embedded itself in the spectators stand, causing a dragon to yelp in surprise. Goku sucks his teeth in at the loss of his weapon and charges straight at Torch. Torch response by throwing his fist right into Goku's path. But Goku leaps up and runs along Torch's arm right up to his head. Goku takes his right hand and charges up his ki. He leaps and thrust his hand forward, blasting Torch at point blank range. Everyone was stunned to see this as a residual smoke cloud covers Torch's face while Goku lands in front of him.

"W-what the drake?!" Garble exclaimed.

"Whoa, that ape used magic!"

"But how?"

"Is Torch ok?"

Murmurs of shock and concern echo in the battle platform as everyone stares Torch's still body. "Did-did that do it?" Ember asked as a slither of worry went out to her father, not that she'd show it since she knows her father would disapprove. Her fears turned out to be misplaced as the smoke clears to reveal the angry face of Torch baring down on Goku. Goku looks back in shock. He expected to cause a lot more damage than a smoldering scorch spot in Torch's face, but this is his first time battling a dragon. And he was getting a crash course on how durable dragons are. Goku snaps out of his stupor once he sees Torch going for another swiping attack with his left claw. Goku jumps high into the air to evade only for Torch's right claw to place Goku in his grip.

"You put up a decent fight for such a bug size creature and your magic is unlike any I have encountered. However, I have you in my grasp, and if you do not wish to suffer a slow death, then I suggest you give up." Torch said as he tightens his grip to empathize his point. Goku grunted in discomfort as he began to feel the crushing pressure on his body. Despite his predicament, Goku showed no signs of defeat.

"Hate to break it to you, but I've been in this situation before. Twice in fact; and I should tell you that giving up is something I'll never do." Goku said as he relaxes his body to try and worm his arms free. Torch begins laughing at Goku's words and his futile efforts to escape.

"Is that right? You truly are an interesting one. How exactly do you plan to escape?" Torch taunted, unwittingly loosening his grip enough for Goku to slip his right arm free. Goku then reaches for his other tool; the Banshou fan. Dragonlord Torch was too busy laughing to notice, and Goku took the opening. He brought his fan back and fanned it once. Nothing could prepare anyone for what happened next. Torch, the biggest, most resilient dragon in Equestria, was toppled over by a hairless ape with a glorified fan. The arena became dead silent. Goku used this opportunity to slip free of Torch's grasp and gain some distance. Goku got 20 feet away, turns around to Torch's fallen form, and retakes his stance. Torch slowly got back up, looking more perplexed than ever at what just happened.

"No way! The ape knocked down Torch!!"

"How did he do it?"

"I think it was that magic fan."

Like the whisper of confusion died down, and murmurs of admiration and respect took their place. "Look at that Twilight. Our brave knight Goku is winning over this hostile crowd. Isn't that delightful." Rarity said with glee and renewed hope. However, she became confused when Twilight didn't respond. "Twilight?" she looks over to her friend to find that she had several notepads in her magical hold while she was taking notes with the current one in her hands.

"As the subject, Goku stated before our departure for the Dragon Lands; the item known as the Banshou fan is indeed capable of releasing powerful winds at the first swing. This observation leads me to believe that the second and third swings will also respond to the way Goku described. I was initially skeptical about the practical applications of the Banshou fan for battle purposes. But our subject Goku is performing admirably so far and is proving to be quite resourceful." Twilight finished her analysis and teleported her notepad. She was about to bring a new one when she felt a glare coming from her friend. Twilight turns her head and comes face to face with the most stoic deadpan expression Rarity could muster. Twilight chuckles sheepishly and teleports her notepads and quills away. Rarity smiles at this, and they both continue watching the duel.

Dragonlord Torch was not happy at all with the course the duel was taking. Neither was he pleased that Goku was beginning to sway the crowd over to him. Torch prided himself on many things, and his combat prowess was among the highest. He was known for settling fights quickly against the strongest drakes of his time. Here he is now fighting a being barely the length of his pinkie claw, and he has yet to defeat it. This afront was an insult to his very honor.

"I see you haven't hit a shortage in surprises. But can your flimsy fan quell my flames?!!" Torch stated as blow out a massive fireball at Goku. Goku immediately readies the Banshou fan as the ball of flames drew closer. With a mighty swing of the fan, Goku manages to alter the trajectory of the attack. Thus, causing it to veer off course and leave the battle platform. It wound up colliding into the ocean where it began to sink harmlessly into the depths. All that remained from the fire was a continuous pillar of steam that slowly dissipated. Soon enough, the spectators started to applaud for Goku openly. Dragonlord Torch had finally decided that enough was enough.

"Grrr, petulant fool!! I will tolerate your insolence no more." Torch stood up on his hind legs, double his already impressive size, and raised both of claws. He clenched them as tightly as he could and slammed down against the surface. Everyone watched on with bated breath as a fissure appeared and snaked its way across the platform. The arena became divided into two halves and, unfortunately for Goku, his half began to quake. Spider web like cracks was forming all around Goku as he fought to maintain a foothold. To Goku's horror, the area started to crumble into the lava pool. Torch smiled to himself as Goku fell with the rumble. This time, victory was assured.

Or so everyone thought. As Goku was falling; he focused his energy and summoned his aura. He leaped from platform to platform before ascending high into the air until he was eye level to a very dumbstruck former Dragon Lord. Goku let out a breath of relief before speaking. "Whew, that was a close one. So you're finally getting serious huh? Guess I have no choice but to do the same." Goku said as he closed his eyes and began to channel his Ki. 'I honestly never thought I would be pushed this hard during this planet. But I can't afford to lose here with my friends lives on the line. Not to mention that none of my normal attacks have worked against this guy. Haha, I wonder if Celestia will put up a bigger fight.' Goku smirked at that possibilities much to the bewilderment of everyone else.

"How are you flying without any wings? What do you mean your 'going to do the same'? And WHY ARE YOU SMILING?!!!" Torch ranted out as his rage boils over.

"Ha, you'll see," Goku said ominously. Soon the air around him started to pick up.

"I don't believe this!" Ember said as her eyes glued onto Goku. "What type of power is this?" she asked to no one in particular. She turns to Spike looking for answers, but he merely looks back and shrugs.

"Sorry Ember but your gonna have to ask Goku that," Spike said.

"If he lives long enough to tell her. Ah hahaha--" Garble was cut off as Ember clamps his mouth shut with her claw. She brought him to her glowing crimson eyes and growled softly as a clear warning to remain silent. Garble whimpers and nods meekly in understanding.

"Ooh, did you hear that Rarity? Goku's is about to display more of his abilities for us. I can't wait. I wonder what he'll do?" Twilight said, sounding ecstatic.

"Well, whatever he's about to do; I pray to Celestia that it will be enough to win." Rarity said.

Goku began charging his Ki as a red outline appeared over his white aura. The air around the arena was thick with so much energy that it became hard to breath. The winds shifted and blew violently in all directions. The ground underneath everyone's feet began to shake as if a sudden earthquake hit. All eyes fell on Goku who seemed to be the cause of these phenomenons.

"HAAAAAH!!!" Goku roar out. He continued to power up until he abruptly drops his aura and stops screaming. Everyone was surprised by this. Goku looks directly into Torch's eyes which in turn narrows his own. Goku shoots Torch a toothy grin before uttering a phrase that none will forget for all time. "......KAIO-KEN!!!!......" Instantaneously, A blazing red aura that shocks everyone present appears around Goku's body.

"W-what is this?" Torch stutters out.

"This form is known as the Kaio-ken technique. I learned it while studying under King Kai. It's a move that doubles a persons strength, speed, and other fighting abilities. It is my trump card." Goku said confidently.

For the first time since the battle started, Torch began to sweat. "It makes no difference to me how much your power increases. Your puny attacks will never be able to harm me."

Goku says nothing as he adopts his serious expression. "HERE I GO!!!" Goku charges forward at blinding speeds and slams his fist right into Torch's cheekbone. The force of blow not only knocks Torch's head back but cause him to skip a few feet along the surface. When Torch finally slows to a halt. He immediately realizes the pain in his cheekbone and the slight dizziness swirling in his head. It has been quite some time since Torch felt a strike like that. The massive dragon now looks at Goku with full eye expression as he hovers over him and takes his battle stance. "So do you still think I can't harm you?" Goku said stoically.

Torch studies Goku carefully now. He wasn't bluffing about his power increase. "Interesting. It would there appear that there is more to you than I first thought. Perhaps I can enjoy this battle now."

Goku burst towards Torch again, looking to land another strike. But Torch throws his right claw out to swat him out of the sky. However, just as Torch was about to connect, Goku shifted out of the way and remained on course. He landed a swift kick right under Torch's jaw. He staggers for a moment but recovers and tries to attack again. Goku uses his newfound speed to evade Torch and counter-attack easily. Soon enough, the audience bore witness to what looks like their former Dragon Lord trying to smash a bright red mosquito. Where Torch would swing left, Goku would evade and strike from the right. Where Torch would try an overhead blow, Goku would dodge and attack his midsection. Dragonlord Torch had to admit that Goku was far more formidable than he could have imagined. But he still had some tricks of his own.

"Bothersome little pest. Let's see you counter this..." Torch ceases his attacks and tenses his muscle. The scales on his body flexes before locking up. Goku goes for another strike to Torch's face but right when his punch connects, Goku notices a change. The impact, although powerful, was ineffective once again.

"What?!" Goku said as pull back. He flew around before Torch could grab and landed a roundhouse kick to Torch's tremble. Again, Torch appears unfazed. However, Goku was able to gain some insight into what was happening. "Amazing. Dragons can harden their scales to improve their defense. Can all dragons do this or-- Oaf!!" Torch headbutts Goku towards the ground, cutting him off. Goku recovers while skidding a few feet. He looks up just in time to see Torch colossal fist baring down. "Alright! It looks I'll have to try harder!!!" Goku calls out, and his aura intensifies. Goku decided to test his might against Torch's and cock back his right arm. The two fists collide, and a massive shockwave rings out. The surface is torn asunder while everyone braces themselves as best they could. Goku and Torch stand at the epicenter of the destruction, trying to overpower one another. Goku grunts as he manages to deflect Torch's fist back. Dragonlord Torch is left defenseless as Goku charges forward and shoulder tackle's Torch right in the stomach.

The force of the blow causes Torch's pupils to fade out and gasp for breath while he's pushed back to the opposite end of the arena. Torch falls forward while clutching his stomach. He looks back at Goku with one-eyed closed and his face in a pained expression. "I-Impossible?!!! His strength increased again?!?!"

"Yeah, you're doing it! Get him Goku!!" Spike cheers as he jumps up and down. The rest of the crowd began cheering again. This time, however, their applause was for both Torch and Goku.

"Come on Lord Torch get up!"

"That Goku creature is crazy strong!"

"Show that thing the might of the dragons!!"

As the cheering grew louder, Goku helps but chuckle. Dragonlord Torch was confused by this and asked him a question. "What is so funny now?"

"Nothing. Just drinking this all in. But even you have to admit that this match is pretty exciting." Goku replies with a cheerful grin. But his feature change to one of confidence and determination. "But it looks it's time to finish this-- YAAAAH!!!" Goku flares his aura again as he widens his legs and thrust out his arms.

Torch remains stoic, but inwardly he was smiling. He loved the feeling of fighting a strong opponent just as he did in his youth. Through the feelings of nostalgia, he looks over to his daughter who is staring intently at him. Torch realize she wants to cheer him on or voice her concerns. But she is dutifully following his example and acting as a faithful ruler by remain impartial.

He knew right then and there that she would make a better Dragon Lord then he could ever hope to be. Return his attention to the battle. The former dragonlord knew that the creature known as Goku was preparing his final attack. So he would respond in kind. Torch planted his claws and feet and drew in as much air as possible into his mouth. He could feel the flames building inside as he slowly raises his head.

"This is it Rarity. I think the duels about to reach its end." Twilight said as she kept her eyes on Goku.

"Yes darling but what is Goku doing?" Rarity asks as she watched as both of his arms each form a semi-circle before he cupped his palms. He then brought them to his left side and squatted his legs a bit before she heard him recite something.

"KAAAA...!" Goku said as his muscles tensed.

"MEEEE...!" he continued while the space between his hands started to distort.

"HAAAAA...!" small blue particles gathered inside the space and formed a blue orb.

"MEEEEEEE...!" the blue orb grew more significant as the bright light it admitted tinted Goku's surrounding area. The same could be said for the inside of Torch's mouth as it took on a red tint.

"......" There was a brief pause in the battle as both combatants eyed each other one last time. Everyone held their breath and leaned in closer in anticipation for what's to come next.

"HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" Goku roars out and thrust his arms forward. The blue orb of energy blast out and takes the form of a brilliant beam. At the same time, Torch flung his head down and fired a red beam of flame. The two attacks collide with each other. The largest shockwave yet erupts through the area; blowing apart the ground and weakening the structure of the area. Most of the audience had enough sense to evacuate. Ember grabs Spike and moves out of harm's way. Garble wasn't so lucky and got blasted to the upper stands. Twilight places a shield spell around the cloud and Rarity bolsters it with her magic. They struggle to remain still as the force of the two attacks constantly pushes against them.

Torch and Goku were locked in a power struggle of epic proportions. The giant dragon leans further in and adds more power to his attack. Despite giving everything he could, he barely gained an inch at a push back Goku's attack whereas Goku himself concentrated on his Kamehameha wave and kept the output even with Torches. They strained against one another for a few moments longer. While Goku says that Torch was durable, he was no Vegeta. Slowly but surely, Goku was gaining the upper hand.

"This was a great fight Torch. But it's time to bring this battle to a close. Maybe we'll have a rematch in the future. HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" And with that Goku beam doubles in size. Torch's eyes widen in shock as the Kamehameha wave overtook his attack. The blazing blue light blinds his field of vision, and he soon felt lifted off the arena.

"Raaaaaargh!!!!!" Torch screams as the Kamehameha wave engulfs him and blast through the air. Thankfully, he didn't go far as he impacted at the base of Firecano island. There was a loud explosion, and a blue dome of Ki appeared at the edge of the horizon. Everyone shielded their eyes as the skies were tinted blue. Moments later, the light dies down, and the explosion ebbs away. Tye spectators slowly return to their seats as they watch on with disbelief. Ember floats Spike down to Goku on the area. Once he is safe, Ember took off to check on her father.

Ember made to Firecano island only to discover Torch's unconscious form sprawled out in a crater. The water seemed to flow away from the massive hole as she got closer. Ember landed on his belly to check his vitals. She was relieved to discover that Torch was still breathing. She took off again to return to the battle platform and relay the news.

"Goku, you did it. You won! I can't believe it." Spike praises for his friend accomplishment. "What happened back there though? You were literally on fire! And what about that huge beam you fired?"

Goku chuckles at Spikes antics as he continues to bombard him with praise and questions. "What you saw was the Kaio-Ken and Kamehameha in action. Pretty cool, huh?" Right as Spike was about to continue, Ember returns. Everyone immediately gave her their undivided attention. She walked and stood by Goku.

"Everyone, the duel is over. Former Dragon Lord Torch is currently disabled." Ember said. There was a resounding number of gasps through the arena. Ember took Goku hand and raised high. "The winner is Goku. Congratulations!" she informs as the spectators are left speechless. The platform was so quiet that they were able to hear a groaning coming from the upper stands. Garble emerges from the rubble dazed and confused.

"Uurgh, what happened?" Garble asks but would soon come to regret the answer.

"Goku defeated my father, thus, defeating your shenanigans clause." A familiar voice told as chills ran down his spines. Garble turned around to meet with the glare of the new Dragon Lord. "Too bad you missed the ending. Not that it would've mattered since you're going to be very busy fulfilling your punishment." Garble could only tremble and sallow the lump in his throat.

[The next day.]

The dragons were all gathered again and stood around the now recovered Torch and the new Dragon Lord Ember. Spike and Goku stood in front of the two and patiently wait for them to begin. "I must say that I haven't had a battle like that in eons. Hard to believe a runt like you holds such power. But perhaps it is time to change that old mindset and embrace a new age."

"Hahaha, thanks Torch. I had fun too." Goku replies.

"You certainly are an interesting one Goku." Ember chimed in. "You have won the duel and the freedom of both you and Spike. Feel free to visit the Dragon Lands whenever you can." Goku and Spike were about to take their leave when Garble flew up hugs Torch on his nose.

"What is the meaning of this?" Torch asks angrily.

"I can't tell you," Garble said as he whimpers at the humiliation.

Goku and Spike rejoin with Twilight and Rarity on the outskirts of the Dragon Lands as they journey home. "A truly outstanding performance Sir Goku. One worthy of a knight." Rarity praised.

"Yeah, it was some battle," Goku said.

"I'm just glad we made it out ok, and we have a new friend as the Dragon Lord," Spike said.

"And said friend has agreed to be my pen pal to share dragon culture with us. This day is the beginning to brand new relations for ponies and dragons. I can't wait to get back and write the first letter." Twilight said with glee. "Plus, I also have to update the new information on Ki. Goku, you and I are going have a great time doing field research."

Goku was about to respond when he notices the sad state of Spike. He places a had on his shoulder, and they both hang back while Rarity talks with Twilight about her new camouflage clothing line. "Hey Spike, what's up? Why are you looking down?" He asks as Spike lets out a sigh.

"Oh, it's nothing except for the fact that I was once again useless," Spike said ruefully.

"What do you mean?" Goku inquires.

"At the island, Garble beats the pants off me, and you had to save us. You were able to fight against Lord Torch while I sat on the sidelines. It's like no matter what, I will never be strong enough to fight my own battles or protect my friends." Spike said sadly as tears formed in his eyes.

"Then how about I help you stronger," Goku said, and Spike stares at him in shock.

"R-really? But aren't you already training Scootaloo? Won't I get in the way?" Spike asks as Goku shook his head.

"Not at all. Scootaloo is still on the basic stage of her training so you can join right in." Goku chirped.

Spike couldn't contain his joy and places Goku in a bear hug. "Thank you so much. I won't let down. I'll be your number faithful student."

"I think Scootaloo will have something to say about that," Goku said as they both shared a laugh and caught up to Twilight and Rarity.

Author's Note:

Done. There will be one more chapter before the timeskip.

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