• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 1,529 Views, 18 Comments

Strong Armed into Admitting Affection - Zaki

Sunset likes Twilight. she's not sure which one. Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rainbow Dash try to make her admit her feelings for one of them,

  • ...

Confession to Conflict

Sunset tapped her boot impatiently against the pavement, her eyes narrowed behind her helmet’s visor as she glared at the red light that had was stubbornly refusing to yield to her gaze. Perhaps if she willed just a bit harder, it would ignite in a blaze of sparks and hissing circuitry. It was such a pain dealing with an inefficient traffic system but it was the price to pay for the freedom of having wheels. Her gloved fingers tightened on the handles of her bike as time continued to crawl forward, the other drivers around her displaying the same impatience.

The moment the red light turned to green, Sunset had hit the throttle and taken off to where she was meeting Twilight. It had been a trying week with the aftermath of the Friendship Games and dealing with zealous hounding of Rainbow Dash trying to figure out who she liked. Still, the events leading up to this meeting had been at least exciting in a way that didn’t endanger the safety of the world. She was grateful for the mundane for once, glad she didn’t have to throw herself in harm’s way for reality once more.

Pulling up to the sidewalk outside of the cafe, Sunset killed the engine, put down the kickstand, and leaned back on her bike, tugging off her helmet and setting it across the handlebars. She stretched and climbed off, stretching out with a low groan and unzipping her jacket. It had become a bit cooler in the past week, the chilling factor of the wind doubled while riding and became a necessity for her to wear gloves alongside her jacket.

Glancing at the clock outside the cafe and deciding she had a few minutes until Twilight was supposed to meet her, the former Equestrian fished into the pocket inside of her jacket and withdrew the battered pack. It was an old habit of hers, one that only was partaken when nervous or stressed; the last time she had indulged her habit had been before the Fall Formal. At the moment, there was only two left in the package and she was grateful for that.

It took but a moment before the cigarette was lit, Sunset leaning against the wall near the alley of the cafe as her nervousness began to fade. She was careful to stay a healthy distance from the door, exhaling a stream of smoke and keeping a careful eye out for her friend. While it wasn’t exactly frowned upon, only Rarity knew she smoked occasionally as the fashionista’s well trained nose could detect the faintly lingering scent despite Sunset’s best efforts.

Sinking back against the wall and closing her eyes, Sunset allowed her thoughts to wander. While Rainbow Dash’s methods left much to be desired, it had been the catalyst to this meeting and she had every intention of following through with it. If anything, she had actually helped Sunset move along with decision but the real question was how best to proceed once Twilight showed up.

The sound of approaching footsteps drew Sunset’s attention back to reality and she opened her eyes to behold her friend, Princess Twilight standing there with an exasperated expression. The lavender girl looked at the cigarette in Sunset’s fingers and back to her friend, folding her arms across her chest. Offering a sheepish smile, Sunset flicked the ash of the end and took another long pull before stubbing it out in the ashtray nearby.

“I didn’t know you smoked.” Twilight broke the silence as Sunset shoved her hands into the pockets of her jeans, propping her foot against the wall.

“Twilight, you don’t know a lot of things about me. Some time ago, you didn’t even know I existed.” Sunset replied, tilting her head to the side as her friend waved away the remnants of the smoke away from her face with a faint scowl, giving Sunset another frown.

“Well, is there anything else you want to tell me, Sunset?” Twilight asked as they began to make their way inside the cafe. Sunset chuckled at that and gave her friend a light push on the shoulder, leading the way to their table in the corner. “If we’re not careful, these secrets may end up with a regression in behaviour.”

“It’s kind of the reason I called you here today, a week earlier than our meetings.” Sunset replied, accepting the mug that was set in front of her and offering a thankful nod to the waitress. Pausing to glance out the window, her still gloved fingers tightened on the ceramic mug. Twilight didn’t notice as she was merrily mixing in cream and sugar into her coffee, the unicorn still fascinated with the differences in their worlds.

“Twilight…?” Sunset spoke up, her tone serious enough to draw Twilight’s attention up. She set her spoon aside and folded her hands on the table, straightening up and looking as regal as she could muster. “I was wondering about something… “

“What is it, Sunset?” Twilight asked patiently, watching Sunset’s hands tense briefly before she took a deep breath, her palm laying flat against the polished table. It was so rare for Twilight to see Sunset as indecisive after the battle with the Sirens; the way Sunset was acting was giving Twilight pause.

“Have you ever had feelings for somebody or somepony strong enough that the mere mention of their name brings a smile to your lips?” Sunset asked quietly, raising her gaze and setting her chin on her free hand. “When you think of them and your chest feels tight and warm yet you can’t help but miss them when they have obligations and responsibilities?”

Twilight pondered her answer seriously, frowning as she thought it over. There was Flash but he didn’t really count as she was only interested in him when she was over here, otherwise there was not a lot of thought given to him. Truthfully, there wasn’t anypony that she could think of at the moment that would evoke such feelings in her.

“Not that I can think of, no.” She replied, reaching across the table and placing her hand over Sunset’s. Feeling her friend’s hand tense up underneath her, the pony princess looked up to Sunset and offered her a smile. “I’ve only felt it a bit here and there for Flash but you know how that song and dance goes. But who are you talking about? Who could bring up these feelings for you?”

Sunset’s lips curved up in a smile and she turned her hand over to squeeze Twilight’s. The princess looked down at their interlocked fingers, skin against leather yet the warmth of the other girl’s hand surrounded hers and felt… right. There was the feeling of heat blossoming into her chest, her cheeks starting to warm up and she chuckled once before squeezing back.

“I-I… see. Well, I’ve never thought of you as that way…” Sunset felt her heart sink at that and she loosened her grip and made to slowly pull her hand free.

Her hand remained where it was. “But…”

Teal eyes met purple ones. A tentative hopeful smile. A warm and friendly one. The sensation of warm fingers squeezing against each other, bringing forth blushes and averted eyes.

“I can’t deny that I am fond of you, Sunset. And… I am willing to give-”

“Well if this isn’t precious!”

Sunset and Twilight froze, the taller girl moving to her feet at the sight of an old rival that hadn’t been seen in sometime. Adagio Dazzle stood there, looking as fierce as ever despite the lack of the crimson gem that clung to her throat. Curiously enough, her two companions were lounging in a nearby booth, looking thoroughly uninterested in Adagio and her actions.

“Adagio.” Sunset’s hands clenched, leather squeaking softly as Twilight also gained her feet, standing beside her friend. “Is there a reason for you to be here?”

“Of course. My sisters were hungry and this was the closest place for us to eat but imagine our fortune for finding the two directly responsible for our defeat. And without their companions? It seems Fate decided to smile on us once more but what do we find? These two same girls holding hands and evidently engaged in what appears to be a lunch date.”

“What we do is none of your business.” Twilight replied, taking a half step forward. Adagio turned her gaze onto the princess, her smirk widening. “And we were getting ready to leave anyway. Come on, Sunset.”

Sunset nodded, her eyes never leaving the Siren as she fished out her wallet, tossing a few bills onto the table. As Twilight made to push past Adagio, her arm was grabbed in an iron grip and Adagio pulled her close, their faces a few inches apart. Adagio’s fingers found Twilight’s chin and turned her face to the side, taking in her features.

“Why waste your time on her princess? She’s young and inexperienced. I could teach you so much about the kind of carnal delights the human body can enjoy…” Twilight’s face was growing steadily more pink and she pulled away roughly, Sunset stepping forward with a dangerous look on her face.

“Consider it, princess. The things I could teach you-”

“You’re an amatuer at best, Adagio.” Sunset had stepped forward, less than a foot away from the Siren as Twilight took another step back. Adagio matched her gaze, the two women staring into each other’s eyes with immense dislike.

“Oh? And you’re claiming to be better than I am? I’d love to see evidence of that, little filly.” Adagio purred, cocking her hips to the side and folding her arms across her chest. A faint blush had touched her cheeks at their proximity, the two other Sirens watching attentively. Twilight bit her lip and cleared her throat, drawing their attention.

“Sunset, let’s just go? Please. We can talk somewhere else.” She pleaded, not liking the way Sunset’s hands were clenched at her sides. I

“I can make you scream with one finger.” Sunset stated calmly, stepping closer to Adagio. “I bet even you couldn’t figure out that even with a thousand years of practice.”

“Prove it then, Sunset.” Adagio challenged, backing up half a step and her confident mask slipping a bit as her grin widened. “I’d love to see you even-

Sunset’s finger jabbed Adagio’s left eye. The Siren jolted backwards with a startled yelp and fell backwards onto the floor, scrambling to get back to her feet. Sonata and Aria burst out laughing, holding onto the table for support as Adagio swore violently. Sunset jumped over the prone woman and grabbed Twilight’s hand, pulling her towards the door.

“Sunset!” Twilight was torn between scolding her friend and laughing at the sight of a former all powerful Siren on the floor.

“I think we’d better leave before she can see again, Sparks.”

An hour later found them overlooking Canterlot, the two sitting on the metal railing and eating lunch. Sunset offered Twilight a fry and the princess took it with a thanks, her words muffled behind the burger she was eating. Chuckling at the state of Twilight’s face, she took a napkin and took a few moments to wipe off the remnants of the princess’ last burger.

“So what do you think, Twilight?” Sunset asked, crumbling up the empty bag and stuffing it in the compartment under her seat. Taking another bite of her burger, she looked over to Twilight who was gazing at the city and frowning slightly. “Do you want to try this at least? With me?”

“I really want to but…”

“But what?” Sunset pressed gently, her fingers interlocking with Twilight’s. “You can talk to me, you know that.”

“If we’re going to go out, you may have to… deal with some… jealous exes of mine.”

Sunset swallowed her burger and looked to the princess, her brow raising. “Deal with jealous exes? What do you mean? I wasn’t even aware you had a single ex-anything.”

“They’ll probably seek you out?” Twilight offered a nervous grin. “And there’d be only a few…”

“Define few.” Sunset replied, shoving the remaining crescent of her burger into her mouth. “I’m not above proving my feelings but-”

“Seven of them?”

“Excuse me?!”

To be continued...?

Author's Note:

I may have had the idea for tying this into another story if there's enough interest. Lets just say I had a bit of an idea based on other seven exes thing. We'll see how busy I get.

Comments or whatever. I don't particularly mind either way.

Comments ( 4 )

continue please.

What? She knew who she'd choose all along? :raritydespair:

Not that I disagree with Sunset's choice, but where's the promised indecision? I came for dramedy and farces, but got cigarettes and a crossover sequel hook.

7836621 Idea that came months after.

Ha! Yes. Sunset Pilgrim. Awesome.

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