• Published 10th Jun 2012
  • 1,606 Views, 12 Comments

What You've Got :Remastered Backstory - Broneyofnoel

Since childhood, Fluttershy's history was altered by one event, one that caused her to become killer

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A Lost Filly

A young Fluttershy is sitting alone in a large meadow, her parents are away for ten more minutes, she becomes bored, so she starts looking for something to keep her occupied. She sees a butterfly flying from flower to flower, its wings easily supporting its small frame.

She flaps her tiny wings furiously, gaining no lift, she decides just to walk over and get a closer look. She crept closer to the butterfly, and when she got close enough, it fluttered over and landed on her hoof, it surprised her, she slammed her hoof down, smashing it.

That's where it started, a butterfly.

At first, Fluttershy was sad, she had killed a defenseless creature, she loved animals, she thought all life was precious, why would anypony kill anything? She realized how much she enjoyed the rush, it was like a sugar rush multiplied by a million, like nothing she had ever experienced.

She had never felt that kind of exhilaration before, but she vowed she would feel it again, no matter what she had to do, she needed to feel that again.After a minute or two, her body finally relaxed, she walked away, and physically left the butterfly behind her, not mentally, no, she would never leave it behind mentally.

Day by day, two gruelling weeks had passed, she hadn’t killed at all, and it was starting to wear on her body, she became weaker, and she was barely able to hold herself up.
Her friend’s fifth birthday party was coming up, maybe some cake might help her out, it was a sugar rush wasn’t it? Comparable to her other form of getting a rush? After two weeks, the day was here, she could go to his party, have some cake, be happy, and make some more friends.

The second she arrived, she knew that cake couldn’t provide the energy that she needed, she had to kill something. Almost instantaneously, her parents scolded her for talking about a “High” of some sorts with her friend, apparently, he told his parents, and they had just told hers.

She would kill him, but not just yet, she would wait until nopony was around, or nopony was looking. She knew when to do it, three days from now, every filly and colt her age in the skies would be going to CloudsDale for their start at flight camp.

At the chariot stop for CloudsDale, she and her friend waited, the two of them knew the bus wouldn’t arrive for another thirty minutes or so, but they thought they could play or something. But the two of them had two different ideas of play.

After a few minutes of play, Fluttershy had him near the edge of the cloud, this was her opportunity, she pushed him with all of her strength. The colt flew off the side of the cloud, the momentum gained as he fell towards the ground, she could feel herself getting stronger by the second.

All of a sudden, a stallion flew by and caught him, the stallion was Fluttershy’s father, unlucky for her, he was already in a bad mood. He approached her, setting the colt down on the cloud. He got right up next to her, then hit her hard across the face with his hoof.

She wiped the blood from her snout, and looked back up at him, he was rising above her, blocking out the sun. She rose back up, and closed her eyes for a brief moment...

...Then opened them as she punched him on the front of his nout, causing him to stumble backwards and blood to fly from his snout as well. he recovered and punched her in the jaw, knocking her unconscious, her small body barely made a sound as it landed on the cloud.

----------------------------------------------------Seven Days Later----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fluttershy awoke, she was in a hospital bed, hooked up to machines, heart monitors, IV’s, plus more. She looked around her bed, and saw her mother sleeping in a chair beside her father. Yet her father wasn't sleeping, he was just staring at her, smiling.

A doctor called my parents out to the hallway, but only my mother left, only after she was woken. Her father stayed in the room and locked the door.

“Listen her you little Shitstain, if you step out of line one more time, I’ll boot your ass out of my house quicker than you can say ‘Oops” he snarled.

Fluttershy became angered, she nodded though, as if to gain his temporary trust, just enough time to do the deed. She looked beside her bed, and saw it...a needle. She grabbed it and jumped towards her father.

Before he could react, she stabbed him in the chest, causing blood to ripple out from the wound. She kicked him in the snout before he could scream, so all that came out was a muffled gurgle and a stream of blood coming from his broken skull.

Her mother immediately disowned her, filing the paperwork as quickly as she could and then left the room, leaving Fluttershy alone in the room.

Her case was sent to court, and in the meantime, she was sent to a Canterlot Juvenile Delinquency Clinic. She spent nine years there, each year she grew more and more angry, yet weaker and weaker, right up until that last year.

In that year, she was sent to a teenage facility next door. Almost as soon as she arrived, they loaded her up in a chariot and sent her to a courthouse. As the guards walked her to the stand, she eyed the audience, she saw her mother, her ex-friend, and many other ponies, including many ponies from the press.

“Due to insufficient evidence, the following case is dropped, Fluttershy case 1134543 First Degree Murder.” the judge boomed.

The guards looked at each other, and shrugged. The two of them escorted Fluttershy out of the courtroom. They led her to the front steps, and unhooked her cuffs.

She knew where she would go, she would kill the colt who started it all, her ex-friend, the one who was just at the trial, she would poison him, she wouldn't be caught, she would live free forever.