• Published 26th Jan 2016
  • 2,185 Views, 32 Comments

Star Trek: The Next Friendship - rainbowdarth

The Enterprise-D encounters a new planet.

  • ...

E-12 Appears

Captain’s Log. Stardate 43050.5. We are being sent to a newly formed planet, that appeared on our long range scanners within the gamma sector, to discover if it is able to support life and hopefully figure out how it was formed.

“Commander Data, how long until we are in range of this planet?” said Picard.

“Approximately twelve hours and thirty-two minutes at warp three, sir.” said Data.

“Can we pick up any life signs on the planet’s surface?” said Picard.

“I’m reading a little over 400 different life forms on the planet’s surface. All organic.” said Data.

“Commander Data, what are the chances of intelligent life?”

“There are several species that could contain a high level of intelligence but we are still too far to tell.”

“Your thoughts, Number One?” asked Picard.

“We would need to send down an away team to be certain but I believe there could be.” said Riker.

“Agreed. Ensign, plot a course for E-12 and put us in orbit around the planet. Number One, gather all senior staff in the conference hall at 0800 hours.”

“Aye sir.” said Riker.

“You have the bridge, Number One.” said Picard.

“Huah?” Celestia sat up and looked to the window.

“Sister, are you alright?” asked Luna as she opened the door.

“Yes but I do not know for how long. My magic is fading from the seal of the Equestrian cloak spell that I placed one thousand years ago.” Said Celestia as her eyes drifted downward.

“I’m afraid I do not know of this spell.”

“Using the help of Starswirl, We hid Equestria from space to prevent aliens from taking notice. We didn’t want it to happen too early. It was done shortly after you were imprisoned in the moon.”

“Would aliens actually be interested in us?” asked Luna.

“I’m afraid that they are already interested and on their way.”

“Can’t we just re-cast the spell?” asked Luna.

“It wouldn’t help. They already know we exist. It was also one of the spells that Starswirl took to his grave. It is a shame that we couldn’t pass that spell onto a new generation but we couldn’t allow anyone with evil intentions to get ahold of it.”

“What can we do, sister?”

“All we can do is wait. Worse comes to worse then I’ll have to destroy Equestria in order to protect all the little ponies.” said Celestia as she stared into her sister’s eyes.

“Isn’t that a little cruel?” asked Luna as her eyes widened.

“I like to think of it as a mercy killing. I won’t make the decision light heartedly. If it saves even one pony from slavery and agony then it will be justified. Don’t worry, after a couple thousand years, life will begin anew.” said Celestia as she place her hooves around Luna and held on tight.

Picard walked over to the replicator and said, “tea, Earl Grey, hot.”


The warmth caressed his hands like a mother holding her child in a loving embrace. The sweet aroma sending clarity to his mind as the room came into focus. He let out a sigh as he eased into his white chair and pulled his red commander’s shirt down. The twinkling of the stars stared back at him through the window.

Beep Beep!

“Come.” he shouted out as the door opened.

“Captain, I’m not sure any of the life forms on E-12 have obtained warp capabilities yet but we are getting some unusual sub-space distortions from the surface." said Data.

“What are you saying?” asked Picard.

“I believe that these life forms may pose a threat to the crew if angered. I suggest limited contact with them is most advisable.” said Data.

“Data, are you familiar with the prime directive?” said Picard.

“Of course, sir.” said Data.

“Well Starfleet Command has suggested against it. They believe it to be best to not passing up on this opportunity. So see if there is anyway you can scan and disrupt this distortion before we send an away team in.” said Picard.

“That would be ill advised of you, sir. We have no way of knowing if it will harm them in any way.” said Data.

“Data, I don’t want excuses. I want options.”

“Yes, sir.” said Data as he turned to leave.

The crystals of Ponyville Castle gleamed as Celestia’s sun shined through the tinted glass. Multiple designs and shapes shined throughout the castle. The sheets on a bed riffled as the baby dragon tossed and turned as he gripped his stomach.


Twilight sat up in her bed as Spike slammed opened the door. “Twilight! I received an urgent letter from Princess Celestia. She needs help.” said Spike as fear gripped his eyes causing his knees to shake.

The letter flew across the room as Spike struggled to keep up. Her eyes gluing to the parchment as she scanned over the document.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

You’ll have to excuse my informal request of you this early in the morning but it is imperative that you were reached as soon as possible. As you may or may not be aware, the cloaking spell for Equestria has vanished. I’m afraid the failure in the spell attracted the attention of some aliens. I have no idea what this means for Equestria but you must assemble the Elements of Harmony and meet me in Canterlot immediately.

The fate of Equestria may rest on your shoulders.

Sincerely, Princess Celestia.

“Spike, pack our bags. I’ll gather the rest of the Elements.” commanded Twilight.

“Ugh… Why do I always get the tough job?” said Spike.

“No time to complain, Spike. We need to hurry.” said Twilight as she unfolded her wings and flew through the door.

Twilight wings grew tired as the day went on but she couldn’t give up now. There was just too much to do and Celestia’s sun wouldn’t go any slower for her.


Twilight’s muzzle filled with screaming pain. “Ye Ow!”

Twilight opened to find the thing she hit was Derpy. “Are you okay, Derpy?”

Derpy slowly nodded her head as her eyes spun back into place.

“Hey Derpy. Could you watch over the castle while we are gone? It would be a huge help.” asked Twilight.

Derpy stood up as she saluted.

“I knew I could count on you.” said Twilight as she smiled.

Author's Note:

:pinkiecrazy: A mixture of Star Trek: The Next Generation and MLP. I don't know about you but I can't wait to find out what happens next.

Comments ( 31 )

So how long till Picard realizes that screwing with their magic would not be welcomed. Plus with Discord around I bet he will love to be screwing with all of his "friends". I will be eagerly awaiting for future chapters!

Captain’s Log. Stardate 2197.3.

...That's in the 23rd century AKA Original Series Era. Specifically between The Squire of Gothos and What Are Little Girls are Made Of?.

DITL.org and Memory Alpha have a complete list of the stardates of each episode.

Additionally, the events here are happening rather fast.

I dunno the whole "Disregard the prime directive" thing doesn't sound like something Picard would go along with, or going immediately for Away teams instead of observing the planet from a closer ranger first. There are plenty of ways to get the Enterprise Crew involved with Equestia that don't involve ignoring the prime directive or aggressive actions against the populace. Also the Federation does know about ESP and such but I don't think long ranger sensors could detect it, I think they would need to be in orbit to determine the number of sapient species and radiation magic gives off. Just feels like they have way too much info for being so far from the planet. I understand you want to get to the "meat" of the story but it feels like your rushing and ignoring important details of the of the way the Federation and the Enterprise crew do things. An anomalous planet investigation and first contact aren't things they wouldn't rush into.

6873332 :rainbowderp: My bad. I've changed it to a more proper time.

It's more likely they'd detect unusual sub-space distortions than detecting the inhabitance bending things to their will. Also, slow down... sheesh. This is a cool premise, but there's way too much clunky exposition in the first chapter. And how does Celestia know aliens are coming? Can she scan space?

“I like to think of it as a mercy killing. I won’t make the decision light heartedly. If it saves even one pony from slavery and agony then it will be justified. Don’t worry, after a couple thousand years, life will begin anew.” said Celestia as she place her hooves around Luna and held on tight.

Sorry but that line by itself killed the story for me. After milenia protecting her Ponies and powering a cloaking spell to safe guard them she just up and decides to blow the planet at the first sign of trouble instead of facing it off?
Specially since in this story she HAS the power to blow up a planet? :twilightoops:

Well the reason Celestia believed that they coming towards the planet was because the dream she had of the Enterprise. She gained power in the season 4 finale where she saw Tirek going stronger.

Slowing down might very good idea from now on. :rainbowderp: I'll work on slowing down.

6874901 She was stating the worse case scenario. She would never just blow it up without trying first. :rainbowderp: She is just very unsure so she was preparing her sister for the possibility.


If it saves even one pony from slavery and agony then it will be justified.

That doesn't sound like considering the worst case scenario to me, more like downright psychosis. :applejackunsure:

6875098 I suppose that works. I'll be curious to see how you blend that element to the story. :twilightsmile:

Captain’s Log. Stardate 2370.3.

:facehoof: I can't believe I'm going to do this. Stardate's don't work the same as years (sort of). With the Enterprise-D you have a range of Stardates:
40759.5 (2363) Enterprise launched from Utopia Planitia in Mars orbit.
48650.1 (2371) Enterprise crash landed on Veridian III (thanks Deanna).

47*** dates or 2370 is during the war between the Maquis and the Cardassians. A bunch of stuff that happens during Voyager's later seasons have their origin this year. We find a ship (USS Pegasus) with an illegal Starfleet cloaking device that Riker helped test. Deanna Troi got promoted, eventually leading her to be in the big chair when the ship crashed a year later on Veridian III. Wesley leaves Starfleet Academy to join The Traveler. Ro Laren came back for that one episode.

In any case, are you sure you want to base your story in what is basically Season 7 of TNG? You know what might work for future story development? Season 3. 43*** (2366). Data creates Lal. Dr. Crusher is back. Geordi and Worf get promotions. Sarek has Bendii Syndrome. Worf gets a discommendation. Best part is you can set yourself up for the Borg encounter at Wolf-359 and next seasons Klingon Civil War.

:twilightsheepish: Had to get that out of my system. I really enjoy Star Trek/MLP crossovers and just like to make sure they have the opportunity to succeed.

We are being sent to a newly formed planet, that appeared on our long range scanners within the gamma sector, to discover if it is able to support life and hopefully figure out how it was formed.

Good reason to be there, maybe not so much for violating the Prime Directive.

“All we can do is wait. Worse comes to worse then I’ll have to destroy Equestria in order to protect all the little ponies.” said Celestia as she stared into her sister’s eyes.
“Isn’t that a little cruel?” asked Luna as her eyes widened.


“Captain, I’m not sure any of the life forms on E-12 have obtained warp capabilities yet but we are getting some unusual sub-space distortions from the surface." said Data.

That might be a good reason to go down there.

“Well Starfleet Command has suggested against it. They believe it to be best to not passing up on this opportunity. So see if there is anyway you can scan and disrupt this distortion before we send an away team in.” said Picard.

Yikes. Must be something awfully important down there that Starfleet is interested in. Probably something they haven't told Picard about.

“Data, I don’t want excuses. I want options.”

Send a shuttle? Send some probes first? Scanners work like spy satellites when you're in orbit?

I have no idea what this means for Equestria but you must assemble the Elements of Harmony and meet me in Canterlot immediately.

Who really only had that weird rainbow from the keybox power at the Season 4 ending. Said keybox turning in to a oddly-shaped tree castle. You know, the one that violates a bunch of zoning laws and had a road already leading to it. Yeah, that one. But hey, Magic of Friendship.

“Ugh… Why do I always get the tough job?” said Spike.

Because you should know by now that Rarity is going to have like 30 suitcases for a two day trip.

“I knew I could count on you.” said Twilight as she smiled.

That castle is not going to be standing at the end of this story.

I like where this is going, but this chapter feels rushed. Plus there are probably ways of going around the Prime Directive that don't involve douchy Starfleet being a douche. The way the sound effects are written out is a little off-putting, but not a deal breaker. Maybe Celestia didn't need to drop that bomb about literally dropping a bomb on Equestria. I get why she would consider that, but that was a little much for chapter 1.

I can't believe I forgot about this: Want to get your technobabble on? You really should mention the oddity that is the sun's geo-centric orbit of E-12. Which is is stark contrast to Earth's helio-centric orbit of Sol.

6875477 You bring up a lot of interesting points.

I did mess the up the stardate again. :facehoof: Although this does bring about the possibly of the Borg, which I'm highly in favor of bringing them into the conflict. So I have to agree with switching over to season 3.

There are more than a few logic errors and all parties are written ooc. It is going to be a pass on reading and a downvote I am afraid.

6875146 lol this clarifies things a wee bit more, though honestly do you think she would even want to consider this unless her visions suggested it was needed? I know it's a dramatic and sudden plot device that brings the reader in more but it just feels wrong. Perhaps VERY deep in her subconscious but unless there was valid reason to consider it, I imagine such a morbid ultimatum would not even cross her mind.

6876571 Even though you didn't enjoy it. I appreciate you stopping by and giving your thoughts on the story.

I've seen better-written fanfics, but this is promising. The only problem with It is that Starfleet would NEVER authorize breaking the Prime Directive for anything short or a major disaster. If anything, they'd just send the Enterprise to survey the planet and study its population in secrecy.

How is the next chapter progressing for you?

7408949 It's being worked on. I just have to figure out the captain's reaction. Maybe re-watch some episodes and that will help. But anyways it should be out any day now.

If it saves even one pony from slavery and agony then it will be justified.

I never imagined someone being that cowardly. Huh, it's kind of fascinating in a twisted way.

you must assemble the Elements of Harmony and meet me in Canterlot immediately.

Because those would be so effective against innocents. I get the feeling that trying to use the Elements against an innocent would result in them (the Mane Six) being smote by the Rainbow of Sparkly Doom instead. Even if you used them against a bad guy, that isn't "unnatural" or "anti-reality" or something, so they probably wouldn't work, anyway. Personally, I doubt they'd even work against Chrysalis simply because she wasn't unnatural, she was just the enemy.

That depends, since when has Equestria (founded by ponies from the north) been a planet? Did it break off, float away, and grow a new planet like some sort of cosmic starfish when I wasn't looking?

Actually, the stardates were chosen randomly in the original series (dunno about other series), so technically, it is not necessarily in the 23rd century.


Also, the stardates in TNG, DS9, and VOY are all roughly 1000=1 year.
Additionally, stardates for that era have five digits before the decimal. Encounter At Far Point took place between 42353.7 and 42372.5 while Nemesis took place on 56844.9.

And Jesus Christ is that an old comment.

7436891 Considering everything else that seems to happen there?
Wouldn't surprise me! :trollestia:

7436897 Gene Roddenberry had placed the Star Dates to make NBC broadcast each episode in the order that HE wanted. But, NBC (like the other networks) broadcasted episodes the way THEY wanted.
When some viewers complained about the star dates going back and forth, from one episode to the next, Mr. Roddenberry came up with the ingenious idea: that the star date was dependent on where the Enterprise was relative to the center of the Milky Way galaxy... smokescreen BS.

I see, thank you. I had read that Roddenberry claimed the stardates were arbitrary. Your explanation makes more sense and is likely more truthful than someone else's second-hand knowledge. I'm totally ignoring the fact that I'm also receiving second-hand knowledge from you because I like you better.

8028110 My source comes from an old paperback entitled "The Making of Star Trek" by Stephen E. Whitfield and Gene Roddenberry. It is a very good read.

Stardate 43050.5 would put it right before the start of the 3rd season of TNG.
At that time, there is NO WAY Picard would have ignored the Prime Directive, and would have been shocked at Starfleet Command even suggesting he do such a thing, and likely reported such a suggestion to the Federation President as evidence that the admiral who suggested such a thing had gone insane.

Also, there is no such place as Gamma Sector. There is the Gamma Quadrant.
Also, there is a TON of empty unexplored space in the Alpha and Beta quadrants, which is what the Enterprise-D was exploring.

7436922 Encounter at Farpoint was Stardate 41153.7

With TNG, the second number was the season number.
For DS9 and VYG, they just kept the count going. (Last season of Voyager happened it what would have been the 14th season of TNG. So, yeah, Paramount cheated and crammed 21 seasons of Star Trek into just 14 by having DS9 overlap both TNG and VYG)

That comment was 40 weeks old and I am completely aware of that fact. I was aware of it at the time too.
What you found was a 40 week old set of typos

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