• Published 20th Jan 2016
  • 304 Views, 9 Comments

A voice in the dark - EmberLight

Fyre Web, a young earth pony colt- who has lived in the everfree forest all on his own for seven years, finally gets some company in the form of a little pink pegasus filly.

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Chapter 1: Isolation

My body jerked itself awake, bringing me back from the world of nightmares. Unlike the normal world of ponies, being this deep in the everfree forest causes anypony that falls asleep to have these… Odd kinds of nightmares. Occasionally, I would be woken up by the sound of a roaring manticore, which in my case, was far better than being tormented by a nightmare. I looked down at my matted fur that was, for now, a very pale shade of grey, thanks to the nightmare.

Speaking of my fur, it changes colour depending on my emotions although my mane and tail always stay their fiery red, orange and yellow. A pale grey meant I was terrified but it was slowly returning to my normal fur colour which was a light shade of orange, not quite yellow though. It used to be annoying, but I’m not too bothered by it anymore- since there’s no-one else around to notice it.

Trying to take my mind off the dream I had last night, I walked through the everfree cave system and into a small dimly lit kitchen. I lit a flame and cooked a waffle that I had found in a small brown box in the middle of the forest which I assumed had been dropped by a mailpony, mainly because the box had writing on it saying "to pinkie pie", I took it with me, nopony would be foolish enough to come anywhere near this area of the everfree- let alone just for a waffle.

I really hoped that this pinkie pony wasn't another starving pony and this was from one of her family members or something, But if she was, then there was nothing I could do about it. Besides I don't think that anypony that was poor would be using post to get their daily meals... Though I was confused by why anypony would ever use mail to get their food.

After breakfast

"It's pretty quiet out here huh?" I asked the wind, hoping I would get a reply... I got none. The cold wind howled on, and yet, I actually thought I heard some ponies’ voices in the distance. I passed it off as nothing, after all, the past... Week? Sure. The past week hasn't exactly been normal. By that I mean, cotton candy clouds raining chocolate milk, and every time I tried drinking some water from a cup the cup disappeared leaving me with a transparent but solid cube of water. Not only that but the sun and moon acted up weirdly it was day for a few minutes then night time the next. Luckily all that had passed over the course of roughly an hour.

I was thinking about this while I was at what I liked to call, the everfrozen peak. I named it that because for some reason the ice around the edge of the small cliff hadn't melted for the twelve years I had been in the everfree forest. This was how I usually spent my days, either exploring and mapping the areas of the everfree or sitting at the few calm areas of the everfree. Some days it got boring, but today was different. I decided to make an attempt to jump over the small gap that was between the everfrozen peak and the mountain.

I took the jump and failed... Miserably. I started plummeting down, I could see the bottom of the cliff, I was going to-


I hit the floor and yelped out in pain as one of my forehooves twisted, strangely enough though none of my other limbs were even remotely hurt, although there was a small sensation of pain from the awkward landing.

I slumped against the wall of the cliff and sighed, as well as squeaking a little when my twisted hoof touched the rugged and spiky wall. I lay there, thinking about how stupid it was to try and jump across that one small gap that lead me down here, why did I even attempt to jump that?.

Before I had more time to wonder, I heard a high pitched scream and a bright flash of green lightning struck the other side of the ravine. Quickly forgetting about my stupid mistake I walked cautiously towards where the green lightning had struck, still limping from the fall, and I found a small rose pink pegasus with a beautifully styled light blue mane lying there on the ground. I walked around her carefully, wondering if this was a trick being played on me by one of the everfree’s monsters. She looked like she was hurt, and the ground around her had been burnt black. She certainly didn’t seem like an illusion, and she seemed genuinely hurt. I lifted her onto my back and limped off through the ravine, in case whatever had caused her to fall unconscious came back. I was looking for any path that I could take that would allow me and her to get up and out of this ravine without injuring ourselves in the process, then I found it I instantly recognised the area of the everfree I was in, this was at the exit of one of the southern tunnels in my cave system. I limped over to it and travelled through the tunnel making my way to my bedroom.

Through the slightly damp musty caves I limped as I passed the kitchen with pots and pans hanging from the ceiling, I passed another bedroom, but the walls had been unstable and had fallen in on itself rendering it unusable. I passed the library and thought about how it used to be filled with ponies like me, young, active and carefree. Only I wasn't like that any more, I was alone, abandoned and ever so slightly mad. I looked at the pink Pegasus’s hoof that had fallen in front of my face and pushed it back to her body, so that she didn't get cramps in her hoof if she woke up. I began to wonder what it was that had caused her to fall down here, had she also been living in the forest, had she been flying across the forest for scenery, had she wandered off without her parents?

My train of thoughts were cut off when I reached my bedroom, the only bedroom left, it had a comfy single bed a bedside table, a glow crystal, which was my equivalent to a candle, an old oak cupboard and a desk covered in drawings. I lay the pink pegasus' body down on my bed as carefully as I could, I couldn't help but notice that she had a small blue teardrop as her cutie mark. I hadn’t gotten my cutie mark yet, I wondered what it would be.

One of her wings sticking out the bed brushed against my muzzle when I was laying myself down on the floor, my fur turned a light pink, similar to hers, which was my equivalent of blushing. I lay myself down on the surprisingly comfy, although a bit cold, floor, closed my eyes and slept, with my fur staying the light pink all through the night.