• Published 23rd Jan 2016
  • 11,332 Views, 1,038 Comments

Friendship: Beyond Equestria - law abiding pony

With the sun dying, those of Equestria and beyond look to the stars for their salvation.

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26: Technical Difficulties

Barely a week after the kraken’s attack, and Praxia was just as neck deep in work as she had been an hour after the fact. The changeling was sitting on Twilight’s throne in the command center. A plate of now cold food sat on a fold out table while she intently read a collection of chat forums. She was disturbed by what she read, making her barely focus on levitating a bite of food.

“How are we going to survive another attack like that?” One asked with only a scant few trying to be the voices of reason.

Praxia added a few words to try and calm ponies down before moving on to another thread. “I’m not saying the Princess or our general are incompetent; if anything, they’re the real MVPs. What did our so-called boys in blue do? Squat, that’s what! Who’s to say when the next kraken hits? Without Commander Spike, the Princess can’t save us alone! The military’s practically useless without them!”

“That’s a bit too harsh,” Praxia muttered. While slowly chewing a bit of sandwich, she glanced out at the operation staff while making it look like she was still distracted by her display, easy feat with a touch of disguise magic. On the outside, the ten officers around her appeared slightly tense, but more or less confident in their jobs. Yet to her empathic senses, all but one of them were in various stages of smoldering anger and mild depression. The last one was barely holding her righteous hostility in check if Praxia was any judge. Feather Soft should really stay away from the forums until things cool down.

Being around this many ponies didn’t gnaw on her senses like the atmosphere inside the cafeteria earlier. The roiling negative emotions saturating the dining area felt to Praxia like having an annoying sound playing nonstop in one ear.

Praxia read several more threads since she was technically still on break, and found little positive. If anything, the general mood of the commenters threatened to envelope her in a malaise. Someday I’m going to have to find out how ponies put such emotions into text that I can sense it.

An alert went off on her personal display, drawing her attention to a request sent in by Twilight. Praxia dropped her sandwich and read the message. A slow grin threatened to break her outwardly stony mask. Oh, this is rich. I can hear the chessmaster accusations already. Not one to ignore a direct request, Praxia spoke up to the nearest operator. “Warrant Officer Shim Biscuit, I’m going to dive for a while on crown business.”

The unicorn nodded curtly. “Yes, Regent, I’ll screen any requests for you.”

Pushing away all distractions, Praxia called Prism up. After a few rings she found the new alicorn was wearing a horn circlet now instead of the display goggles, but had her face twisted in frustration. Praxia caught sight of a few toppled pieces of furniture and a plastic plant that was smoking. “Practicing magic, I take it?” The snarky yet tactful changeling gave Prism her trademark friendly-yet-strangely-detached smile.

Prism groaned from the dull hornache she had worked up and started rubbing her forehead. “I was actually trying to just learn how to work this stupid circlet like all the other hornies do it.” She gave Praxia a quizzical eyebrow. “What’s up?”

“Do I want to know what you mean by hornies?” Prism started to open her mouth but Praxia made a quick slicing gesture. “Scratch that, I’d rather not.”

“It’s not dirty if that’s what you think.”

“I’ll take your word for it. To get to the point of this call however, against all sound reasoning, your presence has been requested at court. You have roughly ten minutes to arrive, so I suggest a bathroom break if you need it.”

Prism angrily puffed a lock of yellow hair out of her eyes. “Well, that just baffles my apples. I thought mom wasn’t going to give me any Princess duties unless I asked for them.”

“For once, I am as bewildered as you are,” Praxia said in that carefully crafted tone that gave the barest hint of teasing mockery without it being obvious to anyone who didn’t know her like family. “Sensei isn’t the one summoning you, it was the petitioners’ idea.”

“Well, tell ‘em ta buzz off. I got a horn to practice with.” Prism tried to swipe at the end call icon, but all she managed to do was flail a foreleg at thin, unresponsive air. “See?!”

Wholly unimpressed with the display, Praxia gave Prism a slightly condescending look, complete with half-lidded eyes. “Given that you would be hanging up on me, I’m not feeling any sympathy at the moment. But alas, your reputation precedes you. The supplicants expected this reaction and wanted to add that this is a job only a Pathfinder could pull off, and they needed the very best.”

The grumbling new alicorn twisted her muzzle into a contemplative scowl. Plagued by a certain curse of self-awareness, Prism knew her ego was being played. But at the same time, she didn’t care enough to remain stubborn. “Damn it all. If I don’t at least hear them out, then somepony else can brag about being the top Pathfinder, and it sure as Tartarus ain’t going to be Firefly again. No way, no how.” She cast Praxia a begrudgingly amused grin. “Alright, you win, royal bug. I’ll listen to them.”

Praxia’s professional mask danced on the edge of a snarking smirk. “Excellent. You know how to dive with a circlet right?”

“I can figure it out,” Prism pouted as she powered her horn, yet kept swiping at the air.

“Oh, I have little doubt you can, and if we had a year to wait, then I’d leave you to it.” Praxia made a show of tapping an imaginary watch on her fetlock.

“I’m not listening to you.”

“Why don’t you give Voyager consent to do it for you? It would be a public disaster for the newest Princess to be late to her first court date.”

“I hate it when you do that.” Prism’s logic told her to calm down, but her ego rebuffed it. “I said I can do it myself!” Prism focused all of her ire on the series of buttons that would lead into cyberspace. She made a point to ignore Praxia’s mounting amusement and impatience at watching Prism’s hoof gestures. She made wide and exaggerated swiping motions and tapped her way to the proper command, but progress was made all the same. Once she tapped the command at last, Prism’s vision went spinning. The world around her was wholly replaced by what she knew was the entry plaza of the colony’s cyberspace.

Within the confines of virtual reality, modern pony culture was as vibrant and alive as it had been in the old world prior to the Great Freeze. The entry plaza was translucent concrete with sky-pointed searchlights illuminating a grand city of marble, glass, and wondrous art that was unbound by the expense or physics of the material world. The sky beheld a gentle mid-sunset where Twilight’s cutie mark stood tall and proud above it all. The government sector to the subjective north was a spiraling castle of amethyst marble and geodes. Since nopony was ground bound here, roads were only cosmetic. Monolithic statues of the princesses, minus Twilight, and old historical figures were on display. Each of the legendary ponies were on a ten second loop performing one of the heroic deeds they were known for.

Prism had to take a moment to reorient herself, casting confused eyes back and forth before settling on Praxia who was floating over. “So you’ve graduated to a foal’s level in circlet use. Most impressive,” she added with just enough snark for Prism to catch, but none of the three dozen ponies around them.

“Considering this spike on my head’s only been useful for a week, I’m going to take that as a compliment, and there’s nothing you can do about it.” Prism blew a raspberry at the goading changeling. “Besides, you can’t blame me. I’m too used to having to go into a VR booth to come here. Doing it at will is weird.”

“Granted,” Praxia admitted, dropping her mockery. “Just remember that unlike the booths, there is no treadmill, and you are still present in the real world. So try not to smack into the wall or furniture as you navigate.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know that,” Prism grumbled, as she wasn’t exactly sure how to accomplish that. There’s got to be a setting to let me move without doing so in reality.

Prism stood there swiping her hoof around, and did everything she could to ignore the odd looks she was getting from the ponies around her. The annoyingly professional sass Praxia was exuding through her presence alone was of no help either. It was a generally unwritten rule that anyone with a horn did not use VR booths to fully enter cyberspace, so hoof movements for commands was relegated to the non-horned tribes or unicorn foals.

Eventually, Praxia didn’t like how close to the deadline they were and lost her patience. “Prism, enough, just give me consent to transfer us to court.”

“Hold on, I can do it.”

“We don’t have time for this.” Praxia looked to Twilight’s cutie mark in the sky. “Voyager, regent authority override, force transfer User Crown Princess Prism Flash to the Dusk Court.”

The plaza morphed into a large throne room with no walls or ceiling, revealing a sky of perpetual twilight. Wispy clouds of welcoming light red and orange backed by an inviting sun were spaced all around. Marble tiled floors and columns framed the solitary throne on a raised dais. Twilight was currently resting upon said throne, although Prism wondered where her mother’s real body was.

Probably on some bar stool or her bed with lil’ Snack Roll.

The elder alicorn was lounging upon the symbol of power and authority with such grace and comfort it looked like she was made for it. The two young mares materialized roughly a meter in front of the throne.

Twilight Sparkle clapped happily upon seeing Prism, but her joy was sluggish and tired. “You came! I’m so glad to see you take this seriously.”

“I had to drag her here,” Praxia cut in before Prism could take advantage of the showering praise.

Prism shook a fist at the smug changeling. “One of these days, Praxia, bam, zoom, straight to the moon!”

“Which one? We have two up there now,” Praxia shot back with a cocked eyebrow.

Twilight stood up and pressed her wings on the mares’ backs. “Alright you two, now’s not the time. The petition is going to start in less than a minute, and I want you to make a good first impression, Prism.” The young alicorn cast a begrudgingly apologetic look at her mother. “Thank you, Praxia. That’ll be all for now.”

Praxia bowed deeply and vanished, leaving mother and daughter alone.

Prism swept her gaze across the throne room. “At least you’re not being pushy by making a second throne for me.”

“I would hope by now you know I’d respect your wishes,” Twilight replied with disappointment. “If you must tease your poor mother about something at least get some new material.”

“Don’t think I’m not onto your tricks,” Prism warned with a hoof wave and a sharp eye “But I’m already here, so I might as well go through with it today.”

Twilight gave a sad frown, but opted to remain silent and reclaimed her throne. Prism stood tall and proud near the throne as a trio of ponies materialized a few meters away.

“Announcing citizens Cherry Dye, Sweet Tart, and Nanoweave,” Voyager called from no definitive source.

Two pegasi and a bat stallion respectively bowed before the alicorns. Twilight felt her mood take a bit of an upturn that all of her petitioners today were in person. So many non-unicorns went to court on the old world with just avatars. I picked my colonists well if they all go the extra mile to go to a VR booth. She knew she was grasping at straws to make the day better, but grasp she would.

Sweet Tart was the first to speak. “Thank you for seeing us, princesses. We represent the Float Stone Initiative, and we’d like to offer a… modest easing of the current housing crisis.”

Twilight’s ears perked up at the offer. “Taking a dent out of the five hundred homeless would certainly be welcome. What do you have in mind?”

Why would I be needed for a housing project? Prism grumbled to herself, not quite so adept at hiding disdain as her mother was.

Nanoweave stepped up to stand beside Sweet Tart. “The three of us, along with fifty seven others, want to take an M-pattern outpost crawler to here.” Nanoweave swiped a hoof and had a satellite map of the lands claimed for ponykind materialize with a gentle green highlight. A mountain range almost five hundred miles to the northeast and much further inland was highlighted. “This site hosts a massive quantity of float stone, and we’ve been monitoring it for the past five months. None of the larger hostile monster fauna reside there. Not to mention the peculiar local weather there would allow us to better study it for future control.”

Cherry Dye was about to add her piece, but hesitated when Twilight had not offered any sort of commentary. When her companions gave her stressed looks, she cleared her throat while practically jumping to the front. “We know the risks involved, your highnesses, but all sixty members of the FSI have agreed to go. Admittedly, some of the holdouts’ homes getting destroyed finally incentivized them enough to go.”

Twilight’s neutral expression hardened a touch, making Cherry Dye break into a cold sweat. How very opportunistic of you.

“Aaanyway,” Cherry Dye continued as she tried to fan herself, “the satellites can only tell us so much, which is why we requested assistance from the Pathfinders to scout the area more closely for any dangers we can’t see from orbit.” The red pegasus swiped the air, granting Twilight the entire document of the proposal with the bullet points at the front. “We hope you will approve.”

“Interesting.” Twilight nodded slowly, deep in thought as she accepted the literature. “Voyager, give Prism and me a privacy screen.” A few moments later, the three petitioners went fuzzy and were muted. Twilight looked to her daughter with a carefully crafted unreadable expression. “Convenient. You ran a mineral survey over that region, correct? What do you make of this?”

Prism’s gut reaction was to tease Twilight about being a chess master, but something about the sudden weary fatigue in her mother’s voice made her show restraint. Instead Prism decided to focus on the actual question. “It’s risky as Tartarus that’s for sure.” Prism was granted a copy of the files and perused the maps and logistics for the route. “But I’ll give them this much, these guys have done their homework at least. An M-pattern could make the trip easy enough, as long as you’re willing to spare a military escort.”

Twilight’s jaw tightened into a scowl that lost any semblance of regality, and revealed to Prism the mask of a tired mare. “Let me worry about the protection if this ends up being good enough of an idea to back.”

One of Prism’s ears went limp at seeing her mother in such a miserable state. Really glad I didn’t start teasing her. “Are you okay?”

“Just tired, that’s all,” Twilight sighed dismissively. “Do you know anything else about the region?”

Prism didn’t want to drop her concern, but also didn’t want to press the matter. “Well… one of the planet’s jet streams runs right through the float stone field, which already rings the mountain like a comically dense asteroid belt. Airlifting anything through that is suicide, so the crawler would be the only way in, since we can’t space-drop anything yet.”

“That would certainly make it difficult to resupply... but highly defensible, should the need ever arise.” Twilight lapsed into silent brooding, her brow furrowed with troubled thoughts.

Prism hummed aloud disapprovingly. “We’re not going to take control of the land by hiding in a mountain fortress.”

“Perhaps not, but it is a step in the right direction.” Renewed energy seeped into Twilight’s voice as she became a bit more animated. “Yessss, this might be exactly what the colony needs right now. Not some speech of solidarity in the face of the natives’ attack, but an actual show of determination to claim the land as our own.”

Prism was caught between concern for the tone of Twilight’s ramblings and for the colony as a whole. “I wasn’t aware morale was bad enough to take a risk like this.”

Twilight snorted derisively. “That’s what you get for staying largely ignorant of the colony’s mood and chatter. The kraken’s assault ended up being a perfect storm for bad morale. Between you, me, and Spike getting removed from the board, and the damage both the swarm and kraken inflicted…” Twilight trailed off as dark and old memories skirted the surface of her mind. “Let’s just say this was too much too quick for most ponies to handle. And to top it all off, the fact that the storm exposed a glaring flaw in our military’s ability to defend us made everything go from bad to worse in the eyes of the common pony. We need a win, the military most of all.

“Do you consent to spearheading this as the designated Pathfinder? This mission might take a while.”

It took Prism all of two seconds to blurt out the one response she didn’t want to be first. “Only if I can bring Silver Belle with me.” Prism sweated a bit and quickly added, “I-I’ll need somepony who can maintain my rover since I’ll be gone for who knows how long.”

Twilight instantly went into embarrassing mom mode complete with the cooing. “Oh, now you know I wouldn’t dream of splitting up two little lovebirds.” She squashed Prism’s cheeks with her hooves, or at least tried to. “My little wing is a grown up mare looking for love, what’s a mother to do?”

Prism’s face boiled beet red. “Mooooom! They can still roughly see what we’re doing behind the privacy screen!”

“I think they can let me have this,” Twilight snickered as she planted a kiss on both of Prism’s cheeks. As her daughter pouted in her own indignation, Twilight called out to Voyager. “Lower the screen please.”

The ponies beyond the veil were making a painfully obvious effort to look everywhere except the two alicorns. “On behalf of the lavender crown,” Twilight paused a moment to give them time to focus on her, “I fully back your initiative. The crawler and all relevant supplies you need will be generated with as much haste as the housing project can permit.”

Smiles and cheers rang out from the trio, who quickly remembered to bow before the crown. “Thank you, princesses,” Cherry gushed. “Will we get the honor of having you as our Pathfinder, your highness?”

Quickly acting as if the mother induced embarrassment had never happened, Prism puffed out her chest and struck a heroic pose complete with a toothy winning smile. “On a quest this important? Look no further than moi.”

Author's Note:

Will the plan succeed? Will Prism ever get to be top pathfinder before she finds Waldo? Is Spring Roll Pinkie Pie reincarnated? Just how are apples baffled anyway? Do they get their seeds confused or something?

Find out one or none of these things and less, next time on Beyond!!