• Published 19th Jan 2016
  • 6,143 Views, 83 Comments

One-Spell Mare - Swordslinger

In exchange for power, what did Twilight lose? Something important?

  • ...

One Spell again....Darn it.

In hindsight, Twilight blamed Starlight Glimmer for this.

Okay, maybe it wasn’t her fault entirely, but Twilight felt the majority of her problems could be blamed on Starlight now. Ever since that adventure through time, Twilight couldn’t help but notice that she was….well, really bad at fighting. Starlight had said she didn’t have a lot of fighting experience either, but that didn’t change the fact Twilight Sparkle, Alicorn Princess and the Element of Magic, hadn’t been able to force anything more than a stalemate between the two. It was really something of an eye opener for Twilight, and so, during that relative period of peace, which consisted of “no monster attacks are happening right now but will probably happen soon” Twilight had decided to train.

Oh, nothing like reading ancient spell books to increase her repertoire of magic, but, you know, training. Push-ups, sit ups, and running/flying 1km every day. The reason for that was simple, Twilight had simply figured that she needed to train her body first before she got into anything more advanced like combat techniques or tactics. After all, it was simple building blocks, you couldn’t know how to chart a graph without knowing what an ordered pair was first, and you certainly couldn’t learn how to throw a pony without getting some muscles first.

Oh sure, she was now one-third earth pony and one-third pegasus, but that didn’t change the fact that she was born a unicorn, and a “egghead” who liked to spend most of her time indoors reading books and as such, left her body somewhat underdeveloped. Running from monsters usually did wonders for her cardio, but there was a distinct lack of giant creatures attacking lately, so that meant no running anymore, save for the fall Running of the Leaves.

There was the occasional race from Rainbow Dash, but they didn’t really help. She wanted to train her body, not get left in the dust by her rainbow haired friend. Even if she did have a nice flank, Rainbow Dash’s attitude towards leaving her behind wasn’t helping matters. Applejack, on the other hoof, was a lot more helpful with her training. As it turns out, bucking Apple trees a lot harder than you’d think, especially when you had to make sure that not every single apple fell on you.

This went on for a period of about four months, and during that time, well, there was still no monster attack.

That was until the fifth month.

From out of nowhere, (at least Twilight thought so, she wasn’t paying attention at the time) a Chimera of all things came hunting for Apple bloom...or Applejack, Twilight didn’t care really. It ravaged the town, so that put it on the list.

The battle was hard fought, buildings were destroyed, muffins were stomped on, and flower mares had fainted. But after the dust cleared, Twilight and her friends had emerged victorious and the Chimera was banished back to wherever it came from. The wounds Twilight had sustained were the worst of the lot, but a few quick healing spells and she was back at one hundred and back to her training routine.

That is, until, the next day.

A Diamond Dog was there, and seeking revenge on Rarity for...something, and naturally, Twilight leapt to her defense. At first, Twilight tried words first, after all, diplomacy was the bedrock of any relationship, but the Dog wouldn’t hear it.

So that meant he got a free trip to Canterlot by way of a spell blast to the face.

Celestia’s letter to her was either written in anger or in laughter, Twilight couldn’t tell through all the scribbles, but the gist of it was that the Diamond Dog landed in Jet Set’s pool and that the royal guard had to flush him out using oversized fishing nets. Apparently it was also shedding season as well, so that meant a lot of fur stuck in the pool.

Oh well, Jet set and Upper Crust needed a vacation anyway.

Thankfully though, for the next few weeks, it was relatively quiet. No book messages from Sunset, no calls for aid from the crystal empire, hell, the Griffon territories didn’t need anything taken care of at the moment.

So, naturally, Twilight became bored.

Now, boredom, at first, wasn’t that bad. After all, being bored meant nothing bad was happening aside from the occasional lab mishap or Rainbow spraining a wing during their races. But...it sorta meant all the training Twilight was doing was pointless. If nothing bad was happening, then what was the point? The map wasn’t helping; it wasn’t beeping like some kind of...inter-transcontinental messaging device!

Wait, didn’t Sunset have one of those? She mentioned it in a report once...Cell...Bone? Book? Cell Book? Or was it Sell Book? Twilight couldn’t remember.

But then, out of nowhere again, it seemed like her prayers were answered.

Queen Chrysalis had returned from the badlands, Changeling army in tow and hell-bent on seeking revenge. At last, Twilight would have a challenge, after all, this bug queen once matched Celestia in power!

….Okay, that was due to a love-power boost and convenient timing. Apparently Celestia had a cold at the time and was hiding it through basic illusion magic, who knew?

But still! Chrysalis was a powerful foe! Worthy of Twilight’s new power!

At least, that’s what Twilight had thought at first.

One solid telekinetic spell blast to the face and the Queen went back to the Badlands on an express trip. Needless to say, the army soon followed her, voluntarily.

So, yeah, that killed Twilight’s boredom for about two minutes, which, in a way, was worse. Getting your hopes up then finding them fall short was...an unpleasant feeling to say the least.

So yet again, Twilight was bored.

Trixie came around again, that was nice. If anypony could match Twilight in magical prowess it was her, Starlight didn’t count due to the fact, well, Starlight was Starlight and not fun to measure against. Sides, Trixie always brought flair to their contests, she was fun to match wits against. Sunset was also out of the running because she was out of practice for...how many years? Ten? Twenty? Twilight wasn’t sure, interdimensional time was strange. It could be a fun problem to solve, but that could wait.

Anyway, back to Trixie. To both her glee and disappointment, Trixie wasn’t there to fight her, she was actually there to apologize for the Amulet thing and ask for the hatchet to be buried. Naturally, Twilight told her in no uncertain terms that Trixie was never at fault to begin with, after all, she wasn’t the one to summon the Minor Ursa and the Amulet had some magic corrupting thing going on. Things like that were a bit-a-bunch, there were even royal guidelines about what to do if you were recently corrupted by a magic trinket.

So, once again, Twilight was bored and out one rival.

But then, out of nowhere for the third Celestia-damned time, King Sombra appeared and had taken over the Crystal Empire!

Apparently there was something going on with his horn and he was somehow speaking complete sentences this time around instead of just “CRYSTALS!”

When she asked him about that, he just muttered, “Corporate Contract” in reply.

So, one….almost cinematic battle later, and Twilight stood victorious.


It took her even less effort than the last one! It wasn’t even a spell! She just flew up to him and punched him with her hoof! Her hoof! Just one punch! Then he exploded into a dark powder or something! She spent the rest of the day cleaning him up with a vacuum and putting the remains into a jar which she kept on her nightstand. The powder then grew eyes and a horn, a very tiny horn that was absolutely adorable. Strange thing though, every-time it...he? Looked at her, it would squirm back in sheer terror. No clue as to why.

So, yeah, she was bored again.

So, nothing left to do, Twilight went back to her spells and research. Of course, every time she tried to, some random monster would appear interrupting her research. So of course Twilight would fly out and blast the thing back from wherever it came, to go back to doing research, then another monster attack and so on and so on.

An endless cycle of repetition and boredom. Some of the monsters looked cool, but none of them were really….threatening. One of them had green lipstick and flew around in a chair thing flanked by some purple creature and a...Human? Twilight wasn’t sure, were they capable of transforming? She asked Sunset about that and Sunset had said humans weren’t capable of transforming into anything unless magic was involved.

Twilight didn’t think magic was involved, but the lipstick wearing one kept going on about how, “This isn’t even my final form!” or something, so Twilight just sent him...her… into far orbit with a hoof to the face.

Her….his...lackeys soon followed.

So, yeah, really, really, bored. But more than that, she was disappointed. It was like preparing for a difficult math test only to discover it was all just combining like terms.

It was particularly an insult; no pony could offer a challenge anymore when all it took to win was one spell. When she related this to Celestia, whom in her infinite wisdom merely said, “Twilight, shouldn’t you feel happy you are strong enough to defend your friends?”

To be fair, she sorta was, really, but….her friends really didn’t need defending. Rainbow Dash was still the better flyer, even if Twilight was starting to outpace her in sheer speed. Applejack was still the better fighter, Fluttershy was friends with Discord and woe to whoever thought harming her was a good idea. Rarity was surprisingly skilled hoof to hoof, and Pinkie Pie…was Pinkie Pie.

So yeah.

Eventually, Twilight managed to discover ways to tap into alternate dimensions like Starswirl the Bearded once did, all she needed was a focal point.

And she had already been to a few alternate dimensions recently, so that left a few options in her hooves.

And in retrospect, Nightmare Moon was proving to be a really good challenge so far...but…

“It still feels like it’s missing something.” Twilight finished, “Like I’m not really being pushed to my limits. You know?”

Celestia stared at her, then pointed upwards.

Or rather, downwards.

Twilight looked up, down? At the planet above her from her seat on the moon.

Coughing, she rubbed the back of her head, “Alright, I may have let her catch me off guard with that banishing spell...hehe…”

Alternate dimension Celestia or not, she still had that same questioning look that got under Twilight’s fur each and every time.

“I’ll uh….Go solve that now….I’ll just...you know…”

“My faithful student.” Celestia began causing Twilight to squirm uncomfortably.

“You know, I’m not this timeline’s Twilight….Just saying…”

“My faithful student.” Celestia said as if she hadn’t spoken, her horn alight to keep the magic shield up that would allow them to talk on the desolate surface of the moon, “I understand your need for excitement, but was coming to an alternate timeline in order to pick a fight truly the best idea you had?”

“Well….It’s just….” Twilight coughed to buy some time, it didn’t help, “....Kinda?”

Shaking her head, Celestia sighed, “Well, there’s nothing for it. Unless you have a way to get back to Equestria, we are both stuck here, I am sorry.”

At that, Twilight perked up, “Oh! Don’t worry about that! I can get us back really quick!”

Celestia raised an eyebrow, “What’s your plllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNN-”

Nightmare Moon heaved in heavy breaths, her entire body sore and bruised, just who was that purple Alicorn? She showed up out of nowhere and picked a fight! Who does that? Recurring Saturday morning cartoon villains?

Oh well, it didn’t matter now. It may have been dumb luck that spell landed, but it still worked, that purple Alicorn was now stuck on the moon, she may have utterly ruined her castle and wrecked the majority of her forces, but she was now gone! A few of her soldiers and staff were unhurt for the most part, especially that rainbow haired one and the one that was her tapestry designer, they were almost completely unharmed. In between gasps of breath, Nightmare Moon made a note to ask them why the Alicorn didn’t bother fighting them and why there was a kiss mark on the rainbow one’s face.

Oh well, at least now her sister would have comp-


What was that?

And why did it sound so familiar?

Before she even knew what happened, the castle parlor behind her exploded with cataclysmic force. The very cliff side shook as immense pressure was suddenly put on it from above, turning around, Nightmare Moon’s jaw dropped.

There was the purple Alicorn, completely unharmed, beneath her was a crater formed from impact. That was at least five feet of solid marble, how did she….


Nightmare Moon gaped, “How...how did you…”

“Oh about that...Ahhheeeee…” The Alicorn rubbed the back of her head, “I jumped.”

“.....You what?”

“I jumped, from the moon.” The Alicorn repeated.

Nightmare Moon’s jaw was now only barely attached to the rest of her skull. There was no way, that’s…


Nightmare Moon looked up, oh good grief, if this kept up, she wouldn’t have a jaw anymore.

There was her sister, holy and radiant wings flapping in the air above them both. But that was the only thing holy and radiant about her, the rest of her looked completely haggard, like she had been stuck in the wrong end of a wind tunnel.

One eye twitching involuntary, Celestia looked at Nightmare Moon and shared a look of empathy, “Trust me dear sister, seeing is believing.”

“....How?” Nightmare Moon gaped, “I sealed you in the moon!”

“You released me when you sent this mare to the moon.” Celestia said, gesturing to the purple Alicorn.

“It was sorta a crash landing.” The Alicorn said, shrugging.

“....Who are you?”

“My name’s Twilight Sparkle.” The Alicorn introduced herself, “Just a pony who’s a student for fun.”


Throwing herself forward at the Ailcorn, Nightmare Moon disappeared in a blur of movement as she rushed the damnable pony with a flurry of attacks. A tempest of spells and hoof strikes that this Twilight had no way of following, no pony, not even Celestia could keep up with this speed!

But she did.

A hoof to the chest plate sent Nightmare Moon flying back through the castle wall, shattered it behind her as she continued on. Skidding to a halt and damn near crippling her legs as she tried to brake, Nightmare Moon spat out blood as she came to a halt. A rumble escaped from her throat despite the pain.


Was she laughing?


Oh yes, she was laughing.

“Is this….fun?” Nightmare Moon asked herself, bloodshot eyes looking at the Alicorn who stepped through the hole she created.

Twilight Sparkle, that was her name.

“You...you are powerful!” She laughed as Twilight came closer.

“Thanks, I put a lot of work into it.” Twilight said modestly.

“You are worth it….You are truly worth it!” Nightmare Moon chortled.

“Oh, thank you. But I already have eyes for somepony else.”

“My full power!”


Leaping into the air, Nightmare moon felt her heart beat.

“Prepare yourself!” Unbelievable power began to gather in Nightmare Moon’s horn, vile twisted magic called from the deepest recess of her soul, the darkest magic, called forth from within to obliterate this upstart mare!


“Oh, I get it, the moon is essentially a big rock and should it fall it could cause-”


“Oh right.” Composing herself, Twilight Sparkle stared at the glowing mass of pure magic being formed at the top of Nightmare Moon’s horn. As she did, a streak of light, grayish olive appeared on her mane and tail, “Well, since you’re using your ultimate move….”

With one last mighty cry, Nightmare moon unleashed her magic. A black beam devoid of any light or color approached Twilight at eye bleeding speeds.

“I’ll use mine.”

Enveloping her hoof in magic, Twilight watched as the beam came within spitting distance, then pulled herself back.

“Serious spell: Serious hoof.”

And for the lack of a better word, she punched the beam.

Luna, Princess of the Night, slowly opened her eyes. Above her, she saw a glorious, and somewhat funny sight.

“Luna...are you okay?” Celestia asked, her mane in complete disarray.

“Sister….” Tears welled up in her eyes, “I-I’m so, so-”

“Ssshhussh, it’s alright.” Celestia took her sister in a tight hug, “It’s okay, it’s over now. You needn’t worry anymore.”

“W-what happened?” Luna asked, why did her cheek hurt? “I remember...a purple mare...her name was...Sparkle….”

Celestia smiled warmly, “It’s okay sister, she saved you. Though I must say, I am somewhat confused as to the how.”

“What do you mean?” Luna asked.

Celestia turned away, “....Oh, nevermind.” She said after a moment, “It’s not important.”

“But I must thank her!” Luna said, “She freed me! I want to...to…”

“One thing at a time Luna.” Celestia said sweetly, but took on a solemn expression, “But...I’m afraid that the mare that freed you has left. She came when she was needed, and left when she wasn’t.”

“....She’s gone?” Luna said, “But….why?”

“I do believe she said something to the effect of “Maybe Tirek will give me a challenge.” Celestia said, and at Luna’s confused look, the white Alicorn shrugged, “I do not know either sister, but I do have a feeling that if we look hard enough, we can find that mare again.”

“We will?” Luna said hopefully.

“I’m sure of it sister.” Celestia nodded, “In fact, before she left, the mare who freed you had a message for you.”

“She did? What was it?” Luna pressed.

“She said: “If you ever find me, don’t ever let me become too strong. Because if I do, then all it takes is one spell.”

“....That seems terribly anti-climactic sister.” Luna pointed out.

Sighing, Celestia rubbed her head, “Trust me Luna, I know.”

Meanwhile, in another universe…..

Twilight coughed and looked at the broken, beaten body of Tirek.

“Well….That was boring.” She muttered, walking away and opening a time portal as Tirek whimpered something from under the rubble his face was in, “Back to one spell….Darn it.”

Author's Note:

Don't ask, I was honestly just making this up as I went. Anyway, this was all just a funny little thing to do to kill some time and have a few laughs.

Don't think I'll be making any more of this, but if enough people want me to, I'll give it a shot.