• Published 29th Feb 2016
  • 3,413 Views, 201 Comments

Halfling - Dee Pad

With life beginning to normalize, Shade and Winter couldn't be happier. But their relationship is about to be put to the test in more ways than one...

  • ...

Chapter 11 - Day Off

By Dee Pad

Chapter 11: Day Off


Shade stepped outside the café into the bright, warming rays of the sun, tilting his head back as he stretched his neck, back and hole-filled legs. He let his thin, translucent wings flitter in the light breeze, a quick, but noticeable buzz briefly interrupting the conversations of the patrons dining outdoors. He was relieved to finally take off his uniform and head home for the day. Not that it was a particularly tough work day for him, but more so that he was just eager to get back home to Winter and their little bundle of joy.

As the days had gone by since Snowflake had been born, Shade was gradually becoming more and more accustomed to parenthood. He didn't exactly view himself as a great father just yet, but he felt as though he was starting to get a feel for it. Outside of that first excruciating week, the colt had been relatively manageable. He did have a tendency to get pretty hyperactive occasionally, especially after a long nap, and in those situations he could be a little hard to handle and quite exhausting to deal with. Thankfully, that didn't happen too often so as to be overly taxing on his parents, though he was only a little over a couple of weeks old yet, so there was still plenty of time for it to start getting under their skin.

Shade knew that he wasn't going to get any time to relax, even after a full day at work. Winter had the day off from work today, so he knew that she was going to immediately pull him over to help her out. He was fully expecting that, but he wasn't really bothered by it. Winter had been working herself into the ground lately, despite Shade's insistence that she slow down a bit and take a breather every now and then. He was more than willing to take some of the workload off of her if it meant giving her a chance to relax and clear her head for even a few minutes.

Still, though, he had to wonder what exactly had been going through Winter's head since Snowflake was born. She was almost like a completely different person lately. She insisted on returning to work despite the fact that her maternity leave was supposed to still be in effect, she hadn't been nearly as peppy as she used to be, and she still refused help from her friends and family if she didn't absolutely need it. Since she'd started going back to work, she hadn't had any downtime outside of sleep, with the baffling part being that that was by choice. She and Shade hadn't even had any... private time since the birth. The changeling wasn't going to bring it up, but he was starting to count the days.

Shade was almost home by now, with his house even being in view. However, he wasn't quite going to make it just yet as he noticed that somepony was waving at him some distance away. It was Fluttershy, flashing a friendly grin as she sauntered toward him.

"Good afternoon, Shade," the yellow pegasus greeted as the two met up.

"Hi," Shade said back with an equally amicable smile.

There was a brief silence after that, the two of them just standing there awkwardly for a few moments. Shade had figured Fluttershy stopped to have a chat, but it was evident that she hadn't come up with anything to start.

"Soooo... Did you just get off work?" she asked in a desperate attempt to initiate small talk and hopefully avoid making this just an awkward encounter.

Shade nodded, his smile now somewhat forced, but only to help alleviate any discomfort Fluttershy might be experiencing. "Yup. Just heading home now. What are you up to? You seem pretty cheery today."

"Hm?" Fluttershy's eyes widened a little, having not really expected Shade to play along, but also thankful that he did. "Oh, well, yes, I am. I was just heading over to Rarity's. We're going to get ready for our weekly spa visit. I always look forward to it. So, yes, I'm quite eager."

"Sounds... nice," Shade said, though having not actually visited the local spa since moving to Ponyville, he wasn't actually familiar with what it involved. However, it raised a question. "Does Chamella join you guys, too?"

"Oh, uh, no, she doesn't. I mean, we've invited her before, and she came with us once, but I don't think she enjoyed it a whole lot. It seems like she's not too fond of being touched. She found it a little uncomfortable, and I guess that's understandable. I know I took some time to get used to it when I first started going, but if you just open your mind to it a little, it's very relaxing. Now I don't think I can even function without my weekly spa trips. It's just such a wonderful way of working out all of the week's built up tension."

"Well, then I guess you want to get to it then, huh?" Shade said, seeing an opening to end the conversation.

Fluttershy seemed a bit disappointed. "Oh. I suppose. Are you in a hurry?"

Shade, realizing that he had sounded inconsiderate, quickly backpedaled. "Oh, sorry. It's not that I don't want to talk, it's just that Winter's back home waiting for me and—"

"And she's having to deal with the baby all by herself," Fluttershy inferred with a soft smile, filling in the blank herself. "I understand. Sorry to hold you up."

Shade shook his head. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure a few more minutes won't kill her. I just need to get home before she starts wondering where I am."

"Alright. It was nice talking to you, Shade, even if only briefly."


The two walked past one another, both offering friendly waves goodbye as they headed off to their respective destinations.

Of course, Shade didn't have far to walk; his home had been in sight during the whole conversation. In fact, it might have been a little risky to stop and have a chat where Winter could easily see him through the window. She wouldn't be happy to see that when he's supposed to come straight home to help her out. But, as he said, a few extra minutes couldn't possibly hurt.

Shade stepped up to the door, flinging it open with earnest and preparing a loving smile for his favorite pegasus and their son. "Winter, I'm—whoa..."

Shade had to stop himself mid-sentence, almost taking an instinctive step backwards as his happy smile was overwritten by awe when his jaw dropped slightly.

The house was a complete disaster area. Snowflake's toys were strewn about all over the living room, with the playpen they had got for him entirely devoid of any playthings. As if that weren't enough, it appeared that absolutely everything normally necessary for caring for a newborn foal was littered all over the place. Wet wipes—both clean and used—were scattered about as though their container had exploded. Many diapers also lay around, though, thankfully, none of those appeared to be used. However, there was still the distinct and off-putting odor of something lingering in the air, though Shade couldn't quite place it, which was probably a good thing; he knew what dirty diapers smelled like, and it wasn't that. Bottles and pacifiers were also among the mess of baby products, and, given the state of the house, they were definitely going to need to be cleaned before their next use.

Shade carefully stepped around the toys and other assorted health hazards, heading toward the kitchen, which was where that odd smell seemed to be coming from. The changeling could hear the hurried sound of busy hooves on the tile floor. Sure enough, Winter was rushing around the dining room, cleaning up splatters of baby food that decorated the table. And the floor. And the walls. And, somehow, the ceiling. Even her own pristine, alabaster coat was sullied with gross, orange stains. The culprit was sitting rather nonchalantly in his highchair at the table, smearing his baby food all over the tray as if he were hoof painting a really disgusting picture.

Shade sniffed the air again, the pungent odor guiding his attention to the stove. As he feared, the smell appeared to be Winter's cooking. Apparently, she had decided to cook something for either herself or for them both for when Shade got home, but, understandably, her attention had been diverted elsewhere. As if Winter's cooking wasn't questionable enough, a distracted Winter's cooking was likely to be entirely inedible, and, quite frankly, a very real fire danger. Even now, thin smoke rose from the pan that had been left on the burner.

"Uh, Winter, I think supper's on fire," Shade pointed out.

The pegasus's head shot up from the spot on the floor she'd been cleaning up, whipping around in a panic. "What?!" She stood up and made to dash over to the stove, but skidded to a stop when Shade held out his hoof.

"Relax, I got it."

Winter watched Shade casually trot over to the counter, turning the dial for the burner off. Using his vibrant, green magic, the changeling removed the smoldering pan from the burner. Out of curiosity, Shade took a peek at what Winter was cooking. Although the contents were burnt to a crisp and charred black, it appeared to be a stir fry. However, Shade took note of the presence of chopped chicken breast amongst the carnage, indicating that the food was meant for Shade alone. It kinda made him feel bad about not getting home sooner, but, given the state of the dish, even the few minutes spent talking to Fluttershy wouldn't have been enough to save it.

"Sorry, I got a little distracted," Winter apologized, her voice noticeably shaky. "I-I can start again if you're hungry."

Shade dumped the contents for the pan into the nearby trashcan, giving Winter a shake of his head and a comforting smile. "Don't worry about it. We'll get this place cleaned up first. I'm not in any rush. Oh, actually, have you eaten yet today?"

Winter ran a hoof through her frazzled mane, letting out a long, exhausted sigh. "I had a few crackers when I had a minute, and a few spoonfuls of Snow's baby food, but aside from that..."

"Why don't I throw some pancake batter in the pan and we can eat together?"

Winter stared at Shade, an incredulous look on her face. "Why are you so calm? Have you seen this place? I've been running myself ragged all day. I'm a freaking mess here!"

Shade couldn't help but smile. Now this was the Winter he fell in love with. He couldn't count the number of times she had had these mild panic attacks when they first started dating. Heck, it reminded him of the day they met. Granted, she probably wasn't in any sort of mood to hear that right now, but that's what Shade liked about this part of Winter: when she was like this, he could help her. And when he helped her, he made her happy. That's all he wanted.

"Just take a breath, Winter. We can handle this," Shade assured her.

Winter looked over her shoulder at their baby. Snowflake was still happily chucking globs of puréed carrots all over the floor and himself. "I can't stop, Shade. If I stop for even a minute, things are just going to get worse."

"Look, I'm here now. Just go get cleaned up or something and I'll take over."

"Didn't you just hear me? I can't stop, even with you here. Believe me, I'd love to just sit back and relax for a few minutes, but what kind of mom would I be then?"

Shade grimaced at the rhetorical question. How many times had he heard her say something to that effect in just the past few weeks? He was pretty convinced that it was this obsession with being an "ideal" mom that was responsible for all of her stress lately. Maybe if she would just take one day off she would level out enough to realize how irrational she was being.

And that's when Shade got an idea.

"Winter, I think you deserve some time off."

"So do I. I've been working my butt off since he popped out," she said, pointing to the mess-making colt. "But, like I said, I don't have time to take a break. There's too much I need to do."

With that said, Winter went straight back to cleaning up the goopy mess her son had made. However, before she could really get back to it, she felt Shade's hoof upon her shoulder. The look he was giving her was serious and stern, yet concerned and caring.

"Winter, I'm done giving you a choice in the matter," Shade stated flatly. "You need to take some time off. You need to let yourself wind down and come back with a clear head."


Shade held up his hoof to stop her. "No. No arguing. This is happening."

Winter took a moment to try and contemplate an argument, but there wasn't really anything she could say that she hadn't already said. It was evident in Shade's tone and expression that he wasn't taking no for an answer, and he looked like he was going to remain adamant about that.

Shade's stoic glare shifted to an eager grin when he saw that Winter was beginning to give in. "I have a suggestion."

The pegasus gave an apprehensive raise of her eyebrow.

"I bumped into Fluttershy on the way home, and she said that she and Rarity were going to the spa today. Why don't you go with them?"

Winter blinked. "The spa?" To be honest, the moment Shade mentioned it, she felt a twinge of excitement in the back of her mind. Just the idea of really laying back and being pampered was pretty appealing. But she shook her head, jostling the thought from her mind. "No, I can't. Even if I did, I'd just be thinking about Snow the whole time. I can't leave him alone."

Shade grimaced. "Um, he does have a father, you know."

"You think you can handle him by yourself? I mean, look at this place," she said with a sweep of her hoof, gesturing to the entirety of the abode.

Shade didn't bat an eye. "I'm sure I can handle one evening. And that's all I'm asking of you: one evening of rest and relaxation. I promise you'll come back fresh and ready to mom your flank off."

"You're sure about this?"

Just that comment alone made Shade happy. She was clearly entertaining the idea and was willing to go along with it. She was just having a little difficulty convincing herself it was okay.

"Look, why don't we head over to Rarity's and ask her if you can tag along? I'm sure they'll be more than happy to have you."

Winter hesitated for a moment, but let out a resigned sigh. "Alright. I guess I can give it a shot. But I'm not making any promises that I'll actually be able to relax."

Shade grinned even wider at her answer. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that. But we should probably head over as soon as possible before they head to the spa without you."

Winter looked around at the mess that Snowflake was still adding to. "But what about—?"

"Forget about it for now. I'll clean it up when I get back. Let's just get Snow cleaned up and head over, okay?"

The stressed pegasus took a deep breath, finally managing a smile. "Okay. I hope this works like you say it will."

Shade smiled back at her softly. "Me, too."

***** ***** *****

"I'm sure I already know the answer to this, but I'll ask anyway: would you like to join us, Chamella?"

The female changeling shook her head, though smiled regardless, appreciating the consideration of her friend and employer. "No, thanks."

Rarity gave a nod, having expected as much.

"Are you ready to go, Rarity?" asked Fluttershy, standing by the front door of the boutique.

"Just about. I just need to grab some bits. Give me a moment." Rarity hurriedly trotted off to acquire some money.

At that moment, the door opened, the jingling of the entrance bell giving the meek pegasus a start and eliciting a surprised yelp. She took a breath to slow her heart rate after the sudden jump before noticing who had arrived.

Rarity looked up from her search for her bit satchel to find Shade and Winter had come over with Snowflake, the sight of the little colt in his stroller prompting an excited squeal from the unicorn. "Oh-ho, well, isn't this a nice surprise."

"Hey, girls," Shade greeted rather quickly. "I'm glad we caught you before you left."

Fluttershy sniffed the air, an odd and pungent scent offending her nose. She leaned in toward Snowflake, the smell getting stronger. "Um, I think Snowflake needs to be changed. He's a little stinky."

Winter scratched the back of her head in slight embarrassment, a blush appearing on her cheeks to go with it. "Uh, actually it's both of us. He... kind of made a mess with his supper and we only had time to wipe it off before coming over. We could both use a bath."

Rarity gave the other ivory mare a sympathetic pout. "Been having a rough day, I take it?" She received an affirmative nod from Winter, accompanied by an exhausted sigh. "Oh, you poor thing. Being a mother certainly is hard work, not to mention dirty."

"And that's actually why we came over," Shade interjected with a hopeful grin. "I spoke to Fluttershy earlier and she said you two are going to the spa today."

"Yes, we were about to leave actually." Rarity let out an elated gasp as she connected the dots. "I know! Winter should join us!"

Shade was pleased as punch to hear that. He hadn't even asked yet and they've already agreed to it. "That's what I was going to ask. Winter's been working herself into the ground for the past few weeks, and I finally managed to convince her to at least entertain the idea of a day off. Talking to Fluttershy gave me the idea. So it's okay if she goes with you two? That's not going to cause any problems, is it?"

Fluttershy gave a small smile. "I think that's a wonderful idea. I'm sure they can squeeze her in. It should be no trouble."

From the back of the room, Chamella had been listening intently. She couldn't help but notice that Winter didn't seem too keen on the idea of a spa day, a mild grimace on the pegasus's face. "You don't look very excited. Aren't you happy to get some time off, Winter?"

"I just... Look, my mind has been preoccupied with taking care of Snowflake lately. I can't guarantee that I'll really be able to relax, even at the spa," she explained with her head hung down.

"You might as well try," Fluttershy suggested. "I'm sure Shade can handle little Snowflake for an evening."

"No, no, no, that won't do."

Everypony looked at Rarity, confused by her sudden change in attitude.

"Just one evening is far too little in comparison to the work she's done. She needs to make a day of it."

Fluttershy glanced at the clock on the wall. "But we're almost late as it is. We can't get any more than an evening now."

The unicorn smirked confidently. "I have an idea of my own. Fluttershy, I suggest we cancel today's appointment and reschedule for tomorrow."

Fluttershy grinned widely with a small gasp, her wings spreading out eagerly. "Are you saying we should take an entire day to go to the spa? Oh, that's such a fantastic idea, Rarity!"

"An entire day?" Winter echoed skeptically. "I don't know. I'd feel bad about leaving Shade alone with Snow for a whole day."

Shade rolled his eyes with an insulted groan. "You know, I'm beginning to think you don't have any confidence in me."

"I didn't mean it like that. I just don't want you to have to deal with all the crap I've had to put up with. Both figurative and literal."

"If anything, it'll give me a chance to see the whole situation from your point of view. Look, just try not to think about it too much and chill out, okay? Nothing bad is going to happen if you take just one day off."

Rarity nodded in agreement. "Yes, and it'll do you a world of good, I assure you. Now, I'll head over to the spa to rearrange our appointment. And I'll ask one more time..." she said, turning back to Chamella. "Would you like to join the three of us? It would be so much fun to make this a real girl's spa trip."

Chamella paused to think it over, glancing discreetly in Winter's direction. She was looking back at her, but her expression was pretty unreadable. Maybe she could turn this into an opportunity. She grinned at Rarity's offer. "You know what? I think I will."

Rarity clapped with glee to hear her say that, having wanted this day to come since the changeling's last visit to the spa. "Oh, wonderful! I promise, you won't regret it this time. Now then..." The unicorn walked over to the door, looking over her shoulder as she prepared to leave. "I'll just pay a quick visit to the spa and let them know of our change of plans. Fluttershy, you're welcome to stay for tea if you like. I'll be back shortly," she said as she brushed past Shade and Winter, giving their son a playful pat on the head as she passed.

"We should head out, too," Shade said. "We've got a bit of a mess to clean up back home. Not to mention we haven't had supper yet either."

"And Snow and me need baths," Winter added. "I appreciate this Rarity, Fluttershy. I'll try and enjoy it as best I can. See you tomorrow."

Fluttershy and Chamella gave them a wave as they went back out the door.

***** ***** *****

Winter swung the front door open, letting the life-giving rays of the afternoon sun warm her ivory coat and drying what dampness remained after her morning shower. Her entire day was planned out, something that hadn't happened since she became a mother. It was also going to be her first day away from her son. Even when she worked, she still spent half the day taking care of Snowflake. Now, she was going to spend an entire day separated from him, outside of this morning and later tonight. That thought made her reconsider this whole thing. She really didn't want to leave him. It's not that she didn't trust Shade, she just didn't want him to go through all the trouble she had for the past few weeks.

Winter's reluctance led her to spin back around to go back inside, perhaps having subconsciously decided against this whole endeavor. However, her attempt to back out was stifled when she found Shade standing immediately behind her, giving her a rather displeased grimace.

"You're going," he insisted authoritatively.

The pegasus breathed a defeated sigh, turning back toward the outside world. She looked back over her shoulder at the changeling, a little hope, yet a little worry in her eyes. "Are you sure you can handle him on your own?"

Shade's bemused expression shifted none.

Winter turned halfway around. "Just... If you need help, don't hesitate to come get me, okay? I'll run right back."

"Won't be necessary," he stated rather flatly, clearly growing increasingly impatient with her apprehension.

Winter turned fully toward him now, taking a step closer. "You can always—"

Shade furrowed his brow, pointing a hoof over the pegasus's shoulder. "Winter. Go."

Once again, the mare sighed in defeat. However, she then felt Shade's hoof under her chin, lifting her eyes to meet his. Now he was smiling; a soft and loving smile. She stared into his vivid, emerald eyes for a few moments, remembering now just who she was talking to. She could trust him. She knew she could. She could always trust him.

"Just relax, okay?"

That was all he said before he leaned forward, leaving her lips tingling with the pleasure of a light, loving kiss. She lifted her own hoof onto his, grinning almost involuntarily at his show of affection.

Winter looked past Shade and to the playpen in the living room, where their baby was sitting, sucking idly on his pacifier. "Don't cause too much trouble for Daddy, okay, sweetie? Mommy'll be back later." He didn't really react, but just stared back at her, which was enough acknowledgement for Winter. She looked back into Shade's eyes, returning the favor with a kiss of her own. "You two have fun."

"Same goes for you."

With a wave goodbye, Shade shut the door behind Winter, officially shutting her off from her baby. Aside from when she was working, this was really the first time that Snowflake's been out of her sight during her waking hours. Oddly, though, she didn't find herself in as much of a panic over it as she had been anticipating. She figured that the moment that door closed, her mind would start racing with worry. But she was pleasantly surprised to discover that not only was she unusually calm about it, but that she was actually looking forward to having some time off for once.

Winter took a deep, relaxing breath through her nose, taking time to properly enjoy the crisp air and warm sun for the first time in weeks.

"I deserve this," she said to herself, reminding herself of that so that she didn't have a sudden change of heart.

But there was no time to dawdle. Rarity, Fluttershy and Chamella were waiting for her, and the more time she spent standing around, lost in thought, was less time she could spend at the spa and letting her worries melt away. So away she went, spreading her wings and taking flight to hurry over to meet up with the others as quickly as possible.

It didn't take long to get there, not surprisingly. It wasn't as though Ponyville was a large town or anything. It would have taken only a few minutes to get there on hoof. Winter touched down into a short trot towards the entrance to Carousel Boutique. She already noticed that Rarity put a "Closed" sign on the door, which she thought was rather odd. Winter had never seen Rarity make use of signs to denote whether the boutique was open or closed. By now, it seemed like everypony was familiarized well enough with her business hours that it wasn't necessary, but it was more likely that it was simply because she welcomed customers throughout most of the day; she'd even been known to take orders on her days off. The sign was probably there because she and Chamella were taking the entire day off. It was interesting really: somehow, that made Winter feel like this day was pretty important. Rarity was actually shutting down her business for the day in order to treat her to a spa day. With that in mind, she couldn't very well have any second thoughts now, otherwise she'd come off as inconsiderate and ungrateful.

Winter made sure to put on as appreciative a smile as she could as she prepared to knock on the door. However, before her hoof had a chance to rap against the purple wood, the door swung open. With impeccable timing, Rarity was preparing to step outside herself, stopping abruptly when she nearly bumped right into Winter.

"Oh, there you are. Good afternoon," the unicorn greeted with a pleasant grin.

"Am I late?" Winter asked, feeling bad that she may have been holding them up. "Sorry. I was still having some doubts about this."

Rarity waved her apology off dismissively. "Think nothing of it, darling. We were simply excited to get our little day-long siesta underway. We were just on our way over to fetch you."

Having heard the word "we," Winter glanced over Rarity's shoulder to see both Chamella and Fluttershy standing behind her, wearing similar smiles as the violet-maned unicorn. Apparently, Fluttershy had arrived early, so they had been waiting on Winter.

It was then that Winter also noticed that the three other mares were carrying small bags around their necks, with Rarity's being much more ornate and more like a satchel or purse, as would be expected from the fashionista. But seeing this made Winter realize something:

"Oh, cripes, I forgot to bring money. Can you girls give me a few minutes? I'll fly back home real quick and grab some bits." Winter crouched down as she prepared to take off, but looked back with a question. "Uh, how expensive is the spa usually?"

Chamella scooched through the doorway, brushing past Fluttershy and Rarity, and grinning at Winter, though there was some clear pensiveness in her posture. "Actually, you don't have to do that. I'll pay for your treatments."

Winter raised a suspicious eyebrow. "What? Why?"

"Just... as a thank you for trusting me enough to be Snowflake's godmother."

"Besides, this is supposed to be your day," Rarity informed, placing a hoof on Winter's shoulder and turning her away from the direction she had intended to take off. "You shouldn't have to pay for your own gifts."

"We discussed all pitching in to pay together, but Chamella insisted that she treat you herself as a show of good will," Fluttershy added.

Winter looked back at Chamella, who, once again, was smiling amicably. "Oh. Well... thanks."

Chamella's smile faltered slightly. That thank you wasn't as satisfying as she'd hoped it would be. Winter gave a grateful smile back at her, but for some reason, it looked a little forced.

"Well then, let's not waste anymore time loitering, ladies," Rarity said as she began leading the group to their destination. "To the spa! Where our stress and woes evaporate with the water on the hot coals."

***** ***** *****

The Ponyville Day Spa was a place that Winter had certainly seen many times since she moved to Ponyville, but never once had she been inside. The tented roof of the building's outward design gave it a foreign and exotic feel, and the inside was much the same. As the four mares waited in the lobby for Rarity to confirm their appointments, Winter had a look around now that she had the chance to take it all in.

The lobby was quite ornate, yet had a relaxing air about it. From the moment they stepped inside, Winter could smell the soothing aroma of lilac incense, and various exotic plants were sitting around the room. They haven't even begun their treatments yet and already the spa was doing its job. The lobby was illuminated by hanging lamps, giving the room an almost mystic glow, and the walls and archways that led further in were carved from marble. Winter would have expected to see a place like this in an upscale city like Canterlot rather than a small, rural town like Ponyville.

She took a seat on a chair next to Fluttershy, who was idly skimming through one of the beauty magazines laying on a glass table.

Fluttershy briefly glanced up from the magazine, immediately noticing the peppy grin on Winter's face. "It's nice to see you smiling again," the soft-spoken pegasus commented. "Are you starting to warm up to the idea of taking some time off?"

"Kind of, yeah. I mean, I can't say I don't already miss my baby, but I just have to keep telling myself that I'm doing this not just for my sake, but for Shade and Snow, too."

Fluttershy nodded. "That's a good way to think about it. You don't want them to see you getting all wound up and stressed out. If you want to do your best, you have to be at your best, right?"

Winter let out a sigh. "Yeah, I guess. I don't know, I just feel like I'm being neglectful by doing this."

The yellow pegasus gave her a reassuring grin. "Try not to think about it too much. Shade's reliable, and I'm sure he can deal with a little colt by himself for a day."

"I know, he kept telling me that. But I just can't shake the idea of something horrible happening in my absence. Not because of Shade or anything, but more like... random misfortune."

"Alright, are we all ready, ladies?" Rarity chimed in.

The unicorn was standing with two earth pony mares who looked to be near-identical twins, except one had a blue coat with a pink mane that was perfectly straight, and the other was the opposite, minus the hair style, which was also straight and perfectly maintained. Both wore white hairbands and chokers with an embedded, pink gemstone, both had vivid, blue eyes and appeared to wear a fair amount mascara and eye shadow, and, astonishingly, they had the exact same cutie mark: a lotus flower.

Fluttershy and Chamella both stood up, with Winter following their lead. The two mares with Rarity both bowed slightly, offering friendly and welcoming smiles. The blue one was first to speak.

"Welcome to Ponyville Day Spa. I am Lotus," the blue mare greeted.

"And I am Aloe," the pink one added.

Winter picked up on their particularly strong accents, but couldn't quite place their origins. She assumed that wherever it was they hailed from was probably the inspiration for the design and theme of the spa. However, she couldn't help but notice that they seemed to be looking at her when they had introduced themselves.

"Miss Rarity tells us this is your first visit," Lotus said directly to Winter, a slight twinkle of excitement in her eye.

"We are looking forward to showing you what our facility has to offer," added Aloe. She then gestured for the four guests to follow them further into the building. "Come. We shall get your treatments started immediately."

As they were led down the brightly lit hallways, Winter let her eyes wander. Several other ponies wearing towels and bathrobes were also going here and there, conversing as they waited for their next treatment. She had a peek inside some of the rooms they were passing by, as well, finding ponies getting deep and rather aggressive-looking massages, while others were enjoying facials or mud baths. It really seemed like this place had everything and then some.

Seeing all of this, it brought up a question that Winter hadn't actually thought to ask until now. She quickly trotted forward a bit, getting up next to Aloe and Lotus. "So, um... What exactly did Rarity sign us up for?"

"Oh, you have the full package ahead of you," Lotus said with a polite smile.

"Deep tissue massage; sauna; mud masks; hooficures. And that is just the beginning. Miss Rarity made sure that you would get to use all of our major facilities," Aloe elaborated.

"It's not too intense, is it?" Winter asked with an apprehensive gulp.

Rarity gave her a dismissive scoff. "Hardly. There may be some discomfort, to be sure, but ultimately, at the end of the day, you'll feel like a million bits, I promise you."

Somehow, that didn't really assuage Winter's worries. She instead looked to Chamella for a second opinion. "Rarity said you didn't really enjoy it last time. Any particular reason?"

The changeling thought back, grimacing slightly. "I guess I just don't really like being touched by strangers. But, admittedly, I did feel pretty relaxed later on."

"Why don't we start you off with something simple, like the sauna? Perhaps that will help ease you into it," Aloe suggested.

Winter shrugged indecisively. "Whatever you think is best."

"Then follow us down this hall." Aloe and Lotus both pointed down a branching hall, leading the four mares toward a rather nondescript door. "Let us know when you are ready for your next treatment," Lotus said.

"Please enjoy yourselves," added Aloe with a courteous bow as the twins left their customers to themselves.

The only thing that stood out about the door was the temperature gauge on the wall beside it. Before they had even opened the door, Rarity and Fluttershy both stepped over to a nearby cart carrying fresh, white bathrobes with gold trim and each put one on. Rarity offered one each to Winter and Chamella, as well, before finally opening the door to the sauna.

Winter felt the heat blast against her face the moment the door opened, like being sprayed by a hot mist. Rarity and Fluttershy both entered without hesitation, with Chamella and Winter following behind them, though the latter with a touch of apprehension. The two more experienced mares took up seats on the wooden bench that stretched all around the circumference of the perfectly circular sauna, while the two less experienced struggled just to see where they were through the curtain of sweltering steam. But visibility quickly increased as the fresh steam began to clear up, and Winter took a seat next to Rarity. The walls were rather ornate and beautiful for a room where it was consistently difficult to see, with landscape art painted in purple all around depicting a mountain range and a sky with fluffy clouds. However, the only other thing in the room was the pit of coals in the very center of the circle, with a ventilation funnel hanging above, as well as a bucket of water and a scoop.

Seeing that the steam was dying down, Rarity used her magic to scoop up a small cup of water and poured it onto the hot coals. The water on the coals generating a loud hiss as a burst of steam lifted up from them, creating a new cloud that enveloped the room and its four patrons.

Rarity breathed a relaxed sigh, leaning back against the wall as she let the steam caress her ivory coat. "Ahh, this is lovely, isn't it? Doesn't that steam feel good?"

"It feels like my stress is melting away," Fluttershy said with a similar, contented sigh.

"I'm not entirely sure this is even good for my skin," Chamella expressed, staring down and watching the steam condensate on her smooth, chitinous legs.

Rarity waved off her concern. "I'm sure it's fine. It might not have the same effects, but you can still enjoy the experience regardless."

"How about you, Winter?" Fluttershy asked her fellow pegasus. "Are you feeling a little more relaxed now?"

"It's, uh... kind of hot," she expressed, futilely fanning her face in the hopes of cooling off. She felt her mane beginning to grow heavy with gathered moisture, and the feathers of her wings were starting to mat together.

"Trust me, darling, it'll be worth it in the end," Rarity assured her. "By the time we're done with all of this, your coat and feathers will be silky smooth, your muscles will be loose and limber, and you might even have enough energy to show Shade a little 'thanks' for giving you this opportunity," she said with a sly grin and a suggestive bounce of her eyebrows.

That comment elicited a slight blush from Winter, though it was barely visible through the steam and natural heat permeating her body. "Admittedly, it has been a while."

"You really haven't had a chance to rest, have you?" said Fluttershy with a sympathetic frown.

Winter let out a long, exhausted sigh just thinking about it. "Juggling a newborn, a relationship, and a job is really tiring. I don't know how people do it."

"To be fair, you didn't have to go back to work as soon as you did," Rarity pointed out. "Typically, maternity leave is good for a few months after the birth, not just a couple of weeks."

"I've got a family to support. I can't just sit on my butt all day doing nothing," Winter argued.

"You're not doing nothing, you're taking care of the baby," Fluttershy corrected. "I'm sure Shade could provide on his own for those few months."

Winter shook her head. "You guys don't get it. You're not mothers."

"Even your mom seems to think you're handling this the wrong way," Chamella chimed in. "She's worried that you're working yourself too hard."

Winter simply grimaced at Chamella's comment.

"You're keeping in mind that you can ask your friends for help, right?" Fluttershy asked.

The other pegasus let out an aggravated groan. "How can I not when everypony keeps reminding me?"

"Alright, I can see that this conversation has taken an unintended turn," Rarity interrupted with a defeated sigh. "This sort of talk isn't really conducive to what we came here to do. You're not supposed to think about these things today, Winter. Just for today, you are to think only of yourself. Do you think you can do that?"

"Obviously not. Not when I know my boyfriend is home alone with our newborn hurricane of a son."

"Is he still not sleeping?" Fluttershy asked with concern. "Having you been singing to him or anything?"

"No, no, it's not that. That song's actually been doing wonders to help him sleep, not to mention Shade and me, too. He's just so... rambunctious. He's happy, but when he's happy, he doesn't stop. The house has been a complete wreck lately, but there's just no time to really clean it because you can't take your eyes off of him."

"No kidding," Chamella mumbled with a discreet roll of her eyes.

"And now Shade's at home having to deal with that. I know exactly what he's putting up with right now. He's probably miserable, while I'm here goofing off at the spa!"

Rarity immediately saw the look of doubt, regret, and worry appear on Winter's face and knew exactly what she was thinking at that moment. Almost simultaneously, the two of them stood up, Winter taking a step towards the door, and Rarity towards Winter.

"I'm sorry, I have to go. This was a mistake. I need to be there for Shade and Snowflake," Winter said hurriedly as she quickly exited the sauna.

Rarity made to chase after her. "Winter, wait! The whole point was for Shade to take some of the load off of you! It would be inconsiderate to throw it away!"

Winter just glanced over her shoulder briefly, giving Rarity an apologetic look before throwing off her robe and disappearing down the hall.

Chamella and Fluttershy poked their heads out of the sauna while the unicorn stood silently in the hall, shaking her head in disappointment.

"Oh my. That poor girl..."

***** ***** *****

Thoughts of what sort of mess Shade might have been dealing with at this very moment invaded Winter's mind as she hurried home. Her own imagination played out the various scenarios he may be finding himself in. Baby food plastered all over the walls; hard toys being tossed at the back of Shade's head; the foul stench of all manner of bodily excretions. She knew these woes all too well and didn't wish any of it on Shade. He needed her help.

At her brisk pace, it didn't take long for Winter to get home, though the run back still left her a little worn out. She flung the front door open, ready for the carnage within.

"Shade! I'm—"

Winter jerked to a stop before she could finish. For a moment, she stood in stunned silence as she attempted to grasp the situation she was looking at.

Or rather, the complete lack of any situation.

Shade was standing in the living room, leaning over the railing of Snowflake's playpen, the tyke himself sitting quietly within it. The house itself was totally in order. There were a couple of toys laying here and there, but they were at least out of the way. The walls were spotless, the floors unstained, and the place smelled... nice.

When Winter abruptly burst through the door, Shade looked up from the their son, quirking an eyebrow at the sight of his beloved. "Winter? What are you doing back so soon?" It was then that he noticed the somewhat disheveled state she was in, with her coat, mane, and feathers damp and matted. Even her skin was slightly wrinkled. "And what happened to you? Why are you wet?"

"Uhh..." was all Winter could manage upon seeing the house in a cleanly state and her son so well behaved. She looked Shade in the eyes, seeing the confusion and concern in his expression. "I came back to help you. I didn't want you to have to do this—"

Shade held up his hoof, scowling slightly at her. "You're supposed to be relaxing. I thought we went over this."

"But... I... I was worried."

Shade breathed an exasperated sigh. "Well, as you can see, everything is under control. Besides, you've only been gone a half an hour. Seriously, stop worrying. I got this."

"Anything can happen in just half an hour. Believe me, I know. I just had to make sure you could handle it."


Winter paused, glancing down at her son, who was staring back up at her from the playpen as he sucked contentedly on his pacifier. "I... guess everything's okay."

Shade gave her a loving smile. "See? You're worrying about nothing. Now that you've seen it with your own eyes, do you think you can sit back and enjoy your day off?"

Winter brushed her wet mane out of her face, a small, embarrassed blush tinting her cheeks. "Okay. I'm so sorry, Shade. I didn't mean to sound like I didn't think you could deal with it. I just don't want you to have to deal with it, you know?"

The changeling waved it off. "I get it. But we're both his parents. We should share the burden."

Winter managed to smile back. "Alright, I think I understand. Gosh, I've must've been a real pain lately, huh? I'm sorry I worried you. And Mom. And our friends. I'm sorry for everything."

"Stop apologizing, it's fine," Shade told her with a chuckle. "Now, I think you should get back while you still have hours left in the day. Speaking of which, you never told me why you're wet. Were you swimming?"

"Huh?" Winter finally took a look at herself, feeling a sudden chill from the outside air blowing through the open door and against her damp coat. "Oh, uh, we were just in the sauna. It's pretty warm and steamy in there," she said with a small shiver.

"Sounds like you might want to get back in there before you catch a cold," Shade laughed.

The pegasus giggled, still a little embarrassed about all of this. "No kidding. Alright, I guess I'll head back then. But first..." She sauntered over to the playpen, leaning down toward Snowflake and rubbing her nose against his. "Thanks for going easy on Daddy. I'll be back later, okay?"

The colt lightly grabbed his mother by the cheeks and pulled her in closer to nuzzle her. It made it hard for Winter to leave again when he was being so affectionate.

Winter trotted back to the door, giving Shade a quick kiss as she prepared to head back to the spa. "I promise I won't come back until we're done this time."

"Just enjoy yourself," Shade said, kissing her back.

***** ***** *****

Rarity, Fluttershy, and Chamella all lay back in total comfort—or slight comfort in the case of the changeling—enjoying their second round of treatments at the spa. The room they were in was fairly small, around the size of a typical living room. In fact, the room looked as though it were made for lounging, with several comfy recliners and a couch furnishing the place, and a few artsy looking paintings on the walls. There was a magazine rack on the wall, as well, giving patrons something to read while receiving their treatments. There was also a table containing all sorts of beauty products, as well, all to be used for their current treatment.

For the most part, the three mares were quiet as they relaxed. Fluttershy was idly flipping through a magazine as she lay on the couch, while Chamella simply sat up on a chair, looking a little uncomfortable. Rarity was leaning back on one of the recliners. She broke the silence of the room with a sigh, though not one of complete contentedness. There was a hint of disappointment in the one sound she'd made, something that wouldn't go unnoticed by her companions.

Fluttershy was about to voice what she believed to be what was on Rarity's mind, but was interrupted when the door opened. In walked Lotus, a rather large smile on her face.

"Right in here," she gestured to somepony out in the hall.

Coming in behind her was the pegasus who had run out on them earlier, wearing a fresh robe and towel herself for her still wet mane and coat. She looked a touched embarrassed about her earlier behavior.

"Winter, you're back!" Fluttershy exclaimed excitedly.

Rarity immediately shot up from her seat upon hearing the name. "What?! She came back?!"

"Hi, girls, I'm sor—uh..." Winter paused upon seeing the three other mares.

While their manes were done up in towels and they were wearing a fresh set of robes, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Chamella had weird, green gunk slathered on their faces, only their eyes and muzzles left clean. Rarity also had a pair of cucumber slices covering her eyes as she lounged, and when she had shot up in her seat, they both plopped down into her lap. The unicorn, upon seeing Winter had returned, immediately stood up and hurried over to greet her, throwing her hooves around her neck in relieved elation. Winter had to pull her head back to avoid having Rarity's mud mask stain her coat, which was still a little wet from the steam of the sauna.

"Oh, I'm so glad you came back!" Rarity pulled away, looking Winter in the eye with sympathetic concern. "How are you feeling? Is everything alright back home?"

Winter sighed with a smile, lifting Rarity's hooves off of her. "Uh, yeah, actually. Everything's fine. Shade's got it handled."

"Well, that's good to hear. Does that mean you'll be joining us again?" asked Fluttershy.

Winter nodded. "Yup." Her expression then became a touch reluctant as she looked upon the gunk on their faces. "So... mud masks, huh?"

Lotus gestured toward one of the recliners. "If you would lie down, I can apply yours."

The ivory pegasus looked to the others for encouragement. She simply received pleased grins from Rarity and Fluttershy, but Chamella didn't seem too fond of the treatment. Two out of three wasn't bad, she supposed.

Following Lotus's guiding hoof, Winter sat down on one of the recliners, leaning it back to give Lotus access to her face. The blue mare acquired the needed products and began the treatment.

"You must be quite relieved knowing Shade is such a capable father," Rarity surmised, watching as Winter let out a long breath.

"Yeah. It was actually kind of shocking. I'm used to the house now looking like a total disaster area. Seeing it spick and span is just... jarring. Honestly, it made me think that something was wrong, but Snow was just... behaving himself," Winter told them as Lotus smeared her face with exfoliating cream.

"Shade must be doing quite a good job of keeping him in line," Fluttershy commented with a giggle.

Winter didn't seem to find the comment amusing. She simply stared up at the ceiling as she let Lotus do her work, looking to be thinking about something. "It makes me wonder what I've been doing wrong..." she muttered quietly.

Despite her effort to keep her statement under her breath, it still managed to catch the attention of her company and elicited looks of concern.

"Winter, I'm sure you're not doing anything wrong," Chamella assured her.

"Most certainly," agreed Rarity. "You've said it yourself, little Snowflake is always so enthusiastic when you care for him. He might just enjoy the company of his dear mother. Of course, I mean no offense to Shade in saying that, but it's not uncommon for a child to be more attached to their mother than their father during infancy."

"He doesn't know that he's making more work for you," Fluttershy added. "I'm sure he thinks it's just playtime."

Winter's face contorted as she fought against her own doubts and concerns. "I'm overdoing it again, aren't I? I talked to Shade about it, and I realize now that I've been pretty dumb lately. I'm sorry if I might have worried any of you with the way I've been acting. I promised Shade that I'm going to try and loosen up a bit."

Rarity leaned back into her chair again, replacing the cucumbers back over her eyes. "Good to hear, darling. I presume that means you're going to enjoy the spa to its fullest then?"

The ivory pegasus let out a relaxed sigh as Lotus finished applying the mud mask, letting herself sink into the comfy recliner while Lotus took her leave for the time being. "You bet. After all, I think I need this to help offset all the unnecessary obsessing I've been doing lately. I'm finally ready to just kick my hooves up and chill out." Winter's nose twitched slightly in discomfort. "Ugh. I think some of this stuff got up my nose."

"We don't have to sit around here if the mud masks are too... unpleasant for you. Perhaps we could just move on to the next thing," proposed Rarity.

"Really? This stuff's not gonna do its job after just a couple of minutes, is it?" Winter asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, the three of us have been sitting here since you ran off," Fluttershy told her.

"To be honest, I'd be fine with doing something else," Chamella chimed in with a grimace. "This stuff is gross and it feels weird."

Rarity got up from her seat, sauntering over to the door. "I'll just fetch Aloe and Lotus, then. We'll get cleaned up and move on."

"Any suggestions on what we should do next, Winter?" asked Fluttershy with eager curiosity.

Winter hummed in thought for a moment. "Hmm... You know, I think a nice hot tub soak would be just the thing I need right now."

"Now that's something I can get behind," Chamella stated with a grin of approval.

***** ***** *****

Shade stretched out his hole-riddled legs, feeling a few satisfying pops in his vertebrae. He let his head sink down onto the throw pillows as he lounged on the couch. Finally, a long sigh left his lungs, the final piece of his relaxation puzzle. Winter may have been having a day of rest today, but Shade also found himself getting pretty cozy as well. He honestly felt kind of bad about it; the whole point of Winter's spa day was for him to take all the work and stress off of her and upon himself. Yet here he lay, comfy and, admittedly, a little bored.

The changeling felt a stirring and he glanced down at his chest. The sleepy form of his exhausted, halfling son snuggled into him as he lay atop his father, moaning quietly in his half-sleep.

It wasn't as though Snowflake hadn't been rather rambunctious. He was certainly energetic, just as Winter warned. However, he wasn't quite as much trouble as she made him out to be. Shade had managed to keep the house orderly, and he hadn't had any difficulty feeding the tyke. For the most part, Snowflake had spent most of his time playing with his toys in his playpen. If anything, Snowflake seemed almost... indifferent today. But that certainly didn't stop him from tuckering himself out.

Shade gently wrapped Snowflake in his neon green aura, slowly lifting him from his chest. He then rose from the couch and began to carry his son upstairs. "Come on, little guy. Let's put you to bed," he whispered softly as he cradled the colt.

It was starting to get a little late, at least for a small colt like Snowflake. The house was bathed in the soft, orange light of the sunset as it shone through the windows. Honestly, Shade thought Winter would have been home by now. She hadn't even come home for supper. He could only assume that she and the other girls must have gone out for a bite together before heading right back to the spa. He was starting to get curious as to just what they were doing with her at that place to actually keep her occupied all day. But, at the very least, not coming home meant that she was probably enjoying herself and was willing to put her worries out of her head for at least one day. That was enough to put a smile on Shade's face.

The changeling father brought his son into the nursery. He gently lowered the tyke into his crib, covering him with his soft, cotton blanket. Snowflake had fallen fast asleep in the short trip to his room. Perfect timing, all things considered. And with Snowflake down for the night, all Shade had left to do now was wait for Winter to get home. Maybe he could find some sort of chore to preoccupy himself until she returned. It couldn't be that much longer.

Still, though, it was a deep relief to him that Winter had actually acknowledged her behavior as of late. No doubt Autumn would be happy to hear about this, too. Actually, now that he thought about it, perhaps now Winter would be willing to agree to some sort of family outing with her parents, something that Autumn had suggested a few times since Snowflake had been born. It was only Winter's stubbornness that dashed those plans against the rocks until now.

Having returned downstairs, Shade wound up wandering into the kitchen in an effort to look for something to do. As fate would have it, there were still some dirty dishes from supper. It probably wouldn't take more than ten minutes at most, but at least it was something for him to do. He had noticed as he passed through the living room that a few of Snowflake's toys were still strewn about as well. He'd pick those up afterward.

However, Shade had barely turned the faucet in the sink on before he got interrupted by a knock on the door. It was a rather aggressive knock, loud and rough. The sound of it reverberated through the house and Shade was worried that the inconsiderate visitor may have woken up the baby. Thankfully, Shade didn't hear the sound of an upset newborn roused from his sleep, so he went to answer the door and give this unannounced guest a discreet warning about common courtesy.

Shade opened the door, and immediately took a few steps back, his mind reeling with sudden shock and dread and his face showing as much.

Standing beyond the threshold was the last thing he expected to see: a changeling. But not just any changeling. This changeling was of quite large stature, taller and more muscular than the typical drone, and was adorned with the jagged, deep blue armor that was characteristic of changeling soldiers. The gaze of his vivid, violet eyes felt as though they were piercing straight through Shade.

Shade knew this changeling. He had never met him, but his reputation proceeded him. He knew enough that just seeing him was enough to accurately identify him. And his presence here not only confused, but terrified Shade. His very name shot through Shade's mind like a horrified scream.


Shade was stunned to silence. No amount of visual confirmation could lead him to any acceptable reason why Captain Wraith—the most feared of all changelings, perhaps even more so than Queen Chrysalis herself—would show up out of the blue at his front door. So storied was his strength and intellect in comparison to the average changeling, many of the drones believed that, had he accompanied the swarm during their invasion of Canterlot, the outcome would have been in favor of the colony.

A few tense moments of silence passed between the two changelings. Shade stood motionless. Wraith, too, remained where he was, simply staring down at the smaller bug. Shade was more than a little intimidated, but, if only out of morbid curiosity, finally managed to ask the question of the hour:

"W-What are you doing here?" Shade stammered, trying, and failing, to maintain some level of composure in the face of the behemoth of a changeling.

"I'm here for the larva," was his response, his voice level, yet still intimidating.

The declaration vexed Shade. "Larva? What, you mean my son?"

Wraith didn't bother to answer that, knowing how obvious the answer was.

"What do you want with my son?"

"All changeling larva are property of the hive and its ruler. You and the other deserter willingly abandoned the colony. However, your 'son' is a subject of the hive's ruler. I'm here to bring it back, where it belongs."

Hearing that, Shade's previous fear of Wraith was replaced by a sudden rise in anger. It had been a while since he'd heard something like that, and he was already sick of it. Shade furrowed his brow in defiance. "What kind of garbage is that? This is his home. He was born here, and that makes him a subject of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna."

Although his expression changed little, it was still clear that Wraith's patience in this matter was quite limited. He likely wasn't expecting to have any difficulty completing his objective. "I am simply upholding our laws. I am not concerned with what you choose to believe, deserter. By all rights, I should kill you right here and now as punishment for abandoning the hive, but I'm not going to dirty my hooves if it isn't necessary."

"Chrysalis gave us her blessing!" Shade exclaimed in aggressive defense. "We're free to live as we please!"

"She gave that boon to you and the other deserter. The larva received no such blessing."

Shade grit his teeth at Wraith's stubborn insistence. "How did you even know about us?! How could you possibly even know that we had a son?!"

Wraith stayed silent for a moment, his expression stoic and unfazed by the question posed to him. He turned his head slightly, glancing off some distance from the house. Shade, puzzled, leaned out the door, following the Captain's gaze.

Standing a fair distance from the house was a trio of ponies. They looked vaguely familiar, people Shade had seen in passing in town, though he didn't know their names. Oddly, the three of them were looking straight back, seemingly unperturbed by the presence of the larger, unfamiliar changeling.

Shade's anger began to roil further when the realization hit him. "You've been spying on us?!"

"You sound surprised. Regardless of whether or not you've received Queen Chrysalis's blessing, you are still a deserter, a traitor to the colony. You were allowed to live your life the way you saw fit, but we knew that you had a constant source of love. That love makes you a threat to the throne, so, of course, we needed to keep tabs on you."

"I don't even want anything to do with the Changeling Kingdom anymore!"

"And what's to stop you from changing your mind in the future? We are not taking that chance. And, again, the only reason you are still alive right now is because I'd rather not create a scene while I'm here. And I'm not going to bother requesting that you return to the Changeling Kingdom; I've already determined that that would be futile on my part. So I would suggest you make this easy on yourself and give me the larva. Then you can get back to your life."

Shade narrowed his eyes, tensing every muscle in his body as he prepared to go to any lengths to defend his son. "Over my dead body."

Shade had all of one second to regret his choice of words.

In the blink of an eye, Wraith had pivoted around on his hooves, and before Shade had a chance to register what was happening, the brute's hind legs delivered a crushing buck to the smaller changeling's chest. The force of the kick sent Shade careening across the house, into the kitchen and through the dinner table, shattering the table into pieces. It did little to slow Shade down, however, as he kept going until he collided with the kitchen wall and collapsed onto the tiled floor amongst the splintered remains of the table.

Pain shot through all of Shade's body. His ears were ringing and his vision blurred. He struggled to breathe, coughing after having the air knocked from his lungs. He attempted to stand, but found his legs suddenly too weak to support him. He even had trouble trying to figure out where he was and what had happened; Shade felt as though he may have blacked out for a moment.

Shade's vision gradually began to refocus, but he was distracted by the taste of blood on his tongue. He lifted a hoof to his mouth to assuage the sore spot, but found that something was missing. His left fang had snapped off, leaving behind just a jagged stump. He glanced down at the floor. Sure enough, amidst the wreckage of the kitchen table was his severed fang, slightly stained by his own blood.

The sound of heavy hoofsteps prompted Shade to look up, a furious glower already upon his face. Wraith now stood over him, his expression unchanged. Even when brought to use violent force, no hint of satisfaction or haughty superiority were evident, at least not on the surface.

"At this point, your continued survival is mere commiseration. I am not blind to the fact that you've found happiness, and, on some level, I regret that I have to do this. But I gave you the opportunity to comply peacefully and you swatted my hoof aside. My sympathies have dwindled as a result. Now then..." For the first time since he had arrived, Wraith's expression shifted, if only minutely. He narrowed his eyes, his patience clearing having run thin. "I will ask once—and only once—more: give. Me. The. Larva."

Shade continued to bare what was left of his fangs at the armored changeling. He wiped away a trickle of blood that dribbled from the corner of his mouth and stared venomous daggers into Wraith's penetrating, violet eyes. He offered his reply with a low, primal growl.

"Go to Tartarus."

Wraith responded back by spinning around once more and throwing one hoof squarely against Shade's temple. The smaller changeling's head was knocked back into the wall, the combined trauma of the two consecutive blows causing Shade to fall limp and unconscious on the floor.

Wraith shook his head in disappointment. "I would have surmised that having spent so much time within a proper, more established civilization you would have made the smart choice. The result would have been the same regardless, but instead you continue to defy us."

The sound of crying from the home's second floor drew Wraith's eyes toward the ceiling. It appeared the commotion had awoken the baby, giving the intruder a firm idea of where to look. He turned his commanding gaze back down onto the unconscious changeling.

"I suppose I've taken up enough of your time. I'll retrieve what I came here for and leave you be."

***** ***** *****

After a long, relaxing day at the spa, Winter, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Chamella had now arrived at their final treatment: massage. The distinct aroma of lilac incense filled the massage room, the same scent that wafted throughout the rest of the building. The room was also more dimly lit compared to the halls and the other rooms in the spa, and quiet, peaceful music was playing from speakers in the walls. It all gave the room an overall atmospheric feel. The four female patrons were lying prone on their bellies upon massage tables, while leaning over them were their masseuses, expertly kneading and rolling their hooves against their backs and shoulders. Lotus decided to take their uninitiated customer—Winter—into her own hooves, while Aloe handled Chamella due to needing a more experienced masseuse such as herself to treat the more unfamiliar anatomy of a changeling. Rarity and Fluttershy were being taken care of by a pair of handsome, earth pony stallions, at the specific request of the unicorn.

Rarity let out a long, blissful moan as her masseur gently, yet firmly massaged the base of her neck. "Mmm... Is this not just divine? I always like to end my visits with a good massage. It's the perfect way to finish your day. That way you're so relaxed and limber that you can practically fall right to sleep without any trouble."

Fluttershy, eyes closed as she rest comfortably with her head on her folded fetlocks, breathed a similar sigh as the masseur worked her shoulders. "Oh, yes, I agree. I often have trouble walking home after a good massage. And I'll certainly be far too relaxed to fly. A little lower, please," she requested, prompting the stallion to move down to work her wing joints. Fluttershy cracked an eye open, glancing to the table on her left where Chamella lay. "How are you enjoying it, Chamella? You didn't stay long enough last time to get to the massage."

The changeling didn't answer right away. Her eyes were closed and she looked as though she had already fallen asleep while Aloe tenderly worked her hooves across her chitinous, ebony skin. "It's... surprisingly good..." she practically mumbled in her comfortable state of half-sleep.

Aloe grinned, pleased by the comment. "I must admit, I do not know much about changeling musculature, but I am glad to hear that you are enjoying it. Should I... do something with your wings? I am unsure what I could do with them."

Chamella hummed quietly for a moment as she thought about it. "You could try the base."

Heeding her suggestion, Aloe moved her hooves to where Chamella's translucent, bug-like wings joined with her back, rubbing the area carefully. It didn't seem possible, but the changeling managed to sink further into the cushion of the table, letting out a long moan.

"I think she likes it," Fluttershy giggled amusedly.

Going off of Chamella's reaction, Aloe continued to massage the base of her wings, feeling more confident in her motions now.

"And how's Winter liking it?" Rarity asked with a presumptuous grin, expecting only one answer.

"You know... It might be just what the doctor ordered," the ivory pegasus replied. "I didn't realize just how tense I was—hnn!" Her thought was interrupted when she felt a particularly satisfying pop in her back as Lotus worked her magic. "Until now..." she finished with a sigh. "Running around the house all day; cleaning all kinds of nooks and crannies; handling a hyperactive foal. Even if I had a chance to relax, I was probably never in any real shape to enjoy it."

"Sounds like Shade is in for a pleasant night," Rarity surmised with a suggestive chuckle.

"Honestly, I'll probably be too relaxed to do anything. My whole body feels like jelly. I'm likely to just pass out as soon as my head hits the pillow."

"It's important to remember that you'll be right back at it tomorrow," Fluttershy pointed out. "This is just one day of pampering. You can't forget about your duties just because you had one day off."

"I know. Believe me, I've realized how hard I was making things for myself. From now on, Shade and I are going to share the workload instead of taking most of it on myself."

"And if you ever need help, we're always here for you," Rarity assured her.

"And I'll be sure to take you guys up on that," said Winter. "I should actually get around to asking Pinkie Pie if she can foalsit occasionally. Even if I can't have a spa day everyday, even having a little time to sit back or get something else done would be immensely helpful."

"You're more than welcome to join us for our weekly trip," Rarity invited her.

"We'd be happy to have more company," added Fluttershy. "You, too, Chamella. You seem like you're enjoying it in spite of your protests."

Chamella let out another moan, slightly cracking one eye open. "Hm? Oh, sorry, I must have dozed off for a minute. Did you say something?"

Fluttershy giggled at the changeling, already feeling as though she had her answer. "Nevermind."

"That actually sounds pretty good," Winter replied. "I mean, I'm not going to promise I'll be able to make it every time—motherhood takes priority—but I'll try my best to join in whenever possible. Hey, here's an idea: why not see if Shade would like to try this place out?"

Rarity chuckled, amused by the suggestion. "Honestly, I doubt he would be for it. He doesn't strike me as the sort of person to really enjoy being pampered."

"Or at least wouldn't admit to liking it," Fluttershy laughed.

"That sounds about right," agreed Winter, joining in on the laughter.

Some time went by as the four mares enjoyed their massages and continued their idle chit-chat, conversing mostly about Winter's currently brief time being a mother and offering advice where they could. The ivory pegasus was surprisingly receptive despite her former objections; a sure testament to her sudden change in attitude. And on top of everything, Winter had felt all of her stress and worry evaporate over the course of the day, and it made her look forward to more outings like this. But she was also looking forward to returning home with a fresh set of eyes and a clear mind, ready to start doing things right.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and the time soon came for the four mares to return home. After their massages, they all went back to the lobby, offered their gratitude to Aloe and Lotus for their expert treatments, and left the spa to begin the walk home.

Winter habitually stretched upon stepping outside, although with how limber and loose her muscles were now, it was ultimately unnecessary. She could definitely feel what Fluttershy was talking about as they lay on the massage tables; it took all of her willpower not to let herself flop over into the grass and take a nap right there on the ground.

"Wow, it's actually a lot later than I thought," Chamella commented, noting the light purple tinge as the evening twilight steadily approached.

"Yes, and I intend to retire to bed the moment I get home," declared Rarity. "Typically, Fluttershy and I arrange shorter sessions than this, but this was a special occasion. I'm actually quite eager to bring this level of relaxation straight to bed with me. I expect quite the sound sleep tonight."

"Me, too," Fluttershy added, following it up with a sleepy yawn.

Winter turned to face Rarity and Fluttershy, a grateful smile creasing her lips. "Guys, listen, I just want to thank you for doing all of this for me. I really needed a kick in the flank to set me straight."

Rarity waved it off dismissively. "Oh, think nothing of it darling. We just wished to help you loosen up a tad."

"Either way, I really appreciate it."

"And you're most welcome. Now, then, shall we head home, Chamella?"

"Um, actually, I kinda wanted to say goodnight to Shade and Snowflake," the changeling informed the unicorn.

"Oh? Well, that's fine. I'll just go on ahead," Rarity acknowledged with a grin as she went on her way.

"Goodnight, girls," Fluttershy bid them as she, too, headed for home.

With only Winter and Chamella still together, the changeling looked to the pegasus expectedly. "Is it alright if I come over for a few minutes?"

Winter was admittedly a little caught off guard by the request, but responded with a shrug. "I guess. I mean, as long as Shade's not trying to spoil our kid, Snowflake will probably be in bed by now."

"Then I'll just say goodnight to Shade, and maybe let him know how much I enjoyed the spa this time."

"Alright, but don't stay too long. I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep tonight."

Chamella smiled happily. "I'll try not to impose."

Despite their loose and limber bones and muscles, the two made for Shade and Winter's home at a rather brisk pace. Winter was simply eager to get back and see her two favorite men again. She was actually quite looking forward to just laying in bed with her beloved and each of them sharing the events of their day with one another before sleep inevitably took hold.

On the other hoof, Chamella was just in a particularly good mood. She felt a little embarrassed that she had bailed on Rarity and Fluttershy when they had first invited her along on their spa day now that she knew how enjoyable it truly was. She was just as happy to share her own thoughts with Shade about her day, though as per Winter's request she would be sure to keep it brief. There probably wasn't anything she could say that Winter wouldn't also say anyway. Chamella was also hoping that Winter was wrong about Snowflake being put to bed by now. Since being appointed the colt's godmother, she's found herself more and more willing to interact with him, with each visit gradually building her confidence. She was simply excited to see him, as well.

Soon enough, the house came into view. Winter almost instinctively began to pick up her pace, her impatience getting the better of her. However, upon getting a little closer, she slowed down slightly, noting that something was off.

"Huh. The front door's open," Winter said, more to herself than to Chamella.

Chamella noticed it as well when Winter pointed it out. "Weird. Shade must have forgot to close it."

Winter chuckled to herself. "Or maybe he needed to air out the house. I don't know if you've smelled a dirty diaper before, but it's not exactly potpourri."

The two approached the house, but it only took one step beyond the threshold for Winter to find that something was more amiss than she'd anticipated. Her gaze immediately locked to the kitchen, the wreckage of their dining table impossible to miss.

"W-What the—?!"

Winter and Chamella hurried over to the kitchen to investigate the mess. The kitchen table had been broken in half, with shards and splinters strewn about the floor. On top of that, there was a crack in the far wall, as though something heavy had been thrown at it.

"W-What happened here?" Chamella inquired, her voice quivering with worry.

"Shade! Shade!" Winter shouted out, but received no response.

Chamella sniffed the air, a distinct, familiar scent invading her nostrils, one she had not smelled in quite some time. "I smell... blood..." Her eyes followed the scent that her nose had detected, finding a small, sharp object lying on the floor amongst the wreckage. Her pink eyes widened when she identified the white object, stained red with fresh blood.

Winter's eyes followed Chamella's gaze. The moment she realized what the object was, her entire being was filled with a deep, crippling dread.


Having gotten no response once again, an even worse thought manifested itself within her mind.


Without another moment of hesitation, Winter made a beeline for the stairs, hurrying up to the second floor in such a panicked rush that she nearly tripped on the top step. She galloped down the hall, where she found the door to the nursery already open. She halted in her tracks when she looked inside.

Shade was sitting at Snowflake's crib, gripping the railing with one hoof. His head was hung low and he shook and trembled. But what was worse was the fact that the crib itself was empty.

Winter hurried to his side, desperate for an explanation. "Shade, what happened?! Where's Snowflake?!"

Shade slowly looked up at her, tears streaming down his face. Winter felt her mounting dread envelope her two-fold when she saw the blood on Shade's mouth and the absence of his left fang. He looked her straight in the eyes, the light of his own, green eyes having dimmed significantly, and he choked out an answer in a heartbroken whimper.

"He's gone..."