• Published 21st Jan 2016
  • 1,310 Views, 145 Comments

A Friendship Tale - Catsofwar108

A small colt falls down into a cave, desperate to escape King Sombra's rule. What he finds down there is extraodinary.

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Flutoriel sighed as they mixed the batter to the Butterscotch-Cinnamon Pie. They knew what would happen. Frisk would come, stay, and then want to leave. They knew all too well.

Yet they both had differing opinions on what to do.

“Toriel, we can’t just force him to stay.”

“I’m not going to let him leave.”


“Don’t you ‘Toriel’ me, Fluttershy! How many have died? How many have died because we let them go?!” She flung her stirring spoon out like a sword, attempting to point dramatically at the voice she was arguing with. All Toriel accomplished was sending a glob of batter flying towards a wall. She stared for a second, then huffed and got back to stirring.

Fluttershy’s voice resonated at the back of Toriel’s mind, quiet yet deafeningly loud. “What about me?”

“You… You were different.” Toriel sighed again.

Fluttershy didn’t respond. Toriel put the pie batter in the pie tin, and threw it in the oven, perhaps more roughly than necessary. After that, she went and flopped on her reading chair. Finally Fluttershy spoke.

“You know that isn’t true.” Kindness was in her voice, telling Toriel that she wasn’t blamed for the pegasus’ death, but it still felt like someone had ripped off the bandaid that was covering a nasty wound.

Toriel shuddered as tears threatened to overwhelm her. “If Frisk leaves, he will die. Not could. Not maybe. Will.”

Fluttershy was quiet again. Even though quiet was her default state, this was the type of silence that told about deep thought.

Unfortunately that deep thought was broken up with a telephone call.

Frisk waited for his new mother to pick up the phone. “I don’t like this guys!” He whispered to the three monsters sitting next to him, giggling.

“Come on! Everybody likes prank calls!” Loox chirped. Vegetoid and Migosp nodded furiously.

“Hello?” Flutoriel answered, sounding a bit hoarse.

Quickly Frisk put his hoof in front of the receiver. “What should I say?” He hissed.

“Tell her that her eyes look pretty.” Migosp chuckled.

“You want me to flirt with my own mom?!” Frisk said, much louder than intended.

The trio rolled their eyes. “Just do it!”

Pulling his hoof of the receiver, Frisk leaned down near the phone. “H-has anyone, uh, ever told you that my eyes are beautiful?” Then with a finality he shut the phone, ending the call.

With a deep sigh, Vegetoid hopped over to him. “You’re a failure.”

Frisk’s eyes could’ve melted steel.

Flutoriel looked at the phone, their jaw firmly planted on the floor. It started out as a giggle at first. The chuckle followed quickly afterward. Soon they were rolling on the floor laughing, the tears previously being used for anger and fear now being used for happiness.

Toriel’s happiness dissipated though, when she realized who just called. “We’re going to have to come up with a decision, Fluttershy.” Sometimes she truly hated having to share a body.

Fluttershy continued mulling over her thoughts. After a few minutes of careful deliberation, she spoke up. “If Frisk wants to leave, you can try to convince him to stay here. But if he really wants to leave, we will not block his path. Does that sound good?”

Toriel mused over it for a second. “Deal.” The warmth in the back of her mind grew warmer. Fluttershy was happy.

“Now that that’s over with.” Flutoriel stood up, stretched, and walked out the door. Pulling out their cellphone while walking, they dialed Frisk’s number. To their surprise, they heard his phone ringing in the same room! “Frisk!” They hurried over to him.

“Hi, Mom.” He said, cheeks turning the brightest red.

“Are you still embarrassed over complimenting yourself?” They asked, barely containing the chuckle that threatened to overtake them.

Frisk’s cheeks were practically glowing. “N-no! I mean, yes! But not! Can we stop talking about this please?”

They laughed heartily, and smiled fondly down at Frisk. That’s when they noticed the various cuts, scrapes, and bruises forming on his face and legs. “What happened to you, my child?” They began the healing process.

“Well…” Frisk then proceeded to tell Flutoriel about how he got hit in the face with magic vegetables, got burned by acid tears, fell through floors, and got hit in the face with more magic vegetables.

Flutoriel clicked their tongue. “We told you to stay in the hallway. Please listen to us next time.”


Flutoriel seemed to realise her mistake slightly too late. She then chuckled. “You are a smart child, Frisk. Tell me, why do you think I say the things I say?”

“Like, with the ‘we’, and with the whole Flutoriel bit?”

“Yes.” They began to lead Frisk towards their house and brought them inside. The smell of Butterscotch-Cinnamon Pie filled the air.

“I think… Woah.” He had stopped in his tracks, pausing to take a deep breath of the air. “That smells… amazing!”

“Surprise!” Flutoriel held their arms wide. “I baked you a pie!”

He thought for a second. “What flavor?”

They laughed. “Pie flavor.”

“Moooom!” Frisk made to stomp his hoof, but instead wobbled slightly and ended up falling over. Flutoriel was by his side in an instant.

“Are you alright?” They said, face full of worry.

“Yeah. I-I’m fine. Just a bit tired.”

“I guess now would be a good time to show you my surprise then!” They smiled and pulled Frisk up. Flutoriel held her hand out, and Frisk put his hoof in it. Together, they walked off down a hallway to the right. “Your own room! I hope you like it.” They hesitated, then gently rubbed his mane.

Frisk stumbled in and closed the door. Flutoriel stared at it, and leaned back against the wall. “I love you, Chara.” A paw went up to her mouth, and she lowered her head, as if in shame.

A trail of tears led back to the living room.

Author's Note:

Now I think I might do a chapter every now and then from one of the monsters/pony's POV. Hope you guys don't mind too much!

Also, I didn't really do spell-check or grammer-check this time around. If you find something, don't hesitate to tell me!:pinkiehappy:

Oh hey look, it's also got the same amount of words as Frisk does. Now ain't that strange...

FABULOUS picture made by mouch30.
Here is their tumblr.